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For Immediate Release: November 16, 2009
Contact: Cory Churches  (202) 482-3809


WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than thirteen hundred firms from across the U.S. and around the world participated in today’s American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting. Many were on hand to learn about the International Trade Administration’s (ITA) Civil Nuclear Trade Initiative from Mary Saunders, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Manufacturing and Services.

Ms. Saunders participated in a special session entitled “Global Opportunities for Right-Sized Reactors” where she highlighted the efforts of ITA in promoting the global opportunities for small and medium-sized reactors (SMRs).

“Expanding civil nuclear power makes environmental and business sense. ITA works to strengthen U.S. competitiveness in the civil nuclear energy field in several ways,” said Saunders. “We work with U.S. industry so that it will benefit from trade opportunities. ITA also ensures that the views and concerns of U.S. business are considered by domestic policy makers and at international government meetings that affect the nuclear energy industry. Overall, our reinvigorated public-private partnership, through our Civil Nuclear Trade Initiative helps to ensure that the United States improves its competitive position in the international civil nuclear market.”

With the launch of the Civil Nuclear Trade Initiative in October 2008, the Civil Nuclear Trade Working Group was established to identify and address policy issues inhibiting market access for U.S. products and services. Outreach and industry education is part of the Initiative and ITA has launched an on-line, interactive Civil Nuclear Exporters Guide to help companies navigate the often-complex export licensing process.
