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U.S. Army Warrior Care and Transition Program

The Warrior Transition Command (WTC) is the lead proponent for the Warrior Care and Transition Program (WCTP)—an Army-wide structure to provide support and services for wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers (Soldiers). WCTP enables the Army to evaluate and treat Soldiers through a comprehensive, Soldier-centric process of medical care, rehabilitation, professional development, and achievement of personal goals.

Major elements of the WCTP include:

  • Warrior Transition Units (WTUs)
    Warrior Transition Units (WTUs) provide critical support to Soldiers who are expected to require six months of rehabilitative care and complex medical management. The key to WTU success is its Triad of Care, comprised of a primary care manager (usually a physician), nurse case manager, and squad leader who create the familiar environment of a military unit and surround the Soldier and Family with comprehensive care and support, all focused on the Soldier’s mission—to heal and transition.
  • Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2)
    The Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) is the official Army program that serves severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families, wherever they are located, regardless of military status, for as long as it takes. AW2 provides individualized support to the most severely wounded Soldiers from Overseas Contingency Operations since 9/11.
  • Comprehensive Transition Plan
    The Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) is a six-part systemized process for every Soldier that includes an individual plan that the Soldier builds for him/herself with the support of the WTU cadre. Although standardized, this process allows Soldiers to customize their recovery process, enabling them to set and reach their personal goals. The CTP is not the Army’s plan for the Soldier, but a process that includes a personal, customized plan created for the Soldier by the Soldier.
  • Education and Employment
    Education and employment goals comprise a significant part of the Soldier’s time in the WTU. The Soldier’s CTP track—whether returning to duty, changing to a different Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), or separating from the Army—determines what type of education and employment goals the Soldier will pursue. A Soldier changing to a new MOS may need specific Army training to perform his/her new duties, while a Soldier separating from the Army will likely begin pursuing a specific degree or find a job upon transition. These end goals will drive the Soldier’s day-to-day work plan while he/she heals and transitions in the WTU.
  • Soldier and Family Assistance Centers (SFAC)
    Soldier and Family Assistance Centers (SFACs) are located at most military treatment facilities to serve Soldiers and their Families. The SFAC offers most of the services available throughout the installation in a central location, and SFAC staff can coordinate other services on an as-needed basis.
  • Adaptive Sports and Reconditioning
    To help Soldiers achieve their physical fitness goals, WTUs offer several adaptive reconditioning options to supplement the Soldier’s therapy, often in coordination with the U.S. Paralympic Military Program. External Link, Opens in New Window
    Since 2010, DOD and U.S. Paralympics have held the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 200 athletes from all military services, including at least 50 Soldiers, competed for medals in seven sports. Soldiers interested in competing at the 2013 Warrior Games should contact their squad leaders.

    For information about adaptive sports and reconditioning programs in your area, navigate to the Department of Veteran Affairs Adaptive Sports page External Link, Opens in New Window.