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Press Releases

Currently showing results related to Economy

January 2013
Coats Says Shrinking Economy a Telling Sign for Washington
November 2012
Coats Statement on President’s Fiscal Cliff Proposal
September 2012
Coats: $16 Trillion in Debt No Occasion to Celebrate
July 2012
Coats Votes to Protect Hoosier Small Businesses, Family Farms from Massive Tax Hikes
Coats: Indiana’s $2.15 Billon Reserve a Stunning Contrast to Washington’s Fiscal State
June 2012
Coats Opposes Highway Bill Conference Report
Coats Opposes Funding Obamacare and $3.4 Billion in New Spending
Coats: President Obama’s Comments on Economy Ignore Reality
Coats Calls for Senate Vote on House-Passed Medical Device Tax Repeal
Coats: CBO Projections Show a Nation “Drowning in Debt”
March 2012
Coats Urges Senate to Pass Amendment Ensuring States Receive Fair Share of Highway Funds
February 2012
Senators Coats, McCain, Carper and Udall Urge the Senate to Pass Line-Item Veto
January 2012
Coats, Lugar, Visclosky, Pence Respond to Asian Carp Study
December 2011
Coats Supports Payroll Tax Cut, Jobs Bill
October 2011
Coats Supports Trade Agreements Benefiting Hoosier Small Businesses, Manufacturers, Farmers
Coats Opposes President’s Plan for More Tax Hikes, Stimulus Spending
Coats Questions Bernanke on How to Restore Economic Confidence
September 2011
Coats: President Needs to Hit ‘Reset’ Button
Coats Opposes President's Request to Increase Debt
July 2011
Coats Says Defeat of Reid Debt Bill Demonstrates Need to Do More