Making it with Manufacturing

by Secretary Hilda Solis on July 28, 2011 · 10 comments

Yesterday, I traveled back to Capitol Hill to join House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer at a meeting hosted by the Make it in America Working Group. The group is comprised of 30 Democratic members that are working to promote and support policies that grow American manufacturing and a strong domestic workforce. The Department of Labor is advancing a similar agenda, and I was happy to learn about the ways in which the group is collaborating to put Americans back to work.

The “Make it in America” agenda is intended to create the conditions American businesses need to produce goods here, innovate here, and create jobs here. It promotes key investments designed to help America out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build our international competitors. President Obama has already signed six “Make It in America” bills into law.

We know that winning the future requires more than just good legislation. It requires building consensus and forging sound partnerships. That’s why I was proud to learn that the “Make it in America” agenda is garnering support from business and labor leaders alike and that many of its successes have won support from both sides of the aisle.

Building a vibrant manufacturing industry is in everyone’s interest. A strong manufacturing sector can create good jobs for working families, support American business, boost local economies, and sustain entire communities.

Currently, the manufacturing sector employs over 11 million Americans, and has been one of the leading industries in the recovery with over 250,000 jobs added since the beginning of 2010. These jobs offer economic opportunity to middle-skill workers, create upward mobility, and broaden the middle class to the benefit of the entire economy.

That’s why this administration is taking bold steps to make sure we match up schools and businesses to create direct pipelines, from the classroom to the office or the factory floor. President Obama took one big step last month when he launched the “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,” which brings together industry, universities and the federal government to invest in emerging technologies. It also leverages existing programs and will invest more than $500 million to build domestic manufacturing capabilities in critical industries.

The Labor Department is doing its part to help. In spring 2010, we released an updated advanced manufacturing competency model. Working with our manufacturing industry partners, this employer-validated model outlines the skills necessary to pursue a successful career in the manufacturing industry.

Later this fall, we will announce the winners of our TAA Community College Career Training grant program (TAACCCT), in which one of our primary areas of focus is encouraging community colleges to work with businesses when designing their training programs for industries like manufacturing. We’ve also made $240 million in competitive grants available to provide training and job placement in industries for which employers are using H-1B visas to hire foreign workers. Manufacturing is among the top 10 industries for which H-1B visas are granted. 

We also continue to support registered apprenticeships. These programs bring management and labor unions together to provide first-rate training, which afford good jobs with decent pay. There are approximately 17,000 active apprentices in Advanced Manufacturing programs and over 3,000 active apprenticeship programs in Advanced Manufacturing.

I was just in California last week to visit the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority where an innovative labor/management partnership was on display. Transit officials recently added 90 hybrid buses to their fleet. Together with the local transit union, they have used a cutting-edge training program to create almost 100 jobs by giving current workers new skills to move up the career ladder.

We’re doing a lot to support manufacturing at the Department of Labor – largely because we are led by a President who knows the industry is central to spurring economic growth. From what I gathered at my meeting on the Hill today, the Make it in America working group agrees.  They believe, like we do, that when more products are made in America, more families can make it in America, too.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Steven Capozzola July 28, 2011 at 3:39 pm

It’s good to see a commitment to manufacturing. As a new poll released today by the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) shows, voters across the political spectrum want Washington to focus on job creation over deficit reduction by a more than two-to-one margin. And they rcognize that manufacturing drives the economy.

2 Gregg Stoerrle July 29, 2011 at 11:01 am

When i met my girlfriend 8 years ago i was working on forklifts at her fathers manufacturing company were she was a book keeper.When i met her they had 52 employees last week he let his last employee of 30 years go.He was heart broken.He said he just could not compete against over seas competition.
Gregg Stoerrle

3 Juan August 2, 2011 at 12:33 am

I still need help to get a job. I still don’t not have any income.

4 admin August 3, 2011 at 11:00 am

Juan, thank you for your comment. Please check out the department’s Career One Stop There are resources to assist you online, as well as several center locations nationwide.

5 Alex September 8, 2011 at 5:16 am

“from the classroom to the office or the factory floor”

My high school failed me big time. I left with no qualifications to speak of and there was no career guidance.

We need to educate the school leavers to the options in front of them.

“We also continue to support registered apprenticeships”

It’s about time someone stepped up to the plate. Apprenticeships were a rarity when I left school. I fear for my children to be honest. They are 15 and 12 and I just don’t know what the future holds for them.

6 Didar September 13, 2011 at 10:42 am

Its important that everyone specially the manufacturers understand the importance of green workplace. US is not well recognized to protect environment, specially with the green house gas emission issues.


7 Desktop Laser Marking System September 30, 2011 at 10:42 am

Looking at the numbers manufacturing did increase by 3.8%. However, US wages went down by .1% and 3,000 jobs have been lost. It has been very tough for US manufacturers to compete in the market place due to globalization. Any company anywhere in the world can now compete on line exclusively on price. Here in US we have always been leaders in innovation and quality of our products. However, with intense competition on the global scale it is very difficult for buyers to discern
between value and price. Our company has been manufacturer of laser based technologies since 1983. In the last 10 years we have seen so many companies enter market place and compete solely on price. A lot of these companies are no longer in business. We try very hard to convey the concept of value in all of our marketing efforts. We might not be the least expensive company but our customers know that we build quality machines that last longer and break down less frequently. In my personal opinion, $240 million in grants should be used to educate manufacturers on delivering the concept of innovation and quality to their potential buyers. That way more jobs will be kept in US and manufacturing employment will increase.

8 Mark December 8, 2011 at 6:37 am

@ Alex
“My high school failed me big time. I left with no qualifications to speak of and there was no career guidance.”
I can hear your loud and clear, the same is happened to me.

When I come out from high school, I had nothing. I was forced to build my skills on my own and eventually come up with a good business idea. But in high school they don’t teach such things.

9 SJ_Renewables January 25, 2012 at 1:59 pm

It is good to generate manufacturing jobs locally along with designing part. But, how competitive would it be in global market considering the cost of manufacturing?

10 online college February 8, 2012 at 1:08 am

It’s good to read this article. Will this be a useful thing for everyone?

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