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Title: Genetic markers of IgG influence the outcome of infection with hepatitis C virus.
Authors: Pandey JP,  Namboodiri AM,  Luo Y,  Wu Y,  Elston RC,  Thomas DL,  Rosen HR,  Goedert JJ
Journal: J Infect Dis
Date: 2008 Nov 1
Branches: IIB
PubMed ID: 18855559
PMC ID: PMC2677690
Abstract: We examined the role that immunoglobulin GM and KM allotypes-genetic markers of gamma and kappa chains, respectively-play in the outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in white Americans. A total of 119 persons who had cleared HCV and 111 with persistent HCV infection were genotyped for the presence of several GM and KM determinants. Persistent HCV infection was more than three times as likely (odds ratio, 3.50; P= .01) in subjects who were carriers of the GM3 allele than in those who were noncarriers. These results show that particular GM alleles may be important determinants of the outcome of HCV infection.