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MISR Level 3 Imagery Overview

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MISR Level 3 Imagery: Overview | Products | View Data | Download Data
Optical Depth Example. About this Web Site:

Visualization of select parameters available in the MISR Level 3 global data products are provided. The Level 3 products are derived from averaging select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. Level 3 data contain a range of Level 1 and Level 2 versions. More information about MISR data products and how to obtain them are available from MISR Data and Information.

Image of Level 3 Map About the Data:

The MISR Level 3 global data products are reported on a rectangular grid that is 0.5 degree latitude by 0.5 degree longitude. The upper left hand corner of the grid is located at (90 N, 180 W) with the center of that grid cell being located at (89.75 N, 179.75 W). Conversely, the lower-right hand corner of the image is located at (90 S, 180 E) with that given cell being centered at (89.75 S, 179.75 E). In addition, select variances and covariances are also reported at a coarser resolution of 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude. Note that there are no images of variances/covariances on this web site, but the data are available in the Level 3 product. Information about the visualized products are available.

The MISR Level 3 products are in HDF-EOS format. Tools for working with all MISR data product are available from MISR Data and Information. Other information about HDF-EOS is available from the Hierarchial Data Format page. Detailed information about the format of the MISR Level 3 files can be found in the Data Products Specifications document (PDF) [basic file format information].

Before using MISR Data products, please read the documentation including Data Quality and Versioning statements available from MISR Data and Information. For more details on the MISR instrument and project, see the MISR web site.

Season Months
WinterDecember (previous year), January, February
SpringMarch, April, May
SummerJune, July, August
FallSeptember, October, November
AnnualDecember (previous year) - November
About the Images:

Images in JPEG format show parameters averaged over monthly, seasonal, or annual time periods. The seasons are named for the season in the northern hemisphere (see the table at right).

Note that although there are daily products, they are not displayed on this web page. Information on acquiring the daily products is available from the MISR data table.

Images can be viewed as a traditional flat map, or as a three dimensional globe. The globe requires Java and Java 3D (see Help with Globe for details).

Images can be animated through each month or season of a year. Advanced options allow animation through all years. Radiances can also be animated through the nine MISR views.

As an aid to visualization the continental outline from the CIA World Map database was added to the images of some Level 3 parameters. The continental outlines are not present in the MISR Level 3 product files.

Acquiring MISR Level 3 Products

Before using MISR Data products, please read the documentation including Data Quality and Versioning statements available from the MISR data table.

Data can be downloaded from the "View Data" or the "Download data" pages or directly from the data pool.

All MISR data products can also be ordered through the MISR Order and Customization Tool. This tool, developed at ASDC in collaboration with MISR JPL, enables users to order and customize data in a single interface. Some features of the new tool are multiple consecutive and non-consecutive path and orbit searches; and sorting search results by date, path, orbit, camera, and file version. Customization options include subsetting by parameter, block, and spatial coordinates; additional latitude and longitude layers; unpacking and unscaling applicable fields; and output data in HDF-EOS stacked-block grid or conventional grid formats.

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