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October 12, 2010


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DDOT should fix the timing for the 3rd & M crossing so that it provides the WALK signal to cross M Street at a time when there are fewer vehicles approaching on M Street. Right now, the signal turns to WALK just as waves of vehicles are approaching from both sides.

The push button on the northeast corner of 3rd & M has never functioned properly since its installation; it has never had a verbal response. At present, it isn't even pressable; it simply doesn't function right now.

This signal is particularly annoying because you MUST press the button to obtain the walk signal, but it seems that I always get to it 1-5 seconds too late to make the cycle, and I have to wait for an entire cycle to come around, even at times when there are NO vehicles approaching on M Street. Then it finally changes to WALK as vehicles are coming along M Street.

Why can't we simply institute a 'no turn on red' law everywhere. Allowing a turn on a red light has caused numerous accidents, some deadly. Isn't it time we gave up on this dangerous experiment?

No vehicle should be able to cross a crosswalk where pedestrians have a green walk signal. Allowing turning traffic of any kind during a pedestrian walk signal is inherently dangerous. Surely it's time to make intersections as safe as possible for everyone.

Apart from anything else, such a solution would also tend to get more people taking the Metro or biking to work. shouldn't we be trying to slow down the motorist commute so that we can get people onto more sustainable transit options?

Great article. I was about to comment on how car drivers admittedly DO have the biggest responsibility on the streets but that it seems to be the pedestrians who cross red lights more frequently. You did a great job covering that though and it is true: Everyone has to take responsibility on the streets (and that includes not to drink and drive)!

Question: Does the StreetSmart initiative include any new types of signage to grab the attention of drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists in high-risk stretches of road?

The complete lack of knowledge and understanding by a majority of the public about crosswalks and the rights of pedestrians is brought home daily. While cycling fatalities are down, pedestrian fatalities are significant and hit/run incidents are epidemic right now. I write about several every day just in the cycling world. PROPS to Mr. LaHood for being the first Transp Sec in recent memory who can even SPELL "B-I-K-E" let alone passionately extol the virtues of cycling while trying to do something to keep riders, and walkers, safer...

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