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Message from the Ambassador

Ambassador Dan Mozena (U.S. Embassy Dhaka photo)

Ambassador Dan Mozena

Welcome to the business page of the U.S. Embassy - Dhaka website! 

With a steadily growing economy of 160 million people, Bangladesh, the seventh most populous country and one of growing strategic importance to the U.S., offers promising opportunities for U.S trade and investment.  Many U.S. firms are already successfully working in Bangladesh, and the number is growing.   Diverse sectors offer opportunities for U.S. companies, including natural gas exploration and production, power generation, financial services, infrastructure, agribusiness, information technology, consulting services, and civil aviation to name just a few.

The U.S. Embassy in Dhaka stands ready to help U.S. companies export goods and services to Bangladesh, and pursue investment opportunities in Bangladesh.  Our website provides detailed information about the business facilitation services that we offer and links to useful information on Bangladesh’s business climate, including our annual Country Commercial Guide and Investment Climate Statement.  We encourage you to visit and revisit this site for up-to-date information on trade shows and business events in Bangladesh. 

Thank you again for your interest, and we look forward to helping you do business in Bangladesh!


  • Chevron inaugurates Muchai Compression Project: Ambassador’s remarks in the inauguration ceremony: "The Muchai Compressor Project, which the Honorable Prime Minister inaugurates today, is a great example of the partnership between the American private sector and the government of Bangladesh in responding to Bangladesh’s surging need for energy and power." Ambassador’s complete remarks »
  • SPI signs contract for Satellite Project on March 29, 2012: Space Partnership International (SPI) signed a $ 10 million consultancy deal with the state-run Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission to help Bangladesh to design and launch the first ever satellite.  The Maryland-based company will design the satellite and hire a company to build and launch it by 2015. Read details »
  • GE-Summit sign contracts for Meghnaghat project: General Electric (GE) signs a contract with Summit Group to supply Gas turbines and spares for the Meghnaghat Power Plant Project on February 16, 2012.

Contact Us

  • Embassy Tel: +880 2 885 5500
    Embassy Fax: +880 2 988 7826
    E-mail: (U.S. Trade Center)

    Deputy Counselor, Political and Economic Affairs
    Mr. Tobias Glucksman

    Economic / Commercial Officer
    Mr. Alexander Gazis

    Economic–Commercial Specialist
    Mr. Asif Ayub

    Commercial Assistant
    Ms. Syeda Shahrazad Rahman