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Northern Fur Seal Photo Details

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Aerial photograph taken of Northern fur seal rookeries on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Photograph taken by Victor B. Scheffer and Karl W. Kenyon on July 14-15, 1948. Original format: 6.5x7 inch transparency.
Image ID:132
Series:1948 Aerial B&W Negatives
Original Format:6.5x7 inch Transparency
Island:St. George Island
Rookery:Zapadni (St. George Island)
Sections:Zapadni (St. George Island) 1, Zapadni (St. George Island) 2
Altitude (ft):1000 feet
Related Group:
Date Photographed:July 14, 1948
Photographer(s):V.B. Scheffer & K.W. Kenyon
Credit:U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Marine Mammal Biological Lab
Low resolution jpg:1077 x 1024, 96dpi
Original image:1948 Aerial Rookery 101.tif, 59MB, 5601 x 5323, 800dpi


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