National Wildlife Health Center

...advancing wildlife and ecosystem health

New and Ongoing Wildlife Mortality Events Nationwide

USGS and a network of partners across the country work on documenting wildlife mortality events in order to provide timely and accurate information on locations, species and causes of death.  This information is used by natural resource managers, researchers, public health officials and  legislators  to help design disease prevention and mitigation strategies, to address interconnections between human, domestic animal and wildlife disease, and to assist in identification of 'normal' disease issues vs. biosecurity concerns.

These data are not all-inclusive. Information on some outbreaks may not be received until months or years after the event, but efforts continue to make the information as complete as possible. For information on previous wildlife mortality events and events that used to be on this page, please see the Quarterly Mortality Reports.

New The Recent Mortality Events Map visualizes the data on this page in an interactive map. Watch for trends and filter events based on type and location.

For additional information on mortalities

  • Western U.S.: Barb Bodenstein, 608-270-2447,
  • Central U.S.: Dr. LeAnn White, 608-270-2491,
  • Eastern U.S.: Dr. Anne Ballmann, 608-270-2445,
  • Hawaii, Pacific Islands: Dr. Thierry Work, 808-792-9520,
  • Nationwide, single animal cases only: Jennifer Buckner, 608-270-2443,

More information on reporting an event can be found at the event reporting page.

Date last updated : Feb 06, 2013

Mortality Begin Date End Date State County Species Diagnosis Estimated Mortality to Date Reported By
01/20/2013ongoingCAIMPERIALNorthern PintailOpen< 50USGS NWHC
01/14/201301/14/2013WAWHATCOMPine SiskinToxicosis suspect~ 200USGS NWHC, WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife
01/07/201301/07/2013NVCLARKGambel's QuailOpen< 10NV Division of Wildlife, USGS NWHC
01/04/2013ongoingKYEDMONSONNorthern Long-eared BatFungal Infection: white-nose syndromeunknownSCWDS
01/04/201301/04/2013WAPIERCEPine SiskinTrauma suspect, Toxicosis suspect~ 10- no diagnostics pursued -, WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife
01/03/2013ongoingTXHASKELLUnidentified Sandhill CraneOpen< 10USGS NWHC
01/03/201301/16/2013UTSALT LAKE, WEBER, DAVISEared GrebeAvian cholera~ 2000USGS NWHC, UT Div of Wildlife Resources
01/02/201301/02/2013OHCUYAHOGACanada Goose, MallardTrauma: gunshot< 50USGS NWHC
01/02/201301/12/2013WASKAGITPine Siskin Trauma suspect, Toxicosis suspect~ 1250USGS NWHC, WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife
12/31/201212/31/2012AZMOHAVEEared GrebeTrauma~ 100Univ of AZ Diagnostic Lab, USGS NWHC
12/30/2012ongoingTXLAMBLesser Sandhill CraneOpen~ 100USGS NWHC
12/30/201212/30/2012TNSEVIEREuropean Starling, Red-winged BlackbirdOpen~ 100SCWDS
12/28/2012ongoingCAHUMBOLDTTundra Swan, Green-winged Teal, Pied-billed Grebe, Northern Pintail, MallardAvian cholera suspect, Pasteurellosis: septicemic< 3100CA Animal Health/Food Safety L, CA Fish & Game Disease Lab
12/24/2012ongoingWIDANEPine SiskinSalmonellosis< 10USGS NWHC
12/18/201212/18/2012MIKALAMAZOOAmerican CootBacterial enteritis, Parasitism: Leyogonimus polyoon< 5MI Dept of Natural Resources, MI State University
12/17/201201/07/2013CASONOMAUnidentified Duck, Unidentified Gull, Unidentified Domestic Or Hybrid GooseAvian cholera suspect< 10CA Fish & Game Disease Lab, - no diagnostics pursued -
12/12/2012ongoingNESTANTONGreater Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Greater White-fronted GooseOpen< 200USGS NWHC
12/02/201212/03/2012OKROGERSRed-winged BlackbirdTrauma, Toxicosis: pesticide suspect~ 100SCWDS
11/16/201212/12/2012CAORANGEAmerican Wigeon, MallardBotulism suspect< 75- no diagnostics pursued -
11/15/201212/03/2012MTYELLOWSTONEMallardAspergillosis suspect< 25- no diagnostics pursued -
11/14/201211/29/2012KYHENDERSONMallardUndetermined< 25USGS NWHC, SCWDS
11/09/201211/16/2012CAKERNHybrid Mallard Duck, MallardBotulism suspect~ 100- no diagnostics pursued -
11/07/2012ongoingCASANTA CLARAPine SiskinSalmonellosis suspect~ 10CA Animal Health/Food Safety L, CA Fish & Game Disease Lab
11/07/2012ongoingTXLYNNEurasian Collared DoveViral Infection: Avian Paramyxovirus 1 suspect< 75USGS NWHC
11/01/201212/03/2012AKANCHORAGETundra SwanEmaciation: parasitism< 10USGS NWHC
11/01/201211/06/2012NYOSWEGOLong-Tailed (AKA Oldsquaw) Duck, Common Loon, Unidentified Grebe, Unidentified GullUndetermined< 50Cornell University
11/01/2012ongoingMNITASCARing-necked Duck, MallardParasitism: trematodiasis< 10USGS NWHC
10/30/201211/01/2012NYNIAGARAMudpuppy SalamanderOpen< 150USGS NWHC
10/24/2012ongoingCASAN MATEOPine SiskinSalmonellosis~ 10CA Fish & Game Disease Lab
10/23/201210/23/2012NJMONMOUTHSwamp Sparrow, White-throated SparrowTrauma< 25SCWDS
10/21/201210/21/2012ORDESCHUTESColumbia Spotted FrogUndetermined< 10USGS NWHC
10/19/2012ongoingMNITASCAAmerican Coot, Greater Scaup, Lesser ScaupParasitism: trematodiasis< 50USGS NWHC
10/08/201201/18/2013CAVENTURA, SANTA BARBARAWestern Grebe, Clark's GrebeEmaciation, Aspergillosis~ 150CA Fish & Game Disease Lab, USGS NWHC, University of CA - Davis
10/03/201211/19/2012MABARNSTABLECommon EiderViral Infection suspect< 200USGS NWHC, SCWDS
10/02/201212/01/2012WACLARKCackling GooseAspergillosis< 25USGS NWHC
10/01/201210/15/2012ILCARROLLAmerican Coot, Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Canada GooseParasitism: trematodiasis, Parasitism: Cyathocotyle bushiensis, Parasitism: Leyogonimus polyoon< 150USGS NWHC
10/01/201211/30/2012ORMARIONCackling GooseAspergillosis suspect< 50OR State Diagnostic Lab
10/01/201212/31/2012NVCLARKMourning Dove, Rock DoveToxicosis: Avitrol, Trauma~ 10NV Division of Wildlife, USGS NWHC
09/24/201212/18/2012NVCLARKEurasian Collared DoveViral Infection: pigeon paramyxovirus 1~ 150USGS NWHC
09/17/2012ongoingMNHOUSTONMallard, American Coot, Sora Rail, Blue-winged TealParasitism: trematodiasis, Parasitism: Cyathocotyle bushiensis, Parasitism: Sphaeridiotrema globulus~ 600USGS NWHC
09/17/2012ongoingWILA CROSSEAmerican Coot, Blue-winged TealParasitism: trematodiasis, Parasitism: Leyogonimus polyoon, Parasitism: Cyathocotyle bushiensis< 250USGS NWHC
09/15/201212/05/2012MILEELANAUCommon Loon, Double-crested Cormorant, Red-necked Grebe, Horned Grebe, Long-Tailed (AKA Oldsquaw) DuckBotulism type E< 250MI Dept of Natural Resources
09/07/2012ongoingASWESTERNRed Jungle Fowl, Purple-capped Fruit DoveOpen< 50USGS NWHC
09/04/201210/22/2012CAFRESNONorthern Shoveler, American Coot, Green-winged TealBotulism type C~ 500University of CA - Davis
09/04/201211/05/2012ORMULTNOMAHCackling Goose, Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, Mallard, Wood DuckBotulism type C, Aspergillosis~ 4000USGS NWHC, OR State Diagnostic Lab
09/03/201212/01/2012CAMODOCGreater Sage GrouseOpen: emaciation< 50USGS NWHC
08/28/201210/15/2012CASISKIYOUMallard, Green-winged Teal, Northern Pintail, Northern ShovelerBotulism type C< 2650USGS NWHC
08/19/2012ongoingNDRICHLANDAmerican Coot, Blue-winged Teal, Mallard, Wood Duck, Double-crested CormorantBotulism type C< 50USGS NWHC
08/15/2012ongoingKSSALINECanada GooseOpen< 10USGS NWHC
08/08/201210/25/2012MDTALBOTMallard, Double-crested Cormorant, Killdeer, Semipalmated Sandpiper, American Black DuckBotulism type C, Toxicosis: blue-green algae suspect~ 800USGS NWHC, PA Animal Diagnostic Lab, SCWDS
08/06/2012ongoingMIMACKINACRed-necked Grebe, Herring Gull, Common LoonAspergillosis, Open~ 25USGS NWHC
07/18/2012ongoingMNLAC QUI PARLERing-billed Gull, American White PelicanBotulism type C, Viral Infection: West Nile< 2400USGS NWHC, University of MN
07/17/2012ongoingMIWAYNEMallardBotulism type C< 25MI Dept of Natural Resources
07/10/2012ongoingONTDouble-crested CormorantViral Infection: Avian Paramyxovirus 1 suspect< 25USGS NWHC
07/02/2012ongoingILCOOKMallard, Canada GooseBotulism type C< 5USGS NWHC
06/30/2012ongoingMNDAKOTAMallardBotulism type C~ 75USGS NWHC
06/23/201211/20/2012MIBENZIE, LEELANAUCommon Loon, Double-crested Cormorant, Long-Tailed (AKA Oldsquaw) Duck, Red-necked Grebe, Horned GrebeBotulism type E< 1500USGS NWHC
06/20/2012ongoingNEGARDENEared Grebe, American White PelicanBotulism suspect< 50USGS NWHC
06/18/2012ongoingSDBROWN, WALWORTHDouble-crested Cormorant, Eared Grebe, Wood Duck, American White PelicanBotulism type C, Trauma, Emaciation< 500USGS NWHC
06/13/2012ongoingHIMAUIHawaiian Coot, Hawaiian Stilt, Hybrid Mallard x Hawaiian DuckBotulism type C< 75USGS NWHC
06/06/201211/21/2012MISCHOOLCRAFTCommon Loon, Horned Grebe, Long-Tailed (AKA Oldsquaw) Duck, White-winged Scoter, Red-necked GrebeBotulism type E< 900MI Dept of Natural Resources, USGS NWHC
06/05/201211/21/2012WIDOOR, BROWN, KEWAUNEERing-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Double-crested CormorantBotulism type E< 150USGS NWHC
06/01/2012ongoingINPIKEEastern Box TurtleViral Infection: Ranavirus suspect< 25USGS NWHC
05/20/2012ongoingINJEFFERSONUnidentified BatAutolyzed/Decomposed< 50USGS NWHC
05/01/2012ongoingMNBECKERMudpuppy SalamanderOpen~ 1000USGS NWHC
04/14/2012ongoingHIHONOLULUGreat BarracudaOpen< 50USGS NWHC, - other -
04/12/2012ongoingTXMATAGORDABrown PelicanEmaciation~ 300USGS NWHC

Explanation of fields:

Mortality begin date is the date the mortality began -- for most wildlife disease events, this is an estimate only, as carcasses may not be noticed immediately.

End date is again usually an estimate of the last day new carcasses were found.

State and country identify the area in which the mortality is occurring.  NOTE:  avian mortality events may cover several counties and possibly multiple states given the migratory nature of many species.

Species shown on the table include up to 5 of the species involved in the event.  In some cases, group identifiers like 'waterfowl' or 'shorebirds' have been used instead of specific names when a large number of different species are involved.

Diagnosis includes a final diagnosis, if known, with no qualifiers; a suspected diagnosis once preliminary investigations have been made; or an indication that tests are still in process.  NOTE:  In some instances, where mortality occurred but no specimens were sent to NWHC or another diagnostic laboratory or -- in rare instances -- where tests could not definitely identify a trigger for the mortality, the cause of death may never be determined.  Such events are identified with the word 'open' in the diagnosis column.

The estimated mortality provides some indication of the severity of the event.  Numbers may change rapidly from one week to the next.

The 'reported by' field indicates the lab(s) or agencies who reported or are working on the mortality event.

USGS NWHC = USGS National Wildlife Health Center
USDA NVSL = USDA National Veterinary Services Lab
SCWDS = Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study

NOTE: If you find a dead bird, mammal, reptile or amphibian, please contact your state natural resource agency first.  They will know the proper reporting procedures for your area.  Contact information may be found online or in the government pages of your local telephone book.

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