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Talking With Your Adult Patients

Talking With Your Adult Patients About Alcohol, Drug, and/or Mental Health Problems:
A Discussion Guide for Primary Health Care Providers

Equips clinicians with questions to begin discussions with adult patients about alcohol, illicit drug, and mental health problems, as well as co-occurring disorders. Includes resources for patients who need an evaluation as a result of a positive screen.

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Talking with Your Adult Patients about Alcohol, Drug, and/or Mental Health Problems | PDF 275 KB
Reference and Resource Guide

Reference and Resource Guide for Working with Hispanic/Latino Older Adults
This resource guide provides culturally competent treatment information for providers working with Hispano/Latino older adults.

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Reference and Resource Guide for Working with Hispanic/Latino Older Adults | PDF 472 KB

TIP 27 Desk Reference

Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment: A Guide for Treatment Providers
Based on Treatment Improvement Protocol 27, provides the substance abuse treatment provider with an overview of common models of case management and major activities conducted along the substance abuse treatment continuum. Describes unique case management strategies for clients with special needs.

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HIV/AIDS: Is Your Adult Client At Risk?

HIV/AIDS: Is Your Adult Client At Risk? A Pocket Tool for Substance Abuse Treatment Providers
This pocket counseling tool is based on Treatment Improvement Protocol 37, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With HIV/AIDS. It provides a series of 24 questions and talking points that substance abuse treatment providers can review with their clients to determine if the client is engaging in HIV/AIDS risk behaviors. Designed to be easy to use and easy to carry, the pocket tool can be administered quickly and contains a number of suggestions to help counselors and clinicians broaden the conversation and make their clients comfortable when discussing such issues.

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View HIV/AIDS: Is Your Adult Client At Risk? A Pocket Tool for Substance Abuse Treatment Providers | PDF 160 KB


Alcohol Use Among Older Adults Pocket Screening Instruments

Alcohol Use Among Older Adults: Pocket Screening Instruments for Health Care and Social Service Providers
This pocket screening tool, based on TIP 26, contains facts about the use of alcohol by older adults, screening instruments including the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test — Geriatric Version, and resources for providers seeking more information. It can be used by a variety of health service professionals working with older adults.


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Classifying Skin Lesions of Injection Drug Users 

Classifying Skin Lesions of Injection Drug Users: A Method for Corroborating Disease Risk
These postcards illustrate a classification system to identify appearance of skin lesions on people who inject drugs. Injection drug use often is associated with increased risk for HIV and hepatitis B and C infection. For those working in the healthcare and substance abuse treatment fields, having the ability to distinguish drug injection lesions (i.e., needle track marks) from lesions attributable to other factors may help facilitate accurate diagnoses and promote the delivery of effective treatments and other interventions to reduce patient risk.