It Gets Better

by Secretary Hilda Solis on November 30, 2010 · 1 comment

I’m an optimist—always have been.  I believe in the promise and power of “tomorrow”, and that our best days are always ahead of us.  So I was honored to join more than two dozen of my Labor Department LGBT colleagues and record a special message to young people as part of the “It Gets Better” project.

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about young people who have been bullied to the point of suicide. This is a tragedy.  We don’t have a person to lose.  Every young person should look to the future with possibility and excitement.  So our  message in the video is simple: You matter, and the future has great things in store for you.

The video speaks for itself. I was so proud of my colleagues standing with me.  Please help get the word out.

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1 Jared Levine November 30, 2010 at 8:44 pm

Its the small things that matter. Non judgmental acceptance, acknowledgement, equanimity and letting things be with compassion and improved understanding and respect. Be present, mindfull, and embrace the fears; learn to live with and overcome diversity with wizdom and focus.

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