Monday, February 18, 2013
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PA Conference 2011 - Poland

paconf2011logo200This year’s annual NATO-wide Public Affairs conference has been organized by Allied Command Transformation’s Public Affairs Office (Norfolk, USA), in coordination with Allied Command Operations’ Public Affairs Office (Mons, Belgium). The conference brought together leading PA professionals from the NATO command structure, ISAF and National MoDs/DoDs.

The agenda included a PA Policy update (MC 457/2), discussion on lessons learned from recent NATO operations (including ISAF and Unified Protector), the role of Social Media in a military/government environment (Middle East), development of websites, Strategic Communications developments and more.

Content (presentations, photos e-mail lists etc) will continue to be added to this portal, so please keep checking back for updates.

201109_pa_conference_tnPhotos (Courtesy of Henry Plimack)

Conference - Day 1
Conference - Day 2
Bydgoszcz Banquet
Visit to Bydgoszcz
Visit to Gdansk
PAO Group Photo preparation

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