R 211446Z DEC 12 ALCOAST 537/12 COMDTNOTE 3500 SUBJ: CONCEPT OF RESERVE EMPLOYMENT (CORE) ENLISTED ALCOAST 4-EXPEDITIONARY WARFARE A. U.S. Coast Guard Competency Management System Manual, COMDTINST M5300.2 (series) B. U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Policy Statement C. 25-Foot Transportable Port Security Boat Operators Handbook, COMDTINST M16114.34 (series) D. Port Security Unit (PSU) Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS), COMDTINST M1540.11 (series) E. Boat Force Operations Personnel Qualifications Standard (PQS), COMDTINST M16114.30 (series) F. Ordnance Manual, COMDTINST M8000.2 (series) (FOUO) 1. Purpose: This ALCOAST is intended for the Reserve enlisted force assigned to Expeditionary Warfare units, including Coast Guard Port Security Units (PSU) and reservists assigned to Navy Expeditionary Warfare Units. This ALCOAST has been coordinated with the Coast Guard Reserve Force Master Chief (CGRF-MC) and the respective Rating Force Master Chiefs (RFMCs), and reflects feedback from the Area staffs, Reserve senior leadership, COMDT (CG-MLE), (CG-DOD-2), (CG-721), (CG-731), and Deployable Operations Group (DOG). 2. Responsibilities: A. Reservists are responsible for attaining and maintaining their assigned competencies and individual readiness to respond to contingency and surge operations through training and augmentation in support of their Individual Training Plans (ITPs). Competencies shall be assigned to Reserve positions on the Personnel Allowance List (PAL) in accordance with REF A. B. In accordance with REF B, commanders, commanding officers, and supervisors shall ensure reservists under their authority meet contingency and surge operation training requirements. C. Commands shall monitor reservists progress toward achieving and maintaining the competencies associated with Deployable Specialized Forces (DSF) and Expeditionary Warfare and shall also provide augmentation opportunities, appropriate training, and administrative support. D. Commanders, commanding officers, and supervisors shall review Reserve position-based competencies and the competencies assigned in the Training Management Tool (TMT) to ensure alignment with paragraph 3 of this ALCOAST. The members unit shall ensure that TMT is updated within 45 days of issuance of this ALCOAST. All requests to correct position-based competencies shall be submitted in accordance with REF A. 3. Strategic direction for Expeditionary Warfare competencies: A. Platform: The Transportable Port Security Boat (TPSB) is the primary operational platform for the PSU. REF C is the current operators handbook for the 25-foot TPSB GEN III. However, the 32-foot TPSB GEN IV is currently being fielded. While the operators handbook is being promulgated by COMDT (CG-731), each 32-foot TPSB GEN IV is delivered with a Boat Info Book (BIB) and technical manual from the manufacturer, which are considered temporary handbooks until the 32-foot TPSB GEN IV handbook is published. B. Competencies assigned to Reserve positions must be attained and maintained within the duty constraints of annual Inactive Duty Training (IDT) and Active Duty for Training (ADT). Expeditionary Warfare competencies are those most frequently needed by the Coast Guard when responding to Combatant Command (COCOM) requests for forces or to support Area Commander resource requirements for contingency operations. The following competencies are critical in supporting the Expeditionary Warfare mission and provide a base of operational knowledge that can be further enhanced with just-in-time training and experience when activated. C. Boat Forces competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare BM3-BM1: (1) TPSB Tactical COXN (CXNUTTAC) (2) TPSB Tactical BCM (CRWUBTAC) D. Force Protection (FP) and Boat Forces competencies for Expeditionary Warfare ME3-MECM: (1) PSU Basic Security as per REF D Sect 3.1 (MEs assigned to shore side billets) (2) PSU Fire Team Leader as per REF D Sect 3.2 (MEs assigned to shore side billets) (3) TPSB Tactical BCM (CRWUBTAC) (MEs assigned to waterside billets) (4) M-203 40 MM Grenade Launcher E. Engineering and Boat Forces competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare MK3-MKCS: (1) TPSB ENG (ENGUT) (2) TPSB Tactical BCM (CRWUBTAC) (MKs assigned to boat crew billets) (3) Engineering Admin Ashore (4) Generator Maintenance (5) Financial Procurement Desktop (FPD) Basic (6) Transportation of Hazardous Materials F. Engineering competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare ET3-ETC: (1) PRC 117 Operator Level 1 and 2 (2) PRC 117 Maintenance Level 3 (3) Scalable Integrated Navigation System (SINS) G. Engineering competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare DC3-DC1: (1) Forklift Operator (2) NBC Defense Course (3) Aluminum Welder (DECALW) (4) Steel Welder (DCSTW) H. Weapons competencies/skills required for Expeditionary Warfare GM3-GMC: (1) Small Arms Instructor (OPSHH) (2) Explosives/Ammunition Driver (3) Navy Ammunition Supply Administration (4) Armorer (GM02) is recommended, Note: GM RFMC recommends at least one GM per unit attain this competency to allow the unit to conduct intermediate level weapons maintenance, if necessary, when deployed. To achieve the GM02 competency members must successfully complete both of the following armorer training courses: Sig Sauer Academy Armorer Certification (CG 502391) and Small Arms Advanced Maintenance Course (CG502391). Armorer level training can only be completed through the Rock Island Arsenal or Sig Sauer Manufacturer Schools. The training provided by Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) will not be accepted as armorer level training. I. Logistics competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare SK3-SK1: (1) Inventory Management/Configuration Management (2) FPD Basic NT (3) FPD Reconciliation (4) Basic Simplified Acquisition (SKSAD) (5) Advanced Simplified Acquisition (CG-101) (6) Transportation of HAZMAT (7) Property Specialist (8) Forklift Operator (9) Centralized Supply (SKCMPLUS) J. Communications competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare OS3-OS1: (1) AN/PRC-117F and AN/PRC-152 Operation Resident Training, (2) Navy Electronic Key Management System (3) COMTAC K. Health Service competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare HS3-HS1: (1) Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties (2) Independent Duty Corpsman (HS2E) (3) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (4) Operational Emergency Medical Skills (5) USCG EMT Basic (OPSHD) L. Food Service competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare FS3-FS1: (1) Independent-Duty Food Service Officer (FS05) (2) Food Service Sanitation Instructor Certification M. Intelligence Specialist competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare IS3-IS1: (1) INTEL Processor/Disseminator (IS003) (2) HUMINT Collector (IS007) N. Electricians Mate competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare EM3-EM1 (1) Expeditionary Power Distribution Systems O. Yeoman competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare YN3-YN1: (1) Direct Access (2) TPAX/Travel Authorizing Official P. General competencies required for Expeditionary Warfare for all hands: (1) Crew-Served Weapons (M-2HB and M-240B) as required per unit or duty position (2) Small arms qualification as required per unit or duty position (3) COMBAT Life Saver, no more than one trained member for each tactical element (i.e. boat crew, fire team, etc.) Q. In addition to the required competencies listed above, the following specialized training, schools, and/or certifications should be attained by PSU command-designated personnel: (1) Command Chief (2) Intro to INTEL (Command INTEL Officer) (3) Command Security Officer (4) ATFP Level II Certification (5) Air Force Load Planner (Currently HC-130 - 32-foot GEN IV TPSB will require C-5/C-17) (6) Transportation of HAZMAT (7) Automated Load Planning School (ALPS) (8) Confined Space Entry (9) Hazardous Waste Coordinator (10) Team Coordination Training Facilitator (11) Water Survival Training Program (WSTP) Instructor (12) Water Survival Training Program (13) USCG Boarding Officer (JUFE evaluator) (14) Reserve Force Readiness System (RFRS) On-Line Training (15) Navy Staff Planning Course R. Attainment methods, performance timeframes, and currency requirements (The following are representative examples of operational certification processes): (1) TPSB Tactical BCM (CRWUBTAC): The member will complete the required tasks for Tactical Boat Crew Member in REF E, either through BM A-school, Basic Seamanship C-School (for rates other than BM), or comparable OJT. The member must also complete type-specific tasks in REF C and fire the machine gun boat course of fire as a crewperson per REF F. The total time to achieve initial qualification is 90 IDT/ADT duty days. Following initial qualification, the training time required to maintain annual currency is 32 IDT/ADT duty days. (2)TPSB Tactical COXN (CXNUTTAC): The member will complete the required tasks for Tactical Coxswain in REF E, complete required type-specific tasks in REF C, and fire the machine gun boat course of fire as a coxswain in accordance with REF F. The member must also complete Tactical Coxswain C-School at SMTC. The total time to achieve initial qualification is 130 IDT/ADT duty days inclusive of the 90 IDT/ADT duty days required to complete CRWUBTAC in paragraph 3.R.1 above. The training time required to maintain annual currency, following initial qualification, is 45 IDT/ADT duty days. (3) PSU Basic Security: The member will complete tasks in section 3.1 of REF D via a combination of PSU basic skills course and unit OJT, and complete required small arms and crew-served weapons training in accordance with REF F. (4) PSU Fire Team Leader: The member will complete tasks in section 3.2 of REF D via a combination of PSU basic skills course and unit OJT and complete required small arms and crew-served weapons training in accordance with REF F. (5) Reservists assigned to the Navy Expeditionary Units will actively pursue the Navy Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare (EXW) specialty by completing the requirements outlined within the Navy Personnel Qualification Standard for Navy Enlisted Expeditionary Warfare (EXW) Specialist, NAVEDTRA 43296. 4. Implementation Guidance: A. Commands and reservists shall make every effort to attain assigned competencies within the recommended timeframe. However, these timeframes may be highly dependent on unit workload and training opportunities. Units shall consider these potential constraints when assessing progress made in attaining competencies. As a result, commands and reservists should maintain consistent communication and coordination with neighboring CG units (MSSTs, MSRT, stations, sectors, TRACENs) to obtain their training schedules in an effort to optimize training and qualification opportunities. B. The competencies described in paragraph 3 are the expected minimum for reservists at their respective rates. The assignment of the competencies in the preceding paragraphs does not preclude reservists from attaining or maintaining higher competencies provided they maintain currency and individual readiness to fulfill their contingency role. Reservists are highly encouraged to seek out and take advantage of all training opportunities that strengthen their proficiency. C. Position competency assignment and training progression should align with rating skill sets, PQS, and Enlisted Rating Advancement and Training system (ERATS) requirements as they are developed. The Media Relations Specialist competency should generally be assigned to E-7 and above. D. Commands will assess the needs of the unit against the professional development needs of the member. Once a reservist attains a primary duty competency, sufficient time, as determined by the unit, shall be afforded that reservist to gain additional experience and proficiency in that competency. 5. POCs for this message: CDR Benjamin L. Smith, COMDT (CG-131), 202-475-5439 or benjamin.l.smith(at)uscg.mil, LCDR Steve J. Halpin COMDT (CG-DOD), 202-372-2056, or steven.j.halpin(at)uscg.mil. Visit the CG Reserve Member Resources webpage link for further information on CORE: http://www.uscg.mil/reserve/core/ 6. RDML Cari B. Thomas, Assistant Commandant for Response Policy, RDML Mark E. Butt, Assistant Commandant for Capabilities, and RADM Steven E. Day, Acting Director of Reserve and Military Personnel, send. 7. Internet release authorized.