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The Fuel Value and Power Calculators Will help you calculate how much you could afford to pay for alternative... ..more »

CVal: A Spreadsheet Tool to Evaluate the Direct Benefits and Costs of Carbon Sequestration Contracts for Managed... ..more »

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Cone Calorimeter tests results - evaluation of the flammability of untreated and treated wood products... ..more »

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forest products @ 03:52:13 PM

ibach @ 03:52:10 PM

FPL RN 0272 @ 03:52:10 PM

wood adhesives wood handbook @ 03:52:10 PM

forest products laboratory @ 03:52:07 PM

wood plastic composites @ 03:52:04 PM

Taper of wood poles @ 03:52:03 PM

silvicultural practices @ 03:52:03 PM

fire damage @ 03:41:44 PM

organizational chart @ 03:41:43 PM

Bolted Connection Strength and Bolt Hole Size @ 03:37:01 PM

wood use options for invasive species @ 03:35:48 PM

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Wood Biomass for Energy @ 03:31:19 PM

Wood Handbook, Chapter 05: Mechanical Properties of Wood @ 03:18:11 PM

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Wood Products Consumption @ 03:01:51 PM

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Literature review on use of nonwood plant fibers for building materials and panels @ 02:57:32 PM

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