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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Get Involved

The Partnership for Patients will meet the goals only if every partner – public and private, large and small – gets engaged to improve patient safety. Here are ways you can get involved.

Take the Pledge

The federal government, hospitals, clinicians, patients, employers, States, and others join together to pledge support to the goals of the Partnership for Patients initiative to achieve a safer, higher quality, health care system for all Americans. Add your name to the over 7,700 Pledgers. Learn more...

Connect with your HEN

The Partnership for Patients established 26 Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs), that help identify solutions already working to reduce healthcare acquired conditions (HACs), and work to spread them to other hospitals and health care providers. Is your hospital a member of a HEN? Learn more...

Join the Community of Practice

The Partnership for Patients Community of Practice is a private, password protected website for doctors, nurses, all other staff working within the Partnership for Patients Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs) and the Community-Based Care Transitions Program. Community of Practice members connect to exchange innovative patient safety best practices and interact via discussion forums, email mailing lists, and webinars. Learn more...

Work Across Settings to Improve Care

Safe, effective, and efficient care transitions and reduced risk of potentially preventable readmissions require cooperation among providers of medical services, social services, and support services in the community and in long-term care facilities. Learn more...