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National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health
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Internship Programs for NIDDK Fellows:

New Opportunities for Career Development and Professional Growth

Host Sites


The purpose of these internship rotations is to provide practical, on-site experiences and exposure to research administration for Intramural Fellows. An important goal is to afford Fellows the opportunity to gain new knowledge and insights, develop marketable skills, build their Résumés, and expand the scope of their networking contacts. Depending on the specific location and facility (see above), the focus is on training in the skills required for scientific review (Extramural Review Branch), research analysis, program management or technology transfer and intellectual property issues. These Internships are intended to complement the research training obtained within the Intramural Research Program.

Who Should Apply:

These rotations are appropriate for Fellows who are interested in exploring careers in research management, science policy, or technology transfer and also for Fellows who realize that an understanding of the processes relating to research funding and technology development (licensing agreements and patents) are essential for a successful academic career. Participants must have excellent communication and organizational skills as well as a sincere interest in working with different organizations. Participation in the Program is not necessarily intended to be a path to employment in either the Extramural Program or the Tech Transfer Office (there is no promise or expectation of a definite job commitment), but rather a chance to acquire and develop new research skills and learn broadly about the work-life and operations involved in the different offices and facilities.

Application Process:

Potential applicants to any of these Programs should speak with Dr. Louis Simchowitz, Director of the Fellowship Office, or one of his staff to discuss their personal career and training objectives. Fellowship Office staff will ensure that the Program will support the Fellow's future career goals and that the Fellow chooses an appropriate point in his/her postdoctoral experience to apply. Applications will be accepted throughout the year.

Applicants should generate a package consisting of:

  • Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography
  • Cover Letter summarizing their career objectives, what skills they hope to gain from the Program, and what skills they would bring to the Program
  • Supervisor’s/Principal Investigator’s Letter of Recommendation and Support; the signed, written approval of the Lab/Branch Chief should also be included.

Selection Committee:

A Committee will evaluate the applications, select and assign participants to the appropriate Extramural Mentor. The Selection Committee will consist of the Director of the Fellowship Office, the Chief of the Review Branch, and the Director of the Office of Technology Transfer and Development, and one or two others.

Selection Criteria:

The Selection Committee will endeavor to match participants and Extramural Mentors who will each mutually benefit professionally from the Program.

Start Date:

The starting date for the Rotation will be flexible, depending on the needs of the Fellow and the Extramural host sites. The start date will be worked-out between the Fellow, his/her Extramural Mentor, and his/her Intramural Mentor.

Number of Participants:

2 to 4 per year for each Program, depending on their needs and ability to accommodate, mentor/train, and utilize rotating Fellows effectively.


3 to 4 months. Flexible arrangement: full- or part-time (minimum 60% effort).

Mentoring and Supervision:

All Fellows will be assigned a formal extramural Mentor with whom they will meet with regularly. The Mentor will have primary responsibility for ensuring the success of the rotation. This includes providing training in the mission and goals of the Review Branch/Tech Transfer Office and also arranging experiences that are both varied and appropriate to each Fellow's interests. Overall supervision will be provided by an Advisory Committee consisting of the Fellow’s Extramural and Intramural (Research) Mentors, the Chief of the Review Branch, the Director of the Technology Transfer Office, and the Director of the Fellowship Office.

Guidance and Evaluation:

After 2 months, the Extramural Mentor will discuss the Fellow’s work with the Advisory Committee to ensure that the Fellow is making an active and effective contribution, and will provide feedback to the Fellow on his/her progress and achievements. The Intramural Mentor will discuss the Fellow's experience thus far and assess his/her objectives. These meetings will provide an opportunity to determine whether the Fellow has already gained the experience s/he sought and would therefore like to return to the laboratory, or to prioritize the experiences the Fellow still needs in order to accomplish his/her goals.


Participants will continue in their current intramural research appointments and receive the same level of stipends/salaries and benefits during the internship rotation.

Conclusion and Evaluation:

At the end of their rotation, Fellows will be required to write a brief summary of their experiences, including suggestions for ways that the Program could be improved. Each Fellow will have a final meeting with his/her Advisory Committee to go over this summary and to discuss ways to highlight and capitalize on the Fellow's extramural accomplishments when seeking his/her next job. The Fellows will also be presented with a certificate acknowledging this training experience and the contributions made to the Extramural Program.

Last updated: 06/02/2010
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Director of the Office of Fellow Recruitment and Career Development: Dr. Louis Simchowitz
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) is part of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.
General inquiries may be addressed to Office of Fellow Recruitment and Career Development - NIDDK, NIH, Building 12A, Room 3011, 12 South Drive (MSC 5632), Bethesda, MD 20892-5632, USA.
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