
Since 2/12/13 01:55 pm


Since 2/13/13 10:20 am


Since 2/13/13 08:05 am
OLCF User Assistance Center

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OLCF support consultants are available to respond to your emails and phone calls from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. Emails received outside of regular support hours will be addressed the next business day.

Data Management

Programs to facilitate the movement or manipulation of scientific data.
The Adaptable IO System (ADIOS) provides a simple, flexible way for scientists to describe the data in their code that may need to be written, read, or processed outside of the running simulation.
BBCP is a multi-streaming transfer utility often used for very large files.
The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive tools used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data.
HDF5 for Python (h5py) is a general-purpose Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library, version 5 (HDF5).
The Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes, and is designed for flexible and efficient I/O and for high volume and complex data.
The Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes, and is designed for flexible and efficient I/O and for high volume and complex data.
lsq is a replacement for the ls command when the directory contains very many files and file size is of limited importance.
Lustredu was written to give the user the ability to view that last recorded size of a directory.
NCO manipulates data stored in netCDF format.
pltar is another tar utility. It allows for the preservation of Lustre meta-data during archive, as well as restoring that meta-data upon extract.
Silo is a library for reading and writing a wide variety of scientific data to binary, disk files.
spdcp is a file copy utility. It allows for the propagation of Lustre meta-data during copy, as well as the use of multiple clients to perform the copy.
WGRIB is a program to manipulate, inventory and decode GRIB files. The program is known to work on machines ranging from 486s to Cray supercomputers. (One fellow even ported it to a 286!) The program is Y2K friendly (NCO Y2K testing procedure).