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Isles District and School "Open Continuous Announcements"

Links to HR office in Area and Washington, cup of coffee image Link to European HR Office Link to Washington HR Office Link to USA Jobs Website Announcement: 2008-OCADODDS-E
Closing Date: 31 December 2008

"Open Continuous Announcements" cover a wide variety of positions located throughout our schools and District Superintendent Offices. Using this open announcement ensures that we can provide managers with a list of qualified applicants in a timely manner, which in turn allows them to maintain the workforce they need to accomplish their missions and support the military.

This web page provides applicants with all the information they need to apply for these positions with DoDDS-Europe effectively. Once you have completed the application package send it to the HR Office that handles the school and/or district you are interested in. If you need additional information, please contact the servicing HR Office.

Applications should be submitted at your local District Superintendent's HR Office.