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Technical Reports

Report No. Title Author
File Type & Size
TM-158 Planning for Climate Change in the Great Lakes Basin -- A NOAA Needs Assessment - Final Report

Nelson, D., H. Elmer, and P. Robinson

(PDF 2 MB)
TM-157 Analysis of Great Lakes Ice Cover Climatology: Winters 2006-2011

Assel, R.A., J. Wang, A.H. Clites, and X. Bai

In press

TM-156 Beach Water Quality Decision Support System

Rockwell, D., K. Campbell, G. Lang, D. Schwab, G. Mann, and R. Wagenmaker

In press
TM-155 Great Lakes Ice Climatology Update: Winter 2006-2011. Description of the Digital Ice Cover Dataset

J. Wang, R.A. Assel, S. Walterscheid, A.H. Clites, and X. Bai

(PDF 2 MB)
TM-154 System Power Controller: A Low Profile Circuit Board for the Control and Monitoring of Subsystem Power in Data Collection Systems

R. Muzzi, S. Constant, and J. Lane

(PDF 2 MB)
TM-153 Laurentian Great Lakes Basin Climate Change Adaptation

D. Nelson, H. Elmer, R. Held, D.Forsythe, and S.Casey

(PDF 1 MB)
TM-152 The Impacts of ENSO and AO/NAO on the Interannual Variability of Great Lakes Ice Cover

X. Bai, J. Wang, C. Sellinger, A. Clites, and R. Assel

(PDF 5.2 MB)
TM-151 Dynamics and Numerical Modeling of River Plumes in Lakes

N. Nekouee

(PDF 9.5 MB)

Lake Michigan Vertical Temperature Data - Midlake 1991-2009

M.J. McCormick, Z. Li, D.J. Schwab, and S.A. Ruberg

TM-149 Educator House Call: On-line Data for Educators' Needs Assessment - Summary Report

R.A. Sturtevant, and A. Marshall

(PDF 336 MB)
TM-148 Final Report: Computational Modeling of Ballast Water Tanks to Improve Understanding and Maximize Effectiveness of Management Practices and Treatment Mechanisms: Phase II, Extension of Lab Study

P.A. Chang III, W. Wilson, J. Carneal, P. Atsavapranee, S. Verosto, D. Reid, and P. Jenkins.

(PDF 5 MB)
TM-147 Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Ecosystem: A NOAA Science Needs Assessment Workshop to Meet Emerging Challenges - Summary Report

S.T. Joseph, L.A. Chaimowitz, R.A. Sturtevant, D.M. Mason, C.E. Sellinger, J. Wang, C. DeMarchi, and S.B. Brandt

(PDF 532 MB)
TM-147a Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Ecosystem: A NOAA Science Needs Assessment Workshop to Meet Emerging Challenges - Full Final Report

Quigley, M.A., C.E. Sellinger, S.B. Brandt, D.M. Mason, J. Wang, and C. DeMarchi

(PDF 866 MB)
TM-146 Proceedings of NOAA Lake Champlain Program Review - October 29-30, 2008

G.L. Fahnenstiel, M.J. McCormick, and R. Artz

(PDF 484 MB)
TM-145 A digital data base for the particle size distribution of bottom sediments in Lake Michigan

N. Hawley

(PDF 2 MB)
TM-144 Abundances of the amphipod Diporeia spp. and the mussels Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in Lake Michigan in 1994-1995, 200, and 2005

T.F. Nalepa, D.L. Fanslow, G.A. Lang, D.B. Lamarand, L.G. Cummins, and G.S. Carter

(PDF 2 MB)
TM-143 Selecting Optical Plankton Counter Size Bins to Optimize Zooplankton Information in Great Lakes Studies

J.R. Liebig, and H.A. Vanderploeg

(PDF 1.1 MB)
TM-142 Current State of Understanding about the Effectiveness of Ballast water Exchange (BWE) in Reducing Aquatic Nonindigenous Species (ANS) Introductions to the Great Lakes Basin and Chesapeake Bay, USA: Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information

G.M. Ruiz and D.F. Reid (Editors)

(PDF 3.7 MB)
TM-141 Resource Shed Definitions and Computations

T.E. Croley, C. He, J.F. Atkinson, and D.F. Raikow

(PDF 4.7 MB)
TM-140 Abundance and Distribution of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Populations in Lake Huron in 1972 and 2000-2003

T. Nalepa, D. Fanslow, S. Pothoven, A. Foley III, G. Lang, S. Mozley, and M. Winnell

(PDF 1.2 MB)
TM-139 Conversion of Specific Gravity to Salinity for Ballast Water Regulatory Management D.F. Reid
(PDF 388k)
TM-138 Great Lakes Beach Health Research Needs: Workshop Summary Great Lakes Beach Assoc, NOAA GLERL, Sea Grant, USEPA, USGS
(PDF 364k)
TM-137 Modified Great Lakes hydrology modeling system for considering simple extreme climates T.E. Croley II
(PDF 485k)
TM-136 Disappearance of the amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes: Workshop summary, discussion, and recommendations. T.F. Nalepa, D.C. Rockwell, and D.W. Schloesser
(PDF 408k)
TM-135 Great Lakes Ice Cover Climatology Update: Winters 2003, 2004, and 2005 R.A. Assel
(PDF 4.7 MB)
TM-134 Conditional Probability of December and January Ice Cover at Selected Great Lakes Shore Sites R.A. Assel
(PDF 3.4 MB)
TM-133 Great Lakes Weekly Ice Cover Statistics R.A. Assel
(PDF 3.5 MB)
TM-132 Toxicokinetics and Tissue Distributions of Non-polar Contaminants from Aqueous and Dietary Exposures for the Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus D.C. Gossiaux and P.F. Landrum
(PDF 900K)
TM-131 Great Lakes Ecological Forecasting Needs Assessment R. Sturtevant
(PDF 400K)
TM-130 Computerized National Weather Service Great Lakes Ice Reports for Winter Seasons 1899-1970 R.A. Assel
(PDF 668K)
TM-129 Improving Monthly Great Lakes Ice Cover Outlooks R.A. Assel
(PDF 1.5 MB)
TM-128 Lake Erie Ice Cover Climatology: Basin Averaged Ice Cover: Winters 1898-2002. R.A. Assel
(PDF 1.8 MB)
TM-127 Great Lakes Monthly and Seasonal Accumulations of Freezing Degree Days -- Winters 198-2002 R.A. Assel
(PDF 196K)
TM-126 Great Lakes Climate Change Hydrologic Impact Assessment: I.J.C. Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Regulation Study T.E. Croley II
(PDF 7.3 MB)
TM-125 Great Lakes Ice Cover, First Ice, Last ice, and Ice Duration: Winters 1973-2002 R.A. Assel
(PDF 7.8 MB)
TM-124 Observations of the Intermediate and Benthic Nepheloid Layers in Southern Lake Michigan during the Summer of 1995. N. Hawley
(PDF 7.4 MB)
TM-123 Degradation of Chemical Biocides with Application to Ballast Water Treatment. P.F. Landrum, L. Sano, M. Mapili, E. Garcia, A. Krueger, and R. Moll.
(PDF 1.9 MB)
TM-122 Abundance, Biomass, and Species Composition of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Populations in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 1987-96 T.F. Nalepa, D.L. Fanslow, M.B. Lansing, G.A. Lang, M. Ford, G. Gostenik, and D.J. Hartson
(PDF 2.3 MB)
TM-121 A Great Lakes Ice Cover Digital Data Set for Winters 1973-2000 R.A. Assel, D.C. Norton, and K.C. Cronk
(PDF 2.8 MB)
TM-120 Respiration, nitrogen excretion, and O:N ratios of the Great Lakes amphipod Diporeia sp. M.A. Quigley, P.F. Landrum, W.S. Gardner, C.R. Stubblefield, and W.M. Gordon.
(PDF 168K)
TM-119 Assessment of Impacts of Increased Weed Growth on Detroit River Flows C.E. Sellinger and F.H. Quinn
(PDF 230K)
TM-118 Climate-Corrected Storm-Frequency Examples T.E. Croley II
(PDF 3.4 MB)
TM-117 Great Lakes Ice Data Rescue Project D.C. Norton, R.A. Assel, D. Meyers, B.A. Hibner, N. Morse, P.J. Trimble, K. Cronk, and M. Rubens
(PDF 1 MB)
TM-116 Settling Particle Fluxes and Current and Temperature Profiles in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan B.J. Eadie, G.S. Miller, M.B. Lansing, and A.G. Winkelman
(PDF 1.3 MB)
TM-115 Physical and Chemical Variables of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron in 1994-1996 T.H. Johengen, T.F. Nalepa, G.A. Lang, D.L. Fanslow, H.A. Vanderploeg and M.A. Agy
(PDF 357K)
TM-114 Proceedings, Workshop on the Environmental Implications of Cargo Sweeping in the Great lakes D.F. Reid and G.A. Meadows
(PDF 360K)
TM-113 Proceedings of the Great Lakes Paleo-Levels Workshop: The Last 4000 Years. C.E. Sellinger and F.H. Quinn
(PDF 2.6 MB)
TM-112 Seasonal Climatology of Surface Energy Fluxes on the Great Lakes B.M. Lofgren and Y. Zhu
(PDF 4.6 MB)
TM-111 Grain Size Distribution of the Surface Sediments Collected During the Lake Michigan Mass Balance and Environmental Mapping and Assessment Programs B.J. Eadie and S. Lozano
(PDF 3.2 MB)
TM-110 GRP Map Maker: A User's Guide to Spatial Models of Fish Habitat Combining Acoustic Data and Bioenergetics Models J. Tyler
(PDF 323K)
TM-109 MIDLAKES: A Coordinated Hydrologic Response Model for the Middle Great Lakes A.H. Clites, and D.H. Lee
(PDF 433K)
TM-108 Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study: Hydrodynamic Modeling Project D.J. Schwab and D. Beletsky
(PDF 1.7 MB)
TM-107 Early 20th Century Lake Superior Basin Precipitation Estimates R.A. Assel, D.C. Norton, and F.H. Quinn
(PDF 462K)
TM-106 Toxicokinetics of PCB Congeners by Diporeia spp.: Effects of Temperature and Organism Size P.F. Landrum, S. Kane-Driscoll, E. Tigue, D. Gossiaux, M. Gedeon, and M. Adler
(PDF 160K)
TM-105 Particle Size Distribution and Concentrations of Total Suspended Matter in Southern Lake Michigan: January 28-February 10, 1998. A.G. Winkelman, E.R. Stabenau, B.J. Eadie
(PDF 293 KB)
TM-104 Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Medium Resolution Vector Shoreline Data. D.H. Lee, C. Morse, and D. Bandhu
(PDF 430 KB)
TM-103 Nearshore Hydrodynamics Studies in Western Lake Michigan, 1993-1995. P.C. Liu
(PDF 2.6 MB)
TM-102 Nearshore Current and Temperature Measurements, Western Lake Michigan. G.S. Miller
(PDF 5.6 MB)
TM-101 Computer Program for Estimating Evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite Method. C.E. Sellinger
(PDF 47 KB)
TM-100 Computer Program for Performing Hydrograph Separation using the Rating Curve Method. C.E. Sellinger
(PDF 71 KB)
TM-099 Lake Superior Water Temperature Data, Sault Ste. Marie, MI 1906-92. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 247 KB)
TM-098 Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Sandusky Bay, OH 1961-1993. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 119 KB)
TM-097 Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Put-In-Bay, OH 1918-92. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 278 KB)
TM-096 Lake Michigan Water Temperature Data, St. Joseph, MI 1936-92. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 144 KB)
TM-095 Lake Michigan Water Temperature Data, Green Bay, WI 1947-90. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 163 KB)
TM-094 Lake Erie Water Temperature Data, Erie, PA 1916-92. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 241 KB)
TM-093 Lake Huron Water Temperature Data, Bay City, MI 1946-93. M.J. McCormick
(PDF 155 KB)
TM-092 Chemistry, Temperature, and Secchi Disc Data for Hatchery Bay, Western Lake Erie. A.M. Beeton, R.E. Holland, T.H. Jogengen, and J.R. Hageman
(PDF 89 KB)
TM-091 Physical and Chemical Variables of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron in 1991-93. T.F. Nalepa, G.L. Fahnenstiel, M.J. McCormick, T.H. Johengen, G.A.Lang, J.F. Cavaletto, and G. Goudy.
(PDF 743 KB)
TM-090 Great Lakes Primary Production Model--Methodology and Use. G.A. Lang, and G.L. Fahnenstiel
(PDF 112 KB)
TM-089 Climate Transposition Effects on the Great Lakes Hydrological Cycle. T.E. Croley II, F.H. Quinn, K.E. Kunkel, and S.A. Changnon
(PDF 3.5 MB)
TM-088 Great Lakes States Monthly Average Temperature Data--Beginning of Record to 1990. R.A. Assel, C.E. Sellinger, D.E. Meyer, R.N. Kelly, and P. Grimm
(PDF 1.8 MB)
TM-087 Toxicokinetics from Aqueous and Sediment Exposures for Diporeia spp. P.F. Landrum
(PDF 1 MB)
TM-086 Great Lakes States Monthly Precipitation Data--Beginning of Record to 1990. R.A. Assel, C.E. Sellinger, D.E. Meyer, and R.N. Kelly
(PDF 1 MB)
TM-085 Covariance Properties of Annual Net Basin Supplies to the Great Lakes. S.G. Buchberger
(PDF 369 KB)
TM-084 A Thermal Front Circulation Model. M.B. Gbah, G.A. Meadows, and S.J. Jacobs
(PDF 207 KB)
TM-083 Great Lakes Monthly Hydrologic Data. T.E. Croley, II, and T.S. Hunter
(MS Word Document)
TM-082 Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP): CTD Observations from R/V Longhorn Cruise July 1-12,1993. D.Y. Dong, A.W. Bratkovich, and S.P. Dinnel
(PDF 5.1 MB)
TM-081 Normal Water Temperature and Ice Cover of the Laurentian Great Lakes: A Computer Animation, Data Base, and Analysis Tool. K. Schneider, R.A. Assel, and T.E. Croley II
(PDF 1.2 MB)
TM-080 Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP): CTD Observations from R/V Longhorn Cruise May 14-21,1992. D.Y. Dong, A.W. Bratkovich, and S.P. Dinnel
(PDF 4 MB)
TM-079 Basis of Comparison Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River System. D.H. Lee, Editor
(PDF 2.5 MB)
TM-078 Great Lakes Water Level Statistical Techniques D.H. Lee, Editor
(PDF 3.9 MB)
TM-077 Improved Communication of Great Lakes Water Level Information A.H. Clites, Editor
(PDF 1.6 MB)

A Computer Tutorial and Animation of the Normal Ice Cycle of the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America for 1960-1979.

Computer animation tutorial:

R.A. Assel and J.M. Ratkos
(PDF 727 KB)
TM-075 Sediment Trap Study in the Green Bay Mass Balance Program: Mass and Organic Carbon Fluxes, Resuspension, and Particle Settling Velocities. B.J. Eadie, G.L. Bell, and N. Hawley
(PDF 1.6 MB)
TM-074 Great Lakes Hydromet Database Directory Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
(PDF 1 MB)
TM-073 Currents and Water Temperatures Observed in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Part I: Winter 1988-1989, Part II: Summer 1989. E.S. Gottlieb, J.H. Saylor, G.S. Miller
(PDF 4.1 MB)
TM-072 Currents, Temperatures, and Divergences Observed in Eastern Central Lake Michigan During May-October 1984. E.S. Gottlieb, J.H. Saylor, and G.S. Miller
(PDF 1.9 MB)
TM-071 Currents and Temperatures Observed in Lake Michigan from June 1982 to July 1983. E.S. Gottlieb, J.H. Saylor, and G.S. Miller
(PDF 986 KB)
TM-070 Lumped Modeling of Laurentian Great Lakes Evaporation, Heat Storage, and Energy Fluxes for Forecasting and Simulation. T.E. Croley II
(PDF 1.6 MB)
TM-069 Nearshore Great Lakes Ice Statistics. S.J. Bolsenga, G.M. Greene, and K.M. Hinkel
(PDF 897 KB)
TM-068 Potential variation of Great Lakes water levels: a hydrologic response analysis. H.C. Hartmann
(PDF 698 KB)
TM-067 Southern Lake Michigan Nutrients, Temperature, Chlorophyll, Plankton, and Water Movement During 1983 and 1984 G.A. Laird, D. Scavia, G. Fahnenstiel, L.A. Strong, J.M. Malczyk, G.A. Lang, and W.S. Gardner
(PDF 597 KB)
TM-066 An Evaluation of Great Lakes Hydraulic Routing Models. H.C. Hartmann
(PDF 188 KB)
TM-065 Great Lakes Storm Surge Planning Program (SSPP). D.J. Schwab and E.W. Lynn
(PDF 60 KB)
TM-064 Minimizing long-term wind set-up errors in estimated mean Erie and Superior lake levels. T.E. Croley II
(PDF 803 KB)
TM-063 User's Manual for GLERL Data Access System (GDAS). D.J. Schwab, E.W. Lynn, and G.E. Spalding
(PDF 692 KB)
TM-062 A method for using a CalComp 9480 digitizer coupled with menu-driven software to measure amphipod body length and gut fullness. G.A. Lang and M.A. Quigley
(PDF 435 KB)
TM-061 Near-real-time forecasting of large-lake water supplies; a user's manual. T.E. Croley II, and H.C. Hartmann
(PDF 1.6 MB)
TM-060 A Review: Phosphorus-Plankton Dynamics and Phosphorus Cycling in Aquatic Systems. S.J. Tarapchak and C. Nalewajko
(PDF 849 KB)
TM-059 Calculation of Vertical Diffusivity in Lake Washington Based on Long-Term Simulation of Thermal Structure. G.A. Lang and D. Scavia
(PDF 989 KB)
TM-058 Lake Superior Cooling Season Temperature Climatology. R.A. Assel
(PDF 2 MB)
TM-057 The Coupled Lakes Model for Estimating the Long-Term Response of the Great Lakes to Time-Dependent Loadings of Particle-Associated Contaminants. J.A. Robbins
(PDF 1.9 MB)
TM-056 Great Lakes Regional Fallout Source Functions. J.A. Robbins
(PDF 177 KB)
TM-055 Great Lakes Winter Weather and Ice Conditions for 1982-83. R.A. Assel, C.R. Snider, R. Lawrence
(PDF 1.9 MB)
TM-054 Update of U.S. Great Lakes Tributary Loadings, 1979-80. G.A. Lang
(PDF 1 MB)
TM-053 "Pathfinder"--A Trajectory Prediction System for the Great Lakes. D.J. Schwab, J.R. Bennett, E.W. Lynn
(PDF 758 KB)
TM-052 Capabilities of Various Research Organizations to Provide Information on Great Lakes Water Quality. E.J. Aubert
(PDF 222 KB )
TM-051 A Two-Dimensional Lake Wave Prediction System. D.J. Schwab, J.R. Bennett, and E.W. Lynn
(PDF 1.9 MB)
TM-050 Lake Superior Basin Runoff Modeling. T.E. Croley II, H.C. Hartmann
TM-049 Investigation of the Currents and Density Structure of Lake Erie. J.H. Saylor, G.S. Miller
(PDF 1.5 MB)
TM-048 Lake Erie Regional Ice Cover Analysis: Preliminary Results. R.A. Assel
(PDF 465K)
*TM-047 Forecasting Ice-Cover Freeze-Up, Growth, and Breakup on the St. Marys River. G.M. Greene
TM-046 A Two-Dimensional Lake Circulation Modeling System: Programs to Compute Particle Trajectories and the Motion of Dissolved Substances. J.R. Bennett, A.H. Clites, D.J. Schwab
(PDF 2.6MB)
TM-045 The Cycling of Toxic Organics in the Great Lakes: A 3-Year Status Report. B.J. Eadie, J.A. Robbins, PF. Landrum, C.P. Rice, M.S. Simmons, M.J. McCormick, and others
(PDF 2.4MB)
TM-044 Ice-Cover Growth Rates at Nearshore Locations in the Great Lakes. K.M. Hinkel
(PDF 431K)
TM-043 Lake Ontario Basin Runoff Modeling. T.E. Croley II, H.C. Hartmann
(PDF 800 K)
TM-042 A Numerical Model of Cohesive Suspended Sediment Dynamics. N. Hawley
(PDF 2.4MB)
TM-041 Documentation of SED--A Sediment/Water Column Contaminant Model. G.A. Lang and S.C. Chapra
(PDF 1.8MB)
TM-040 Effect of Channel Changes in the St. Clair River Since 1900. J.A. Derecki
(PDF 262K)
TM-039 Great Lakes Basins Runoff Modeling T.E. Croley II
(PDF 3.8MB)
TM-038 A Two-Dimensional Lake Circulation Modeling System D.J. Schwab, J.R. Bennett, A.T. Jessup
(PDF 2.3MB)
TM-037 An Equilibrium Model for the Partitioning of Synthetic Organic Compounds Incorporating First-Order Decomposition B.J. Eadie, M.J. McCormick, C. Rice, P. LeVon, M. Simmons
(PDF 589K)
TM-036 Simulation of ice-cover growth and decay in one dimension on the upper St. Lawrence River. G.M. Greene
(PDF 1.2MB)
TM-035 An equilibrium model for the partitioning of synthetic organic compounds: Formulation and calibration. B.J. Eadie
(PDF 1.8MB)
TM-034 Improved St. Clair River dynamic flow models and comparison analysis. J.A. Derecki and R.N. Kelley
(PDF 769K)
TM-033 Categorization of northern Green Bay ice cover using LANDSAT-1 digital data--A case study. G.A. Leshkevich
(PDF 362K)
TM-032 The free oscillations of Lake St. Clair--An application of Lanczos' procedure. D.J. Schwab
(PDF 180K)
TM-031 Summary of Great Lakes weather and ice conditions, winter 1978-79. B.H. DeWitt, D.F. Kahlbaum, D.G.Baker, J.H. Wartha, F.A. Keyes, D.E. Boyce, F.H. Quinn, R.A. Assel, A. Baker-Blocker, K.M. Kurdziel.
(PDF 7.0MB)
TM-030 An evaluation of the climatic impact of the Niagara ice boom relative to air and water temperature and winter severity. F.H. Quinn, R.A. Assel, D.W. Gaskill
(PDF 405K)
TM-029 Evaporation from Lake Superior. J.A. Derecki
(PDF 649K)
TM-028 Nearshore chemistry in the vicinity of the Grand River, Michigan. R.L. Chambers and B.J. Eadie
(PDF 492K)
TM-027 New observations on the daily variations of natural ice albedo. S.J. Bolsenga
(PDF 918K)
TM-026 Summary of Great Lakes weather and ice conditions, winter 1977-78. R.A. Assel, D.E. Boyce, B.H. DeWitt, J.H. Wartha, and F.A. Keyes.
(PDF 7.7MB)
TM-025 Solar altitude effects on ice albedo. S.J. Bolsenga
(PDF 667K)
TM-024 Upper St. Lawrence River hydraulic transient model. A.J. Potok
(PDF 3.1MB)
TM-023 Evaporation from Lake St. Clair. J.A. Derecki
(PDF 330K)
TM-022 Characteristics of the Oswego River plume and its influence on the nearshore environment. G.L. Bell
(PDF 1.2MB)
TM-021 Temperature and dissolved oxygen data for Lake Ontario, 1972 (IFYGL). J.D. Boyd and B.J. Eadie
(PDF 6.9MB)
TM-020 Summary of Great Lakes weather and ice conditions, winter 1976-77. F.H. Quinn, R.A. Assel, D.E. Boyce, G.A. Leshkevich, C.R. Snider, D. Weisnet
(PDF 7.4MB)
TM-019 Surface wave data recorded in Lake Michigan during 1973 and 1975-77. B.C. Doughty, T.A. Kessenich, P.C. Liu
(PDF 38K)
TM-018 Photosynthetically active radiation transmission through ice. S.J. Bolsenga
(PDF 741K)
TM-017 On the use of multispectral radar to define certain characteristics of Great Lakes ice. S.J. Bolsenga
(PDF 312K)
TM-016 A general circulation model for lakes. J.C.K. Huang
(PDF 813K)
TM-015 Winter currents in Lake Huron. J.H. Saylor, and G.S. Miller
(PDF 2.9MB)
TM-014 Detroit and St. Clair River transient models. F.H. Quinn and J.C. Hagman
(PDF 959K)
TM-013 On the use of microwave radiation for Great Lakes ice surveillance. B.B. Hagman
(PDF 296K)
TM-012 Great Lakes ice cover, winter 1975-76. G.A. Leshkevich
(PDF 1.1MB)
TM-011 Great Lakes water temperatures, 1966-75. J.L. Grumblatt
(PDF 6.9MB)
TM-010 Lake St. Clair hydrologic transfer factors. F.H. Quinn
(PDF 471K)
TM-009 An analysis of Great Lakes ice cover from satellite imagery. B.B. Hagman
TM-008 Evaluation of techniques for long-range forecasting of air temperature and ice formation. J.C. Rogers
(PDF 247K)
TM-007 Long-range forecasting of maximum ice extent on the Great Lakes. J.C. Rogers
(PDF 230K)
TM-006 St. Lawrence River freeze-up forecast procedure. R.A. Assel
(PDF 143K)
TM-005 Eastern Lake Ontario precipitation network. S.J. Bolsenga and D.C. Norton
(PDF 1.2MB)
TM-004 Operational ice forecast for the Little Rapids Cut. J.C. Rogers, B.H. DeWitt, and D. Dixon
(PDF 3.5 MB)
TM-003 Lake Superior bathythermograph data. G.A. Leshkevich
(PDF 6.8 MB)
*TM-002 Surface wave data recorded in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. P.C. Liu and T.A. Kessenich
TM-001 Lake Ontario Basin: Overland precipitation. D.C. Norton
(PDF 261K)

Ice Thickness and Stratigraphy at Nearshore Locations on the Great Lakes (English Units)

Appendix Part 1 (19.5 MB)
Appendix Part 2 (9.3 MB)
Appendix Part 3 (17.1 MB)
Appendix Part 4 (18.3 MB)

F.E. Sleator
(PDF 6.9 MB)

Lake Erie Chemical and Physical Characteristics Data for 1965.

Appendices - A-Limnological Data, B-Wind, Wave, and Sediment Data, C-Statistical Summary (750 KB)

G.L. Bell
(PDF 324K)

Lake Erie Chemical and Physical Characteristics Data for 1967

G.L. Bell
(PDF 650K)

Lake Ontario Chemical and Physical Characteristics Data for 1972

Appendices - A-Limnological Data, B-Statistical Summary

G.L. Bell
(PDF 288K)
DR-016 Computerized Bathymetry and Shorelines of the Great Lakes. D.J. Schwab and D.L. Sellers.
DR-024 A Computerized Ice Concentration Data Base for the Great Lakes. R.A. Assel
(PDF 204K)
DR-030 Measurements of Ice Motion in Lake Erie Using Satellite-Tracked Drifter Buoys J.E. Campbell, A.H. Clites, and G.M. Greene
(PDF 8.3 MB)
TR ERL 325 GLERL-01 Great Lakes Ice Cover, Winter 1973-74 R.A. Assel

(PDF 1.7 MB)

TR ERL 342 GLERL-03 Evaporation from Lake Erie J.A. Derecki

(PDF 4.2 MB)

TR ERL 353 GLERL-05 Measurements of Current Flow During Summer in Lake Huron P.W. Sloss and J.H. Saylor

(PDF 1.2 MB)

TR ERL 359 GLERL-06 Saginaw Bay Water Circulation L.J. Danek and J.H. Saylor

(PDF 1.5 MB)

TR ERL 363 GLERL-08 Large-Scale Current Measurements in Lake Superior (Part 1) (Part 2) P.W. Sloss and J.H. Saylor

(PDF Part 1- 7.3 MB, Part 2- 6.6 MB)

TR ERL 408 GLERL-14 Spectral Growth and Nonlinear Characteristics of Wind Waves in Lake Ontario P.C. Liu
(PDF 3.2 MB)
NOAA ERL Boulder Greater Lower Bounds for Odd Perfect Numbers Beauregard Stubblefield
(PDF 65.8 MB)
NOAA TM NOS LSC D 6 Great Lakes Ice Cover Winter 1971-72 R.A. Assel
(PDF 5.9 MB)
NOAA TM NOS LSC R 4 Lake Superior Beginning-of-Month Water levels and Monthly Rates of Storage Changes F.H. Quinn and M.J. Todd
(PDF 5.4 MB)
NOAA TM NOS LSC D 7 Great Lakes Ice Cover Winter 1972-73 R.A. Assel
(PDF 6.9 MB)

* indicates Tech Memo is not available online. To obtain a copy, please contact publications office.

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