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The NHTSA Office of Behavioral Safety Research (OBSR) has conducted national telephone surveys focusing on different program areas since 1991. The results have been disseminated through published and posted reports. Beginning in 2009, OBSR will post its most recent telephone survey databases (listed below) with accompanying explanatory materials for use by the public.

National Surveys of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behavior

- 2008 Survey
2008 Report
2008 database
Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Surveys (MVOSS)
- 2007 MVOSS
2007 Report
2007 Database

Survey Databases

OBSR also has collected data in areas such as drinking and driving; drug use and driving; and vehicle speed in naturalistic settings (e.g., on the road). Selected databases from such surveys will be posted for use by interested parties once the databases become available and are prepared for public dissemination.