USGS - science for a changing world

GMEG - Mineral and Environmental Resources

*Selected On-line Mineral Resource Program Publications

Western Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center-Providing Comprehensive Earth Science for Complex Societal Issues - USGS Circular 1363

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Fact Sheets
Western U.S.
State geologic maps
National and International
Topical reports

Recent publications: Most recent listed first

* This is not a complete listing of all our products. See additional publications links below or search all USGS products.

Fact Sheets

Western U.S.


State geologic maps

National and International studies


Topical reports

Return to Mineral Environmental Resources homepage

Additional Mineral Resources publication listings are located at:

Western Minerals Bibliography - A listing of USGS publications by Western Minerals authors from 1996-2003

Western Region Databases and Information Analysis products - On-line digital geologic data produced by the Western DIA project

Individual scientists may have their publications listed via Office locations or Contact Us links at the top of this page.

 Mineral Resources Eastern /  Central /  Western /  Alaska /  Minerals Information
Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry /  Spatial Data

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Page Last Modified: 07-Jan-2013@15:12