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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Aleutian Islands coral garden, photo: Bob Stone

Essential Fish Habitat (EFH)

EFH 5-year Review for 2010

living substrate with juvenile rockfish
Living substrate with juvenile rockfish. Photo: Pat Malecha, NOAA Fisheries.

Omnibus FMP Amendment

The EFH regulations state that the Council and NMFS should conduct a complete review of EFH provisions of FMPs at least once every 5 years and revise or amend the EFH provisions as warranted based on available information. The review is to evaluate: 1) published scientific literature, 2) unpublished scientific reports, 3) information solicited from interested parties, and 4) previously unavailable or inaccessible data. An Omnibus FMP Amendment will implement the changes recommended via the 5-year review that was completed in 2010.

  • Public Review Draft, February 2011
    • Appendix 1: Changes to the BSAI Groundfish FMP species descriptions
    • Appendix 2: Changes to the GOA Groundfish FMP species descriptions
    • Appendix 3: Changes to the BSAI Crab FMP species descriptions
    • Appendix 4: Changes to the Scallop FMP species descriptions
    • Appendix 5: EFH Impacts from Non-fishing Activities in Alaska
    • Appendices 6 and 7: Changes to the HAPC timeline and the EFH Research Approach

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