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Are cadets counseled on the selection of a major?

Most definitely. Cadets are advised by Academic Advisors who discuss the academic majors in relation to career areas and opportunities in the Air Force. After selecting a major, you'll be assigned to a faculty advisor from an academic department who will assist you with course selections, schedules and other academic matters.

Are cadets graded on their military performance?

Yes, all Academy personnel who instruct, supervise or coach cadets submit a military performance appraisal on each cadet. These inputs are used to create the Military Performance Average (MPA) similar to the academic GPA. Cadets who fall below a 2.0 MPA will meet a Military Review Committee (MRC) - similar to an ARC, which reviews academic deficiencies. The MRC may place a cadet on aptitude probation, initiate corrective action or make recommendations to the Commandant or the Academy Board.

Can cadets take elective courses?

Many electives are offered and cadets who receive transfer or validation credit may substitute electives for those particular courses. Cadets with a prescribed Grade Point Average (GPA) may also overload during most semesters, allowing them to take other nonprescribed courses. Every cadet, however, must remain at the Academy for four years, no matter how many extra course credits are earned. Every cadet must also take a certain number of classes each semester - usually six academic courses (except for Fourth-Class cadets who only take five courses their first semester).

Can cadets transfer credits or validate courses?

When you enter the Academy, you'll take several validation tests offered by the various academic departments. Successful completion of a test will enable you to be placed in an accelerated or advanced course, or perhaps to receive validation credit and substitute another course. Representatives from each department review transcripts of new cadets who have prior college credit. Credit may be awarded for any satisfactorily completed college course that is equivalent to a course in the Academy curriculum. A cadet who passes a validation examination or who makes an acceptable score on a College Board Advanced Placement examination may also earn validation credit. Departments certify this credit to the Office of Registrar, Customer Service.

Can cadets with marginal grades seek help?

Cadets are encouraged to contact their instructors at any time to request extra instruction outside the classroom. Faculty instructors want to assist cadets who need individual tutoring. An Academic Review Committee (ARC), consisting of several officers from various organizations, interviews cadets having academic difficulty and recommends remedial action. The Student Services Division has programs, facilities and personnel dedicated to assisting cadets interested in improving their performance.

Do all cadets take the same classes?

The Academy requires all cadets to take a core academic curriculum. This core curriculum covers a broad spectrum of classes in humanities, social sciences, engineering and basic sciences. This core load makes up 109 semester hours of the academic program and is the foundation for a cadet's future service as an officer in the Air Force. Cadets then receive further specialization in one of 32 Academy majors currently offered.

Do cadets earn Air Force flying ratings?

Cadets do not earn Air Force "wings" at the Academy; however, cadets who complete several airmanship and navigation courses during their four years can gain sufficient flight experience, which serves as excellent preparation for pilot or navigator training after graduation.

Do cadets receive any special recognition for outstanding grades?

Cadets who achieve at least a 3.0 GPA are recognized by the Dean of the Faculty and wear a small silver star on their uniform. Cadets who are recognized for achievement in military performance by the Commandant of Cadets wear a silver wreath. Cadets who are recognized for excellence in physical education by the Director of Athletics wear a silver lightning bolt. Those cadets on all three lists are recognized by the Superintendent and wear the star enclosed in the wreath between two small lightning bolts.

How are cadets graded on their courses?

A computerized grading system enables instructors to keep a continuous evaluation of each cadet's performance on quizzes, examinations, homework and classroom recitations. A progress grade report is published at mid-semester and a final grade report is issued at the end of the semester. Most courses are graded by means of letter grades (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F) with equivalent grade point averages (4.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0, 1.7, 1.0, 0). An incomplete (I) grade is given to a cadet who does not complete the academic requirements because of incapacity, emergency or failure to finish an essential assignment. Some courses are graded pass/fail and have no effect on grade point averages.

How does the Academy’s academic program compare with other institutions?

The Air Force Academy has instituted many new concepts in service academy instruction and is recognized as an outstanding educational institution. Academy graduates have won an impressive number of Rhodes Scholarships, Truman Scholarships, National Science Foundation Fellowships and other major competitive awards. We feel this record reflects the excellence of the Academy's academic program.

What library facilities are available?

The Academy Library, with a collection of over 1.5 million items, supports the academic, research and recreational needs of all cadets and faculty members and has accumulated one of the most outstanding aeronautical collections in the nation. Other useful features of the library are the current periodical and newspaper collections, the microform collections and listening rooms for musical and narrative records and tapes. With a seating capacity for 1,300 readers, the library has open book stacks to afford complete access to materials.

What type of faculty does the Academy have?

The Academy has a military and civilian faculty. The military faculty is composed primarily of Air Force officers with a few officers from the other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and from the military forces of allied nations who serve in a liaison capacity. The civilian faculty is composed of both government employees and visiting faculty. The civilian government employees are on renewable term appointments and hold all academic ranks as well as several administrative positions. The civilian visiting faculty members come to the Academy from academic institutions, government agencies and industry and are assigned to academic departments for one or two years. Like other institutions of higher learning, the faculty is organized by academic division and department. The Dean of the Faculty and all Permanent Professor positions have been established by law.

What type of instruction does the faculty provide?

The average class is small - 15 to 20 students - which allows the instructor to establish a rapport with each cadet and to recognize a student's strengths and weaknesses. The faculty uses the seminar approach to instruction, when possible, keeping lectures to a minimum. Cadets are expected to prepare for their lessons and participate in classroom activities.

When do cadets first enter the academic program?

After you've completed BCT and have been admitted to the cadet wing, you'll be scheduled for classes at the beginning of the academic year in early August. The year is divided into two semesters, each containing approximately 17 weeks of instruction, with breaks scheduled for holidays and leave periods.

When do cadets study?

Study periods are scheduled during the day when cadets do not have classes. After dinner each evening, from Sunday through Thursday, cadets are expected to study in their rooms or in the library. Cadet tutors are arranged for cadets experiencing academic problems.

When is a cadet considered academically deficient?

A cadet is considered deficient in academics if one or more F or I grades is received on a grade report, or if the cumulative, core, or most recent semester GPA falls below 2.0. A First-Class cadet is also deficient if the major GPA falls below 2.0. At mid-semester, most deficient cadets will be placed on academic probation and will be reviewed by a Class Committee. In addition, cadets on probation will be assigned certain weekend study periods. At the end of the semester, if seriously deficient, the cadet's record will be reviewed. The board may recommend either dismissal of the cadet, or continuation on academic probation with appropriate remedial actions. The board can direct attendance at the academic summer school held at the Academy.

Where can cadets of all performance levels go to receive additional assistance?

The Student Services Center provides a full range of instruction to improve a cadet's learning techniques. The benefits of being an independent and confident learner are immeasurable. Resources available are: one-on-one advising, seminars, handouts and enrollment in Strategies for Academic Success or Reading Enhancement courses. Cadets may also seek help with any type of writing assignment from Student Services. Cadets are welcome to drop by and pick up literature on topics such as time management, procrastination avoidance, note taking, effective textbook reading, better listening skills and test strategies.

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