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Northern Fur Seal Photo Archive

Related Groups (Ground-Level Collection)

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A series of the same photograph from different years. The Related Groups category refers to groups of ground-level images that are of the similar locations, though they may have been taken at different times. The images within a Related Group can be used to compile a photo time series, showing the changes of a specific location over time.

Much of the ground–level photographs were created in an effort to replicate specific vantage points, specifically the 1895, 1948, 1960, and 2005/2006 photo series (see Ground-Level Images). Thus, these images that were intended to be compared over time were grouped together and given a unique Related Group name.

Aside from the ground-level photographs taken from similar viewpoints, additional related groups were created by grouping photos that were comparable by general location. These less-matched groups were also included, should the user want more time series photographs.

After these groups were determined, each group was named in the following manner: the first part is the rookery name portrayed in the set of photographs and the second part is an arbitrary number assigned to the images. One exception to this naming convention is Zapadni rookery on St. George Island, where the first part is "Zapadni Rookery (St. George Island)." This was done because there are two rookeries with the name of "Zapadni Rookery."

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