• Local Info
  • Commuting Area
  • Safety
  • European Information
  • Behavior & Discipline

School Bus Information

The Brussels School Bus Office is located at the school.

Our Office Hours are: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00
Telephone: DSN:368-9548, Commercial: +32-475-930-476
Fax: DSN: 368-9589, Commercial: +32-(2)-717-9589

Commuting Area - We strongly encourage you to verify your address with the Transportation Office prior to signing your lease.

The Isles District Transportation Supervisor is located in the United Kingdom: DSN: 226-7748 Comm: 0044-163-852


School Bus Commune & Village List
Woluwe-St. Lambert
Woluwe-St. Pierre
Woluwe-St. Stevens


We strongly encourage you to verify your address with the Transportation Office prior to signing your lease. Some streets within this list of Communes are not within the transportation boundaries.


It is always a good time to review bus safety for our students.

Young children should never be left unsupervised. If the parent or responsible person is not available to escort the child, the child should tell the driver. The contractor will contact the School Bus Office (SBO), and the child will normally be returned to the school. The SBO will contact the parent or guardian. If and adult cannot be contacted, the SBO will contact Security Forces (Military Police) and the child will be released to their custody.

Please make sure everything is properly secured in the school bag, i.e., books, supplies, lunches, etc. Zip and fasten the bag closed so nothing is falling out.

Tell children to make sure their shoelaces are correctly tied, jackets are zipped, etc. It is easy to get loose items caught on the bus when a child is entering or exiting the bus.
Always wear your seat belt and never get up out of your seat when the bus is moving.

Don’t be in a hurry. Hold onto the railing and be careful of the stairs as you get off the bus. Don’t push the person in front of you. Be patient and wait your turn when getting on or off the bus.

Take 5 for School Bus Safety for Students

1. Be on time. Walk; don’t run to the bus stop.
2. Wait for the bus 3 steps back from the curb.
3. Take your seat on the bus and stay seated.
4. Get off the bus; take 3 steps away and wait for the bus to leave.
5. Never go in front of or behind the bus.
Take 5 for School Bus Safety for Parents
1. REVIEW the 5 basic safety rules with your children- FOLLOW UP and REINFORCE.
2. KNOW your children’s route to and from the bus stop-WALK IT
3. SHOW your children how to go safely to and from their bus stop-Use HANDS ON instruction.
4. STRESS good behavior on the bus- an UNRULY bus is an UNSAFE bus.
5. REPORT your safety concerns IMMEDIATELY to your Community School Bus Office.


Parents must ensure that their children understand and follow the 10 School Bus rules listed below:
  1. Obey the driver or adult.
  2. Enter and exit the bus safely, and always show your bus pass.
  3. Stay properly seated and use seatbelts when available.
  4. Keep your hands, feet and other body parts to yourself.
  5. Do not throw things.
  6. Put nothing out of the window.
  7. Remain quiet, and do not disturb the driver or others.
  8. No profanity, indecency, smoking, prohibited items, or vandalism.
  9. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum.
  10. Be responsible, be safe.

In Europe, school bus student behavior and discipline are administered under a DoDDS-E TEST revision to Enclosure 7 of DoDEA Regulation 2051.1, Disciplinary Rules and Procedures:
pdf DoDDS-E Student School Bus Behavior Management Policy

There is a direct cause and effect relationship between behavior and safety on the bus, as described in the article below:
This linked document is a PDF Article: An Unruly Bus is an Unsafe Bus