Introducing our API Webinar Series

You need resources, and we are here to help with an excellent new webinar series to jump start your agency’s digital gov efforts.

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, allow developers to get creative with an agency’s data—from making content mobile ready to innovative mashups. API’s are an important data element agencies need to address when implementing the Digital Gov Strategy. Today, we are introducing an API Webinar series to get you on your way to conquering them!

On Thursday, July 19 we will host API Webinar Series Part I: APIs for Dummies–an Introduction to APIs.


In this first installment of our API webinar series, experts from NASA and the CDC will explain what APIs are, why they are important, and how they are covered in the Digital Government Strategy. This webinar will be moderated by Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist at GSA’s Digital Services Innovation Center.

What You’ll Learn

  • What an API is
  • API examples and practices from the private and public sectors
  • What the Digital Government Strategy says about APIs
  • How your agency can get started

When: Thursday, July 19, 10 a.m.-11a.m. EST

Sign up for this free and timely webinar and get ahead of the curve. Register now and sign up here for updates about future webinars in this series.

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