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Remarks by Mrs Susman at event with Dr Biden and UK Veterans

Remarks by Mrs Susman at event with Second Lady Dr Biden and UK Veterans

05 February 2013

Mrs. M.S. Susman
Winfield House


Mrs. M.S. Susman


MRS SUSMAN:  Welcome, welcome everyone to Winfield House.

How wonderful to be among so many inspirational men and women.

I am thrilled that you are here this afternoon.

This is not the first time we’ve hailed our wounded warriors at Winfield House – but in truth we can’t do it often enough.

And it’s a great privilege to host another reception for such remarkable, determined and dignified individuals.

By that, I don’t only mean our wounded warriors.

I’m also talking about the representatives here today of the charities and groups that work so hard supporting you and your families.

I’m talking about the families too:  The moms and dads, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters who I know serve and sacrifice right alongside our troops.

Honestly, I can’t comprehend how it must feel when a loved one heads off to war.

Someone who does understand, though, is our guest of honor this afternoon - a woman I’m so proud to call my friend: Dr. Jill Biden.

Her son Beau served in Iraq and her other son Hunter’s just joined the Navy.

So she knows all about the anxiety that comes with the pride when you’re part of a military family.

She even wrote a children’s book that tells the story of a military family’s experience through the eyes of her granddaughter, Natalie.

As a military mom, Dr. Biden’s made it a priority for years to travel the world visiting with troops, veterans, wounded warriors and military communities.

And I must say America is blessed to have a woman of such intelligence, such passion, and such poise representing our country.

Dr. Biden is also raising awareness in the United States of the unique needs and challenges that come with military service through her Joining Forces initiative with Michelle Obama. 

Every year, the Biden’s also host an Early Thanksgiving Dinner for wounded warriors to give thanks for “second chances” at their home in Washington, DC.

So, you have a great champion in Dr. Biden.

And it’s my great honor to introduce a teacher……an author……a stateswoman……and a patriot - whose presence today underscores the fact that America and Britain not only go into battle together, but come out of battle together.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Second Lady of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden…