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Publication Reprint Request

Title: Folate metabolism genes, vegetable intake and renal cancer risk in central Europe.
Authors: Moore LE,  Hung R,  Karami S,  Boffetta P,  Berndt S,  Hsu CC,  Zaridze D,  Janout V,  Kollarova H,  Bencko V,  Navratilova M,  Szeszenia-Dabrowska N,  Mates D,  Mukeria A,  Holcatova I,  Yeager M,  Chanock S,  Garcia-Closas M,  Rothman N,  Chow WH,  Brennan P
Journal: Int J Cancer 122(8):1710-5
Date: 2008 Apr 15
Branches: OEEB, CGR, HREB, LTG
PubMedID: 18098291

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