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Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile

by Dennis Brown and Richard Reeder

Economic Research Report No. (ERR-53) 28 pp, December 2007

Cover image for ERS report "Farm-Based Recreation: A Statistical Profile" (ERR-53) Farm-based recreation provides an important niche market for farmers, but limited empirical information is available on the topic. Access to two USDA databases, the 2004 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and the 2000 National Survey on Recreation and the Environment, provided researchers with a deeper understanding of who operates farm-based recreation enterprises, such as hunting and fishing operations, horseback riding businesses, on-farm rodeos, and petting zoos. Regression analysis identified the importance of various farmer and farm characteristics, as well as local and regional factors associated with farmer operation of, and income derived from, farm-based recreation.

Keywords: agritourism, recreation, ARMS, NSRE, rural development, tourism, farms

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Last updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012

For more information contact: Dennis Brown and Richard Reeder