Pictures that depict scenes from the graduation of DDE in 2010
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Program and Curriculum

Full freedom of expression is encouraged during all academic endeavors. Outside speakers and lecturers, faculty and students are encouraged to speak openly. It is the policy of the College that students and faculty will not attribute speaker's statements in public media or forums or knowingly transmit them to persons who will. When it is necessary to refer to remarks by a previous speaker, make that reference in general terms so as to protect the previous speaker's identity.

This non-attribution policy applies to online lectures, videos, forums, and any other presentations made available to DEP students. Online participants contribute to the DEP based on the adherence of our students to this policy.

It is permissible to include USAWC lectures in bibliographies of research papers, but to do this specific written permission must be obtained from the speaker.

The Distance Education Course consists of a series of eight primary courses, an elective, and two resident courses, taken over a two-year period. Each course is composed of numerous lessons. The lesson is the basic unit of instruction and consists of selected readings and other educational materials that support accomplishment of course objectives. Course performance is evaluated through writing forum participation and exercise requirements. Individual student requirements are subjective in nature, based on required study and designed to ensure that course objectives are attained.