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Title: Reproducibility of linear array for human papillomavirus genotyping.
Authors: Koshiol J,  Dunn ST,  Walker JL,  Zuna RE,  Schiffman M,  Sherman ME,  Gold MA,  Allen RA,  Zhang R,  Wang SS,  Wentzensen N
Journal: J Clin Microbiol
Date: 2013 Feb
Branches: CGB, HREB, IIB
PubMed ID: 23196360
PMC ID: PMC3553882
Abstract: We conducted a Linear Array test/retest analysis using cytologic specimens from 198 women. A total of 67.2% of samples had the same human papillomavirus (HPV) types detected in both tests (type-specific positive agreement was 83.3% overall [Kappa = 0.9] and 86.8% for carcinogenic types [Kappa = 0.92]). Discordance was highest with a low hybridization signal strength. Overall, Linear Array was highly reproducible.