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The Integrated Proposal Tracking System (IPTS) is designed for users, Instrument Staff, and the User Office personnel of the Spallation Neutron Source and the High Flux Isotope Reactor to submit and track proposals.

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New ORNL Personalized User Portal

We are pleased to announce our new Personalized User Portal designed to provide our users with important status information and to make our users research experiences more enjoyable. Visit your Personalized User Portal by clicking the button on the right.

ORNL User Portal

Login Help: Contact the IT support group for assistance at Email sns_it@ornl.gov or HELPLINE@ornl.gov  (Phone 865-241-6765). (Note: IPTS access will be locked after 5 failed attempts.  Contact the IT support group to unlock the account.)

Don't forget to check your "My Profile" area in IPTS -- Is your employer and citizenship correct in IPTS?  If not you may need to update your profile.  In the upper right-hand corner, select "My Profile" to update your citizenship and institution for auto-fill functions in the proposal system

Safety: Safe operations are integral to the ORNL mission, as practiced in the Integrated Safety Management System. A user must agree to adhere to all relevant safety requirements and to complete all user training deemed necessary by a given facility. 

User Agreements: USDOE requires that its ORNL operating contractor (UT-Battelle) and the institution of each user who accesses its User Facilities sign, in advance, a standard agreement dealing with such topics as intellectual property, liability, site access, safety, and publications. The User Agreement is not project-specific and it applies to virtually all of an institution's approved proposals at ORNL's designated User Facilities. If an applicable agreement does not already exist, the user or institution will receive an agreement and instructions from the ORNL Sponsored Research Office (useragmt@ornl.gov)

(The NScD User Office and UTB Office of Technology Transfer will initiate preparation of these agreements for approved proposals, if the agreements do not already exist.)

Intent to Publish: As a condition for performing nonproprietary research, the U.S. Dept of Energy requires users to publish results from their research. Authorship of publications based on research from these facilities should reflect the normal considerations of recognizing collaborations. It is also important to take into account the considerable efforts of the instrument scientists in their role of designing, constructing, and/or operating the instrument and related facilities. Results are typically published in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, or presentations at technical conferences. Proprietary users are not required to publish.

Credit Line: Each facility [SNS or HFIR] should be acknowledged with this required statement: [A portion of] This research at ORNL's High Flux Isotope Reactor [and/or Spallation Neutron Source, as appropriate] was sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.

Please submit bibliographic information for your publications via the Publications Portal


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Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a national multi-program research and development facility
managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 4:11 PM — 174,011

Office of Science SNS Logo - Click for SNS Website HFIR Logo - Click for HFIR Website