USGS - science for a changing world

Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative

ARMI » Disclaimer


Data Liability

USGS, ARMI and its partners shall not be held liable for improper or inappropriate use of data obtained from the ARMI website. The data represented on this site vary in scale, completeness, extent of coverage, accuracy, and origin. We highly recommend reviewing available metadata files and contacting data originators prior to interpreting these data. Although the data have undergone several rounds of review, it is possible that minor errors or inaccuracies have remained undetected. Also, some of these data are estimates resulting from models. ARMI data should therefore be considered provisional given that ongoing review and reanalysis is likely to result in future revision. Users are cautioned to carefully consider this before using ARMI data for decisions directly relating to public and personal safety issues or those involving significant monetary or operational consequence.

Data Acknowledgement

We request that all users of any ARMI data clearly acknowledge the contribution of the data originator. This acknowledgment shall include at most, co-authorship, and at least, recognition in any printed or internet content with their consent, and will depend largely on the degree to which a given analysis or publication relies on any single data contributor’s work. These data are provided as a public service and educational tool for the general community. We ask all researchers making use of ARMI data to communicate directly with the data contributors prior to publication. Consultation before and during analysis of the data is essential to the proper use of these data. All parties using ARMI data should adhere to our recommended citation format. We ask that any publications or reports that use these data are provided to ARMI in the form of a pdf. See here for a our contact list.

Citation Format

The below citation format is for access to a single datasource (project) downloaded from the ARMI web portal. If multiple datasets are used in an analysis then each should be cited separately.

[Data Contributor]. [Data Date]. [Project Name]. USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Database. San Diego, CA. <>. (Accessed: Date [e.g., April 3, 2012]).


Fisher, R. 2009-2012. Arroyo toad monitoring. USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Database. San Diego, CA. <>. (Accessed: April 3, 2012)

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, February 14, 2013