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U.S. Embassy on the Extradition of Five Terrorism Suspects to the U.S. for Trial

Statement by the U.S. Embassy on the Extradition of Five Terrorism Suspects to the U.S. for Trial

05 October 2012

U.S Embassy, London

The United States is pleased that the UK judicial authorities approved the extraditions of Abu Hamza al-Masri, Adel Abdul Bary, Khalid al-Fawwaz, Babar Ahmad, and Syed Talha Ahsan to the United States to face prosecution in U.S. courts on terrorism charges.  These individuals are being transferred to the United States.

These extraditions mark the end of a lengthy process of litigation through the UK courts and the ECHR.  The extradition request for Khalid al-Fawwaz was submitted in 1998.  The request for Adel Abdul Bary was submitted in 1999.  The extradition requests for Abu Hamza al-Masri and Babar Ahmad were submitted in 2004 and the request for Syed Talha Ahsan was submitted in 2006.    

The U.S. Government agrees with the ECHR’s findings that the conditions of confinement in U.S. prisons – including in maximum security facilities – do not violate European standards.  In fact, the Court found that services and activities provided in U.S. prisons surpass what is available in most European prisons.  

The law enforcement relationship between the United States and United Kingdom is predicated on trust, respect, and the common goals of protecting our nations and eliminating safe havens for criminals, including terrorists.

For more information on these cases, please see the linked fact sheets or contact the U.S. Embassy Press Office at or at +44 (0)20-7894-0674.

Background Information