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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Hilo 1946 tsunami

View of a wave coming into Hilo Bay in 1946. Waves before this one had swept
businesses from the ocean side to the opposite side of the street.
Photo: James Kerschner Collection

The museum recently received an incredible collection of annotated pictures and articles from a couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerschner. The aerial pictures were taken after the 1946 tsunami, and provide views not-before-seen by the general public.

James was an 8-year old boy in 1946. He had a cold on April 1 and did not go to school that day. Had he gone to school, he probably would have been washed out to sea, since he would have been on the road near the ocean.

James' father, Commander C.P. Kerschner, was the commanding officer of the naval airbase in Hilo. While the family was having breakfast on April 1, Commander Kerschner received a call regarding a tsunami.

Although at first Commander Kerschner thought it was an April Fool's joke, he quickly realized the magnitude of the situation and mobilized aircraft to assist with the disaster response. He ensured that photographers were on board to photographically document.

It was also Commander Kerschner's responsibility to ensure that any survivors were well-cared for. His efforts were far-reaching and of great assistance. He was greatly respected and admired by those he supervised and by those he helped.

Having heard the story here at the museum, we feel admiration for Commander Kerschner and the actions he took, as well. The donated pictures will be used to carry out the museum's mission of promoting public tsunami education and to preserve the social and cultural history of Hawaii.

If you have photos of tsunami events or photos of local historical interest, please consider donating them to the museum as the Kerschners did. Collections can be returned to the owners digitally, preserving the images!

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How to Prepare Your Business for the Next Tsunami

(click here to download)

A Guide for Businesses in the Hawaiian Islands


If there is any place in Hawai'i that is prepared for the next tsunami, you would think it would be Hilo.  Yet, when we asked the question to businesses in downtown Hilo, only a third said Hilo was prepared.  With this information in hand, the Pacific Tsunami Museum embarked on a project with the County of Hawai'i Planning Department to assess and assist businesses with their tsunami preparation and planning.  The result was one-on-one consultation, small group sessions, a Tsunami-Safe Fair in April, and the publication of a document entitled “How to Prepare Your Business for the Next Tsunami”. 



There was tremendous community collaboration and support for the project.  The county Planning, Research and Development and Fire Departments, as well as Hawai'i County Civil Defense were all major contributors.  Community support came from the Hilo Downtown Improvement Association, the Kanoelehua Industrial Area Association and the Hilo Bay Watershed Advisory Group.  All of this effort brought to fruition a major action of the Envision Downtown Hilo 2025 to develop and conduct a tsunami education, preparation and recovery program for both Pacific-wide and locally generated tsunamis.





Civil Defense Administrator, Quince Mento, (right) gave a talk on the importance of personal preparedness. Genevieve Cain, Tsunami Outreach Coordinator on left.




To watch tsunami survivor video clips see our Survivor Video page.

New!   Are you in a Tsunami Evacuation Zone?

Wonder where the tsunami evacuation zone is near you?

NOAA in partnership with the State of Hawaii has developed the Are you in a Tsunami Evacuation Zone? to provide residents and visitors of the State of Hawai'i easy, online access to the State's tsunami evacuation zone maps. Check it out!

tsunami evacuation zone; hilo

Hawaiian Airlines
Book reservations on our affiliate web site by clicking the Hawaiian Airlines logo. You will be able to purchase tickets at the lowest available web fare and at the same time earn bonus miles for our organization at a rate of 1 mile for every $1 one dollar spent.

All materials © Copyright 1996-2012 Pacific Tsunami Museum Inc.
130 Kamehameha Ave Hilo, HI 96720 tel: 808-935-0926 FAX: 808-935-0842 email:
Last Revised January 2013
Visitor # since September 2006