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SciDAC Outreach


The Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Outreach Center is a clearinghouse of SciDAC activities and resources. The Center

  • provides information and services in support of SciDAC objectives, including outreach, training, and research
  • fosters communication within the High Performance Computing (HPC) community
  • delivers SciDAC technologies to new communities
  • helps disseminate SciDAC accomplishments
Additionally, the Center gathers data to understand the needs of the HPC community to identify workshops, summer schools, institutes and research topics to meet those needs.

Latest News
HPSBTK version 2.0 released
    Christopher Chang - 2011-02-09 13:21   -   High-Performance Systems Biochemistry
A completely updated version of the High Performance Systems Biology Toolkit has been released. This release is a major revision with enhanced parallel performance, bug fixes, and greater usability.
SBTools v0.5 Released
    Christopher Chang - 2010-04-08 09:55   -   High-Performance Systems Biochemistry
SBTools is a lightweight, object-oriented, user-extensible Python plugin management framework. Arbitrarily complex Python tools can be encapsulated as a plugin, and accessed through the unified interface provided. The framework is general and applicable to any discipline, including systems biochemistry.
CCA November 2009 Release
    Matthew Sottile - 2009-11-15 18:46   -   CCA Onramp
Release notes below.

We have released the latest version of CCA Onramp for download.
ROSE wins R&D 100 Award!
    Chunhua "Leo" Liao - 2009-07-20 13:38   -   ROSE Compiler Framework
The ROSE group, led by Dr. Daniel J. Quinlan, has received the 2009 R&D 100 Award for its software, ROSE: Making Compiler Technology Accessible to all Programmers. The R&D 100 Awards (http://www.rdmag.com/rd100home.aspx), also called the "Oscars of Invention", are presented annually by R&D Magazine to recognize the 100 most significant proven research and development advances introduced over the past year. ROSE was selected by an independent expert panel as one of the winners for 2009.
Preview version released
    Matthew Sottile - 2008-08-01 10:22   -   CCA Onramp
onramp-jul08-preview released. This version includes an early look at the tools, and an initial draft of the source annotation form for public comment and discussion.

Email and Telephone Support

The Center operates a first-level support and Q&A line for matters related to SciDAC and DOE high performance computing:

  • 1-866-470-5547
  • help@outreach.scidac.gov
The Outreach Center can answer questions about SciDAC resources and technologies. We also seek to put appropriate parties in contact with each other to guide successful research and technology deployments.

Innovative Web and Information Services

The Center deploys electronic services that bring the producers and consumers of SciDAC technologies together. This website includes a groupware resource with (for each SciDAC project):

  • software repository
  • bug tracker
  • mailing lists
  • task manager
  • a wiki
Additional services under consideration include project FAQs, and a calendar of workshops, meetings and events.

If you have suggestions or ideas about web services that would make SciDAC software more accessible or useful to exisiting or new audiences please contact us.

Outreach and Training

The SciDAC Outreach Center organizes one or two training sessions per year on topics that address the immediate needs of the HPC community as discerned from the Center's ongoing communications with that community. For the sake of cost-effectiveness, whenever possible, these sessions are conducted in conjunction with other meetings such as the Supercomputing conference and the annual SciDAC meeting. In addition, the SciDAC Outreach Center will assist SciDAC Centers for Enabling Technologies (CET) and SciDAC Institutes in publicizing their outreach and training events (workshops, symposia, summer schools, etc.).

The Center is interested in your ideas for outreach events both in terms of what is needed and what is availble. Please contact us if you have suggestions about either.


The Center conducts an annual online survey of the user community to collect feedback about the Center itself as well as the general needs of the HPC community. The Center also tracks trends in daily communications, questions, and requests from the HPC community.

Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing
The Office of Science The Department of Energy
SciDAC Outreach Statistics
Hosted Projects: 21
Registered Users: 15
Top Project Downloads
(8,526) ROSE Compiler Framework
(4,078) HPCToolkit
(2,975) hpcviewer
(766) Stack Trace Analysis Tool
(453) High-Performance Systems Biochemistry
(403) CCA Onramp
(295) USQCD
(104) libmonitor
(61) hpctraceview
Most Active This Week
( 100.0% ) HPCToolkit
( 80.0% ) ROSE Compiler Framework
( 60.0% ) hpcviewer
( 40.0% ) Stack Trace Analysis Tool
( 20.0% ) USQCD
Recently Registered Projects
(11/04) Stack Trace Analysis Tool
(09/16) Coarray Fortran Compiler
(04/01) High-Performance Systems Biochemistry
(10/01) SIDL Interface Generation Tools
(08/07) HPCToolkit
(07/29) USQCD
(07/28) PERI
(07/28) APDEC
(07/28) CEDPS
(07/28) ITAPS

The Department of Energy The Office of Science Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing
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