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  • Technology Investment Agreement (TIA)

    TIAs are governed by Part 37 of the DoD Grants and Agreements Regulations (DoDGARs). TIAs are assistance instruments used to support or stimulate research. The ultimate goal for using TIAs, like other assistance instruments used in defense research programs, is to foster the best technologies for future defense needs. TIAs therefore are designed to reduce barriers to commercial firms’ participation in defense research, to give the Department of Defense (DoD) access to the broadest possible technology and industrial base; promote new relationships among performers in both the defense and commercial sectors of that technology and industrial base; and stimulate performers to develop, use, and disseminate improved practices.

    Who is eligible to receive a TIA?  

    DARPA may award a TIA only when one or more for-profit firms will be involved in either the performance of the research project or the commercial application of the research results. 


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