About OGIS

Office of Government Information Services

A Look Ahead

In its third year, OGIS continues to build on the successes of its first two years to fulfill its statutory mandate as fully as possible with its staff of seven. OGIS plans to continue its vigorous approach to both aspects of its statutory mandate related to providing mediation services and reviewing agency FOIA policies, procedures, and compliance.

    Although OGIS has not, to date, handled any cases that have gone into formal mediation, it is ready with trained professionals should the need arise, and it continues to consider various mediation program models. OGIS’s goal is to formally establish an effective and cost-efficient mediation program that can work with geographically dispersed parties as well as parties in and around the nation’s capital. OGIS continues work in FY 2012 with the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program in laying the groundwork for measuring the Office’s effectiveness.

Architechural drawing of NARA

    To create a formal assessment program, OGIS is building on National Archives programs and resources to collaborate with the agency’s ADR expert and the Information Security Oversight Office. OGIS will continue to work with National Archives experts to explore ways to improve access to Government records. OGIS looks forward to continuing collaboration with the Federal interagency Open Government Working Group, including on the international Open Government Partnership.

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