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Results found: 1375 Help

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Authors: Boukheris H,  Stovall M,  Gilbert ES,  Stratton KL,  Smith SA,  Weathers R,  Hammond S,  Mertens AC,  Donaldson SS,  Armstrong GT,  Robison LL,  Neglia JP,  Inskip PD
Title: Risk of salivary gland cancer after childhood cancer: a report from the childhood cancer survivor study.
Journal: Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 85(3):776-83
Date: 2013 Mar 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22836059
PMC ID: PMC3500417 [available on January 24, 2014]

Full Text

Authors: Gu F,  Pfeiffer RM,  Bhattacharjee S,  Han SS,  Taylor PR,  Berndt S,  Yang H,  Sigurdson AJ,  Toro J,  Mirabello L,  Greene MH,  Freedman ND,  Abnet CC,  Dawsey SM,  Hu N,  Qiao YL,  Ding T,  Brenner AV,  Garcia-Closas M,  Hayes R,  Brinton LA,  Lissowska J,  Wentzensen N,  Kratz C,  Moore LE,  Ziegler RG,  Chow WH,  Savage SA,  Burdette L,  Yeager M,  Chanock SJ,  Chatterjee N,  Tucker MA,  Goldstein AM,  Yang XR
Title: Common genetic variants in the 9p21 region and their associations with multiple tumours.
Journal: Br J Cancer
Date: 2013 Jan 29
PubMed ID: 23361049
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kovalchik SA,  Ronckers CM,  Veiga LH,  Sigurdson AJ,  Inskip PD,  de Vathaire F,  Sklar CA,  Donaldson SS,  Anderson H,  Bhatti P,  Hammond S,  Leisenring WM,  Mertens AC,  Smith SA,  Stovall M,  Tucker MA,  Weathers RE,  Robison LL,  Pfeiffer RM
Title: Absolute risk prediction of second primary thyroid cancer among 5-year survivors of childhood cancer.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 31(1):119-27
Date: 2013 Jan 1
Branches: BB, HGP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 23169509
PMC ID: PMC3530689 [available on January 01, 2014]

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Curtis RE,  Daugherty SE,  Goedert JJ,  Kuncl RW,  Tucker MA
Title: The association between cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 24(1):55-60
Date: 2013 Jan
Branches: HGP, IIB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 23090035
PMC ID: PMC3529829 [available on January 01, 2014]

Full Text

Authors: Gibson TM,  Smedby KE,  Skibola CF,  Hein DW,  Slager SL,  de Sanjosé S,  Vajdic CM,  Zhang Y,  Chiu BC,  Wang SS,  Hjalgrim H,  Nieters A,  Bracci PM,  Kricker A,  Zheng T,  Kolar C,  Cerhan JR,  Darabi H,  Becker N,  Conde L,  Holford TR,  Weisenburger DD,  De Roos AJ,  Butterbach K,  Riby J,  Cozen W,  Benavente Y,  Palmers C,  Holly EA,  Sampson JN,  Rothman N,  Armstrong BK,  Morton LM
Title: Smoking, variation in N-acetyltransferase 1 (NAT1) and 2 (NAT2), and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled analysis within the InterLymph consortium.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 24(1):125-34
Date: 2013 Jan
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 23160945
PMC ID: PMC3529854 [available on January 01, 2014]

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Neta G,  Pfeiffer RM,  Kwon D,  Xu L,  Freedman ND,  Hutchinson AA,  Chanock SJ,  Sturgis EM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Brenner AV
Title: Common obesity-related genetic variants and papillary thyroid cancer risk.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 21(12):2268-71
Date: 2012 Dec
Branches: BB, CGR, LTG, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 23064004
PMC ID: PMC3518668 [available on December 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Gilbert ES,  Hall P,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Vaalavirta L,  Dores GM,  Stovall M,  Holowaty EJ,  Lynch CF,  Curtis RE,  Smith SA,  Kleinerman RA,  Kaijser M,  Storm HH,  Pukkala E,  Weathers RE,  Linet MS,  Rajaraman P,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Brown LM,  van Leeuwen FE,  Fossa SD,  Johannesen TB,  Langmark F,  Lamart S,  Travis LB,  Aleman BM
Title: Risk of treatment-related esophageal cancer among breast cancer survivors.
Journal: Ann Oncol 23(12):3081-91
Date: 2012 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 22745217
PMC ID: PMC3501231 [available on December 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Melin BS,  Wang Z,  McKean-Cowdin R,  Michaud DS,  Wang SS,  Bondy M,  Houlston R,  Jenkins RB,  Wrensch M,  Yeager M,  Ahlbom A,  Albanes D,  Andersson U,  Freeman LE,  Buring JE,  Butler MA,  Braganza M,  Carreon T,  Feychting M,  Fleming SJ,  Gapstur SM,  Gaziano JM,  Giles GG,  Hallmans G,  Henriksson R,  Hoffman-Bolton J,  Inskip PD,  Johansen C,  Kitahara CM,  Lathrop M,  Liu C,  Le Marchand L,  Linet MS,  Lonn S,  Peters U,  Purdue MP,  Rothman N,  Ruder AM,  Sanson M,  Sesso HD,  Severi G,  Shu XO,  Simon M,  Stampfer M,  Stevens VL,  Visvanathan K,  White E,  Wolk A,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Zheng W,  Decker P,  Enciso-Mora V,  Fridley B,  Gao YT,  Kosel M,  Lachance DH,  Lau C,  Rice T,  Swerdlow A,  Wiemels JL,  Wiencke JK,  Shete S,  Xiang YB,  Xiao Y,  Hoover RN,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Chatterjee N,  Hartge P,  Chanock SJ
Title: Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis.
Journal: Hum Genet 131(12):1877-88
Date: 2012 Dec
PubMed ID: 22886559
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Zhang L,  Lan Q,  Ji Z,  Li G,  Shen M,  Vermeulen R,  Guo W,  Hubbard AE,  McHale CM,  Rappaport SM,  Hayes RB,  Linet MS,  Yin S,  Smith MT,  Rothman N
Title: Leukemia-related chromosomal loss detected in hematopoietic progenitor cells of benzene-exposed workers.
Journal: Leukemia 26(12):2494-8
Date: 2012 Dec
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22643707
PMC ID: PMC3472034 [available on June 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Nieters A,  Conde L,  Slager SL,  Brooks-Wilson A,  Morton L,  Skibola DR,  Novak AJ,  Riby J,  Ansell SM,  Halperin E,  Shanafelt TD,  Agana L,  Wang AH,  De Roos AJ,  Severson RK,  Cozen W,  Spinelli J,  Butterbach K,  Becker N,  de Sanjose S,  Benavente Y,  Cocco P,  Staines A,  Maynadié M,  Foretova L,  Boffetta P,  Brennan P,  Lan Q,  Zhang Y,  Zheng T,  Purdue M,  Armstrong B,  Kricker A,  Vajdic CM,  Grulich A,  Smith MT,  Bracci PM,  Chanock SJ,  Hartge P,  Cerhan JR,  Wang SS,  Rothman N,  Skibola CF
Title: PRRC2A and BCL2L11 gene variants influence risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: results from the InterLymph consortium.
Journal: Blood 120(23):4645-8
Date: 2012 Nov 29
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 23047821
PMC ID: PMC3512239 [available on November 29, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Pearce MS,  Salotti JA,  Little MP,  McHugh K,  Lee L,  Kim KP,  Howe NL,  Ronckers CM,  Rajaraman P,  Craft AW,  Parker L,  Berrington de Gonzá¡lez AB
Title: CT scans in childhood and risk of leukaemia and brain tumours - Authors' reply
Journal: Lancet 380(9855):1736-7
Date: 2012 Nov 17
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Moore SC,  Patel AV,  Matthews CE,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Park Y,  Katki HA,  Linet MS,  Weiderpass E,  Visvanathan K,  Helzlsouer KJ,  Thun M,  Gapstur SM,  Hartge P,  Lee IM
Title: Leisure time physical activity of moderate to vigorous intensity and mortality: a large pooled cohort analysis.
Journal: PLoS Med 9(11):e1001335
Date: 2012 Nov
Branches: BB, EBP, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 23139642
PMC ID: PMC3491006

Full Text

Authors: Neta G,  Stewart PA,  Rajaraman P,  Hein MJ,  Waters MA,  Purdue MP,  Samanic C,  Coble JB,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: Occupational exposure to chlorinated solvents and risks of glioma and meningioma in adults.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 69(11):793-801
Date: 2012 Nov
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22864249
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wu LC,  Kleinerman RA,  Curtis RE,  Savage SA,  de González AB
Title: Patterns of bone sarcomas as a second malignancy in relation to radiotherapy in adulthood and histologic type.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 21(11):1993-9
Date: 2012 Nov
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 22964827
PMC ID: PMC3493823 [available on May 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Linet MS,  Beane Freeman LE,  Check DP,  Church TR,  Park Y,  Purdue MP,  Schairer C,  Berrington de González A
Title: Cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, and thyroid cancer risk: a pooled analysis of five prospective studies in the United States.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 23(10):1615-24
Date: 2012 Oct
Branches: BB, NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22843022
PMC ID: PMC3511822

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM
Title: Smoking and lymphoma: a small part of a complex story.
Journal: Leuk Lymphoma 53(10):1853-4
Date: 2012 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22462617
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Sakata R,  Kleinerman RA,  Mabuchi K,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Weathers R,  Wactawski-Wende J,  Cookfair DL,  Boice JD Jr,  Inskip PD
Title: Cancer mortality following radiotherapy for benign gynecologic disorders.
Journal: Radiat Res 178(4):266-79
Date: 2012 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22856888
PMC ID: PMC3471655 [available on October 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Veiga LH,  Lubin JH,  Anderson H,  de Vathaire F,  Tucker M,  Bhatti P,  Schneider A,  Johansson R,  Inskip P,  Kleinerman R,  Shore R,  Pottern L,  Holmberg E,  Hawkins MM,  Adams MJ,  Sadetzki S,  Lundell M,  Sakata R,  Damber L,  Neta G,  Ron E
Title: A pooled analysis of thyroid cancer incidence following radiotherapy for childhood cancer.
Journal: Radiat Res 178(4):365-76
Date: 2012 Oct
Branches: BB, HGP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 22857014
PMC ID: PMC3488851 [available on October 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Lin SW,  Wheeler DC,  Park Y,  Cahoon EK,  Hollenbeck AR,  Freedman DM,  Abnet CC
Title: Prospective study of ultraviolet radiation exposure and risk of cancer in the United States.
Journal: Int J Cancer 131(6):E1015-23
Date: 2012 Sep 15
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22539073
PMC ID: PMC3402606 [available on September 15, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Iulian Apostoaei A,  Veiga LH,  Rajaraman P,  Thomas BA,  Owen Hoffman F,  Gilbert E,  Land C
Title: RadRAT: a radiation risk assessment tool for lifetime cancer risk projection.
Journal: J Radiol Prot 32(3):205-22
Date: 2012 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22810503
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer,  Beral V,  Gaitskell K,  Hermon C,  Moser K,  Reeves G,  Peto R
Title: Ovarian cancer and smoking: individual participant meta-analysis including 28,114 women with ovarian cancer from 51 epidemiological studies.
Journal: Lancet Oncol 13(9):946-56
Date: 2012 Sep
Branches: BB, EBP, HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 22863523
PMC ID: PMC3431503

Full Text

Authors: Liu Y,  Melin BS,  Rajaraman P,  Wang Z,  Linet M,  Shete S,  Amos CI,  Lau CC,  Scheurer ME,  Tsavachidis S,  Armstrong GN,  Houlston RS,  Hosking FJ,  Claus EB,  Barnholtz-Sloan J,  Lai R,  Il'yasova D,  Schildkraut J,  Sadetzki S,  Johansen C,  Bernstein JL,  Olson SH,  Jenkins RB,  LaChance D,  Vick NA,  Wrensch M,  Davis F,  McCarthy BJ,  Andersson U,  Thompson PA,  Chanock S,  Gliogene Consortium,  Bondy ML
Title: Insight in glioma susceptibility through an analysis of 6p22.3, 12p13.33-12.1, 17q22-23.2 and 18q23 SNP genotypes in familial and non-familial glioma.
Journal: Hum Genet 131(9):1507-17
Date: 2012 Sep
Branches: CGR, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 22688887
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Tsareva YV,  Preston DL,  Okatenko PV,  Gilbert ES,  Ron E,  Sokolnikov ME,  Koshurnikova NA
Title: Cancer mortality following in utero exposure among offspring of female Mayak Worker Cohort members.
Journal: Radiat Res 178(3):160-5
Date: 2012 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22799629
PMC ID: PMC3495260 [available on September 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Watt TC,  Inskip PD,  Stratton K,  Smith SA,  Kry SF,  Sigurdson AJ,  Stovall M,  Leisenring W,  Robison LL,  Mertens AC
Title: Radiation-related risk of basal cell carcinoma: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 104(16):1240-50
Date: 2012 Aug 22
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22835387
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Pearce MS,  Salotti JA,  Little MP,  McHugh K,  Lee C,  Kim KP,  Howe NL,  Ronckers CM,  Rajaraman P,  Sir Craft AW,  Parker L,  Berrington de González A
Title: Radiation exposure from CT scans in childhood and subsequent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: a retrospective cohort study.
Journal: Lancet 380(9840):499-505
Date: 2012 Aug 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22681860
PMC ID: PMC3418594


Authors: Kitahara CM,  Wang SS,  Melin BS,  Wang Z,  Braganza M,  Inskip PD,  Albanes D,  Andersson U,  Beane Freeman LE,  Buring JE,  Carreón T,  Feychting M,  Gapstur SM,  Gaziano JM,  Giles GG,  Hallmans G,  Hankinson SE,  Henriksson R,  Hsing AW,  Johansen C,  Linet MS,  McKean-Cowdin R,  Michaud DS,  Peters U,  Purdue MP,  Rothman N,  Ruder AM,  Sesso HD,  Severi G,  Shu XO,  Stevens VL,  Visvanathan K,  Waters MA,  White E,  Wolk A,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Zheng W,  Hoover R,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Chatterjee N,  Yeager M,  Chanock SJ,  Hartge P,  Rajaraman P
Title: Association between adult height, genetic susceptibility and risk of glioma.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 41(4):1075-85
Date: 2012 Aug
PubMed ID: 22933650
PMC ID: PMC3429876 [available on August 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Gerstenblith MR,  Rajaraman P,  Khaykin E,  Doody MM,  Alexander BH,  Linet MS,  Freedman DM
Title: Basal cell carcinoma and anthropometric factors in the U.S. radiologic technologists cohort study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 131(2):E149-55
Date: 2012 Jul 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21989791
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gibson TM,  Wang SS,  Cerhan JR,  Maurer MJ,  Hartge P,  Habermann TM,  Davis S,  Cozen W,  Lynch CF,  Severson RK,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Morton LM
Title: Inherited genetic variation and overall survival following follicular lymphoma.
Journal: Am J Hematol 87(7):724-6
Date: 2012 Jul
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22473939
PMC ID: PMC3392094 [available on July 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Kim KP,  Berrington de González A,  Pearce MS,  Salotti JA,  Parker L,  McHugh K,  Craft AW,  Lee C
Title: Development of a database of organ doses for paediatric and young adult CT scans in the United Kingdom.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 150(4):415-26
Date: 2012 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22228685
PMC ID: PMC3400529 [available on July 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Cahoon EK,  Rajaraman P,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Freedman DM
Title: Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of basal cell carcinoma in the United States Radiologic Technologists study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 130(12):2939-48
Date: 2012 Jun 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21780102
PMC ID: PMC3262887 [available on June 15, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Plummer M,  Peto J,  Franceschi S,  International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervical Cancer,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Castle P,  Hildesheim A,  Lacey J,  Schiffman M
Title: Time since first sexual intercourse and the risk of cervical cancer.
Journal: Int J Cancer 130(11):2638-44
Date: 2012 Jun 1
Branches: CGB, HREB, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 21702036
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Aschebrook-Kilfoy B,  Neta G,  Brenner AV,  Hutchinson A,  Pfeiffer RM,  Sturgis EM,  Xu L,  Wheeler W,  Doody MM,  Chanock SJ,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Common genetic variants in metabolism and detoxification pathways and the risk of papillary thyroid cancer.
Journal: Endocr Relat Cancer 19(3):333-44
Date: 2012 Jun
Branches: BB, CGR, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 22389382
PMC ID: PMC3394851 [available on June 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de González A,  Morton LM
Title: Converting epidemiologic studies of cancer etiology to survivorship studies: approaches and challenges.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 21(6):875-80
Date: 2012 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22426143
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cerhan JR,  Natkunam Y,  Morton LM,  Maurer MJ,  Asmann Y,  Habermann TM,  Vasef MA,  Cozen W,  Lynch CF,  Allmer C,  Slager SL,  Lossos IS,  Chanock SJ,  Rothman N,  Hartge P,  Dogan A,  Wang SS
Title: LIM domain only 2 protein expression, LMO2 germline genetic variation, and overall survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the pre-rituximab era.
Journal: Leuk Lymphoma 53(6):1105-12
Date: 2012 Jun
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22066713
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Daniel CR,  Sinha R,  Park Y,  Graubard BI,  Hollenbeck AR,  Morton LM,  Cross AJ
Title: Meat intake is not associated with risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a large prospective cohort of U.S. men and women.
Journal: J Nutr 142(6):1074-80
Date: 2012 Jun
Branches: BB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22535761
PMC ID: PMC3349978 [available on June 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Jacobs KB,  Yeager M,  Zhou W,  Wacholder S,  Wang Z,  Rodriguez-Santiago B,  Hutchinson A,  Deng X,  Liu C,  Horner MJ,  Cullen M,  Epstein CG,  Burdett L,  Dean MC,  Chatterjee N,  Sampson J,  Chung CC,  Kovaks J,  Gapstur SM,  Stevens VL,  Teras LT,  Gaudet MM,  Albanes D,  Weinstein SJ,  Virtamo J,  Taylor PR,  Freedman ND,  Abnet CC,  Goldstein AM,  Hu N,  Yu K,  Yuan JM,  Liao L,  Ding T,  Qiao YL,  Gao YT,  Koh WP,  Xiang YB,  Tang ZZ,  Fan JH,  Aldrich MC,  Amos C,  Blot WJ,  Bock CH,  Gillanders EM,  Harris CC,  Haiman CA,  Henderson BE,  Kolonel LN,  Le Marchand L,  McNeill LH,  Rybicki BA,  Schwartz AG,  Signorello LB,  Spitz MR,  Wiencke JK,  Wrensch M,  Wu X,  Zanetti KA,  Ziegler RG,  Figueroa JD,  Garcia-Closas M,  Malats N,  Marenne G,  Prokunina-Olsson L,  Baris D,  Schwenn M,  Johnson A,  Landi MT,  Goldin L,  Consonni D,  Bertazzi PA,  Rotunno M,  Rajaraman P,  Andersson U,  Beane Freeman LE,  Berg CD,  Buring JE,  Butler MA,  Carreon T,  Feychting M,  Ahlbom A,  Gaziano JM,  Giles GG,  Hallmans G,  Hankinson SE,  Hartge P,  Henriksson R,  Inskip PD,  Johansen C,  Landgren A,  McKean-Cowdin R,  Michaud DS,  Melin BS,  Peters U,  Ruder AM,  Sesso HD,  Severi G,  Shu XO,  Visvanathan K,  White E,  Wolk A,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Zheng W,  Silverman DT,  Kogevinas M,  Gonzalez JR,  Villa O,  Li D,  Duell EJ,  Risch HA,  Olson SH,  Kooperberg C,  Wolpin BM,  Jiao L,  Hassan M,  Wheeler W,  Arslan AA,  Bueno-de-Mesquita HB,  Fuchs CS,  Gallinger S,  Gross MD,  Holly EA,  Klein AP,  LaCroix A,  Mandelson MT,  Petersen G,  Boutron-Ruault MC,  Bracci PM,  Canzian F,  Chang K,  Cotterchio M,  Giovannucci EL,  Goggins M,  Hoffman Bolton JA,  Jenab M,  Khaw KT,  Krogh V,  Kurtz RC,  McWilliams RR,  Mendelsohn JB,  Rabe KG,  Riboli E,  Tjønneland A,  Tobias GS,  Trichopoulos D,  Elena JW,  Yu H,  Amundadottir L,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ,  Kraft P,  Schumacher F,  Stram D,  Savage SA,  Mirabello L,  Andrulis IL,  Wunder JS,  Patiño García A,  Sierrasesúmaga L,  Barkauskas DA,  Gorlick RG,  Purdue M,  Chow WH,  Moore LE,  Schwartz KL,  Davis FG,  Hsing AW,  Berndt SI,  Black A,  Wentzensen N,  Brinton LA,  Lissowska J,  Peplonska B,  McGlynn KA,  Cook MB,  Graubard BI,  Kratz CP,  Greene MH,  Erickson RL,  Hunter DJ,  Thomas G,  Hoover RN,  Real FX,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Caporaso NE,  Tucker M,  Rothman N,  Pérez-Jurado LA,  Chanock SJ
Title: Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer.
Journal: Nat Genet 44(6):651-8
Date: 2012 Jun
PubMed ID: 22561519
PMC ID: PMC3372921

Full Text

Authors: Mahabir S,  Aagaard K,  Anderson LM,  Herceg Z,  Hiatt RA,  Hoover RN,  Linet MS,  Medina D,  Potischman N,  Tretli S,  Trichopoulos D,  Troisi R
Title: Challenges and opportunities in research on early-life events/exposures and cancer development later in life.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 23(6):983-90
Date: 2012 Jun
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 22527169
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Neta G,  Yu CL,  Brenner A,  Gu F,  Hutchinson A,  Pfeiffer R,  Sturgis EM,  Xu L,  Linet MS,  Alexander BH,  Chanock S,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Common genetic variants in the 8q24 region and risk of papillary thyroid cancer.
Journal: Laryngoscope 122(5):1040-2
Date: 2012 May
Branches: BB, CGR, GEB, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 22275265
PMC ID: PMC3408055 [available on May 01, 2013]


Authors: Simon SL,  Coleman CN,  Noska MA,  Bowman T
Title: Response of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Protecting Civilian Americans in Japan during the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis
Journal: HEALTH PHYS 102(5):570-9
Date: 2012 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Khrutchinsky A,  Drozdovitch V,  Kutsen S,  Minenko V,  Khrouch V,  Luckyanov N,  Voillequé P,  Bouville A
Title: Mathematical modeling of a survey-meter used to measure radioactivity in human thyroids: Monte Carlo calculations of the device response and uncertainties.
Journal: Appl Radiat Isot 70(4):743-51
Date: 2012 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22245289
PMC ID: PMC3430078 [available on April 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Lee C,  Kim KP,  Long DJ,  Bolch WE
Title: Organ doses for reference pediatric and adolescent patients undergoing computed tomography estimated by Monte Carlo simulation.
Journal: Med Phys 39(4):2129-46
Date: 2012 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22482634
PMC ID: PMC3326072 [available on April 01, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Yu CL,  Little MP,  Li Y,  Abramson D,  Seddon J,  Tucker MA
Title: Variation of second cancer risk by family history of retinoblastoma among long-term survivors.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 30(9):950-7
Date: 2012 Mar 20
Branches: HGP, REB
PubMed ID: 22355046
PMC ID: PMC3341108 [available on March 20, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Platz EA,  Park Y,  Hollenbeck AR,  Schatzkin A,  Berrington de González A
Title: Body fat distribution, weight change during adulthood, and thyroid cancer risk in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 130(6):1411-9
Date: 2012 Mar 15
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21544808
PMC ID: PMC3242922 [available on March 15, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Ng AK,  Allan JM,  Pui CH,  Kennedy AR,  Xu XG,  Purdy JA,  Applegate K,  Yahalom J,  Constine LS,  Gilbert ES,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Second malignant neoplasms and cardiovascular disease following radiotherapy.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 104(5):357-70
Date: 2012 Mar 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22312134
PMC ID: PMC3295744 [available on March 07, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Wayson M,  Lee C,  Sgouros G,  Treves ST,  Frey E,  Bolch WE
Title: Internal photon and electron dosimetry of the newborn patient--a hybrid computational phantom study.
Journal: Phys Med Biol 57(5):1433-57
Date: 2012 Mar 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22354044
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bolch WE,  Hurtado JL,  Lee C,  Manger R,  Burgett E,  Hertel N,  Dickerson W
Title: Guidance on the use of handheld survey meters for radiological triage: time-dependent detector count rates corresponding to 50, 250, and 500 mSV effective dose for adult males and adult females.
Journal: Health Phys 102(3):305-25
Date: 2012 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22420020
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: J AU Bolch WE,  Hurtado JL,  Lee C,  Manger R,  Burgett E,  Hertel N,  Dickerson W
Title: Guidance on the use of Handheldsurvey meters for radiological Triage: Time-Dependent Detector Count Rates Corresponding to 50, 250, AND 500 mSV Effective Dose for Adult Males and Adult Females
Journal: Health Physics 102(3):305
Date: 2012 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tronko M,  Mabuchi K,  Bogdanova T,  Hatch M,  Likhtarev I,  Bouville A,  Oliynik V,  McConnell R,  Shpak V,  Zablotska L,  Tereshchenko V,  Brenner A,  Zamotayeva G
Title: Thyroid cancer in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident (in the framework of the Ukraine-US Thyroid Project).
Journal: J Radiol Prot 32(1):N65-9
Date: 2012 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22394669
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Slovis TL,  Miller DL,  Kleinerman R,  Lee C,  Rajaraman P,  Berrington de Gonzalez A
Title: Cancer risks associated with external radiation from diagnostic imaging procedures.
Journal: CA Cancer J Clin
Date: 2012 Feb 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22307864
PMC ID: PMC3548988 [available on August 03, 2013]

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Platz EA,  Beane Freeman LE,  Black A,  Hsing AW,  Linet MS,  Park Y,  Schairer C,  Berrington de González A
Title: Physical activity, diabetes, and thyroid cancer risk: a pooled analysis of five prospective studies.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control
Date: 2012 Feb 1
Branches: BB, EBP, NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22294499
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Little MP,  Kleinerman RA,  Stiller CA,  Li G,  Kroll ME,  Murphy MF
Title: Analysis of retinoblastoma age incidence data using a fully stochastic cancer model.
Journal: Int J Cancer 130(3):631-40
Date: 2012 Feb 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21387305
PMC ID: PMC3167952

Full Text

Authors: Francis JH,  Kleinerman RA,  Seddon JM,  Abramson DH
Title: Increased risk of secondary uterine leiomyosarcoma in hereditary retinoblastoma.
Journal: Gynecol Oncol 124(2):254-9
Date: 2012 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22027510
PMC ID: PMC3264733

Full Text

Authors: Neta G,  Anderson WF,  Gilbert E,  Berrington A
Title: Variation in the risk of radiation-related contralateral breast cancer by histology and estrogen receptor expression in SEER.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res Treat 131(3):1021-7
Date: 2012 Feb
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 22015617
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Neta G,  Sturgis EM,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hutchinson AA,  Xu L,  Wheeler W,  Guénel P,  Rajaraman P,  de Vathaire F,  Ron E,  Tucker MA,  Chanock SJ,  Sigurdson AJ,  Brenner AV
Title: Common genetic variants in sex hormone pathway genes and papillary thyroid cancer risk.
Journal: Thyroid 22(2):151-6
Date: 2012 Feb
Branches: BB, CGR, HGP, LTG, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 22224819
PMC ID: PMC3271376

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Devesa SS,  Curtis RE,  Linet MS,  Morton LM
Title: Acute leukemia incidence and patient survival among children and adults in the United States, 2001-2007.
Journal: Blood 119(1):34-43
Date: 2012 Jan 5
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 22086414
PMC ID: PMC3251235


Authors: Thierry-Chef I,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Kwon D,  Linet MS
Title: Reconstruction of absorbed doses to fibroglandular tissue of the breast of women undergoing mammography (1960 to the present).
Journal: Radiat Res 177(1):92-108
Date: 2012 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21988547
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Abend M,  Pfeiffer RM,  Ruf C,  Hatch M,  Bogdanova TI,  Tronko MD,  Riecke A,  Hartmann J,  Meineke V,  Boukheris H,  Sigurdson AJ,  Mabuchi K,  Brenner AV
Title: Iodine-131 dose dependent gene expression in thyroid cancers and corresponding normal tissues following the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: PLoS One 7(7):e39103
Date: 2012
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 22848350
PMC ID: PMC3405097

Full Text

Authors: Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer
Title: Ovarian cancer and body size: individual participant meta-analysis including 25,157 women with ovarian cancer from 47 epidemiological studies.
Journal: PLoS Med 9(4):e1001200
Date: 2012
Branches: BB, EBP, HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 22606070
PMC ID: PMC3317899

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Platz EA,  Ladenson PW,  Mondul AM,  Menke A,  Berrington de González A
Title: Body fatness and markers of thyroid function among U.S. men and women.
Journal: PLoS One 7(4):e34979
Date: 2012
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22511976
PMC ID: PMC3325258

Full Text

Authors: Park Y,  Hartge P,  Moore SC,  Kitahara CM,  Hollenbeck AR,  Berrington de Gonzalez A
Title: Body mass index and mortality in non-Hispanic black adults in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: PLoS One 7(11):e50091
Date: 2012
Branches: EBP, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 23209650
PMC ID: PMC3507927

Full Text

Authors: Koutros S,  Silverman DT,  Baris D,  Zahm SH,  Morton LM,  Colt JS,  Hein DW,  Moore LE,  Johnson A,  Schwenn M,  Cherala S,  Schned A,  Doll MA,  Rothman N,  Karagas MR
Title: Hair dye use and risk of bladder cancer in the New England bladder cancer study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 129(12):2894-904
Date: 2011 Dec 15
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21678399
PMC ID: PMC3203248

Full Text

Authors: Gadalla SM,  Lund M,  Pfeiffer RM,  Gørtz S,  Mueller CM,  Moxley RT 3rd,  Kristinsson SY,  Björkholm M,  Shebl FM,  Hilbert JE,  Landgren O,  Wohlfahrt J,  Melbye M,  Greene MH
Title: Cancer risk among patients with myotonic muscular dystrophy.
Journal: JAMA 306(22):2480-6
Date: 2011 Dec 14
Branches: BB, CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 22166607
PMC ID: PMC3286183

Full Text

Authors: Daugherty SE,  Moore SC,  Pfeiffer RM,  Inskip PD,  Park Y,  Hollenbeck A,  Rajaraman P
Title: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glioma in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study cohort.
Journal: Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 4(12):2027-34
Date: 2011 Dec
Branches: BB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21885814
PMC ID: PMC3388115

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Landgren O
Title: Associations between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and renal cell carcinoma.
Journal: Leuk Lymphoma 52(12):2201-2
Date: 2011 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21854083
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Ron E,  Kitahara CM,  Brenner A,  Park Y,  Sigurdson AJ,  Schatzkin A,  de González AB
Title: Hormonal and reproductive factors and risk of postmenopausal thyroid cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol 35(6):e85-90
Date: 2011 Dec
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21852218
PMC ID: PMC3215902

Full Text

Authors: Lamart S,  Bouville A,  Simon SL,  Eckerman KF,  Melo D,  Lee C
Title: Comparison of internal dosimetry factors for three classes of adult computational phantoms with emphasis on I-131 in the thyroid.
Journal: Phys Med Biol 56(22):7317-35
Date: 2011 Nov 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 22040775
PMC ID: PMC3484894


Authors: Morton LM,  Clarke CA,  Chang ET,  Hall EC,  Lynch CF,  Pfieffer R,  Weisenburger DD,  Engels EA
Title: Risk of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Among Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Journal: Blood 118(21):1097-8
Date: 2011 Nov 18
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Enewold LR,  Zhou J,  Devesa SS,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Anderson WF,  Zahm SH,  Stojadinovic A,  Peoples GE,  Marrogi AJ,  Potter JF,  McGlynn KA,  Zhu K
Title: Thyroid cancer incidence among active duty U.S. military personnel, 1990-2004.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 20(11):2369-76
Date: 2011 Nov
Branches: BB, HREB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 21914838
PMC ID: PMC3210876


Authors: Grosche B,  Lackland DT,  Land CE,  Simon SL,  Apsalikov KN,  Pivina LM,  Bauer S,  Gusev BI
Title: Mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Semipalatinsk historical cohort, 1960-1999, and its relationship to radiation exposure.
Journal: Radiat Res 176(5):660-9
Date: 2011 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21787182
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Hartge P,  Yeager M,  Carreón T,  Ruder AM,  Linet M,  Inskip PD,  Black A,  Hsing AW,  Alavanja M,  Beane-Freeman L,  Safaiean M,  Chanock SJ,  Rajaraman P
Title: Joint associations between genetic variants and reproductive factors in glioma risk among women.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 174(8):901-8
Date: 2011 Oct 15
PubMed ID: 21920947
PMC ID: PMC3218628

Full Text

Authors: Kwon D,  Landi MT,  Vannucci M,  Issaq HJ,  Prieto D,  Pfeiffer RM
Title: An Efficient Stochastic Search for Bayesian Variable Selection with High-Dimensional Correlated Predictors.
Journal: Comput Stat Data Anal 55(10):2807-2818
Date: 2011 Oct 1
Branches: BB, GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21686315
PMC ID: PMC3113479

Full Text

Authors: Bhagia P,  Colanta AB,  Abramson DH,  Carlson DL,  Kleinerman RA,  Kraus D,  Dunkel IJ
Title: Sinonasal adenocarcinoma: a rare second malignancy in long term retinoblastoma survivors.
Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer 57(4):693-5
Date: 2011 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21548012
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gibson TM,  Weinstein SJ,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hollenbeck AR,  Subar AF,  Schatzkin A,  Mayne ST,  Stolzenberg-Solomon R
Title: Pre- and postfortification intake of folate and risk of colorectal cancer in a large prospective cohort study in the United States.
Journal: Am J Clin Nutr 94(4):1053-62
Date: 2011 Oct
Branches: BB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21813806
PMC ID: PMC3173023

Full Text

Authors: de González AB,  Brenner A,  Hartge P,  Lee C,  Morton L,  Rajaraman P
Title: Evolving strategies in epidemiologic research on radiation and cancer.
Journal: Radiat Res 176(4):527-32
Date: 2011 Oct
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 21823973
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Aschebrook-Kilfoy B,  Sabra MM,  Brenner A,  Moore SC,  Ron E,  Schatzkin A,  Hollenbeck A,  Ward MH
Title: Diabetes and thyroid cancer risk in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: Thyroid 21(9):957-63
Date: 2011 Sep
Branches: NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21767143
PMC ID: PMC3162644

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P
Title: Hunting for the causes of meningioma--obesity is a suspect.
Journal: Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 4(9):1353-5
Date: 2011 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21893497
PMC ID: PMC3170083

Full Text

Authors: Chang CM,  Wang SS,  Dave BJ,  Jain S,  Vasef MA,  Weisenburger DD,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Lynch CF,  Rothman N,  Cerhan JR,  Hartge P,  Morton LM
Title: Risk factors for non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes defined by histology and t(14;18) in a population-based case-control study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 129(4):938-47
Date: 2011 Aug 15
Branches: EBP, IIB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20949561
PMC ID: PMC3125462

Full Text

Authors: Kendall G,  Little MP,  Wakeford R
Title: Numbers and proportions of leukemias in young people and adults induced by radiation of natural origin.
Journal: Leuk Res 35(8):1039-43
Date: 2011 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21334745
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Chanock SJ
Title: A step toward slaying the hydra of second cancers.
Journal: Nat Med 17(8):924-5
Date: 2011 Aug
Branches: CGR, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 21818085
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Neta G,  Brenner AV,  Sturgis EM,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hutchinson AA,  Aschebrook-Kilfoy B,  Yeager M,  Xu L,  Wheeler W,  Abend M,  Ron E,  Tucker MA,  Chanock SJ,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Common genetic variants related to genomic integrity and risk of papillary thyroid cancer.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 32(8):1231-7
Date: 2011 Aug
Branches: BB, CGR, HGP, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 21642358
PMC ID: PMC3166197

Full Text

Authors: Trabert B,  Sigurdson AJ,  Sweeney AM,  Amato RJ,  Strom SS,  McGlynn KA
Title: Baldness, acne and testicular germ cell tumours.
Journal: Int J Androl 34(4 Pt 2):e59-67
Date: 2011 Aug
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 21128977
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Tronko MD,  Hatch M,  Bogdanova TI,  Oliynik VA,  Lubin JH,  Zablotska LB,  Tereschenko VP,  McConnell RJ,  Zamotaeva GA,  O'Kane P,  Bouville AC,  Chaykovskaya LV,  Greenebaum E,  Paster IP,  Shpak VM,  Ron E
Title: I-131 dose response for incident thyroid cancers in Ukraine related to the Chornobyl accident.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 119(7):933-9
Date: 2011 Jul
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 21406336
PMC ID: PMC3222994

Full Text

Authors: Kwon D,  Little MP,  Miller DL
Title: Reference air kerma and kerma-area product as estimators of peak skin dose for fluoroscopically guided interventions.
Journal: Med Phys 38(7):4196-204
Date: 2011 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21859021
PMC ID: PMC3145218

Full Text

Authors: Lin WY,  Camp NJ,  Cannon-Albright LA,  Allen-Brady K,  Balasubramanian S,  Reed MW,  Hopper JL,  Apicella C,  Giles GG,  Southey MC,  Milne RL,  Arias-Pérez JI,  Menéndez-Rodríguez P,  Benítez J,  Grundmann M,  Dubrowinskaja N,  Park-Simon TW,  Dörk T,  Garcia-Closas M,  Figueroa J,  Sherman M,  Lissowska J,  Easton DF,  Dunning AM,  Rajaraman P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Pharoah PD,  Schmidt MK,  Cox A
Title: A role for XRCC2 gene polymorphisms in breast cancer risk and survival.
Journal: J Med Genet 48(7):477-84
Date: 2011 Jul
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 21632523
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Simon SL
Title: Organ-specific external dose coefficients and protective apron transmission factors for historical dose reconstruction for medical personnel.
Journal: Health Phys 101(1):13-27
Date: 2011 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21617389
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Coleman CN,  Simon SL,  Noska MA,  Telfer JL,  Bowman T
Title: Disaster preparation: lessons from Japan.
Journal: Science 332(6036):1379
Date: 2011 Jun 17
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21680826
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wilson DM 3rd,  Kim D,  Berquist BR,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Variation in base excision repair capacity.
Journal: Mutat Res 711(1-2):100-12
Date: 2011 Jun 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21167187
PMC ID: PMC3101302

Full Text

Authors: Schebrook-Kilfoy BA,  Neta G,  Brenner AV,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hutchinson AA,  Sturgis EM,  Xu L,  Wheeler W,  Ron E,  Tucker MA,  Chanock SJ,  Sigurdson AJ
Journal: AM J EPIDEMIOL 173(11):S15
Date: 2011 Jun 1
Branches: BB, CGR, HGP, LTG, REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cardis E,  Hatch M
Title: The Chernobyl accident--an epidemiological perspective.
Journal: Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 23(4):251-60
Date: 2011 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21396807
PMC ID: PMC3107017

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Wang SS,  Menashe I,  Armstrong B,  Zhang Y,  Hartge P,  Purdue MP,  Holford TR,  Morton LM,  Kricker A,  Cerhan JR,  Grulich A,  Cozen W,  Zahm SH,  Yeager M,  Vajdic CM,  Schenk M,  Leaderer B,  Yuenger J,  Severson RK,  Chatterjee N,  Chanock SJ,  Zheng T,  Rothman N
Title: Genetic variation in Th1/Th2 pathway genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled analysis of three population-based case-control studies.
Journal: Br J Haematol 153(3):341-50
Date: 2011 May
Branches: BB, CGR, EBP, LTG, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21418175
PMC ID: PMC3075370

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Kleinerman RA,  Mabuchi K
Title: In memoriam elaine ron, ph.d. (1943-2010).
Journal: Thyroid 21(5):567-8
Date: 2011 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21476891
PMC ID: PMC3104286


Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Lee C,  Berrington de González A
Title: Medical exposure to radiation and thyroid cancer.
Journal: Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 23(4):244-50
Date: 2011 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21296564
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shiels MS,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hall HI,  Li J,  Goedert JJ,  Morton LM,  Hartge P,  Engels EA
Title: Proportions of Kaposi sarcoma, selected non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and cervical cancer in the United States occurring in persons with AIDS, 1980-2007.
Journal: JAMA 305(14):1450-9
Date: 2011 Apr 13
Branches: BB, EBP, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 21486978
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Daugherty SE,  Pfeiffer RM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Hayes RB,  Leitzmann M,  Schatzkin A,  Hollenbeck AR,  Silverman DT
Title: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and bladder cancer: a pooled analysis.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 173(7):721-30
Date: 2011 Apr 1
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 21367875
PMC ID: PMC3105281

Full Text

Authors: Murphy G,  Devesa SS,  Cross AJ,  Inskip PD,  McGlynn KA,  Cook MB
Title: Sex disparities in colorectal cancer incidence by anatomic subsite, race and age.
Journal: Int J Cancer 128(7):1668-75
Date: 2011 Apr 1
Branches: BB, HREB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20503269
PMC ID: PMC3031675

Full Text

Authors: Bassig BA,  Inskip PD,  Burdette L,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Loeffler JS,  Black PM,  Dubrow R,  Brenner AV
Title: Selected human leukocyte antigen class II polymorphisms and risk of adult glioma.
Journal: J Neuroimmunol 233(1-2):185-91
Date: 2011 Apr
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21195488
PMC ID: PMC3074044

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Curtis RE,  Kry SF,  Gilbert E,  Lamart S,  Berg CD,  Stovall M,  Ron E
Title: Proportion of second cancers attributable to radiotherapy treatment in adults: a cohort study in the US SEER cancer registries.
Journal: Lancet Oncol 12(4):353-60
Date: 2011 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21454129
PMC ID: PMC3086738

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de González A,  Kim KP,  Knudsen AB,  Lansdorp-Vogelaar I,  Rutter CM,  Smith-Bindman R,  Yee J,  Kuntz KM,  van Ballegooijen M,  Zauber AG,  Berg CD
Title: Radiation-related cancer risks from CT colonography screening: a risk-benefit analysis.
Journal: AJR Am J Roentgenol 196(4):816-23
Date: 2011 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21427330
PMC ID: PMC3470483

Full Text

Authors: Cornelis MC,  Monda KL,  Yu K,  Paynter N,  Azzato EM,  Bennett SN,  Berndt SI,  Boerwinkle E,  Chanock S,  Chatterjee N,  Couper D,  Curhan G,  Heiss G,  Hu FB,  Hunter DJ,  Jacobs K,  Jensen MK,  Kraft P,  Landi MT,  Nettleton JA,  Purdue MP,  Rajaraman P,  Rimm EB,  Rose LM,  Rothman N,  Silverman D,  Stolzenberg-Solomon R,  Subar A,  Yeager M,  Chasman DI,  van Dam RM,  Caporaso NE
Title: Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies regions on 7p21 (AHR) and 15q24 (CYP1A2) as determinants of habitual caffeine consumption.
Journal: PLoS Genet 7(4):e1002033
Date: 2011 Apr
PubMed ID: 21490707
PMC ID: PMC3071630

Full Text

Authors: Hatch M,  Polyanskaya O,  McConnell R,  Gong Z,  Drozdovitch V,  Rozhko A,  Prokopovich A,  Petrenko S,  Brenner A,  Zablotska L
Title: Urinary Iodine and Goiter Prevalence in Belarus: experience of the Belarus-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl nuclear accident.
Journal: Thyroid 21(4):429-37
Date: 2011 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21323597
PMC ID: PMC3070334

Full Text

Authors: Smedby KE,  Foo JN,  Skibola CF,  Darabi H,  Conde L,  Hjalgrim H,  Kumar V,  Chang ET,  Rothman N,  Cerhan JR,  Brooks-Wilson AR,  Rehnberg E,  Irwan ID,  Ryder LP,  Brown PN,  Bracci PM,  Agana L,  Riby J,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Hartge P,  Morton LM,  Severson RK,  Wang SS,  Slager SL,  Fredericksen ZS,  Novak AJ,  Kay NE,  Habermann TM,  Armstrong B,  Kricker A,  Milliken S,  Purdue MP,  Vajdic CM,  Boyle P,  Lan Q,  Zahm SH,  Zhang Y,  Zheng T,  Leach S,  Spinelli JJ,  Smith MT,  Chanock SJ,  Padyukov L,  Alfredsson L,  Klareskog L,  Glimelius B,  Melbye M,  Liu ET,  Adami HO,  Humphreys K,  Liu J
Title: GWAS of follicular lymphoma reveals allelic heterogeneity at 6p21.32 and suggests shared genetic susceptibility with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Journal: PLoS Genet 7(4):e1001378
Date: 2011 Apr
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21533074
PMC ID: PMC3080853

Full Text

Authors: Landgren AM,  Landgren O,  Gridley G,  Dores GM,  Linet MS,  Morton LM
Title: Autoimmune disease and subsequent risk of developing alimentary tract cancers among 4.5 million US male veterans.
Journal: Cancer 117(6):1163-71
Date: 2011 Mar 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21381009
PMC ID: PMC3052786

Full Text

Authors: Meinhold CL,  Berrington de González A,  Bowman ED,  Brenner AV,  Jones RT,  Lacey JV Jr,  Loffredo CA,  Perlmutter D,  Schonfeld SJ,  Trivers GE,  Harris CC
Title: Reproductive and hormonal factors and the risk of nonsmall cell lung cancer.
Journal: Int J Cancer 128(6):1404-13
Date: 2011 Mar 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20473922
PMC ID: PMC3010247

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Pfeiffer RM,  Lacey JV Jr,  Berrington de González A,  Doody MM,  Greenlee RT,  Park Y,  Schairer C,  Schatzkin A,  Sigurdson AJ,  Hartge P,  Visvanathan K
Title: Hormone-related risk factors and postmenopausal breast cancer among nulliparous versus parous women: An aggregated study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 173(5):509-17
Date: 2011 Mar 1
Branches: BB, EBP, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21266505
PMC ID: PMC3105439

Full Text

Authors: Douple EB,  Mabuchi K,  Cullings HM,  Preston DL,  Kodama K,  Shimizu Y,  Fujiwara S,  Shore RE
Title: Long-term radiation-related health effects in a unique human population: lessons learned from the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Journal: Disaster Med Public Health Prep 5 Suppl 1:S122-33
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21402804
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Schonfeld S,  Akimzhanov K,  Aldyngurov D,  Land CE,  Luckyanov N,  Mabuchi K,  Potischman N,  Schwerin MJ,  Semenova Y,  Tokaeva A,  Zhumadilov Z,  Bouville A,  Simon SL
Title: Behavior and food consumption pattern of the population exposed in 1949-1962 to fallout from Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 50(1):91-103
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20938673
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hosgood HD 3rd,  Purdue MP,  Wang SS,  Zheng T,  Morton LM,  Lan Q,  Menashe I,  Zhang Y,  Cerhan JR,  Grulich A,  Cozen W,  Yeager M,  Holford TR,  Vajdic CM,  Davis S,  Leaderer B,  Kricker A,  Schenk M,  Zahm SH,  Chatterjee N,  Chanock SJ,  Rothman N,  Hartge P,  Armstrong B
Title: A pooled analysis of three studies evaluating genetic variation in innate immunity genes and non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk.
Journal: Br J Haematol 152(6):721-6
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: BB, CGR, EBP, LTG, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21250972
PMC ID: PMC3253820

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM,  Platz EA,  Freeman LE,  Hsing AW,  Linet MS,  Park Y,  Schairer C,  Schatzkin A,  Shikany JM,  Berrington de González A
Title: Obesity and thyroid cancer risk among U.S. men and women: a pooled analysis of five prospective studies.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 20(3):464-72
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: BB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21266520
PMC ID: PMC3079276

Full Text

Authors: Lee C,  Kim KP,  Long D,  Fisher R,  Tien C,  Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Bolch WE
Title: Organ doses for reference adult male and female undergoing computed tomography estimated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Journal: Med Phys 38(3):1196-1206
Date: MAR 2011
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lee C,  Kim KP,  Long D,  Fisher R,  Tien C,  Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Bolch WE
Title: Organ doses for reference adult male and female undergoing computed tomography estimated by Monte Carlo simulations.
Journal: Med Phys 38(3):1196-206
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21520832
PMC ID: PMC3055697

Full Text

Authors: van Bemmel DM,  Li Y,  McLean J,  Chang MH,  Dowling NF,  Graubard B,  Rajaraman P
Title: Blood lead levels, ALAD gene polymorphisms, and mortality.
Journal: Epidemiology 22(2):273-8
Date: 2011 Mar
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 21293208
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Trabert B,  Sigurdson AJ,  Sweeney AM,  Strom SS,  McGlynn KA
Title: Marijuana use and testicular germ cell tumors.
Journal: Cancer 117(4):848-53
Date: 2011 Feb 15
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 20925043
PMC ID: PMC3017734

Full Text

Authors: McCarthy BJ,  Rankin KM,  Aldape K,  Bondy ML,  Brännström T,  Broholm H,  Feychting M,  Il'yasova D,  Inskip PD,  Johansen C,  Melin BS,  Ruder AM,  Butler MA,  Scheurer ME,  Schüz J,  Schwartzbaum JA,  Wrensch MR,  Davis FG
Title: Risk factors for oligodendroglial tumors: a pooled international study.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 13(2):242-50
Date: 2011 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21149253
PMC ID: PMC3064625


Authors: Purdue MP,  Bakke B,  Stewart P,  De Roos AJ,  Schenk M,  Lynch CF,  Bernstein L,  Morton LM,  Cerhan JR,  Severson RK,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Rothman N,  Hartge P,  Colt JS
Title: A case-control study of occupational exposure to trichloroethylene and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 119(2):232-8
Date: 2011 Feb
Branches: EBP, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21370516
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Quinlan SC,  Pfeiffer RM,  Morton LM,  Engels EA
Title: Risk factors for early-onset and late-onset post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in kidney recipients in the United States.
Journal: Am J Hematol 86(2):206-9
Date: 2011 Feb
Branches: BB, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 21264909
PMC ID: PMC3311225

Full Text

Authors: Neta G,  Goldman LR,  Barr D,  Apelberg BJ,  Witter FR,  Halden RU
Title: Fetal Exposure to Chlordane and Permethrin Mixtures in Relation to Inflammatory Cytokines and Birth Outcomes.
Journal: Environ Sci Technol
Date: 2011 Jan 14
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21235202
PMC ID: PMC3085719

Full Text

Authors: Chen Y,  Zheng T,  Lan Q,  Foss F,  Kim C,  Chen X,  Dai M,  Li Y,  Holford T,  Leaderer B,  Boyle P,  Chanock SJ,  Rothman N,  Zhang Y
Title: Cytokine polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 pathway genes, body mass index, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Blood 117(2):585-90
Date: 2011 Jan 13
Branches: CGR, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20952689
PMC ID: PMC3031482

Full Text

Authors: Zablotska LB,  Ron E,  Rozhko AV,  Hatch M,  Polyanskaya ON,  Brenner AV,  Lubin J,  Romanov GN,  McConnell RJ,  O'Kane P,  Evseenko VV,  Drozdovitch VV,  Luckyanov N,  Minenko VF,  Bouville A,  Masyakin VB
Title: Thyroid cancer risk in Belarus among children and adolescents exposed to radioiodine after the Chornobyl accident.
Journal: Br J Cancer 104(1):181-7
Date: 2011 Jan 4
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 21102590
PMC ID: PMC3039791

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Stewart PA,  Linet MS,  Blair A,  Inskip PD,  Rajaraman P
Title: Comparison of occupational exposure assessment methods in a case-control study of lead, genetic susceptibility and risk of adult brain tumours.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 68(1):4-9
Date: 2011 Jan
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20798009
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Huycke MM,  Devesa SS
Title: Melanoma of the skin and laterality.
Journal: J Am Acad Dermatol 64(1):193-6
Date: 2011 Jan
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 21167412
PMC ID: PMC3011927

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Jones IM,  Wei Q,  Wu X,  Spitz MR,  Stram DA,  Gross MD,  Huang WY,  Wang LE,  Gu J,  Thomas CB,  Reding DJ,  Hayes RB,  Caporaso NE
Title: Prospective analysis of DNA damage and repair markers of lung cancer risk from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 32(1):69-73
Date: 2011 Jan
Branches: GEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20929901
PMC ID: PMC3010173

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Menashe I,  Cerhan JR,  Cozen W,  Severson RK,  Davis S,  Hutchinson A,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Bernstein L,  Hartge P,  Morton LM
Title: Variations in chromosomes 9 and 6p21.3 with risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 20(1):42-9
Date: 2011 Jan
Branches: BB, CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21148756
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gibson TM,  Brennan P,  Han S,  Karami S,  Zaridze D,  Janout V,  Kollarova H,  Bencko V,  Navratilova M,  Szeszenia-Dabrowska N,  Mates D,  Slamova A,  Pfeiffer RM,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ,  Mayne ST,  Yeager M,  Chanock S,  Rothman N,  Chow WH,  Rosenberg PS,  Boffetta P,  Moore LE
Title: Comprehensive evaluation of one-carbon metabolism pathway gene variants and renal cell cancer risk.
Journal: PLoS One 6(10):e26165
Date: 2011
Branches: BB, CGR, LTG, NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22039442
PMC ID: PMC3198392

Full Text

Authors: Lu Y,  Abdou AM,  Cerhan JR,  Morton LM,  Severson RK,  Davis S,  Cozen W,  Rothman N,  Bernstein L,  Chanock S,  Hartge P,  Wang SS
Title: Human leukocyte antigen class I and II alleles and overall survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma.
Journal: ScientificWorldJournal 11:2062-70
Date: 2011
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22125456
PMC ID: PMC3217596

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Simpson J,  Neta G,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Ansell P,  Linet MS,  Ron E,  Roman E
Title: Early life exposure to diagnostic radiation and ultrasound scans and risk of childhood cancer: case-control study.
Journal: BMJ 342:d472
Date: 2011
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21310791
PMC ID: PMC3037470

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Lu Y,  Rothman N,  Abdou AM,  Cerhan JR,  De Roos A,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Cozen W,  Chanock SJ,  Bernstein L,  Morton LM,  Hartge P
Title: Variation in effects of non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk factors according to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1*01:01 allele and ancestral haplotype 8.1.
Journal: PLoS One 6(11):e26949
Date: 2011
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 22096508
PMC ID: PMC3212525

Full Text

Authors: Wheeler DC,  De Roos AJ,  Cerhan JR,  Morton LM,  Severson R,  Cozen W,  Ward MH
Title: Spatial-temporal analysis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the NCI-SEER NHL case-control study.
Journal: Environ Health 10:63
Date: 2011
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21718483
PMC ID: PMC3148953

Full Text

Authors: Taylor AJ,  Little MP,  Winter DL,  Sugden E,  Ellison DW,  Stiller CA,  Stovall M,  Frobisher C,  Lancashire ER,  Reulen RC,  Hawkins MM
Title: Population-based risks of CNS tumors in survivors of childhood cancer: the British Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 28(36):5287-93
Date: 2010 Dec 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21079138
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Hartge P,  Cerhan JR,  Flint AJ,  Hannan L,  MacInnis RJ,  Moore SC,  Tobias GS,  Anton-Culver H,  Freeman LB,  Beeson WL,  Clipp SL,  English DR,  Folsom AR,  Freedman DM,  Giles G,  Hakansson N,  Henderson KD,  Hoffman-Bolton J,  Hoppin JA,  Koenig KL,  Lee IM,  Linet MS,  Park Y,  Pocobelli G,  Schatzkin A,  Sesso HD,  Weiderpass E,  Willcox BJ,  Wolk A,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Willett WC,  Thun MJ
Title: Body-mass index and mortality among 1.46 million white adults.
Journal: N Engl J Med 363(23):2211-9
Date: 2010 Dec 2
Branches: EBP, HGP, NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21121834
PMC ID: PMC3066051

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Kimlin MG,  Hoffbeck RW,  Alexander BH,  Linet MS
Title: Multiple indicators of ambient and personal ultraviolet radiation exposure and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (United States).
Journal: J Photochem Photobiol B 101(3):321-5
Date: 2010 Dec 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20826094
PMC ID: PMC2963689

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Veiga LH,  Ronckers CM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Weathers R,  Leisenring W,  Mertens AC,  Hammond S,  Friedman DL,  Neglia JP,  Meadows AT,  Donaldson SS,  Sklar CA,  Robison LL,  Inskip PD
Title: Risk of second primary thyroid cancer after radiotherapy for a childhood cancer in a large cohort study: an update from the childhood cancer survivor study.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):741-52
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128798
PMC ID: PMC3080023


Authors: Hatch M,  Furukawa K,  Brenner A,  Olinjyk V,  Ron E,  Zablotska L,  Terekhova G,  McConnell R,  Markov V,  Shpak V,  Ostroumova E,  Bouville A,  Tronko M
Title: Prevalence of hyperthyroidism after exposure during childhood or adolescence to radioiodines from the chornobyl nuclear accident: dose-response results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):763-72
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128800
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Jung J,  Kim I,  Kwon D
Title: Statistical Models for Detecting Rare Variants Associated with a Disease
Journal: Genetic Epidemiology 34(8):924-925
Date: DEC 2010
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kitahara CM
Title: Low-glycemic load diets: how does the evidence for prevention of disease measure up?
Journal: J Am Diet Assoc 110(12):1818-9
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21111091
PMC ID: PMC3058718


Authors: Linet MS,  Kim KP,  Miller DL,  Kleinerman RA,  Simon SL,  Berrington de Gonzalez A
Title: Historical review of occupational exposures and cancer risks in medical radiation workers.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):793-808
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128805
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Preston DL,  Krestinina LY,  Sokolnikov ME,  Ron E,  Davis FG,  Ostroumova EV,  Gilbert ES
Title: How much can we say about site-specific cancer radiation risks?
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):816-24
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128806
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Brenner A
Title: Non-malignant thyroid diseases after a wide range of radiation exposures.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):877-88
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128812
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Jacob P
Title: Late health effects of ionizing radiation: bridging the experimental and epidemiologic divide.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(6):789-92
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21128804
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Skryabin AM,  Drozdovitch V,  Belsky Y,  Leshcheva SV,  Mirkhaidarov AK,  Voillequé P,  Luckyanov N,  Bouville A
Title: Thyroid mass in children and adolescents living in the most exposed areas to Chernobyl fallout in Belarus.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 142(2-4):292-9
Date: 2010 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20823035
PMC ID: PMC3148090

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Curtis RE,  Linet MS,  Bluhm EC,  Tucker MA,  Caporaso N,  Ries LA,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second malignancy risks after non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia: differences by lymphoma subtype.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 28(33):4935-44
Date: 2010 Nov 20
Branches: GEB, HGP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 20940199
PMC ID: PMC3020697

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Gilbert ES,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Dores GM,  Curtis RE,  Storm HH,  Johannesen TB,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Weathers RE,  Aleman BM,  Kleinerman RA,  Fraumeni JF,  Holowaty EJ,  Pukkala E,  Kaijser M,  Hauptmann M,  Fossa SD,  Joensuu H,  Andersson M,  Dusebout AWV,  Vaalavirta L,  Langmark F,  Travis LB,  van Leeuwen FE
Title: Risk of Treatment Related Stomach Cancer Among Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors
Journal: Blood 116(21):1104-1105
Date: 2010 Nov 19
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Turner JJ,  Morton LM,  Linet MS,  Clarke CA,  Kadin ME,  Vajdic CM,  Monnereau A,  Maynadié M,  Chiu BC,  Marcos-Gragera R,  Costantini AS,  Cerhan JR,  Weisenburger DD
Title: InterLymph hierarchical classification of lymphoid neoplasms for epidemiologic research based on the WHO classification (2008): update and future directions.
Journal: Blood 116(20):e90-8
Date: 2010 Nov 18
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20699439
PMC ID: PMC2993636

Full Text

Authors: Quinlan SC,  Landgren O,  Morton LM,  Engels EA
Title: Hodgkin lymphoma among US solid organ transplant recipients.
Journal: Transplantation 90(9):1011-5
Date: 2010 Nov 15
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 20733533
PMC ID: PMC2967618

Full Text

Authors: Purdue MP,  Bakke B,  Stewart P,  De Roos AJ,  Schenk M,  Lynch CF,  Bernstein L,  Morton LM,  Cerhan JR,  Severson RK,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Rothman N,  Hartge P,  Colt JS
Title: A case-control study of occupational exposure to trichloroethylene and non-hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 119(2):232-8
Date: 2010 Nov 2
Branches: EBP, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 21288806
PMC ID: PMC3040611

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Looker AC,  Abnet CC,  Linet MS,  Graubard BI
Title: Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and cancer mortality in the NHANES III study (1988-2006).
Journal: Cancer Res 70(21):8587-97
Date: 2010 Nov 1
Branches: BB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20847342
PMC ID: PMC2974315

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Yong LC,  Doody MM,  Preston DL,  Kampa DM,  Ramsey MJ,  Ward EM,  Edwards AA,  Ron E,  Tucker JD,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Diagnostic X-ray examinations and increased chromosome translocations: evidence from three studies.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 49(4):685-92
Date: 2010 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20602108
PMC ID: PMC3075914

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Hoover RN,  Devesa SS
Title: Brain cancer incidence trends in relation to cellular telephone use in the United States.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 12(11):1147-51
Date: 2010 Nov
Branches: BB, EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 20639214
PMC ID: PMC3098028

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Bhatti P,  Brown EE,  Linet MS,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Hutchinson AA,  Stovall M,  Preston DL,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Polymorphisms in oxidative stress and inflammation pathway genes, low-dose ionizing radiation, and the risk of breast cancer among US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 21(11):1857-66
Date: 2010 Nov
Branches: CGR, REB
PubMed ID: 20711808
PMC ID: PMC3076104

Full Text

Authors: Shen M,  Menashe I,  Morton LM,  Zhang Y,  Armstrong B,  Wang SS,  Lan Q,  Hartge P,  Purdue MP,  Cerhan JR,  Grulich A,  Cozen W,  Yeager M,  Holford TR,  Vajdic CM,  Davis S,  Leaderer B,  Kricker A,  Severson RK,  Zahm SH,  Chatterjee N,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Zheng T
Title: Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a pooled analysis of three studies.
Journal: Br J Haematol 151(3):239-44
Date: 2010 Nov
Branches: BB, CGR, EBP, LTG, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20813000
PMC ID: PMC2967772


Authors: Hatch M,  Furukawa K,  Brenner A,  Olinjyk V,  Ron E,  Zablotska L,  Terekhova G,  McConnell R,  Markov V,  Shpak V,  Ostroumova E,  Bouville A,  Tronko M
Title: Prevalence of Hyperthyroidism after Exposure during Childhood or Adolescence to Radioiodines from the Chornobyl Nuclear Accident: Dose–Response Results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study.
Journal: Radiat Res
Date: 2010 Oct 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20929343
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sinnott B,  Ron E,  Schneider AB
Title: Exposing the thyroid to radiation: a review of its current extent, risks, and implications.
Journal: Endocr Rev 31(5):756-73
Date: 2010 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20650861
PMC ID: PMC3365850

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Anderson WF,  Beane Freeman LE,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Curtis RE
Title: Risk of breast cancer according to clinicopathologic features among long-term survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with radiotherapy.
Journal: Br J Cancer 103(7):1081-4
Date: 2010 Sep 28
Branches: REB, OEEB, OD, BB
PubMed ID: 20842115
PMC ID: PMC2965878

Full Text

Authors: de Vathaire F,  Drozdovitch V,  Brindel P,  Rachedi F,  Boissin JL,  Sebbag J,  Shan L,  Bost-Bezeaud F,  Petitdidier P,  Paoaafaite J,  Teuri J,  Iltis J,  Bouville A,  Cardis E,  Hill C,  Doyon F
Title: Thyroid cancer following nuclear tests in French Polynesia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 103(7):1115-21
Date: 2010 Sep 28
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20808313
PMC ID: PMC2965871

Full Text

Authors: Li CI,  Nishi N,  McDougall JA,  Semmens EO,  Sugiyama H,  Soda M,  Sakata R,  Hayashi M,  Kasagi F,  Suyama A,  Mabuchi K,  Davis S,  Kodama K,  Kopecky KJ
Title: Relationship between radiation exposure and risk of second primary cancers among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Cancer Res 70(18):7187-98
Date: 2010 Sep 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20843820
PMC ID: PMC2941904

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Weinstock RM,  Mabuchi K
Title: High-dose abdominal radiotherapy and risk of diabetes mellitus.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 170(16):1506-7
Date: 2010 Sep 13
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20837842
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Kim KP,  Miller DL,  Kleinerman RA,  Simon SL,  de Gonzalez AB
Title: Historical Review of Occupational Exposures and Cancer Risks in Medical Radiation Workers.
Journal: Radiat Res
Date: 2010 Sep 8
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20825294
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Brenner A
Title: Non-Malignant Thyroid Diseases after a Wide Range of Radiation Exposures.
Journal: Radiat Res
Date: 2010 Sep 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20822356
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Bijwaard H,  Brenner A,  Dekkers F,  van Dillen T,  Land CE,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Breast cancer risk from different mammography screening practices.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(3):367-76
Date: 2010 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20726723
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Little MP,  Wakeford R,  Lubin JH,  Kendall GM
Title: The statistical power of epidemiological studies analyzing the relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and cancer, with special reference to childhood leukemia and natural background radiation.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(3):387-402
Date: 2010 Sep
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 20726729
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: O'Kane P,  Shelkovoy E,  McConnell RJ,  Shpak V,  Parker L,  Brenner A,  Zablotska L,  Tronko M,  Hatch M
Title: Frequency of undetected thyroid nodules in a large I-131-exposed population repeatedly screened by ultrasonography: results from the Ukrainian-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl accident.
Journal: Thyroid 20(9):959-64
Date: 2010 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20615138
PMC ID: PMC2964362

Full Text

Authors: Lee KM,  Chapman RS,  Shen M,  Lubin JH,  Silverman DT,  He X,  Hosgood HD 3rd,  Chen BE,  Rajaraman P,  Caporaso NE,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Blair A,  Lan Q
Title: Differential effects of smoking on lung cancer mortality before and after household stove improvement in Xuanwei, China.
Journal: Br J Cancer 103(5):727-9
Date: 2010 Aug 24
Branches: REB, OEEB, OD, BB, GEB
PubMed ID: 20648014
PMC ID: PMC2938247

Full Text

Authors: Beck HL,  Bouville A,  Moroz BE,  Simon SL
Title: Fallout deposition in the Marshall Islands from Bikini and Enewetak nuclear weapons tests.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):124-42
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622548
PMC ID: PMC2904645

Full Text

Authors: Bouville A,  Beck HL,  Simon SL
Title: Doses from external irradiation to Marshall Islanders from Bikini and Enewetak nuclear weapons tests.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):143-56
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622549
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Conde L,  Halperin E,  Akers NK,  Brown KM,  Smedby KE,  Rothman N,  Nieters A,  Slager SL,  Brooks-Wilson A,  Agana L,  Riby J,  Liu J,  Adami HO,  Darabi H,  Hjalgrim H,  Low HQ,  Humphreys K,  Melbye M,  Chang ET,  Glimelius B,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Hartge P,  Morton LM,  Schenk M,  Wang SS,  Armstrong B,  Kricker A,  Milliken S,  Purdue MP,  Vajdic CM,  Boyle P,  Lan Q,  Zahm SH,  Zhang Y,  Zheng T,  Becker N,  Benavente Y,  Boffetta P,  Brennan P,  Butterbach K,  Cocco P,  Foretova L,  Maynadié M,  de Sanjosé S,  Staines A,  Spinelli JJ,  Achenbach SJ,  Call TG,  Camp NJ,  Glenn M,  Caporaso NE,  Cerhan JR,  Cunningham JM,  Goldin LR,  Hanson CA,  Kay NE,  Lanasa MC,  Leis JF,  Marti GE,  Rabe KG,  Rassenti LZ,  Spector LG,  Strom SS,  Vachon CM,  Weinberg JB,  Holly EA,  Chanock S,  Smith MT,  Bracci PM,  Skibola CF
Title: Genome-wide association study of follicular lymphoma identifies a risk locus at 6p21.32.
Journal: Nat Genet 42(8):661-4
Date: 2010 Aug
PubMed ID: 20639881
PMC ID: PMC2913472

Full Text

Authors: Harris PS,  Simon SL,  Ibrahim SA
Title: Urinary excretion of radionuclides from Marshallese exposed to fallout from the 1954 Bravo nuclear test.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):217-32
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622553
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ibrahim SA,  Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Melo D,  Beck HL
Title: Alimentary tract absorption (f1 values) for radionuclides in local and regional fallout from nuclear tests.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):233-51
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622554
PMC ID: PMC2913585

Full Text

Authors: Jiao L,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Hartge P,  Pfeiffer RM,  Park Y,  Freedman DM,  Gail MH,  Alavanja MC,  Albanes D,  Beane Freeman LE,  Chow WH,  Huang WY,  Hayes RB,  Hoppin JA,  Ji BT,  Leitzmann MF,  Linet MS,  Meinhold CL,  Schairer C,  Schatzkin A,  Virtamo J,  Weinstein SJ,  Zheng W,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ
Title: Body mass index, effect modifiers, and risk of pancreatic cancer: a pooled study of seven prospective cohorts.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 21(8):1305-14
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB, NEB, EBP, BB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 20383573
PMC ID: PMC2904431

Full Text

Authors: Land CE,  Bouville A,  Apostoaei I,  Simon SL
Title: Projected lifetime cancer risks from exposure to regional radioactive fallout in the Marshall Islands.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):201-15
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622551
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Moroz BE,  Beck HL,  Bouville A,  Simon SL
Title: Predictions of dispersion and deposition of fallout from nuclear testing using the NOAA-HYSPLIT meteorological model.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):252-69
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622555
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Qubaiah O,  Devesa SS,  Platz CE,  Huycke MM,  Dores GM
Title: Small intestinal cancer: a population-based study of incidence and survival patterns in the United States, 1992 to 2006.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19(8):1908-18
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 20647399
PMC ID: PMC2919612

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Land CE,  Beck HL
Title: Radiation doses and cancer risks in the Marshall Islands associated with exposure to radioactive fallout from Bikini and Enewetak nuclear weapons tests: summary.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):105-23
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622547
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Melo D,  Beck HL,  Weinstock RM
Title: Acute and chronic intakes of fallout radionuclides by Marshallese from nuclear weapons testing at Bikini and Enewetak and related internal radiation doses.
Journal: Health Phys 99(2):157-200
Date: 2010 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20622550
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gallicchio L,  Helzlsouer KJ,  Chow WH,  Freedman DM,  Hankinson SE,  Hartge P,  Hartmuller V,  Harvey C,  Hayes RB,  Horst RL,  Koenig KL,  Kolonel LN,  Laden F,  McCullough ML,  Parisi D,  Purdue MP,  Shu XO,  Snyder K,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ,  Tworoger SS,  Varanasi A,  Virtamo J,  Wilkens LR,  Xiang YB,  Yu K,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Zheng W,  Abnet CC,  Albanes D,  Bertrand K,  Weinstein SJ
Title: Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the risk of rarer cancers: Design and methods of the Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 172(1):10-20
Date: 2010 Jul 1
Branches: BB, NEB, OEEB, EBP, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 20562188
PMC ID: PMC2892539

Full Text

Authors: Helzlsouer KJ,  VDPP Steering Committee,  Abnet CC,  Albanes D,  Freedman DM,  Hartge P,  Purdue MP,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ,  Weinstein SJ,  Yu K
Title: Overview of the Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 172(1):4-9
Date: 2010 Jul 1
Branches: BB, EBP, NEB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20562193
PMC ID: PMC2892542

Full Text

Authors: McCullough ML,  Weinstein SJ,  Freedman DM,  Helzlsouer K,  Flanders WD,  Koenig K,  Kolonel L,  Laden F,  Le Marchand L,  Purdue M,  Snyder K,  Stevens VL,  Stolzenberg-Solomon R,  Virtamo J,  Yang G,  Yu K,  Zheng W,  Albanes D,  Ashby J,  Bertrand K,  Cai H,  Chen Y,  Gallicchio L,  Giovannucci E,  Jacobs EJ,  Hankinson SE,  Hartge P,  Hartmuller V,  Harvey C,  Hayes RB,  Horst RL,  Shu XO
Title: Correlates of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D: Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 172(1):21-35
Date: 2010 Jul 1
Branches: BB, NEB, OEEB, EBP, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 20562191
PMC ID: PMC2892536

Full Text

Authors: Purdue MP,  Freedman DM,  Gapstur SM,  Helzlsouer KJ,  Laden F,  Lim U,  Maskarinec G,  Rothman N,  Shu XO,  Stevens VL,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Albanes D,  Bertrand K,  Weinstein SJ,  Yu K,  Irish L,  Horst RL,  Hoffman-Bolton J,  Giovannucci EL,  Kolonel LN,  Snyder K,  Willett W,  Arslan AA,  Hayes RB,  Zheng W,  Xiang YB,  Hartge P
Title: Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D and risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma: Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pooling Project of Rarer Cancers.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 172(1):58-69
Date: 2010 Jul 1
Branches: BB, NEB, OEEB, EBP, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 20562184
PMC ID: PMC2892540

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Huycke MM,  Devesa SS,  Garcia CA
Title: Primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma in the United States: incidence, survival, and associated cancers, 1976 to 2005.
Journal: J Am Acad Dermatol 63(1):71-8
Date: 2010 Jul
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 20447723
PMC ID: PMC2885489

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Khrouch V,  Maceika E,  Zvonova I,  Vlasov O,  Bratilova A,  Gavrilin Y,  Goulko G,  Hoshi M,  Kesminiene A,  Shinkarev S,  Tenet V,  Cardis E,  Bouville A
Title: Reconstruction of radiation doses in a case-control study of thyroid cancer following the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Health Phys 99(1):1-16
Date: 2010 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20539120
PMC ID: PMC2885044


Authors: Furukawa K,  Preston DL,  Lönn S,  Funamoto S,  Yonehara S,  Matsuo T,  Egawa H,  Tokuoka S,  Ozasa K,  Kasagi F,  Kodama K,  Mabuchi K
Title: Radiation and smoking effects on lung cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(1):72-82
Date: 2010 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20681801
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Land CE,  Miller JS,  Stovall M,  Lonstein JE,  Doody MM
Title: Cancer mortality among women frequently exposed to radiographic examinations for spinal disorders.
Journal: Radiat Res 174(1):83-90
Date: 2010 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20681802
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Geyer SM,  Morton LM,  Habermann TM,  Allmer C,  Davis S,  Cozen W,  Severson RK,  Lynch CF,  Wang SS,  Maurer MJ,  Hartge P,  Cerhan JR
Title: Smoking, alcohol use, obesity, and overall survival from non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based study.
Journal: Cancer 116(12):2993-3000
Date: 2010 Jun 15
Branches: REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 20564404
PMC ID: PMC2889918

Full Text

Authors: Leitzmann MF,  Brenner A,  Moore SC,  Koebnick C,  Park Y,  Hollenbeck A,  Schatzkin A,  Ron E
Title: Prospective study of body mass index, physical activity and thyroid cancer.
Journal: Int J Cancer 126(12):2947-56
Date: 2010 Jun 15
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 19795465
PMC ID: PMC2919690

Full Text

Authors: Troy JD,  Hartge P,  Weissfeld JL,  Oken MM,  Colditz GA,  Mechanic LE,  Morton LM
Title: Associations between anthropometry, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 171(12):1270-81
Date: 2010 Jun 15
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 20494998
PMC ID: PMC2915494

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Yong LC,  Doody MM,  Preston DL,  Kampa DM,  Ramsey MJ,  Ward EM,  Edwards AA,  Ron E,  Tucker JD,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Diagnostic X-Ray Examinations and Increased Chromosome Ttranslocations: Evidence from Three Studies
Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology 171:S117
Date: 2010 Jun 11
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Abdou AM,  Morton LM,  Thomas R,  Cerhan JR,  Gao X,  Cozen W,  Rothman N,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Bernstein L,  Hartge P,  Carrington M
Title: Human leukocyte antigen class I and II alleles in non-Hodgkin lymphoma etiology.
Journal: Blood 115(23):4820-3
Date: 2010 Jun 10
Branches: REB, OEEB, EBP
PubMed ID: 20385791
PMC ID: PMC2890176

Full Text

Authors: Meinhold CL,  Dodd KW,  Jiao L,  Flood A,  Shikany JM,  Genkinger JM,  Hayes RB,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ
Title: Available carbohydrates, glycemic load, and pancreatic cancer: is there a link?
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 171(11):1174-82
Date: 2010 Jun 1
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 20452999
PMC ID: PMC2915491

Full Text

Authors: Wakeford R,  Little MP,  Kendall GM
Title: Risk of childhood leukemia after low-level exposure to ionizing radiation.
Journal: Expert Rev Hematol 3(3):251-4
Date: 2010 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 21082976
PMC ID: PMC3076706


Authors: Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Doody MM,  Preston DL,  Kwon D,  Alexander BH,  Miller JS,  Yoder RC,  Bhatti P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Linet MS
Title: Radiation Organ Doses Received by U.S. Radiologic Technologists: Estimation Methods and Findings.
Journal: Radiat Res
Date: 2010 May 17
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20726733
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Little MP
Title: Do non-targeted effects increase or decrease low dose risk in relation to the linear-non-threshold (LNT) model?
Journal: Mutat Res 687(1-2):17-27
Date: 2010 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20105434
PMC ID: PMC3076714

Full Text

Authors: Salomaa SI,  Wright EG,  Hildebrandt G,  Kadhim MA,  Little MP,  Prise KM,  Belyakov OV
Title: Editorial. Non-DNA targeted effects.
Journal: Mutat Res 687(1-2):1-2
Date: 2010 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20100499
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bolch W,  Lee C,  Wayson M,  Johnson P
Title: Hybrid computational phantoms for medical dose reconstruction.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 49(2):155-68
Date: 2010 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20039051
PMC ID: PMC2855752


Authors: Gilbert ES,  Huang L,  Bouville A,  Berg CD,  Ron E
Title: Thyroid cancer rates and 131I doses from Nevada atmospheric nuclear bomb tests: an update.
Journal: Radiat Res 173(5):659-64
Date: 2010 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20426666
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Little MP,  Tawn EJ,  Tzoulaki I,  Wakeford R,  Hildebrandt G,  Paris F,  Tapio S,  Elliott P
Title: Review and meta-analysis of epidemiological associations between low/moderate doses of ionizing radiation and circulatory disease risks, and their possible mechanisms.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 49(2):139-53
Date: 2010 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19862545
PMC ID: PMC3075616

Full Text

Authors: Quinlan SC,  Morton LM,  Pfeiffer RM,  Anderson LA,  Landgren O,  Warren JL,  Engels EA
Title: Increased risk for lymphoid and myeloid neoplasms in elderly solid-organ transplant recipients.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19(5):1229-37
Date: 2010 May
Branches: REB, BB, IIB
PubMed ID: 20406959
PMC ID: PMC2866098

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Brenner AV,  Neta G,  Pfeiffer R,  Wang SS,  Yeager M,  Thomas G,  Fine HA,  Linet MS,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Inskip PD
Title: Risk of meningioma and common variation in genes related to innate immunity.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19(5):1356-61
Date: 2010 May
Branches: BB, CGR, LTG, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20406964
PMC ID: PMC3169167

Full Text

Authors: Sui X,  Lee DC,  Matthews CE,  Adams SA,  Hébert JR,  Church TS,  Lee CD,  Blair SN
Title: Influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on lung cancer mortality.
Journal: Med Sci Sports Exerc 42(5):872-8
Date: 2010 May
Branches: REB, NEB, CGR
PubMed ID: 19996990
PMC ID: PMC2859116

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Rajaraman P,  Fuhrman B,  Hoffbeck R,  Alexander BH
Title: Sunlight, hormone replacement status and colorectal cancer risk in postmenopausal women.
Journal: Int J Cancer 126(8):1997-2001
Date: 2010 Apr 15
Branches: REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 19795420
PMC ID: PMC2829351

Full Text

Authors: Hayashi Y,  Lagarde F,  Tsuda N,  Funamoto S,  Preston DL,  Koyama K,  Mabuchi K,  Ron E,  Kodama K,  Tokuoka S
Title: Papillary microcarcinoma of the thyroid among atomic bomb survivors: tumor characteristics and radiation risk.
Journal: Cancer 116(7):1646-55
Date: 2010 Apr 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20120034
PMC ID: PMC2846973

Full Text

Authors: Mbulaiteye SM,  Anderson WF,  Bhatia K,  Rosenberg PS,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Trimodal age-specific incidence patterns for Burkitt lymphoma in the United States, 1973-2005.
Journal: Int J Cancer 126(7):1732-9
Date: 2010 Apr 1
Branches: IIB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 19810101
PMC ID: PMC2818154

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Kim KP,  Yee J
Title: CT colonography: perforation rates and potential radiation risks.
Journal: Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am 20(2):279-91
Date: 2010 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20451817
PMC ID: PMC2956272

Full Text

Authors: Yu CL,  Falk RT,  Kimlin MG,  Rajaraman P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Horst RL,  Cosentino LM,  Linet MS,  Freedman DM
Title: The impact of delayed blood centrifuging, choice of collection tube, and type of assay on 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 21(4):643-8
Date: 2010 Apr
Branches: REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 20020320
PMC ID: PMC2849301

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Blair A,  Bell EM,  Rothman N,  Lan Q,  Barr DB,  Needham LL,  Portengen L,  Figgs LW,  Vermeulen R
Title: Predictors of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid exposure among herbicide applicators.
Journal: J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 20(2):160-8
Date: 2010 Mar
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 19319162
PMC ID: PMC2823960

Full Text

Authors: Bradford PT,  Freedman DM,  Goldstein AM,  Tucker MA
Title: Increased risk of second primary cancers after a diagnosis of melanoma.
Journal: Arch Dermatol 146(3):265-72
Date: 2010 Mar
Branches: GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20231496
PMC ID: PMC3076705

Full Text

Authors: Skibola CF,  Bracci PM,  Nieters A,  Brooks-Wilson A,  de Sanjosé S,  Hughes AM,  Cerhan JR,  Skibola DR,  Purdue M,  Kane E,  Lan Q,  Foretova L,  Schenk M,  Spinelli JJ,  Slager SL,  De Roos AJ,  Smith MT,  Roman E,  Cozen W,  Boffetta P,  Kricker A,  Zheng T,  Lightfoot T,  Cocco P,  Benavente Y,  Zhang Y,  Hartge P,  Linet MS,  Becker N,  Brennan P,  Zhang L,  Armstrong B,  Smith A,  Shiao R,  Novak AJ,  Maynadie M,  Chanock SJ,  Staines A,  Holford TR,  Holly EA,  Rothman N,  Wang SS
Title: Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA) polymorphisms and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the InterLymph Consortium.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 171(3):267-76
Date: 2010 Feb 1
Branches: OEEB, EBP, REB, CGR
PubMed ID: 20047977
PMC ID: PMC2842204

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Doody MM,  Rajaraman P,  Alexander BH,  Yeager M,  Hutchinson A,  Burdette L,  Thomas G,  Hunter DJ,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Preston DL,  Linet MS,  Hoover RN,  Chanock SJ,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Novel breast cancer risk alleles and interaction with ionizing radiation among U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Radiat Res 173(2):214-24
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: CGR, EBP, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 20095854
PMC ID: PMC2922870

Full Text

Authors: Dewitt R,  Klein DM,  Yukihara EG,  Simon SL,  McKeever SW
Title: Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of tooth enamel and its potential use in post-radiation exposure triage.
Journal: Health Phys 98(2):432-9
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20065717
PMC ID: PMC2808129

Full Text

Authors: Lönn S,  Gilbert ES,  Ron E,  Smith SA,  Stovall M,  Curtis RE
Title: Comparison of second cancer risks from brachytherapy and external beam therapy after uterine corpus cancer.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19(2):464-74
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20142245
PMC ID: PMC2866968

Full Text

Authors: Oaks BM,  Dodd KW,  Meinhold CL,  Jiao L,  Church TR,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ
Title: Folate intake, post-folic acid grain fortification, and pancreatic cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial.
Journal: Am J Clin Nutr 91(2):449-55
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 20007302
PMC ID: PMC2806895

Full Text

Authors: Sholom S,  Desrosiers M,  Chumak V,  Luckyanov N,  Simon SL,  Bouville A
Title: UV effects in tooth enamel and their possible application in EPR dosimetry with front teeth.
Journal: Health Phys 98(2):360-8
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20065706
PMC ID: PMC2808200

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Kleinerman R
Title: Current use and future needs of biodosimetry in studies of long-term health risk following radiation exposure.
Journal: Health Phys 98(2):109-17
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20065672
PMC ID: PMC2806653

Authors: Simon SL,  Skinner AR,  Swartz HM
Title: BioDose-2008: The 8th International Symposium on EPR Dating and Dosimetry and 3rd Joint International Conference in Biodosimetry
Journal: Health Physics 98(2):A13
Date: 2010 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lee C,  Lodwick D,  Hurtado J,  Pafundi D,  Williams JL,  Bolch WE
Title: The UF family of reference hybrid phantoms for computational radiation dosimetry.
Journal: Phys Med Biol 55(2):339-63
Date: 2010 Jan 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20019401
PMC ID: PMC2800036

Full Text

Authors: Meinhold CL,  Ron E,  Schonfeld SJ,  Alexander BH,  Freedman DM,  Linet MS,  Berrington de González A
Title: Nonradiation risk factors for thyroid cancer in the US Radiologic Technologists Study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 171(2):242-52
Date: 2010 Jan 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19951937
PMC ID: PMC3290908

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Curtis RE,  Gilbert E,  Berg CD,  Smith SA,  Stovall M,  Ron E
Title: Second solid cancers after radiotherapy for breast cancer in SEER cancer registries.
Journal: Br J Cancer 102(1):220-6
Date: 2010 Jan 5
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19935795
PMC ID: PMC2813734

Full Text

Authors: Kilfoy BA,  Zheng T,  Lan Q,  Han X,  Holford T,  Hein DW,  Qin Q,  Leaderer B,  Morton LM,  Yeager M,  Boyle P,  Zhao P,  Chanock S,  Rothman N,  Zhang Y
Title: Genetic variation in N-acetyltransferases 1 and 2, cigarette smoking, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 21(1):127-33
Date: 2010 Jan
Branches: OEEB, REB, CGR
PubMed ID: 19809881
PMC ID: PMC2972187


Authors: Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: Cellular (mobile) telephone use and cancer risk.
Journal: Rev Environ Health 25(1):51-5
Date: 2010 Jan-Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20429159
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ng AK,  Kenney LB,  Gilbert ES,  Travis LB
Title: Secondary malignancies across the age spectrum.
Journal: Semin Radiat Oncol 20(1):67-78
Date: 2010 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19959033
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Hutchinson A,  Wichner S,  Black PM,  Fine HA,  Loeffler JS,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Rothman N,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: DNA repair gene polymorphisms and risk of adult meningioma, glioma, and acoustic neuroma.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 12(1):37-48
Date: 2010 Jan
Branches: CGR, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 20150366
PMC ID: PMC2940551

Full Text

Authors: Zvonova I,  Krajewski P,  Berkovsky V,  Ammann M,  Duffa C,  Filistovic V,  Homma T,  Kanyar B,  Nedveckaite T,  Simon SL,  Vlasov O,  Webbe-Wood D
Title: Validation of 131I ecological transfer models and thyroid dose assessments using Chernobyl fallout data from the Plavsk district, Russia.
Journal: J Environ Radioact 101(1):8-15
Date: 2010 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19783331
PMC ID: PMC2791700

Full Text

Authors: Baade PD,  Herrero Hernández E,  Freedman DM,  Smithers BM,  Fritschi L
Title: No role for melanoma treatment in the association between melanoma and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.
Journal: Neuroepidemiology 35(4):303-4
Date: 2010
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20962539
PMC ID: PMC2974840

Full Text

Authors: Ghabach B,  Anderson WF,  Curtis RE,  Huycke MM,  Lavigne JA,  Dores GM
Title: Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast in the United States (1977 to 2006): a population-based cohort study.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res 12(4):R54
Date: 2010
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 20653964
PMC ID: PMC2949643

Full Text

Authors: Little MP
Title: Cancer models, genomic instability and somatic cellular Darwinian evolution.
Journal: Biol Direct 5:19; discussion 19
Date: 2010
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20406436
PMC ID: PMC2873266

Full Text

Authors: Little MP
Title: Exposure to radiation and higher risk of circulatory disease.
Journal: BMJ 340:b4326
Date: 2010
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20075149
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Little MP,  Heidenreich WF,  Li G
Title: Parameter identifiability and redundancy: theoretical considerations.
Journal: PLoS One 5(1):e8915
Date: 2010
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20111720
PMC ID: PMC2811744

Full Text

Authors: Milne RL,  Gaudet MM,  Spurdle AB,  Fasching PA,  Couch FJ,  Benítez J,  Arias Pérez JI,  Zamora MP,  Malats N,  Dos Santos Silva I,  Gibson LJ,  Fletcher O,  Johnson N,  Anton-Culver H,  Ziogas A,  Figueroa J,  Brinton L,  Sherman ME,  Lissowska J,  Hopper JL,  Dite GS,  Apicella C,  Southey MC,  Sigurdson AJ,  Linet MS,  Schonfeld SJ,  Freedman DM,  Mannermaa A,  Kosma VM,  Kataja V,  Auvinen P,  Andrulis IL,  Glendon G,  Knight JA,  Weerasooriya N,  Cox A,  Reed MW,  Cross SS,  Dunning AM,  Ahmed S,  Shah M,  Brauch H,  Ko YD,  Brüning T,  GENICA Network,  Lambrechts D,  Reumers J,  Smeets A,  Wang-Gohrke S,  Hall P,  Czene K,  Liu J,  Irwanto AK,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Holland H,  kConFab,  AOCS,  Giles GG,  Baglietto L,  Severi G,  Bojensen SE,  Nordestgaard BG,  Flyger H,  John EM,  West DW,  Whittemore AS,  Vachon C,  Olson JE,  Fredericksen Z,  Kosel M,  Hein R,  Vrieling A,  Flesch-Janys D,  Heinz J,  Beckmann MW,  Heusinger K,  Ekici AB,  Haeberle L,  Humphreys MK,  Morrison J,  Easton DF,  Pharoah PD,  García-Closas M,  Goode EL,  Chang-Claude J
Title: Assessing interactions between the associations of common genetic susceptibility variants, reproductive history and body mass index with breast cancer risk in the breast cancer association consortium: a combined case-control study.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res 12(6):R110
Date: 2010
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 21194473
PMC ID: PMC3046455

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de González A,  Mahesh M,  Kim KP,  Bhargavan M,  Lewis R,  Mettler F,  Land C
Title: Projected cancer risks from computed tomographic scans performed in the United States in 2007.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 169(22):2071-7
Date: 2009 Dec 14
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20008689
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Smith-Bindman R,  Lipson J,  Marcus R,  Kim KP,  Mahesh M,  Gould R,  Berrington de González A,  Miglioretti DL
Title: Radiation dose associated with common computed tomography examinations and the associated lifetime attributable risk of cancer.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 169(22):2078-86
Date: 2009 Dec 14
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 20008690
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cook MB,  Sigurdson AJ,  Jones IM,  Thomas CB,  Graubard BI,  Korde L,  Greene MH,  McGlynn KA
Title: Endogenous DNA damage and testicular germ cell tumors.
Journal: Int J Androl 32(6):599-606
Date: 2009 Dec
Branches: REB, CGB, BB, HREB
PubMed ID: 18657195
PMC ID: PMC2874631

Full Text

Authors: Hosgood HD 3rd,  Baris D,  Zhang Y,  Berndt SI,  Menashe I,  Morton LM,  Lee KM,  Yeager M,  Zahm SH,  Chanock S,  Zheng T,  Lan Q
Title: Genetic variation in cell cycle and apoptosis related genes and multiple myeloma risk.
Journal: Leuk Res 33(12):1609-14
Date: 2009 Dec
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB, CGR, OD
PubMed ID: 19362737
PMC ID: PMC2749910

Full Text

Authors: Meinhold CL,  Park Y,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ,  Hollenbeck AR,  Schatzkin A,  Berrington de Gonzalez A
Title: Alcohol intake and risk of thyroid cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: Br J Cancer 101(9):1630-4
Date: 2009 Nov 3
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 19862001
PMC ID: PMC2778506

Full Text

Authors: Moore SC,  Rajaraman P,  Dubrow R,  Darefsky AS,  Koebnick C,  Hollenbeck A,  Schatzkin A,  Leitzmann MF
Title: Height, body mass index, and physical activity in relation to glioma risk.
Journal: Cancer Res 69(21):8349-55
Date: 2009 Nov 1
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 19808953
PMC ID: PMC2783605

Full Text

Authors: Boukheris H,  Curtis RE,  Land CE,  Dores GM
Title: Incidence of carcinoma of the major salivary glands according to the WHO classification, 1992 to 2006: a population-based study in the United States.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(11):2899-906
Date: 2009 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19861510
PMC ID: PMC2779732

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Smith SA,  Tucker MA
Title: Risk of cataract extraction among adult retinoblastoma survivors.
Journal: Arch Ophthalmol 127(11):1500-4
Date: 2009 Nov
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 19901216
PMC ID: PMC2818500

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: The impact of dosimetry uncertainties on dose-response analyses.
Journal: Health Phys 97(5):487-92
Date: 2009 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19820458
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Bhatti P,  Chang SC,  Rajaraman P,  Doody MM,  Bowen L,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Linet MS,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Alexander BH,  Preston DL,  Struewing JP
Title: Polymorphisms in estrogen biosynthesis and metabolism-related genes, ionizing radiation exposure, and risk of breast cancer among US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res Treat 118(1):177-84
Date: 2009 Nov
Branches: REB, CGB
PubMed ID: 19214745
PMC ID: PMC2860373

Full Text

Authors: Kryuchkov V,  Chumak V,  Maceika E,  Anspaugh LR,  Cardis E,  Bakhanova E,  Golovanov I,  Drozdovitch V,  Luckyanov N,  Kesminiene A,  Voillequé P,  Bouville A
Title: Radrue method for reconstruction of external photon doses for Chernobyl liquidators in epidemiological studies.
Journal: Health Phys 97(4):275-98
Date: 2009 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19741357
PMC ID: PMC2930607

Full Text

Authors: Mbulaiteye SM,  Biggar RJ,  Bhatia K,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Sporadic childhood Burkitt lymphoma incidence in the United States during 1992-2005.
Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer 53(3):366-70
Date: 2009 Sep
Branches: BB, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 19434731
PMC ID: PMC2713377

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Robison LL,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Hammond S,  Mertens AC,  Whitton JA,  Diller L,  Kenney L,  Donaldson SS,  Meadows AT,  Neglia JP
Title: Radiation dose and breast cancer risk in the childhood cancer survivor study.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 27(24):3901-7
Date: 2009 Aug 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19620485
PMC ID: PMC2734395

Full Text

Authors: Anderson LA,  Gadalla S,  Morton LM,  Landgren O,  Pfeiffer R,  Warren JL,  Berndt SI,  Ricker W,  Parsons R,  Engels EA
Title: Population-based study of autoimmune conditions and the risk of specific lymphoid malignancies.
Journal: Int J Cancer 125(2):398-405
Date: 2009 Jul 15
Branches: BB, CGB, IIB, OEEB, REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 19365835
PMC ID: PMC2692814

Full Text

Authors: Kim KP,  Einstein AJ,  Berrington de González A
Title: Coronary artery calcification screening: estimated radiation dose and cancer risk.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 169(13):1188-94
Date: 2009 Jul 13
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19597067
PMC ID: PMC2765044

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Morton LM,  Armstrong B,  Hartge P,  Menashe I,  Zheng T,  Purdue MP,  Cerhan JR,  Zhang Y,  Grulich A,  Cozen W,  Yeager M,  Holford TR,  Vajdic CM,  Davis S,  Leaderer B,  Kricker A,  Schenk M,  Zahm SH,  Chatterjee N,  Chanock SJ,  Rothman N,  Wang SS
Title: Genetic variation in caspase genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled analysis of 3 population-based case-control studies.
Journal: Blood 114(2):264-7
Date: 2009 Jul 9
Branches: BB, OD, CGR, OEEB, EBP, REB, LTG
PubMed ID: 19414860
PMC ID: PMC2714202

Full Text

Authors: Hsieh MM,  Fitzhugh CD,  Tisdale JF,  Rizzo JD,  Curtis RE,  Deeg HJ,  Travis LB
Title: Incidence of second cancers after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using reduced-dose radiation.
Journal: Blood 114(1):225; author reply 225-6
Date: 2009 Jul 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19574484
PMC ID: PMC2710951

Full Text

Authors: Hall EJ,  Metting N,  Puskin J,  Ron E
Title: Low dose radiation epidemiology: what can it tell us?
Journal: Radiat Res 172(1):134-8
Date: 2009 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19580516
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Meinhold CL,  Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Albanes D,  Weinstein SJ,  Taylor PR,  Virtamo J,  Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ
Title: Predictors of fasting serum insulin and glucose and the risk of pancreatic cancer in smokers.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 20(5):681-90
Date: 2009 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19083105
PMC ID: PMC2718707

Full Text

Authors: Leppäluoto PA,  Chaturvedi AK,  Kleinerman RA,  Hildesheim A,  Gilbert ES,  Storm H,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Langmark F,  Pukkala E,  Andersson M,  Fossa SD,  Joensuu H,  Travis LB,  Engels EA
Title: Nonsmoking: a surrogate factor in primary lung cancer in survivors of cervical adenocarcinoma?
Journal: J Clin Oncol 27(18):3065-7
Date: 2009 Jun 20
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 19433676
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Wang SS,  Richesson DA,  Schatzkin A,  Hollenbeck AR,  Lacey JV Jr
Title: Reproductive factors, exogenous hormone use and risk of lymphoid neoplasms among women in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study Cohort.
Journal: Int J Cancer 124(11):2737-43
Date: 2009 Jun 1
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 19253366
PMC ID: PMC2701156

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Stewart PA,  Hutchinson A,  Rothman N,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD,  Rajaraman P
Title: Lead exposure, polymorphisms in genes related to oxidative stress, and risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(6):1841-8
Date: 2009 Jun
Branches: REB, CGR, OEEB
PubMed ID: 19505917
PMC ID: PMC2750838

Full Text

Authors: Coble JB,  Dosemeci M,  Stewart PA,  Blair A,  Bowman J,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Loeffler JS,  Black PM,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: Occupational exposure to magnetic fields and the risk of brain tumors.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 11(3):242-9
Date: 2009 Jun
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 19234232
PMC ID: PMC2718968

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Ionising radiation and cancer risks: what have we learned from epidemiology?
Journal: Int J Radiat Biol 85(6):467-82
Date: 2009 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19401906
PMC ID: PMC2859619


Authors: Hendry JH,  Simon SL,  Wojcik A,  Sohrabi M,  Burkart W,  Cardis E,  Laurier D,  Tirmarche M,  Hayata I
Title: Human exposure to high natural background radiation: what can it teach us about radiation risks?
Journal: J Radiol Prot 29(2A):A29-42
Date: 2009 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19454802
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Khrutchinsky A,  Kutsen S,  Minenko V,  Zhukova O,  Luckyanov N,  Bouville A,  Drozdovitch V
Title: Monte Carlo modeling of beta-radiometer device used to measure milk contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Appl Radiat Isot 67(6):1089-93
Date: 2009 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19233662
PMC ID: PMC2673802

Full Text

Authors: Nam JM,  Kwon D
Title: Non-inferiority tests for clustered matched-pair data.
Journal: Stat Med 28(12):1668-79
Date: 2009 May 30
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 19326387
PMC ID: PMC2717020

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Gilbert ES,  Rizzo JD,  Socié G,  Banks PM,  Sobocinski KA,  Horowitz MM,  Jaffe ES,  Kingma DW,  Travis LB,  Flowers ME,  Martin PJ,  Deeg HJ,  Curtis RE
Title: Risk factors for lymphoproliferative disorders after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Journal: Blood 113(20):4992-5001
Date: 2009 May 14
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19264919
PMC ID: PMC2686146

Full Text

Authors: Robison LL,  Armstrong GT,  Boice JD,  Chow EJ,  Davies SM,  Donaldson SS,  Green DM,  Hammond S,  Meadows AT,  Mertens AC,  Mulvihill JJ,  Nathan PC,  Neglia JP,  Packer RJ,  Rajaraman P,  Sklar CA,  Stovall M,  Strong LC,  Yasui Y,  Zeltzer LK
Title: The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study: a National Cancer Institute-supported resource for outcome and intervention research.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 27(14):2308-18
Date: 2009 May 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19364948
PMC ID: PMC2677920

Full Text

Authors: Ahmed S,  Thomas G,  Ghoussaini M,  Healey CS,  Humphreys MK,  Platte R,  Morrison J,  Maranian M,  Pooley KA,  Luben R,  Eccles D,  Evans DG,  Fletcher O,  Johnson N,  dos Santos Silva I,  Peto J,  Stratton MR,  Rahman N,  Jacobs K,  Prentice R,  Anderson GL,  Rajkovic A,  Curb JD,  Ziegler RG,  Berg CD,  Buys SS,  McCarty CA,  Feigelson HS,  Calle EE,  Thun MJ,  Diver WR,  Bojesen S,  Nordestgaard BG,  Flyger H,  Dörk T,  Schürmann P,  Hillemanns P,  Karstens JH,  Bogdanova NV,  Antonenkova NN,  Zalutsky IV,  Bermisheva M,  Fedorova S,  Khusnutdinova E,  SEARCH,  Kang D,  Yoo KY,  Noh DY,  Ahn SH,  Devilee P,  van Asperen CJ,  Tollenaar RA,  Seynaeve C,  Garcia-Closas M,  Lissowska J,  Brinton L,  Peplonska B,  Nevanlinna H,  Heikkinen T,  Aittomäki K,  Blomqvist C,  Hopper JL,  Southey MC,  Smith L,  Spurdle AB,  Schmidt MK,  Broeks A,  van Hien RR,  Cornelissen S,  Milne RL,  Ribas G,  González-Neira A,  Benitez J,  Schmutzler RK,  Burwinkel B,  Bartram CR,  Meindl A,  Brauch H,  Justenhoven C,  Hamann U,  GENICA Consortium,  Chang-Claude J,  Hein R,  Wang-Gohrke S,  Lindblom A,  Margolin S,  Mannermaa A,  Kosma VM,  Kataja V,  Olson JE,  Wang X,  Fredericksen Z,  Giles GG,  Severi G,  Baglietto L,  English DR,  Hankinson SE,  Cox DG,  Kraft P,  Vatten LJ,  Hveem K,  Kumle M,  Sigurdson A,  Doody M,  Bhatti P,  Alexander BH,  Hooning MJ,  van den Ouweland AM,  Oldenburg RA,  Schutte M,  Hall P,  Czene K,  Liu J,  Li Y,  Cox A,  Elliott G,  Brock I,  Reed MW,  Shen CY,  Yu JC,  Hsu GC,  Chen ST,  Anton-Culver H,  Ziogas A,  Andrulis IL,  Knight JA,  kConFab,  Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group,  Beesley J,  Goode EL,  Couch F,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Hoover RN,  Ponder BA,  Hunter DJ,  Pharoah PD,  Dunning AM,  Chanock SJ,  Easton DF
Title: Newly discovered breast cancer susceptibility loci on 3p24 and 17q23.2.
Journal: Nat Genet 41(5):585-90
Date: 2009 May
Branches: CGR, EBP, HREB, LTG, REB
PubMed ID: 19330027
PMC ID: PMC2748125

Full Text

Authors: Gaudet MM,  Milne RL,  Cox A,  Camp NJ,  Goode EL,  Humphreys MK,  Dunning AM,  Morrison J,  Giles GG,  Severi G,  Baglietto L,  English DR,  Couch FJ,  Olson JE,  Wang X,  Chang-Claude J,  Flesch-Janys D,  Abbas S,  Salazar R,  Mannermaa A,  Kataja V,  Kosma VM,  Lindblom A,  Margolin S,  Heikkinen T,  Kämpjärvi K,  Aaltonen K,  Nevanlinna H,  Bogdanova N,  Coinac I,  Schürmann P,  Dörk T,  Bartram CR,  Schmutzler RK,  Tchatchou S,  Burwinkel B,  Brauch H,  Torres D,  Hamann U,  Justenhoven C,  Ribas G,  Arias JI,  Benitez J,  Bojesen SE,  Nordestgaard BG,  Flyger HL,  Peto J,  Fletcher O,  Johnson N,  Dos Santos Silva I,  Fasching PA,  Beckmann MW,  Strick R,  Ekici AB,  Broeks A,  Schmidt MK,  van Leeuwen FE,  Van't Veer LJ,  Southey MC,  Hopper JL,  Apicella C,  Haiman CA,  Henderson BE,  Le Marchand L,  Kolonel LN,  Kristensen V,  Grenaker Alnaes G,  Hunter DJ,  Kraft P,  Cox DG,  Hankinson SE,  Seynaeve C,  Vreeswijk MP,  Tollenaar RA,  Devilee P,  Chanock S,  Lissowska J,  Brinton L,  Peplonska B,  Czene K,  Hall P,  Li Y,  Liu J,  Balasubramanian S,  Rafii S,  Reed MW,  Pooley KA,  Conroy D,  Baynes C,  Kang D,  Yoo KY,  Noh DY,  Ahn SH,  Shen CY,  Wang HC,  Yu JC,  Wu PE,  Anton-Culver H,  Ziogoas A,  Egan K,  Newcomb P,  Titus-Ernstoff L,  Trentham Dietz A,  Sigurdson AJ,  Alexander BH,  Bhatti P,  Allen-Brady K,  Cannon-Albright LA,  Wong J,  Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Spurdle AB,  Beesley J,  Pharoah PD,  Easton DF,  Garcia-Closas M,  Breast Cancer Association Consortium
Title: Five polymorphisms and breast cancer risk: results from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(5):1610-6
Date: 2009 May
Branches: CGR, HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 19423537
PMC ID: PMC2737177

Full Text

Authors: Jung J,  Sun B,  Kwon D,  Koller DL,  Foroud TM
Title: Allelic-based gene-gene interaction associated with quantitative traits.
Journal: Genet Epidemiol 33(4):332-43
Date: 2009 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19058262
PMC ID: PMC2825760

Full Text

Authors: Ostroumova E,  Brenner A,  Oliynyk V,  McConnell R,  Robbins J,  Terekhova G,  Zablotska L,  Likhtarev I,  Bouville A,  Shpak V,  Markov V,  Masnyk I,  Ron E,  Tronko M,  Hatch M
Title: Subclinical hypothyroidism after radioiodine exposure: Ukrainian-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident (1998-2000).
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 117(5):745-50
Date: 2009 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19479016
PMC ID: PMC2685836

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Brenner AV,  Butler MA,  Wang SS,  Pfeiffer RM,  Ruder AM,  Linet MS,  Yeager M,  Wang Z,  Orr N,  Fine HA,  Kwon D,  Thomas G,  Rothman N,  Inskip PD,  Chanock SJ
Title: Common variation in genes related to innate immunity and risk of adult glioma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(5):1651-8
Date: 2009 May
Branches: REB, IIB, BB, CGR, OEEB
PubMed ID: 19423540
PMC ID: PMC2771723

Full Text

Authors: Schneider AB,  Viana MA,  Ron E
Title: Weighing shadows: can meta-analysis help define the risk-benefit ratio of RAI treatment for low-risk thyroid cancer patients?
Journal: Thyroid 19(5):435-6
Date: 2009 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19415992
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Thomas G,  Jacobs KB,  Kraft P,  Yeager M,  Wacholder S,  Cox DG,  Hankinson SE,  Hutchinson A,  Wang Z,  Yu K,  Chatterjee N,  Garcia-Closas M,  Gonzalez-Bosquet J,  Prokunina-Olsson L,  Orr N,  Willett WC,  Colditz GA,  Ziegler RG,  Berg CD,  Buys SS,  McCarty CA,  Feigelson HS,  Calle EE,  Thun MJ,  Diver R,  Prentice R,  Jackson R,  Kooperberg C,  Chlebowski R,  Lissowska J,  Peplonska B,  Brinton LA,  Sigurdson A,  Doody M,  Bhatti P,  Alexander BH,  Buring J,  Lee IM,  Vatten LJ,  Hveem K,  Kumle M,  Hayes RB,  Tucker M,  Gerhard DS,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Hoover RN,  Chanock SJ,  Hunter DJ
Title: A multistage genome-wide association study in breast cancer identifies two new risk alleles at 1p11.2 and 14q24.1 (RAD51L1).
Journal: Nat Genet 41(5):579-84
Date: 2009 May
Branches: CGR, BB, HREB, GEB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 19330030
PMC ID: PMC2928646

Full Text

Authors: Bozhok Y,  Greenebaum E,  Bogdanova TI,  McConnell RJ,  Zelinskaya A,  Brenner AV,  Zurnadzhy LY,  Zablotska L,  Tronko MD,  Hatch M
Title: NA cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chernobyl accident: cytohistopathologic correlation and accuracy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in nodules detected during the first screening in Ukraine (1998-2000).
Journal: Cancer 117(2):73-81
Date: 2009 Apr 25
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19365829
PMC ID: PMC2909031

Full Text

Authors: Yu CL,  Tucker MA,  Abramson DH,  Furukawa K,  Seddon JM,  Stovall M,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Cause-specific mortality in long-term survivors of retinoblastoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 101(8):581-91
Date: 2009 Apr 15
Branches: REB, GEB, OD
PubMed ID: 19351917
PMC ID: PMC2669101

Full Text

Authors: Cook MB,  Dawsey SM,  Freedman ND,  Inskip PD,  Wichner SM,  Quraishi SM,  Devesa SS,  McGlynn KA
Title: Sex disparities in cancer incidence by period and age.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(4):1174-82
Date: 2009 Apr
Branches: HREB, NEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 19293308
PMC ID: PMC2793271

Full Text

Authors: Howard RA,  Leitzmann MF,  Linet MS,  Freedman DM
Title: Physical activity and breast cancer risk among pre- and postmenopausal women in the U.S. Radiologic Technologists cohort.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 20(3):323-33
Date: 2009 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18941914
PMC ID: PMC2649702

Full Text

Authors: Little MP,  Wakeford R,  Tawn EJ,  Bouffler SD,  Berrington de Gonzalez A
Title: Risks associated with low doses and low dose rates of ionizing radiation: why linearity may be (almost) the best we can do.
Journal: Radiology 251(1):6-12
Date: 2009 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19332841
PMC ID: PMC2663578

Full Text

Authors: McKean-Cowdin R,  Barnholtz-Sloan J,  Inskip PD,  Ruder AM,  Butler M,  Rajaraman P,  Razavi P,  Patoka J,  Wiencke JK,  Bondy ML,  Wrensch M
Title: Associations between polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and glioblastoma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(4):1118-26
Date: 2009 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19318434
PMC ID: PMC2667563

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Purdue MP,  Zheng T,  Wang SS,  Armstrong B,  Zhang Y,  Menashe I,  Chatterjee N,  Davis S,  Lan Q,  Vajdic CM,  Severson RK,  Holford TR,  Kricker A,  Cerhan JR,  Leaderer B,  Grulich A,  Yeager M,  Cozen W,  Hoar Zahm S,  Chanock SJ,  Rothman N,  Hartge P
Title: Risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma associated with germline variation in genes that regulate the cell cycle, apoptosis, and lymphocyte development.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(4):1259-70
Date: 2009 Apr
Branches: REB, OEEB, IIB, BB, CGR, OD, EBP
PubMed ID: 19336552
PMC ID: PMC2716008

Full Text

Authors: Dunning AM,  Healey CS,  Baynes C,  Maia AT,  Scollen S,  Vega A,  Rodríguez R,  Barbosa-Morais NL,  Ponder BA,  SEARCH,  Low YL,  Bingham S,  EPIC,  Haiman CA,  Le Marchand L,  MEC,  Broeks A,  Schmidt MK,  ABCS,  Hopper J,  Southey M,  ABCFS,  Beckmann MW,  Fasching PA,  BBCC,  Peto J,  Johnson N,  BBCS,  Bojesen SE,  Nordestgaard B,  CGPS,  Milne RL,  Benitez J,  CNIO-BCS,  Hamann U,  Ko Y,  GENICA,  Schmutzler RK,  Burwinkel B,  GC-HBOC,  Schürmann P,  Dörk T,  HABCS,  Heikkinen T,  Nevanlinna H,  HEBCS,  Lindblom A,  Margolin S,  KARBAC,  Mannermaa A,  Kosma VM,  KBCS,  Chen X,  Spurdle A,  kConFab and the AOCS Management Group,  Change-Claude J,  Flesch-Janys D,  MARIE,  Couch FJ,  Olson JE,  for MCBCS,  Severi G,  Baglietto L,  MCCS,  Børresen-Dale AL,  Kristensen V,  NBCS,  Hunter DJ,  Hankinson SE,  NHS,  Devilee P,  Vreeswijk M,  ORIGO,  Lissowska J,  Brinton L,  PBCS,  Liu J,  Hall P,  SASBAC,  Kang D,  Yoo KY,  SEBCS,  Shen CY,  Yu JC,  TWBCS,  Anton-Culver H,  Ziogoas A,  UCIBCS,  Sigurdson A,  Struewing J,  USRTS,  Easton DF,  Garcia-Closas M,  Humphreys MK,  Morrison J,  Pharoah PD,  Pooley KA,  Chenevix-Trench G,  BCAC
Title: Association of ESR1 gene tagging SNPs with breast cancer risk.
Journal: Hum Mol Genet 18(6):1131-9
Date: 2009 Mar 15
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 19126777
PMC ID: PMC2722230

Full Text

Authors: Enewold L,  Zhu K,  Ron E,  Marrogi AJ,  Stojadinovic A,  Peoples GE,  Devesa SS
Title: Rising thyroid cancer incidence in the United States by demographic and tumor characteristics, 1980-2005.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(3):784-91
Date: 2009 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 19240234
PMC ID: PMC2676561

Full Text

Authors: Hatch M,  Brenner A,  Bogdanova T,  Derevyanko A,  Kuptsova N,  Likhtarev I,  Bouville A,  Tereshchenko V,  Kovgan L,  Shpak V,  Ostroumova E,  Greenebaum E,  Zablotska L,  Ron E,  Tronko M
Title: A screening study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases among individuals exposed in utero to iodine-131 from Chernobyl fallout.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94(3):899-906
Date: 2009 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19106267
PMC ID: PMC2681280

Full Text

Authors: Jang MK,  Kwon D,  McBride AA
Title: Papillomavirus E2 proteins and the host BRD4 protein associate with transcriptionally active cellular chromatin.
Journal: J Virol 83(6):2592-600
Date: 2009 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19129460
PMC ID: PMC2648287

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Maurer MJ,  Morton LM,  Habermann TM,  Davis S,  Cozen W,  Lynch CF,  Severson RK,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Hartge P,  Cerhan JR
Title: Polymorphisms in DNA repair and one-carbon metabolism genes and overall survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma.
Journal: Leukemia 23(3):596-602
Date: 2009 Mar
PubMed ID: 18830263
PMC ID: PMC3066015

Full Text

Authors: Colt JS,  Rothman N,  Severson RK,  Hartge P,  Cerhan JR,  Chatterjee N,  Cozen W,  Morton LM,  De Roos AJ,  Davis S,  Chanock S,  Wang SS
Title: Organochlorine exposure, immune gene variation, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Blood 113(9):1899-905
Date: 2009 Feb 26
PubMed ID: 19066394
PMC ID: PMC2651009

Full Text

Authors: Chaturvedi AK,  Kleinerman RA,  Hildesheim A,  Gilbert ES,  Storm H,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Langmark F,  Pukkala E,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Fossa SD,  Joensuu H,  Travis LB,  Engels EA
Title: Second cancers after squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the cervix.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 27(6):967-73
Date: 2009 Feb 20
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 19114696
PMC ID: PMC2738433

Full Text

Authors: Lim U,  Freedman DM,  Hollis BW,  Horst RL,  Purdue MP,  Chatterjee N,  Weinstein SJ,  Morton LM,  Schatzkin A,  Virtamo J,  Linet MS,  Hartge P,  Albanes D
Title: A prospective investigation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and risk of lymphoid cancers.
Journal: Int J Cancer 124(4):979-86
Date: 2009 Feb 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19035445
PMC ID: PMC2677449

Full Text

Authors: de Gonzalez AB,  Jee SH,  Engels EA
Title: No association between hepatitis B and pancreatic cancer in a prospective study in Korea.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 27(4):648; author reply 648-9
Date: 2009 Feb 1
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 19103724
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Jargin SV,  Ron E
Title: Overestimation of thyroid cancer incidence after Chernobyl.
Journal: Health Phys 96(2):186; author reply 186-7
Date: 2009 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19131741
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA
Title: Radiation-sensitive genetically susceptible pediatric sub-populations.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 39 Suppl 1:S27-31
Date: 2009 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19083227
PMC ID: PMC2656401

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Kim KP,  Rajaraman P
Title: Children's exposure to diagnostic medical radiation and cancer risk: epidemiologic and dosimetric considerations.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 39 Suppl 1:S4-26
Date: 2009 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19083224
PMC ID: PMC2814780

Full Text

Authors: Purdue MP,  Lan Q,  Wang SS,  Kricker A,  Menashe I,  Zheng TZ,  Hartge P,  Grulich AE,  Zhang Y,  Morton LM,  Vajdic CM,  Holford TR,  Severson RK,  Leaderer BP,  Cerhan JR,  Yeager M,  Cozen W,  Jacobs K,  Davis S,  Rothman N,  Chanock SJ,  Chatterjee N,  Armstrong BK
Title: A pooled investigation of Toll-like receptor gene variants and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 30(2):275-81
Date: 2009 Feb
Branches: OEEB, IIB, EBP, REB, CGR, BB
PubMed ID: 19029192
PMC ID: PMC2639046

Full Text

Authors: Yu CL,  Li Y,  Freedman DM,  Fears TR,  Kwok R,  Chodick G,  Alexander B,  Kimlin MG,  Kricker A,  Armstrong BK,  Linet MS
Title: Assessment of lifetime cumulative sun exposure using a self-administered questionnaire: reliability of two approaches.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(2):464-71
Date: 2009 Feb
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 19190171
PMC ID: PMC2746098

Full Text

Authors: Rizzo JD,  Curtis RE,  Socié G,  Sobocinski KA,  Gilbert E,  Landgren O,  Travis LB,  Travis WD,  Flowers ME,  Friedman DL,  Horowitz MM,  Wingard JR,  Deeg HJ
Title: Solid cancers after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Journal: Blood 113(5):1175-83
Date: 2009 Jan 29
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 18971419
PMC ID: PMC2635083

Full Text

Authors: Lanoy E,  Dores GM,  Madeleine MM,  Toro JR,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Engels EA
Title: Epidemiology of nonkeratinocytic skin cancers among persons with AIDS in the United States.
Journal: AIDS 23(3):385-93
Date: 2009 Jan 28
Branches: GEB, OD, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 19114864
PMC ID: PMC2728602

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Landgren O,  McGlynn KA,  Curtis RE,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Plasmacytoma of bone, extramedullary plasmacytoma, and multiple myeloma: incidence and survival in the United States, 1992-2004.
Journal: Br J Haematol 144(1):86-94
Date: 2009 Jan
Branches: GEB, HREB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 19016727
PMC ID: PMC2610331

Full Text

Authors: Freedman D,  Fuhrman B,  Graubard BI,  Chang SC
Title: Vitamin D and cancer mortality.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18(1):359; author reply 359-60
Date: 2009 Jan
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 19124522
PMC ID: PMC2648349

Full Text

Authors: Kwok RK,  Linet MS,  Chodick G,  Kleinerman RA,  Freedman DM,  Fears T,  Johnson RE,  Alexander BH
Title: Simplified categorization of outdoor activities for male and female U.S. indoor workers-a feasibility study to improve assessment of ultraviolet radiation exposures in epidemiologic study questionnaires.
Journal: Photochem Photobiol 85(1):45-9
Date: 2009 Jan-Feb
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 18643910
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Zhang L,  Shen M,  Jo WJ,  Vermeulen R,  Li G,  Vulpe C,  Lim S,  Ren X,  Rappaport SM,  Berndt SI,  Yeager M,  Yuenger J,  Hayes RB,  Linet M,  Yin S,  Chanock S,  Smith MT,  Rothman N
Title: Large-scale evaluation of candidate genes identifies associations between DNA repair and genomic maintenance and development of benzene hematotoxicity.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 30(1):50-8
Date: 2009 Jan
Branches: OEEB, CGR, REB
PubMed ID: 18978339
PMC ID: PMC2639030

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Land CE,  Bhatti P,  Pineda M,  Brenner A,  Carr Z,  Gusev BI,  Zhumadilov Z,  Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Rutter JL,  Ron E,  Struewing JP
Title: Thyroid nodules, polymorphic variants in DNA repair and RET-related genes, and interaction with ionizing radiation exposure from nuclear tests in Kazakhstan.
Journal: Radiat Res 171(1):77-88
Date: 2009 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19138047
PMC ID: PMC2875679

Full Text

Authors: Yong LC,  Sigurdson AJ,  Ward EM,  Waters MA,  Whelan EA,  Petersen MR,  Bhatti P,  Ramsey MJ,  Ron E,  Tucker JD
Title: Increased frequency of chromosome translocations in airline pilots with long-term flying experience.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 66(1):56-62
Date: 2009 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19074211
PMC ID: PMC2608721

Full Text

Authors: Azzato EM,  Morton LM,  Bergen AW,  Wang SS,  Chatterjee N,  Kvale P,  Yeager M,  Hayes RB,  Chanock SJ,  Caporaso NE
Title: SLC6A3 and body mass index in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial.
Journal: BMC Med Genet 10:9
Date: 2009
Branches: GEB, REB, IIB, BB, CGR
PubMed ID: 19183461
PMC ID: PMC2640369

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Kampa D,  Alexander BH,  McClure C,  Ringer D,  Doody MM,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Blood spots as an alternative to whole blood collection and the effect of a small monetary incentive to increase participation in genetic association studies.
Journal: BMC Med Res Methodol 9:76
Date: 2009
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19912630
PMC ID: PMC2781815


Authors: Cebulla, CM,  Kleinerman RA,  Alegret A,  Kulak A,  Dubovy SR,  Hess DJ,  Murray TG
Title: Rapid Appearance of Rhabdomyosarcoma After Radiation and Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma: A Clinicopathologic Correlation
Journal: Retinal Cases & Brief Reports 3(4):343-346
Date: 2009
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sweetland S,  Green J,  Liu B,  Berrington de González A,  Canonico M,  Reeves G,  Beral V,  Million Women Study collaborators
Title: Duration and magnitude of the postoperative risk of venous thromboembolism in middle aged women: prospective cohort study.
Journal: BMJ 339:b4583
Date: 2009
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19959589
PMC ID: PMC2788913

Full Text

Authors: Wang SS,  Purdue MP,  Cerhan JR,  Zheng T,  Menashe I,  Armstrong BK,  Lan Q,  Hartge P,  Kricker A,  Zhang Y,  Morton LM,  Vajdic CM,  Holford TR,  Severson RK,  Grulich A,  Leaderer BP,  Davis S,  Cozen W,  Yeager M,  Chanock SJ,  Chatterjee N,  Rothman N
Title: Common gene variants in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF receptor superfamilies and NF-kB transcription factors and non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk.
Journal: PLoS One 4(4):e5360
Date: 2009
Branches: IIB, OEEB, BB, REB, CGR
PubMed ID: 19390683
PMC ID: PMC2669130

Full Text

Authors: Linet M,  Kim KP,  Rajaraman P
Title: Childrens exposure to diagnostic medical radiation and cancer risk: epidemiologic and dosimetric considerations.
Journal: Pediatric radiology 39:S4-S26
Date: 2008 Dec 16
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bluhm E,  McNeil DE,  Cnattingius S,  Gridley G,  El Ghormli L,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for neuroblastoma.
Journal: Int J Cancer 123(12):2885-90
Date: 2008 Dec 15
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 18798548
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Curtis RE,  Toro JR,  Devesa SS,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Incidence of cutaneous sebaceous carcinoma and risk of associated neoplasms: insight into Muir-Torre syndrome.
Journal: Cancer 113(12):3372-81
Date: 2008 Dec 15
Branches: REB, GEB, BB, OD
PubMed ID: 18932259
PMC ID: PMC2613970

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Wang SS,  Cozen W,  Linet MS,  Chatterjee N,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Colt JS,  Vasef MA,  Rothman N,  Blair A,  Bernstein L,  Cross AJ,  De Roos AJ,  Engels EA,  Hein DW,  Hill DA,  Kelemen LE,  Lim U,  Lynch CF,  Schenk M,  Wacholder S,  Ward MH,  Hoar Zahm S,  Chanock SJ,  Cerhan JR,  Hartge P
Title: Etiologic heterogeneity among non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes.
Journal: Blood 112(13):5150-60
Date: 2008 Dec 15
PubMed ID: 18796628
PMC ID: PMC2597610

Full Text

Authors: Ostroumova E,  Preston DL,  Ron E,  Krestinina L,  Davis FG,  Kossenko M,  Akleyev A
Title: Breast cancer incidence following low-dose rate environmental exposure: Techa River Cohort, 1956-2004.
Journal: Br J Cancer 99(11):1940-5
Date: 2008 Dec 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19002173
PMC ID: PMC2600704

Full Text

Authors: Boukheris H,  Ron E,  Dores GM,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Curtis RE
Title: Risk of radiation-related salivary gland carcinomas among survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based analysis.
Journal: Cancer 113(11):3153-9
Date: 2008 Dec 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18823043
PMC ID: PMC2868333

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Bhatti P,  Doody MM,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Linet MS,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Alexander BH,  Preston DL,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms may modify ionizing radiation-related breast cancer risk in US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Int J Cancer 123(11):2713-6
Date: 2008 Dec 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18767034
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Carreon JD,  Morton LM,  Devesa SS,  Clarke CA,  Gomez SL,  Glaser SL,  Sakoda LC,  Linet MS,  Wang SS
Title: Incidence of lymphoid neoplasms by subtype among six Asian ethnic groups in the United States, 1996-2004.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 19(10):1171-81
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: HREB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 18543071
PMC ID: PMC2581633

Full Text

Authors: Chumak VV,  Romanenko AY,  Voillequé PG,  Bakhanova EV,  Gudzenko N,  Hatch M,  Zablotska LB,  Golovanov IA,  Luckyanov NK,  Sholom SV,  Kryuchkov VP,  Bouville A
Title: The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: II. Estimation of bone marrow doses.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(6):698-710
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19138037
PMC ID: PMC3033011

Full Text

Authors: Kesminiene A,  Evrard AS,  Ivanov VK,  Malakhova IV,  Kurtinaitis J,  Stengrevics A,  Tekkel M,  Anspaugh LR,  Bouville A,  Chekin S,  Chumak VV,  Drozdovitch V,  Gapanovich V,  Golovanov I,  Hubert P,  Illichev SV,  Khait SE,  Kryuchkov VP,  Maceika E,  Maksyoutov M,  Mirkhaidarov AK,  Polyakov S,  Shchukina N,  Tenet V,  Tserakhovich TI,  Tsykalo A,  Tukov AR,  Cardis E
Title: Risk of hematological malignancies among Chernobyl liquidators.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(6):721-35
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19138033
PMC ID: PMC2904977

Full Text

Authors: O'Kane P,  Shelkovoy E,  McConnell RJ,  Shpak V,  Parker L,  Bogdanova TI,  Brenner A,  Naida Y,  Frangos A,  Zablotska L,  Robbins J,  Greenebaum E,  Zurnadzhy LY,  Tronko M,  Hatch M
Title: Differences in sonographic conspicuity according to papillary thyroid cancer subtype: results of the Ukrainian-American cohort study after the Chornobyl accident.
Journal: AJR Am J Roentgenol 191(6):W293-8
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19020218
PMC ID: PMC2841356

Full Text

Authors: Romanenko A,  Bebeshko V,  Hatch M,  Bazyka D,  Finch S,  Dyagil I,  Reiss R,  Chumak V,  Bouville A,  Gudzenko N,  Zablotska L,  Pilinskaya M,  Lyubarets T,  Bakhanova E,  Babkina N,  Trotsiuk N,  Ledoschuk B,  Belayev Y,  Dybsky SS,  Ron E,  Howe G
Title: The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: I. Study methods.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(6):691-7
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 19138036
PMC ID: PMC2856482

Full Text

Authors: Romanenko AY,  Finch SC,  Hatch M,  Lubin JH,  Bebeshko VG,  Bazyka DA,  Gudzenko N,  Dyagil IS,  Reiss RF,  Bouville A,  Chumak VV,  Trotsiuk NK,  Babkina NG,  Belyayev Y,  Masnyk I,  Ron E,  Howe GR,  Zablotska LB
Title: The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: III. Radiation risks.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(6):711-20
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 19138038
PMC ID: PMC2856603

Full Text

Authors: Song JJ,  Deng W,  Lee HJ,  Kwon D
Title: Optimal classification for time-course gene expression data using functional data analysis.
Journal: Comput Biol Chem 32(6):426-32
Date: 2008 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18755633
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Bhatti P,  Preston DL,  Doody MM,  Kampa D,  Alexander BH,  Petibone D,  Yong LC,  Edwards AA,  Ron E,  Tucker JD
Title: Routine diagnostic X-ray examinations and increased frequency of chromosome translocations among U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer Res 68(21):8825-31
Date: 2008 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18974125
PMC ID: PMC2586176

Full Text

Authors: Howard RA,  Freedman DM,  Park Y,  Hollenbeck A,  Schatzkin A,  Leitzmann MF
Title: Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and the risk of colon and rectal cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 19(9):939-53
Date: 2008 Nov
Branches: NEB, REB
PubMed ID: 18437512
PMC ID: PMC2574900

Full Text

Authors: Thierry-Chef I,  Simon SL,  Land CE,  Miller DL
Title: Radiation dose to the brain and subsequent risk of developing brain tumors in pediatric patients undergoing interventional neuroradiology procedures.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(5):553-65
Date: 2008 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18959462
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bondy ML,  Scheurer ME,  Malmer B,  Barnholtz-Sloan JS,  Davis FG,  Il'yasova D,  Kruchko C,  McCarthy BJ,  Rajaraman P,  Schwartzbaum JA,  Sadetzki S,  Schlehofer B,  Tihan T,  Wiemels JL,  Wrensch M,  Buffler PA,  Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium
Title: Brain tumor epidemiology: consensus from the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium.
Journal: Cancer 113(7 Suppl):1953-68
Date: 2008 Oct 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18798534
PMC ID: PMC2861559

Full Text

Authors: Habermann TM,  Wang SS,  Maurer MJ,  Morton LM,  Lynch CF,  Ansell SM,  Hartge P,  Severson RK,  Rothman N,  Davis S,  Geyer SM,  Cozen W,  Chanock SJ,  Cerhan JR
Title: Host immune gene polymorphisms in combination with clinical and demographic factors predict late survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients in the pre-rituximab era.
Journal: Blood 112(7):2694-702
Date: 2008 Oct 1
Branches: HREB, REB, EBP, OEEB
PubMed ID: 18633131
PMC ID: PMC2556607

Full Text

Authors: Hosgood HD 3rd,  Menashe I,  Shen M,  Yeager M,  Yuenger J,  Rajaraman P,  He X,  Chatterjee N,  Caporaso NE,  Zhu Y,  Chanock SJ,  Zheng T,  Lan Q
Title: Pathway-based evaluation of 380 candidate genes and lung cancer susceptibility suggests the importance of the cell cycle pathway.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 29(10):1938-43
Date: 2008 Oct
Branches: OEEB, BB, CGR, REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 18676680
PMC ID: PMC2722857

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM
Title: Encouraging participation in medical research: what strategies work?
Journal: J Clin Epidemiol 61(10):969-70
Date: 2008 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18359193
PMC ID: PMC2552976

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Hutchinson A,  Rothman N,  Black PM,  Fine HA,  Loeffler JS,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: Oxidative response gene polymorphisms and risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 10(5):709-15
Date: 2008 Oct
Branches: REB, CGR, OEEB
PubMed ID: 18682580
PMC ID: PMC2666247

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Bekiroglu N,  Hauptmann M,  Alexander BH,  Freedman DM,  Doody MM,  Cheung LC,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Bouville A,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Risk of cataract after exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation: a 20-year prospective cohort study among US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 168(6):620-31
Date: 2008 Sep 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18664497
PMC ID: PMC2727195

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Mabuchi K
Title: Can low-dose radiation increase risk of cardiovascular disease?
Journal: Lancet 372(9640):697-9
Date: 2008 Aug 30
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18761208
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Cerhan JR,  Engels EA,  Cozen W,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Morton LM,  Gridley G,  Hartge P,  Linet M
Title: Blood transfusion, anesthesia, surgery and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a population-based case-control study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 123(4):888-94
Date: 2008 Aug 15
Branches: IIB, REB, BB, EBP
PubMed ID: 18506687
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sokolnikov ME,  Gilbert ES,  Preston DL,  Ron E,  Shilnikova NS,  Khokhryakov VV,  Vasilenko EK,  Koshurnikova NA
Title: Lung, liver and bone cancer mortality in Mayak workers.
Journal: Int J Cancer 123(4):905-11
Date: 2008 Aug 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18528867
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Johnson KJ,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Linet MS,  Spector LG,  Hoffbeck W,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Ross JA
Title: Childhood cancer in the offspring born in 1921-1984 to US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Br J Cancer 99(3):545-50
Date: 2008 Aug 5
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 18665174
PMC ID: PMC2527813

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Doody MM,  Alexander BH,  Yuenger J,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Abend M,  Preston DL,  Pharoah P,  Struewing JP,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Breast cancer risk polymorphisms and interaction with ionizing radiation among U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(8):2007-11
Date: 2008 Aug
Branches: REB, CGR, CGB
PubMed ID: 18708391
PMC ID: PMC2583248

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Doody MM,  Preston DL,  Kampa D,  Ron E,  Weinstock RW,  Simon S,  Edwards AA,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Increased frequency of chromosome translocations associated with diagnostic x-ray examinations.
Journal: Radiat Res 170(2):149-55
Date: 2008 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18666821
PMC ID: PMC2766815

Full Text

Authors: Kwon D,  Vannucci M,  Song JJ,  Jeong J,  Pfeiffer RM
Title: A novel wavelet-based thresholding method for the pre-processing of mass spectrometry data that accounts for heterogeneous noise.
Journal: Proteomics 8(15):3019-29
Date: 2008 Aug
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 18615428
PMC ID: PMC2855839

Full Text

Authors: Sheen V,  Tucker MA,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Cancer screening practices of adult survivors of retinoblastoma at risk of second cancers.
Journal: Cancer 113(2):434-41
Date: 2008 Jul 15
Branches: GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 18473349
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kocher DC,  Apostoaei AI,  Henshaw RW,  Hoffman FO,  Schubauer-Berigan MK,  Stancescu DO,  Thomas BA,  Trabalka JR,  Gilbert ES,  Land CE
Title: Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program (IREP): a web-based tool for estimating probability of causation/assigned share of radiogenic cancers.
Journal: Health Phys 95(1):119-47
Date: 2008 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18545036
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS
Title: The search for environmental effects on children's health: navigating between Scylla and Charybdis.
Journal: Epidemiology 19(4):530-1
Date: 2008 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18497700
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Nishi N,  Sugiyama H,  Hsu WL,  Soda M,  Kasagi F,  Mabuchi K,  Kodama K
Title: Differences in mortality and incidence for major sites of cancer by education level in a Japanese population.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 18(7):584-91
Date: 2008 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18486486
PMC ID: PMC2527034

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS
Title: Invited commentary: Postmenopausal unopposed estrogen and breast cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative--before and beyond.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 167(12):1416-20
Date: 2008 Jun 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18448443
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM
Title: Commentary: The complexities of minimizing risks due to UV exposures.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 37(3):667-8
Date: 2008 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18453633
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Waltz P,  Chodick G
Title: Assessment of ecological regression in the study of colon, breast, ovary, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, or prostate cancer and residential UV.
Journal: Eur J Cancer Prev 17(3):279-86
Date: 2008 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18414201
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mulrooney DA,  Dover DC,  Li S,  Yasui Y,  Ness KK,  Mertens AC,  Neglia JP,  Sklar CA,  Robison LL,  Davies SM,  Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Title: Twenty years of follow-up among survivors of childhood and young adult acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: Cancer 112(9):2071-9
Date: 2008 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18327823
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Kleinerman RA,  Linet MS,  Fears T,  Kwok RK,  Kimlin MG,  Alexander BH,  Freedman DM
Title: Agreement between diary records of time spent outdoors and personal ultraviolet radiation dose measurements.
Journal: Photochem Photobiol 84(3):713-8
Date: 2008 May-Jun
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 18435619
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Bouville A,  Doyon F,  Brindel P,  Cardis E,  de Vathaire F
Title: Reconstruction of individual radiation doses for a case-control study of thyroid cancer in French Polynesia.
Journal: Health Phys 94(5):418-33
Date: 2008 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18403963
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Howard R,  Gilbert E,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Storm H,  Holowaty E,  Pukkala E,  Langmark F,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Fossa SD,  Allan JM,  Travis LB
Title: Risk of leukemia among survivors of testicular cancer: a population-based study of 42,722 patients.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 18(5):416-21
Date: 2008 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18433667
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Ha M,  Hauptmann M,  Bhatti P,  Sram RJ,  Beskid O,  Tawn EJ,  Whitehouse CA,  Lindholm C,  Nakano M,  Kodama Y,  Nakamura N,  Vorobtsova I,  Oestreicher U,  Stephan G,  Yong LC,  Bauchinger M,  Schmid E,  Chung HW,  Darroudi F,  Roy L,  Voisin P,  Barquinero JF,  Livingston G,  Blakey D,  Hayata I,  Zhang W,  Wang C,  Bennett LM,  Littlefield LG,  Edwards AA,  Kleinerman RA,  Tucker JD
Title: International study of factors affecting human chromosome translocations.
Journal: Mutat Res 652(2):112-21
Date: 2008 Apr 30
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18337160
PMC ID: PMC2696320


Authors: Cai T,  Mazzoli S,  Bartoletti R,  Chaturvedi AK,  Engels EA,  Gilbert ES,  Chen BE,  Storm H,  Lynch CF,  Per Hall P,  Langmark F,  Pukkala E,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Fossa SD,  Joensuu H,  Boice JD Jr,  Kleinerman RA,  Travis LB
Title: Re: Second cancers among 104,760 survivors of cervical cancer: evaluation of long-term risk.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 100(8):600; author reply 600-1
Date: 2008 Apr 16
Branches: BB, IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 18398096
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bluhm EC,  Ronckers C,  Hayashi RJ,  Neglia JP,  Mertens AC,  Stovall M,  Meadows AT,  Mitby PA,  Whitton JA,  Hammond S,  Barker JD,  Donaldson SS,  Robison LL,  Inskip PD
Title: Cause-specific mortality and second cancer incidence after non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: Blood 111(8):4014-21
Date: 2008 Apr 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18258798
PMC ID: PMC2288716

Full Text

Authors: Samanic CM,  De Roos AJ,  Stewart PA,  Rajaraman P,  Waters MA,  Inskip PD
Title: Occupational exposure to pesticides and risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 167(8):976-85
Date: 2008 Apr 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18299277
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Thomas CB,  Iwan A,  Alexander BH,  Kampa D,  Bowen L,  Doody MM,  Jones IM
Title: No evidence for differences in DNA damage assessed before and after a cancer diagnosis.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(4):990-4
Date: 2008 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18398043
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Chang SC,  Falk RT,  Purdue MP,  Huang WY,  McCarty CA,  Hollis BW,  Graubard BI,  Berg CD,  Ziegler RG
Title: Serum levels of vitamin D metabolites and breast cancer risk in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(4):889-94
Date: 2008 Apr
Branches: REB, EBP, OEEB, BB
PubMed ID: 18381472
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Garcia-Closas M,  Hall P,  Nevanlinna H,  Pooley K,  Morrison J,  Richesson DA,  Bojesen SE,  Nordestgaard BG,  Axelsson CK,  Arias JI,  Milne RL,  Ribas G,  González-Neira A,  Benítez J,  Zamora P,  Brauch H,  Justenhoven C,  Hamann U,  Ko YD,  Bruening T,  Haas S,  Dörk T,  Schürmann P,  Hillemanns P,  Bogdanova N,  Bremer M,  Karstens JH,  Fagerholm R,  Aaltonen K,  Aittomäki K,  von Smitten K,  Blomqvist C,  Mannermaa A,  Uusitupa M,  Eskelinen M,  Tengström M,  Kosma VM,  Kataja V,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Spurdle AB,  Beesley J,  Chen X,  Australian Ovarian Cancer Management Group,  Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer,  Devilee P,  van Asperen CJ,  Jacobi CE,  Tollenaar RA,  Huijts PE,  Klijn JG,  Chang-Claude J,  Kropp S,  Slanger T,  Flesch-Janys D,  Mutschelknauss E,  Salazar R,  Wang-Gohrke S,  Couch F,  Goode EL,  Olson JE,  Vachon C,  Fredericksen ZS,  Giles GG,  Baglietto L,  Severi G,  Hopper JL,  English DR,  Southey MC,  Haiman CA,  Henderson BE,  Kolonel LN,  Le Marchand L,  Stram DO,  Hunter DJ,  Hankinson SE,  Cox DG,  Tamimi R,  Kraft P,  Sherman ME,  Chanock SJ,  Lissowska J,  Brinton LA,  Peplonska B,  Klijn JG,  Hooning MJ,  Meijers-Heijboer H,  Collee JM,  van den Ouweland A,  Uitterlinden AG,  Liu J,  Lin LY,  Yuqing L,  Humphreys K,  Czene K,  Cox A,  Balasubramanian SP,  Cross SS,  Reed MW,  Blows F,  Driver K,  Dunning A,  Tyrer J,  Ponder BA,  Sangrajrang S,  Brennan P,  McKay J,  Odefrey F,  Gabrieau V,  Sigurdson A,  Doody M,  Struewing JP,  Alexander B,  Easton DF,  Pharoah PD
Title: Heterogeneity of breast cancer associations with five susceptibility loci by clinical and pathological characteristics.
Journal: PLoS Genet 4(4):e1000054
Date: 2008 Apr
Branches: HREB, LTG, CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 18437204
PMC ID: PMC2291027

Full Text

Authors: Land CE,  Zhumadilov Z,  Gusev BI,  Hartshorne MH,  Wiest PW,  Woodward PW,  Crooks LA,  Luckyanov NK,  Fillmore CM,  Carr Z,  Abisheva G,  Beck HL,  Bouville A,  Langer J,  Weinstock R,  Gordeev KI,  Shinkarev S,  Simon SL
Title: Ultrasound-detected thyroid nodule prevalence and radiation dose from fallout.
Journal: Radiat Res 169(4):373-83
Date: 2008 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18363427
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Cullings H,  Suyama A,  Funamoto S,  Nishi N,  Soda M,  Mabuchi K,  Kodama K,  Kasagi F,  Shore RE
Title: Solid cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors exposed in utero or as young children.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 100(6):428-36
Date: 2008 Mar 19
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18334707
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: Geoffrey Richard Howe, 1942-2006
Journal: Epidemiology 19(2):358
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: Geoffrey Richard Howe, 1942-2006 (biographical item)
Journal: Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 19(2):358
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18277173
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Struewing JP,  Ron E,  Rutter JL,  Iscovich J
Title: Similar prevalence of founder BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations among Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi men with breast cancer: evidence from 261 cases in Israel, 1976-1999.
Journal: Eur J Med Genet 51(2):141-7
Date: 2008 Mar-Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18158280
PMC ID: PMC2386175

Full Text

Authors: Davis FG,  Malmer BS,  Aldape K,  Barnholtz-Sloan JS,  Bondy ML,  Brännström T,  Bruner JM,  Burger PC,  Collins VP,  Inskip PD,  Kruchko C,  McCarthy BJ,  McLendon RE,  Sadetzki S,  Tihan T,  Wrensch MR,  Buffler PA
Title: Issues of diagnostic review in brain tumor studies: from the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(3):484-9
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18349266
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Curtis RE,  Anderson WF,  Demierre MF
Title: Assessment of delayed reporting of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome in the United States.
Journal: Arch Dermatol 144(3):413-4
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 18347305
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kim KP,  Miller DL,  Balter S,  Kleinerman RA,  Linet MS,  Kwon D,  Simon SL
Title: Occupational radiation doses to operators performing cardiac catheterization procedures.
Journal: Health Phys 94(3):211-27
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18301095
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Pfeiffer RM,  Engels EA,  Gridley G,  Wheeler W,  Hemminki K,  Olsen JH,  Dreyer L,  Linet MS,  Goldin LR,  Landgren O
Title: Autoimmune disease in individuals and close family members and susceptibility to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: Arthritis Rheum 58(3):657-66
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB, GEB, IIB, BB
PubMed ID: 18311836
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Doody MM,  Lonstein JE,  Stovall M,  Land CE
Title: Multiple diagnostic X-rays for spine deformities and risk of breast cancer.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 17(3):605-13
Date: 2008 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18349278
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Zablotska LB,  Bogdanova TI,  Ron E,  Epstein OV,  Robbins J,  Likhtarev IA,  Hatch M,  Markov VV,  Bouville AC,  Olijnyk VA,  McConnell RJ,  Shpak VM,  Brenner A,  Terekhova GN,  Greenebaum E,  Tereshchenko VP,  Fink DJ,  Brill AB,  Zamotayeva GA,  Masnyk IJ,  Howe GR,  Tronko MD
Title: A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: dose-response analysis of thyroid follicular adenomas detected during first screening in Ukraine (1998-2000).
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 167(3):305-12
Date: 2008 Feb 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17989057
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Eidemüller M,  Ostroumova E,  Krestinina L,  Akleyev A,  Jacob P
Title: Analysis of solid cancer mortality in the techa river cohort using the two-step clonal expansion model.
Journal: Radiat Res 169(2):138-48
Date: 2008 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18220471
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Schefler AC,  Kleinerman RA,  Abramson DH
Title: Genes and environment: Effects on the development of second malignancies in retinoblastoma survivors
Journal: Expert Rev Opthalmol 3(1):51-61
Date: 2008 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schneider AB,  Ron E,  Lubin J,  Stovall M,  Shore-Freedman E,  Tolentino J,  Collins BJ
Title: Acoustic neuromas following childhood radiation treatment for benign conditions of the head and neck.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 10(1):73-8
Date: 2008 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 18079359
PMC ID: PMC2600840

Full Text

Authors: Shinkarev SM,  Voillequé PG,  Gavrilin YI,  Khrouch VT,  Bouville A,  Hoshi M,  Meckbach R,  Minenko VF,  Ulanovsky AV,  Luckyanov N
Title: Credibility of Chernobyl thyroid doses exceeding 10 Gy based on in-vivo measurements of 131I in Belarus.
Journal: Health Phys 94(2):180-7
Date: 2008 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18188052
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer,  Beral V,  Doll R,  Hermon C,  Peto R,  Reeves G
Title: Ovarian cancer and oral contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of data from 45 epidemiological studies including 23,257 women with ovarian cancer and 87,303 controls.
Journal: Lancet 371(9609):303-14
Date: 2008 Jan 26
Branches: HREB, REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 18294997
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Anderson LA,  Gridley G,  Engels EA,  Morton LM,  Cerhan JR,  Cozen W,  Severson RK,  Davis S,  Hartge P,  Linet MS
Title: Antibiotic use and risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a population-based case-control study.
Journal: Br J Cancer 98(1):161-4
Date: 2008 Jan 15
Branches: BB, IIB, REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 18059393
PMC ID: PMC2359683

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Struewing JP,  Alexander BH,  Hauptmann M,  Bowen L,  Mateus-Pereira LH,  Pineda MA,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Preston DL,  Linet MS,  Doody MM,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes, ionizing radiation exposure and risk of breast cancer in U.S. Radiologic technologists.
Journal: Int J Cancer 122(1):177-82
Date: 2008 Jan 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17764108
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de González A,  Kim KP,  Berg CD
Title: Low-dose lung computed tomography screening before age 55: estimates of the mortality reduction required to outweigh the radiation-induced cancer risk.
Journal: J Med Screen 15(3):153-8
Date: 2008
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18927099
PMC ID: PMC2782431

Full Text

Authors: Gao Y,  Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Hemminki K,  Goldin LR,  Landgren O
Title: Shared susceptibility for celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease?
Journal: Scand J Gastroenterol 43(10):1279-80
Date: 2008
Branches: BB, GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 18609125
PMC ID: PMC3240943

Full Text

Title: Modifications to a Standard Buccal Collection Protocol: Effects on Human DNA Yield
Journal: Cell Preservation Technology 5(4):216-224
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: HREB, OEEB, NEB, REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ahn J,  Albanes D,  Peters U,  Schatzkin A,  Lim U,  Freedman M,  Chatterjee N,  Andriole GL,  Leitzmann MF,  Hayes RB,  Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Trial Project Team
Title: Dairy products, calcium intake, and risk of prostate cancer in the prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer screening trial.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(12):2623-30
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: NEB, REB, BB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 18086766
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Butler MA,  Wang SS,  Ruder AM,  Rothman N,  Schulte PA,  Chanock SJ,  Fine HA,  Linet MS,  Inskip PD
Title: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in selected cytokine genes and risk of adult glioma.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 28(12):2543-7
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: REB, OEEB, LTG, CGR
PubMed ID: 17916900
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brown LM,  Chen BE,  Pfeiffer RM,  Schairer C,  Hall P,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Langmark F,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Fosså SD,  Travis LB
Title: Risk of second non-hematological malignancies among 376,825 breast cancer survivors.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res Treat 106(3):439-51
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17277968
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Anderson WF,  Curtis RE,  Landgren O,  Ostroumova E,  Bluhm EC,  Rabkin CS,  Devesa SS,  Linet MS
Title: Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma: overview of the descriptive epidemiology.
Journal: Br J Haematol 139(5):809-19
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: BB, REB, GEB, IIB
PubMed ID: 17941952
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Schubauer-Berigan MK,  Weisenburger DD,  Richardson DB,  Landgren O,  Blair A,  Silver S,  Field RW,  Caldwell G,  Hatch M,  Dores GM
Title: Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: an overview of aetiology in light of recent developments in classification and pathogenesis.
Journal: Br J Haematol 139(5):672-86
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: REB, OEEB, GEB
PubMed ID: 18021081
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: McConnell RJ,  Brenner AV,  Oliynyk VA,  Robbins J,  Terekhova GM,  Fink DJ,  Epshtein OV,  Hatch M,  Shpak VM,  Brill AB,  Shelkovoy YA,  Zablotska LB,  Masnyk IJ,  Howe GR,  Tronko MD
Title: Factors associated with elevated serum concentrations of anti-TPO antibodies in subjects with and without diffuse goitre. Results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl accident.
Journal: Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 67(6):879-90
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18052943
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shim YK,  Silver SR,  Caporaso NE,  Marti GE,  Middleton DC,  Linet MS,  Vogt RF
Title: B cells behaving badly.
Journal: Br J Haematol 139(5):658-62
Date: 2007 Dec
Branches: GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 18021079
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Curtis RE
Title: New malignancies following childhood cancer in the United States, 1973-2002.
Journal: Int J Cancer 121(10):2233-40
Date: 2007 Nov 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17557301
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Turesson I,  Linet MS,  Björkholm M,  Kristinsson SY,  Goldin LR,  Caporaso NE,  Landgren O
Title: Ascertainment and diagnostic accuracy for hematopoietic lymphoproliferative malignancies in Sweden 1964-2003.
Journal: Int J Cancer 121(10):2260-6
Date: 2007 Nov 15
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 17583571
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chaturvedi AK,  Engels EA,  Gilbert ES,  Chen BE,  Storm H,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Langmark F,  Pukkala E,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Fosså SD,  Joensuu H,  Boice JD,  Kleinerman RA,  Travis LB
Title: Second cancers among 104,760 survivors of cervical cancer: evaluation of long-term risk.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(21):1634-43
Date: 2007 Nov 7
Branches: IIB, REB
PubMed ID: 17971527
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Looker AC,  Chang SC,  Graubard BI
Title: Prospective study of serum vitamin D and cancer mortality in the United States.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(21):1594-602
Date: 2007 Nov 7
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 17971526
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bouville A,  Likhtarev IA,  Kovgan LN,  Minenko VF,  Shinkarev SM,  Drozdovitch VV
Title: Radiation dosimetry for highly contaminated Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian populations, and for less contaminated populations in Europe.
Journal: Health Phys 93(5):487-501
Date: 2007 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18049225
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Howard RA,  Gilbert ES,  Chen BE,  Hall P,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Langmark F,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Fossa SD,  Travis LB
Title: Leukemia following breast cancer: an international population-based study of 376,825 women.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res Treat 105(3):359-68
Date: 2007 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17221155
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Karagas MR,  Nelson HH,  Zens MS,  Linet M,  Stukel TA,  Spencer S,  Applebaum KM,  Mott L,  Mabuchi K
Title: Squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma of the skin in relation to radiation therapy and potential modification of risk by sun exposure.
Journal: Epidemiology 18(6):776-84
Date: 2007 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17917604
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Shen M,  Garcia-Rossi D,  Chanock S,  Zheng T,  Berndt SI,  Puri V,  Li G,  He X,  Welch R,  Zahm SH,  Zhang L,  Zhang Y,  Smith M,  Wang SS,  Chiu BC,  Linet M,  Hayes R,  Rothman N,  Yeager M
Title: Genotype frequency and F ST analysis of polymorphisms in immunoregulatory genes in Chinese and Caucasian populations.
Journal: Immunogenetics 59(11):839-52
Date: 2007 Nov
Branches: CGR, LTG, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 17938902
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Thyroid cancer incidence among people living in areas contaminated by radiation from the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Health Phys 93(5):502-11
Date: 2007 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18049226
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Tarone RE
Title: Re: "From menarche to menopause: trends among US women born from 1912 to 1969".
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 166(7):860-1
Date: 2007 Oct 1
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 17698972
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cozen W,  Cerhan JR,  Martinez-Maza O,  Ward MH,  Linet M,  Colt JS,  Davis S,  Severson RK,  Hartge P,  Bernstein L
Title: The effect of atopy, childhood crowding, and other immune-related factors on non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 18(8):821-31
Date: 2007 Oct
Branches: OEEB, REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 17588155
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Krestinina LY,  Davis F,  Ostroumova E,  Epifanova S,  Degteva M,  Preston D,  Akleyev A
Title: Solid cancer incidence and low-dose-rate radiation exposures in the Techa River cohort: 1956 2002.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 36(5):1038-46
Date: 2007 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17768163
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Bhatti P,  Doody MM,  Hauptmann M,  Bowen L,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Linet MS,  Rosenstein M,  Stovall M,  Alexander BH,  Preston DL,  Struewing JP,  Rajaraman P
Title: Polymorphisms in apoptosis- and proliferation-related genes, ionizing radiation exposure, and risk of breast cancer among U.S. Radiologic Technologists.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(10):2000-7
Date: 2007 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17932347
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Vrijheid M,  Cardis E,  Ashmore P,  Auvinen A,  Bae JM,  Engels H,  Gilbert E,  Gulis G,  Habib R,  Howe G,  Kurtinaitis J,  Malker H,  Muirhead C,  Richardson D,  Rodriguez-Artalejo F,  Rogel A,  Schubauer-Berigan M,  Tardy H,  Telle-Lamberton M,  Usel M,  Veress K
Title: Mortality from diseases other than cancer following low doses of ionizing radiation: results from the 15-Country Study of nuclear industry workers.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 36(5):1126-35
Date: 2007 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17666424
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Alavanja MC,  Caporaso N,  Brown LM,  Brownson RC,  Field RW,  Garcia-Closas M,  Hartge P,  Hauptmann M,  Hayes RB,  Kleinerman R,  Kogevinas M,  Krewski D,  Langholz B,  Létourneau EG,  Lynch CF,  Malats N,  Sandler DP,  Schaffrath-Rosario A,  Schoenberg JB,  Silverman DT,  Wang Z,  Wichmann HE,  Wilcox HB,  Zielinski JM
Title: Cigarette smoking and cancer risk: modeling total exposure and intensity.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 166(4):479-89
Date: 2007 Aug 15
PubMed ID: 17548786
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schairer C,  Hisada M,  Chen BE,  Brown LM,  Howard R,  Fosså SD,  Gail M,  Travis LB
Title: Comparative mortality for 621 second cancers in 29356 testicular cancer survivors and 12420 matched first cancers.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(16):1248-56
Date: 2007 Aug 15
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17686826
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schüz J,  Svendsen AL,  Linet MS,  McBride ML,  Roman E,  Feychting M,  Kheifets L,  Lightfoot T,  Mezei G,  Simpson J,  Ahlbom A
Title: Nighttime exposure to electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia: an extended pooled analysis.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 166(3):263-9
Date: 2007 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17485729
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brown RC,  Dwyer T,  Kasten C,  Krotoski D,  Li Z,  Linet MS,  Olsen J,  Scheidt P,  Winn DM,  International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C)
Title: Cohort profile: the International Childhood Cancer Cohort Consortium (I4C).
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 36(4):724-30
Date: 2007 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17255350
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Ronckers CM,  Shalev V,  Ron E
Title: Excess lifetime cancer mortality risk attributable to radiation exposure from computed tomography examinations in children.
Journal: Isr Med Assoc J 9(8):584-7
Date: 2007 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17877063
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Davis CD,  Hartmuller V,  Freedman DM,  Hartge P,  Picciano MF,  Swanson CA,  Milner JA
Title: Vitamin D and cancer: current dilemmas and future needs.
Journal: Nutr Rev 65(8 Pt 2):S71-4
Date: 2007 Aug
Branches: REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 17867373
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Wang SS,  Rothman N,  Brown MM,  Black PM,  Fine HA,  Loeffler JS,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Chanock SJ,  Inskip PD
Title: Polymorphisms in apoptosis and cell cycle control genes and risk of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(8):1655-61
Date: 2007 Aug
Branches: REB, HREB, OEEB, CGR
PubMed ID: 17684142
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Bhatti P,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Re: "Chromosomal aberrations and cancer risk: results of a cohort study from central Europe".
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 166(2):239-40
Date: 2007 Jul 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17535830
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Turner JJ,  Cerhan JR,  Linet MS,  Treseler PA,  Clarke CA,  Jack A,  Cozen W,  Maynadié M,  Spinelli JJ,  Costantini AS,  Rüdiger T,  Scarpa A,  Zheng T,  Weisenburger DD
Title: Proposed classification of lymphoid neoplasms for epidemiologic research from the Pathology Working Group of the International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph).
Journal: Blood 110(2):695-708
Date: 2007 Jul 15
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 17389762
PMC ID: PMC1924473

Full Text

Authors: Ha M,  Mabuchi K,  Sigurdson AJ,  Freedman DM,  Linet MS,  Doody MM,  Hauptmann M
Title: Smoking cigarettes before first childbirth and risk of breast cancer.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 166(1):55-61
Date: 2007 Jul 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17426039
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Ron E,  Tokuoka S,  Funamoto S,  Nishi N,  Soda M,  Mabuchi K,  Kodama K
Title: Solid cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors: 1958-1998.
Journal: Radiat Res 168(1):1-64
Date: 2007 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17722996
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Easton DF,  Pooley KA,  Dunning AM,  Pharoah PD,  Thompson D,  Ballinger DG,  Struewing JP,  Morrison J,  Field H,  Luben R,  Wareham N,  Ahmed S,  Healey CS,  Bowman R,  SEARCH collaborators,  Meyer KB,  Haiman CA,  Kolonel LK,  Henderson BE,  Le Marchand L,  Brennan P,  Sangrajrang S,  Gaborieau V,  Odefrey F,  Shen CY,  Wu PE,  Wang HC,  Eccles D,  Evans DG,  Peto J,  Fletcher O,  Johnson N,  Seal S,  Stratton MR,  Rahman N,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Bojesen SE,  Nordestgaard BG,  Axelsson CK,  Garcia-Closas M,  Brinton L,  Chanock S,  Lissowska J,  Peplonska B,  Nevanlinna H,  Fagerholm R,  Eerola H,  Kang D,  Yoo KY,  Noh DY,  Ahn SH,  Hunter DJ,  Hankinson SE,  Cox DG,  Hall P,  Wedren S,  Liu J,  Low YL,  Bogdanova N,  Schürmann P,  Dörk T,  Tollenaar RA,  Jacobi CE,  Devilee P,  Klijn JG,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Alexander BH,  Zhang J,  Cox A,  Brock IW,  MacPherson G,  Reed MW,  Couch FJ,  Goode EL,  Olson JE,  Meijers-Heijboer H,  van den Ouweland A,  Uitterlinden A,  Rivadeneira F,  Milne RL,  Ribas G,  Gonzalez-Neira A,  Benitez J,  Hopper JL,  McCredie M,  Southey M,  Giles GG,  Schroen C,  Justenhoven C,  Brauch H,  Hamann U,  Ko YD,  Spurdle AB,  Beesley J,  Chen X,  kConFab,  AOCS Management Group,  Mannermaa A,  Kosma VM,  Kataja V,  Hartikainen J,  Day NE,  Cox DR,  Ponder BA
Title: Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci.
Journal: Nature 447(7148):1087-93
Date: 2007 Jun 28
Branches: REB, HREB, CGR
PubMed ID: 17529967
PMC ID: PMC2714974

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Preston DL,  Doody MM,  Hauptmann M,  Kampa D,  Alexander BH,  Petibone D,  Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Bouville A,  Yong LC,  Freedman DM,  Mabuchi K,  Linet MS,  Edwards AA,  Tucker JD,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Retrospective biodosimetry among United States radiologic technologists.
Journal: Radiat Res 167(6):727-34
Date: 2007 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17523852
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Shalev V,  Goren I,  Inskip PD
Title: Seasonality in birth weight in Israel: new evidence suggests several global patterns and different etiologies.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 17(6):440-6
Date: 2007 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17300954
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Nagano J,  Mabuchi K,  Yoshimoto Y,  Hayashi Y,  Tsuda N,  Land C,  Kodama K
Title: A case-control study in Hiroshima and Nagasaki examining non-radiation risk factors for thyroid cancer.
Journal: J Epidemiol 17(3):76-85
Date: 2007 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17545694
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hodgson DC,  Gilbert ES,  Dores GM,  Schonfeld SJ,  Lynch CF,  Storm H,  Hall P,  Langmark F,  Pukkala E,  Andersson M,  Kaijser M,  Joensuu H,  Fosså SD,  Travis LB
Title: Long-term solid cancer risk among 5-year survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 25(12):1489-97
Date: 2007 Apr 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17372278
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Fosså SD,  Gilbert E,  Dores GM,  Chen J,  McGlynn KA,  Schonfeld S,  Storm H,  Hall P,  Holowaty E,  Andersen A,  Joensuu H,  Andersson M,  Kaijser M,  Gospodarowicz M,  Cohen R,  Pukkala E,  Travis LB
Title: Noncancer causes of death in survivors of testicular cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(7):533-44
Date: 2007 Apr 4
Branches: REB, BB, HREB
PubMed ID: 17405998
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cardis E,  Vrijheid M,  Blettner M,  Gilbert E,  Hakama M,  Hill C,  Howe G,  Kaldor J,  Muirhead CR,  Schubauer-Berigan M,  Yoshimura T,  Bermann F,  Cowper G,  Fix J,  Hacker C,  Heinmiller B,  Marshall M,  Thierry-Chef I,  Utterback D,  Ahn YO,  Amoros E,  Ashmore P,  Auvinen A,  Bae JM,  Bernar J,  Biau A,  Combalot E,  Deboodt P,  Diez Sacristan A,  Eklöf M,  Engels H,  Engholm G,  Gulis G,  Habib RR,  Holan K,  Hyvonen H,  Kerekes A,  Kurtinaitis J,  Malker H,  Martuzzi M,  Mastauskas A,  Monnet A,  Moser M,  Pearce MS,  Richardson DB,  Rodriguez-Artalejo F,  Rogel A,  Tardy H,  Telle-Lamberton M,  Turai I,  Usel M,  Veress K
Title: The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: estimates of radiation-related cancer risks.
Journal: Radiat Res 167(4):396-416
Date: 2007 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17388693
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lönn S,  Inskip PD,  Pollak MN,  Weinstein SJ,  Virtamo J,  Albanes D
Title: Glioma risk in relation to serum levels of insulin-like growth factors.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(4):844-6
Date: 2007 Apr
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 17416782
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Thierry-Chef I,  Marshall M,  Fix JJ,  Bermann F,  Gilbert ES,  Hacker C,  Heinmiller B,  Murray W,  Pearce MS,  Utterback D,  Bernar K,  Deboodt P,  Eklof M,  Griciene B,  Holan K,  Hyvonen H,  Kerekes A,  Lee MC,  Moser M,  Pernicka F,  Cardis E
Title: The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: study of errors in dosimetry.
Journal: Radiat Res 167(4):380-95
Date: 2007 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17388692
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Vrijheid M,  Cardis E,  Blettner M,  Gilbert E,  Hakama M,  Hill C,  Howe G,  Kaldor J,  Muirhead CR,  Schubauer-Berigan M,  Yoshimura T,  Ahn YO,  Ashmore P,  Auvinen A,  Bae JM,  Engels H,  Gulis G,  Habib RR,  Hosoda Y,  Kurtinaitis J,  Malker H,  Moser M,  Rodriguez-Artalejo F,  Rogel A,  Tardy H,  Telle-Lamberton M,  Turai I,  Usel M,  Veress K
Title: The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk Among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: design, epidemiological methods and descriptive results.
Journal: Radiat Res 167(4):361-79
Date: 2007 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17388694
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Karagas MR,  Zens MS,  Nelson HH,  Mabuchi K,  Perry AE,  Stukel TA,  Mott LA,  Andrew AS,  Applebaum KM,  Linet M
Title: Measures of cumulative exposure from a standardized sun exposure history questionnaire: a comparison with histologic assessment of solar skin damage.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 165(6):719-26
Date: 2007 Mar 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17204514
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Pfeiffer RM,  Stewart L,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Hemminki K,  Goldin LR,  Travis LB
Title: Risk of second malignant neoplasms among lymphoma patients with a family history of cancer.
Journal: Int J Cancer 120(5):1099-102
Date: 2007 Mar 1
Branches: GEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17131330
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cox A,  Dunning AM,  Garcia-Closas M,  Balasubramanian S,  Reed MW,  Pooley KA,  Scollen S,  Baynes C,  Ponder BA,  Chanock S,  Lissowska J,  Brinton L,  Peplonska B,  Southey MC,  Hopper JL,  McCredie MR,  Giles GG,  Fletcher O,  Johnson N,  dos Santos Silva I,  Gibson L,  Bojesen SE,  Nordestgaard BG,  Axelsson CK,  Torres D,  Hamann U,  Justenhoven C,  Brauch H,  Chang-Claude J,  Kropp S,  Risch A,  Wang-Gohrke S,  Schürmann P,  Bogdanova N,  Dörk T,  Fagerholm R,  Aaltonen K,  Blomqvist C,  Nevanlinna H,  Seal S,  Renwick A,  Stratton MR,  Rahman N,  Sangrajrang S,  Hughes D,  Odefrey F,  Brennan P,  Spurdle AB,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Kathleen Cunningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer,  Beesley J,  Mannermaa A,  Hartikainen J,  Kataja V,  Kosma VM,  Couch FJ,  Olson JE,  Goode EL,  Broeks A,  Schmidt MK,  Hogervorst FB,  Van't Veer LJ,  Kang D,  Yoo KY,  Noh DY,  Ahn SH,  Wedrén S,  Hall P,  Low YL,  Liu J,  Milne RL,  Ribas G,  Gonzalez-Neira A,  Benitez J,  Sigurdson AJ,  Stredrick DL,  Alexander BH,  Struewing JP,  Pharoah PD,  Easton DF,  Breast Cancer Association Consortium
Title: A common coding variant in CASP8 is associated with breast cancer risk.
Journal: Nat Genet 39(3):352-8
Date: 2007 Mar
Branches: HREB, CGR, REB, CGB
PubMed ID: 17293864
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Byrne J,  Willis GB,  Wacholder S,  Forman MR
Title: Maternal sensitivity concerning aetiological research into childhood cancer: results of preliminary focus groups.
Journal: Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 21(2):169-78
Date: 2007 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 17302647
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Howard RA,  Inskip PD,  Travis LB
Title: Suicide after childhood cancer.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 25(6):731; author reply 733-4
Date: 2007 Feb 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17308281
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hisada M,  Chen BE,  Jaffe ES,  Travis LB
Title: Second cancer incidence and cause-specific mortality among 3104 patients with hairy cell leukemia: a population-based study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(3):215-22
Date: 2007 Feb 7
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17284716
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boffetta P,  Armstrong B,  Linet M,  Kasten C,  Cozen W,  Hartge P
Title: Consortia in cancer epidemiology: lessons from InterLymph.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(2):197-9
Date: 2007 Feb
Branches: REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 17301250
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Freedman MD,  Kwok RK,  Fears TR,  Linet MS,  Alexander BH,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Agreement between contemporaneously recorded and subsequently recalled time spent outdoors: implications for environmental exposure studies.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 17(2):106-11
Date: 2007 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16882464
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Tucker MA,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Tarone RE,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of soft tissue sarcomas by individual subtype in survivors of hereditary retinoblastoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 99(1):24-31
Date: 2007 Jan 3
Branches: REB, GEB, OD
PubMed ID: 17202110
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bluhm EC,  Zahm SH,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Loeffler JS,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Inskip PD
Title: Personal hair dye use and risks of glioma, meningioma, and acoustic neuroma among adults.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 165(1):63-71
Date: 2007 Jan 1
Branches: REB, OD
PubMed ID: 17079691
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schoemaker MJ,  Swerdlow AJ,  Auvinen A,  Christensen HC,  Feychting M,  Johansen C,  Klaeboe L,  Lönn S,  Salminen T,  Tynes T
Title: Medical history, cigarette smoking and risk of acoustic neuroma: an international case-control study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 120(1):103-10
Date: 2007 Jan 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17019705
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lönn S,  Bhatti P,  Alexander BH,  Pineda MA,  Doody MM,  Struewing JP,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Papillary thyroid cancer and polymorphic variants in TSHR- and RET-related genes: a nested case-control study within a cohort of U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 16(1):174-7
Date: 2007 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17220349
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Waltz P,  Chodick G
Title: International comparisons of prostate cancer mortality rates with dietary practices and sunlight levels.
Journal: Urol Oncol 25(1):85
Date: 2007 Jan-Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17208145
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: BiodosEPR-2006 consensus committee report on biodosimetric methods to evaluate radiation does at long times after exposure
Journal: Radiation Measurements 42:948-971
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Baade PD,  Fritschi L,  Freedman DM
Title: Mortality due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson's disease among melanoma patients.
Journal: Neuroepidemiology 28(1):16-20
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17164565
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Balonov MI,  Anspaugh LR,  Bouville A,  Likhtarev IA
Title: Contribution of internal exposures to the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 127(1-4):491-6
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17977893
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Bouville A,  Chobanova N,  Filistovic V,  Ilus T,  Kovacic M,  Malátová I,  Moser M,  Nedveckaite T,  Völkle H,  Cardis E
Title: Radiation exposure to the population of Europe following the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 123(4):515-28
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17229780
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Maceika E,  Khrouch V,  Zvonova I,  Vlasov O,  Bouville A,  Cardis E
Title: Uncertainties in individual doses in a case-control study of thyroid cancer after the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 127(1-4):540-3
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17634207
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Julião LM,  Melo DR,  Sousa WO,  Santos MS,  Fernandes PC,  Godoy ML
Title: Exposure of workers in a mineral processing industry in Brazil.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 125(1-4):513-5
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17369613
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kim KP,  Wu CY,  Birky BK,  Bolch WE
Title: TENORM aerosols in the Florida phosphate industry--assessment of lung fluid solubility and annual effective dose to workers.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 123(1):41-55
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16963435
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sonke GS,  Chang S,  Strom SS,  Sweeney AM,  Annegers JF,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Prenatal and perinatal risk factors and testicular cancer: a hospital-based case-control study.
Journal: Oncol Res 16(8):383-7
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17913046
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB
Title: Evaluation of the risk of therapy-associated complications in survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program :192-6
Date: 2007
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 18024629
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Toro JR,  Travis LB,  Wu HJ,  Zhu K,  Fletcher CD,  Devesa SS
Title: Incidence patterns of soft tissue sarcomas, regardless of primary site, in the surveillance, epidemiology and end results program, 1978-2001: An analysis of 26,758 cases.
Journal: Int J Cancer 119(12):2922-30
Date: 2006 Dec 15
Branches: GEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 17013893
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bogdanova TI,  Zurnadzhy LY,  Greenebaum E,  McConnell RJ,  Robbins J,  Epstein OV,  Olijnyk VA,  Hatch M,  Zablotska LB,  Tronko MD
Title: A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: pathology analysis of thyroid cancer cases in Ukraine detected during the first screening (1998-2000).
Journal: Cancer 107(11):2559-66
Date: 2006 Dec 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17083123
PMC ID: PMC2983485

Full Text

Authors: Brown LM,  Howard RA,  Travis LB
Title: The risk of secondary malignancies over 30 years after the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer 107(11):2741-2; author reply 2742
Date: 2006 Dec 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17039496
PMC ID: not available


Title: Wavelet methods for detection of anomalies and their application to network traffic analysis
Journal: Quality and Reliability Engineering International 22(8):953-969
Date: 2006 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Zhang Y,  Zahm SH,  Inskip P,  Zheng T,  Baris D
Title: Risk of multiple myeloma following medication use and medical conditions: a case-control study in Connecticut women.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(12):2342-7
Date: 2006 Dec
Branches: GEB, OD, REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 17132770
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Stewart PA,  Samet JM,  Schwartz BS,  Linet MS,  Zahm SH,  Rothman N,  Yeager M,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Loeffler J,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Inskip PD
Title: Lead, genetic susceptibility, and risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(12):2514-20
Date: 2006 Dec
Branches: REB, OEEB, OD, CGR
PubMed ID: 17164378
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Taggart T,  Severson RK,  Cerhan JR,  Cozen W,  Hartge P,  Colt J
Title: Cellular telephones and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: Int J Cancer 119(10):2382-8
Date: 2006 Nov 15
Branches: REB, EBP, OEEB
PubMed ID: 16894556
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rajaraman P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Freedman DM,  Hauptmann M,  Ron E,  Alexander BH,  Linet MS
Title: Lung cancer risk among US radiologic technologists, 1983-1998.
Journal: Int J Cancer 119(10):2481-6
Date: 2006 Nov 15
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16858679
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Neglia JP,  Robison LL,  Stovall M,  Liu Y,  Packer RJ,  Hammond S,  Yasui Y,  Kasper CE,  Mertens AC,  Donaldson SS,  Meadows AT,  Inskip PD
Title: New primary neoplasms of the central nervous system in survivors of childhood cancer: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(21):1528-37
Date: 2006 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17077355
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Childhood cancer--treatment at a cost.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(21):1510-1
Date: 2006 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17077348
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: Comments on "protracted radiation exposure and cancer mortality in the Techa River cohort"
Journal: Radiation research 166(5):814-815
Date: 2006 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Rajaraman P,  Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Ron E
Title: The mortality risk of smoking and obesity combined.
Journal: Am J Prev Med 31(5):355-62
Date: 2006 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17046405
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lyon JL,  Alder SC,  Stone MB,  Scholl A,  Reading JC,  Holubkov R,  Sheng X,  White GL Jr,  Hegmann KT,  Anspaugh L,  Hoffman FO,  Simon SL,  Thomas B,  Carroll R,  Meikle AW
Title: Thyroid disease associated with exposure to the Nevada nuclear weapons test site radiation: a reevaluation based on corrected dosimetry and examination data.
Journal: Epidemiology 17(6):604-14
Date: 2006 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17028502
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB
Title: The epidemiology of second primary cancers.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(11):2020-6
Date: 2006 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17057028
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tronko MD,  Brenner AV,  Olijnyk VA,  Robbins J,  Epstein OV,  McConnell RJ,  Bogdanova TI,  Fink DJ,  Likhtarev IA,  Lubin JH,  Markov VV,  Bouville AC,  Terekhova GM,  Zablotska LB,  Shpak VM,  Brill AB,  Tereshchenko VP,  Masnyk IJ,  Ron E,  Hatch M,  Howe GR
Title: Autoimmune thyroiditis and exposure to iodine 131 in the Ukrainian cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: results from the first screening cycle (1998-2000).
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91(11):4344-51
Date: 2006 Nov
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16912122
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Bhatti P,  Church DM,  Rutter JL,  Struewing JP,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: Candidate single nucleotide polymorphism selection using publicly available tools: a guide for epidemiologists.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 164(8):794-804
Date: 2006 Oct 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16923772
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Zabel EW,  Alexander BH,  Mongin SJ,  Doody MM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Linet MS,  Freedman DM,  Hauptmann M,  Mabuchi K,  Ron E
Title: Thyroid cancer and employment as a radiologic technologist.
Journal: Int J Cancer 119(8):1940-5
Date: 2006 Oct 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16736495
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hirai Y,  Kodama Y,  Moriwaki S,  Noda A,  Cullings HM,  Macphee DG,  Kodama K,  Mabuchi K,  Kraemer KH,  Land CE,  Nakamura N
Title: Heterozygous individuals bearing a founder mutation in the XPA DNA repair gene comprise nearly 1% of the Japanese population.
Journal: Mutat Res 601(1-2):171-8
Date: 2006 Oct 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16905156
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schairer C,  Brown LM,  Chen BE,  Howard R,  Lynch CF,  Hall P,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Anderson A,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Fosså SD,  Ganz PA,  Travis LB
Title: Suicide after breast cancer: an international population-based study of 723,810 women.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(19):1416-9
Date: 2006 Oct 4
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 17018788
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Mertens AC,  Liu Y,  Hammond S,  Land CE,  Neglia JP,  Donaldson SS,  Meadows AT,  Sklar CA,  Robison LL,  Inskip PD
Title: Thyroid cancer in childhood cancer survivors: a detailed evaluation of radiation dose response and its modifiers.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(4):618-28
Date: 2006 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 17007558
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shen M,  Lan Q,  Zhang L,  Chanock S,  Li G,  Vermeulen R,  Rappaport SM,  Guo W,  Hayes RB,  Linet M,  Yin S,  Yeager M,  Welch R,  Forrest MS,  Rothman N,  Smith MT
Title: Polymorphisms in genes involved in DNA double-strand break repair pathway and susceptibility to benzene-induced hematotoxicity.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 27(10):2083-9
Date: 2006 Oct
Branches: OEEB, CGR, REB
PubMed ID: 16728435
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Engels EA,  Pfeiffer RM,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Olsen JH,  Kerstann KF,  Wheeler W,  Hemminki K,  Linet MS,  Goldin LR
Title: Autoimmunity and susceptibility to Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based case-control study in Scandinavia.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(18):1321-30
Date: 2006 Sep 20
Branches: GEB, IIB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 16985251
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA
Title: Cancer risks following diagnostic and therapeutic radiation exposure in children.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 36 Suppl 2:121-5
Date: 2006 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16862418
PMC ID: PMC2663653

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Hauptmann M,  Freedman DM,  Alexander BH,  Miller J,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM
Title: Interventional radiography and mortality risks in U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 36 Suppl 2:113-20
Date: 2006 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16862404
PMC ID: PMC2663634

Full Text

Authors: Pinsky PF,  Freedman M,  Kvale P,  Oken M,  Caporaso N,  Gohagan J
Title: Abnormalities on chest radiograph reported in subjects in a cancer screening trial.
Journal: Chest 130(3):688-93
Date: 2006 Sep
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 16963664
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Foster MC,  Kleinerman RA,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Tarone RE,  Tucker MA
Title: Tobacco use in adult long-term survivors of retinoblastoma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(8):1464-8
Date: 2006 Aug
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 16896033
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Howard RA,  Dores GM,  Curtis RE,  Anderson WF,  Travis LB
Title: Merkel cell carcinoma and multiple primary cancers.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(8):1545-9
Date: 2006 Aug
Branches: HREB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16896047
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Likhtarov I,  Kovgan L,  Vavilov S,  Chepurny M,  Ron E,  Lubin J,  Bouville A,  Tronko N,  Bogdanova T,  Gulak L,  Zablotska L,  Howe G
Title: Post-Chernobyl thyroid cancers in Ukraine. Report 2: risk analysis.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(2):375-86
Date: 2006 Aug
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16881739
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tronko MD,  Howe GR,  Bogdanova TI,  Bouville AC,  Epstein OV,  Brill AB,  Likhtarev IA,  Fink DJ,  Markov VV,  Greenebaum E,  Olijnyk VA,  Masnyk IJ,  Shpak VM,  McConnell RJ,  Tereshchenko VP,  Robbins J,  Zvinchuk OV,  Zablotska LB,  Hatch M,  Luckyanov NK,  Ron E,  Thomas TL,  Voillequé PG,  Beebe GW
Title: A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the chornobyl accident: thyroid cancer in Ukraine detected during first screening.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(13):897-903
Date: 2006 Jul 5
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16818853
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Engels EA,  Caporaso NE,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Hemminki K,  Linet MS,  Goldin LR
Title: Patterns of autoimmunity and subsequent chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Nordic countries.
Journal: Blood 108(1):292-6
Date: 2006 Jul 1
Branches: GEB, IIB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 16527887
PMC ID: PMC1895837

Full Text

Authors: Rahu M,  Rahu K,  Auvinen A,  Tekkel M,  Stengrevics A,  Hakulinen T,  Boice JD Jr,  Inskip PD
Title: Cancer risk among Chernobyl cleanup workers in Estonia and Latvia, 1986-1998.
Journal: Int J Cancer 119(1):162-8
Date: 2006 Jul 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16432838
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Beck HL,  Anspaugh LR,  Bouville A,  Simon SL
Title: Review of methods of dose estimation for epidemiological studies of the radiological impact of nevada test site and global fallout.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):209-18
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808609
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bouville A,  Chumak VV,  Inskip PD,  Kryuchkov V,  Luckyanov N
Title: The chornobyl accident: estimation of radiation doses received by the Baltic and Ukrainian cleanup workers.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):158-67
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808604
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brill AB,  Stabin M,  Bouville A,  Ron E
Title: Normal organ radiation dosimetry and associated uncertainties in nuclear medicine, with emphasis on iodine-131.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):128-40
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808602
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Thierry-Chef I,  Cardis E,  Fix JJ,  Marshall M
Title: External dose estimation for nuclear worker studies.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):168-73
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808605
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Romanyukha AA,  Schauer DA,  Tucker JD
Title: Retrospective assessment of radiation exposure using biological dosimetry: chromosome painting, electron paramagnetic resonance and the glycophorin a mutation assay.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):287-302
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808614
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Likhtarev I,  Bouville A,  Kovgan L,  Luckyanov N,  Voillequé P,  Chepurny M
Title: Questionnaire- and measurement-based individual thyroid doses in Ukraine resulting from the Chornobyl nuclear reactor accident.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):271-86
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 16808613
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schafer DW,  Gilbert ES
Title: Some statistical implications of dose uncertainty in radiation dose-response analyses.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):303-12
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808615
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Kleinerman R,  Ron E
Title: Dosimetry for epidemiological studies: learning from the past, looking to the future.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):313-8
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808617
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Kleinerman RA,  Ron E,  Bouville A
Title: Uses of dosimetry in radiation epidemiology.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):125-7
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808601
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Weinstock RM,  Doody MM,  Neton J,  Wenzl T,  Stewart P,  Mohan AK,  Yoder RC,  Hauptmann M,  Freedman DM,  Cardarelli J,  Feng HA,  Bouville A,  Linet M
Title: Estimating historical radiation doses to a cohort of U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):174-92
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16808606
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Stovall M,  Weathers R,  Kasper C,  Smith SA,  Travis L,  Ron E,  Kleinerman R
Title: Dose reconstruction for therapeutic and diagnostic radiation exposures: use in epidemiological studies.
Journal: Radiat Res 166(1 Pt 2):141-57
Date: 2006 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16808603
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Freedman DM,  Alexander BH,  Hauptmann M,  Miller JS,  Rao RS,  Mabuchi K,  Ron E,  Sigurdson AJ,  Linet MS
Title: Breast cancer incidence in U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer 106(12):2707-15
Date: 2006 Jun 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16639729
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Linet MS,  McMaster ML,  Gridley G,  Hemminki K,  Goldin LR
Title: Familial characteristics of autoimmune and hematologic disorders in 8,406 multiple myeloma patients: a population-based case-control study.
Journal: Int J Cancer 118(12):3095-8
Date: 2006 Jun 15
Branches: GEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16395700
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rosenberg PS,  Alter BP,  Bolyard AA,  Bonilla MA,  Boxer LA,  Cham B,  Fier C,  Freedman M,  Kannourakis G,  Kinsey S,  Schwinzer B,  Zeidler C,  Welte K,  Dale DC,  Severe Chronic Neutropenia International Registry
Title: The incidence of leukemia and mortality from sepsis in patients with severe congenital neutropenia receiving long-term G-CSF therapy.
Journal: Blood 107(12):4628-35
Date: 2006 Jun 15
Branches: BB, CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 16497969
PMC ID: PMC1895804

Full Text

Authors: Bluhm EC,  Daniels J,  Pollock BH,  Olshan AF,  Children's Oncology Group (United States)
Title: Maternal use of recreational drugs and neuroblastoma in offspring: a report from the Children's Oncology Group (United States).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 17(5):663-9
Date: 2006 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16633913
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cardis E,  Howe G,  Ron E,  Bebeshko V,  Bogdanova T,  Bouville A,  Carr Z,  Chumak V,  Davis S,  Demidchik Y,  Drozdovitch V,  Gentner N,  Gudzenko N,  Hatch M,  Ivanov V,  Jacob P,  Kapitonova E,  Kenigsberg Y,  Kesminiene A,  Kopecky KJ,  Kryuchkov V,  Loos A,  Pinchera A,  Reiners C,  Repacholi M,  Shibata Y,  Shore RE,  Thomas G,  Tirmarche M,  Yamashita S,  Zvonova I
Title: Cancer consequences of the Chernobyl accident: 20 years on.
Journal: J Radiol Prot 26(2):127-40
Date: 2006 Jun
Branches: REB, CGR
PubMed ID: 16738412
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chodick G,  Ronckers C,  Ron E,  Shalev V
Title: The utilization of pediatric computed tomography in a large Israeli Health Maintenance Organization.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 36(6):485-90
Date: 2006 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16552588
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Stredrick DL,  Garcia-Closas M,  Pineda MA,  Bhatti P,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Lissowska J,  Peplonska B,  Brinton LA,  Chanock SJ,  Struewing JP,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: The ATM missense mutation p.Ser49Cys (c.146C>G) and the risk of breast cancer.
Journal: Hum Mutat 27(6):538-44
Date: 2006 Jun
Branches: HREB, REB, CGR
PubMed ID: 16652348
PMC ID: PMC1850333

Full Text

Authors: Kamangar F,  Dores GM,  Anderson WF
Title: Patterns of cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence across five continents: defining priorities to reduce cancer disparities in different geographic regions of the world.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 24(14):2137-50
Date: 2006 May 10
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16682732
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Ron E,  Ballard-Barbash R,  Doody MM,  Linet MS
Title: Body mass index and all-cause mortality in a nationwide US cohort.
Journal: Int J Obes (Lond) 30(5):822-9
Date: 2006 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16404410
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: De Roos AJ,  Rothman N,  Brown M,  Bell DA,  Pittman GS,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Variation in genes relevant to aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism and the risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 8(2):145-55
Date: 2006 Apr
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 16598069
PMC ID: PMC1871937

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Love-Schnur S,  Linet MS
Title: Comparison between cancers identified by state cancer registry, self-report, and death certificate in a prospective cohort study of US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 35(2):495-7
Date: 2006 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16330477
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Minenko VF,  Ulanovsky AV,  Drozdovitch VV,  Shemiakina EV,  Gavrilin YI,  Khrouch VT,  Shinkarev SM,  Voillequé PG,  Bouville A,  Anspaugh LR,  Luckyanov N
Title: Individual thyroid dose estimates for a case-control study of chernobyl-related thyroid cancer among children of Belarus--part II. Contributions from long-lived radionuclides and external radiation.
Journal: Health Phys 90(4):312-27
Date: 2006 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16538137
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatch M,  Berkowitz G,  Janevic T,  Sloan R,  Lapinski R,  James T,  Barth WH Jr
Title: Race, cardiovascular reactivity, and preterm delivery among active-duty military women.
Journal: Epidemiology 17(2):178-82
Date: 2006 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16477258
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inai K,  Shimizu Y,  Kawai K,  Tokunaga M,  Soda M,  Mabuchi K,  Land CE,  Tokuoka S
Title: A pathology study of malignant and benign ovarian tumors among atomic-bomb survivors--case series report.
Journal: J Radiat Res 47(1):49-59
Date: 2006 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16571918
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Gridley G,  Turesson I,  Caporaso NE,  Goldin LR,  Baris D,  Fears TR,  Hoover RN,  Linet MS
Title: Risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and subsequent multiple myeloma among African American and white veterans in the United States.
Journal: Blood 107(3):904-6
Date: 2006 Feb 1
Branches: GEB, BB, OEEB, EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 16210333
PMC ID: PMC1895893

Full Text

Authors: Schonfeld SJ,  Gilbert ES,  Dores GM,  Lynch CF,  Hodgson DC,  Hall P,  Storm H,  Andersen A,  Pukkala E,  Holowaty E,  Kaijser M,  Andersson M,  Joensuu H,  Fosså SD,  Allan JM,  Travis LB
Title: Acute myeloid leukemia following Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based study of 35,511 patients.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(3):215-8
Date: 2006 Feb 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16449681
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Balonov M,  Alexakhin R,  Bouville A,  Liljinzin JO
Title: Report from the techa river dosimetry review workshop held on 8-10 December 2003 at The State Research Centre Institute of Biophysics, Moscow, Russia.
Journal: Health Phys 90(2):97-113
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16404168
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gordeev K,  Shinkarev S,  Ilyin L,  Bouville A,  Hoshi M,  Luckyanov N,  Simon SL
Title: Retrospective dose assessment for the population living in areas of local fallout from the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Part II: Internal exposure to thyroid.
Journal: J Radiat Res 47 Suppl A:A137-41
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16571928
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gordeev K,  Shinkarev S,  Ilyin L,  Bouville A,  Hoshi M,  Luckyanov N,  Simon SL
Title: Retrospective dose assessment for the population living in areas of local fallout from the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site Part I: External exposure.
Journal: J Radiat Res 47 Suppl A:A129-36
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16571927
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Ha M,  Cosentino M,  Franklin T,  Haque KA,  Qi Y,  Glaser C,  Reid Y,  Vaught JB,  Bergen AW
Title: Long-term storage and recovery of buccal cell DNA from treated cards.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15(2):385-8
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB, OD, GEB
PubMed ID: 16492933
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Anspaugh LR,  Hoffman FO,  Scholl AE,  Stone MB,  Thomas BA,  Lyon JL
Title: 2004 update of dosimetry for the Utah Thyroid Cohort Study.
Journal: Radiat Res 165(2):208-22
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16435919
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Beck HL,  Gordeev K,  Bouville A,  Anspaugh LR,  Land CE,  Luckyanov N,  Shinkarev S
Title: External dose estimates for Dolon village: application of the U.S./Russian joint methodology.
Journal: J Radiat Res 47 Suppl A:A143-7
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16571929
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Stepanenko VF,  Hoshi M,  Bailiff IK,  Ivannikov AI,  Toyoda S,  Yamamoto M,  Simon SL,  Matsuo M,  Kawano N,  Zhumadilov Z,  Sasaki MS,  Rosenson RI,  Apsalikov KN
Title: Around Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: progress of dose estimations relevant to the consequences of nuclear tests (a summary of 3rd Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March, 2005).
Journal: J Radiat Res 47 Suppl A:A1-13
Date: 2006 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16571923
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bassal M,  Mertens AC,  Taylor L,  Neglia JP,  Greffe BS,  Hammond S,  Ronckers CM,  Friedman DL,  Stovall M,  Yasui YY,  Robison LL,  Meadows AT,  Kadan-Lottick NS
Title: Risk of selected subsequent carcinomas in survivors of childhood cancer: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 24(3):476-83
Date: 2006 Jan 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16421424
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Rabkin CS,  Brown LM,  Allan JM,  Alter BP,  Ambrosone CB,  Begg CB,  Caporaso N,  Chanock S,  DeMichele A,  Figg WD,  Gospodarowicz MK,  Hall EJ,  Hisada M,  Inskip P,  Kleinerman R,  Little JB,  Malkin D,  Ng AK,  Offit K,  Pui CH,  Robison LL,  Rothman N,  Shields PG,  Strong L,  Taniguchi T,  Tucker MA,  Greene MH
Title: Cancer survivorship--genetic susceptibility and second primary cancers: research strategies and recommendations.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 98(1):15-25
Date: 2006 Jan 4
PubMed ID: 16391368
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morton LM,  Wang SS,  Devesa SS,  Hartge P,  Weisenburger DD,  Linet MS
Title: Lymphoma incidence patterns by WHO subtype in the United States, 1992-2001.
Journal: Blood 107(1):265-76
Date: 2006 Jan 1
Branches: HREB, BB, EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 16150940
PMC ID: PMC1895348

Full Text

Title: Fallout from nuclear weapons tests and cancer risks - Exposures 50 years ago still have health implications today that will continue into the future
Journal: American Scientist 94:48-57
Date: 2006 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rothman N,  Skibola CF,  Wang SS,  Morgan G,  Lan Q,  Smith MT,  Spinelli JJ,  Willett E,  De Sanjose S,  Cocco P,  Berndt SI,  Brennan P,  Brooks-Wilson A,  Wacholder S,  Becker N,  Hartge P,  Zheng T,  Roman E,  Holly EA,  Boffetta P,  Armstrong B,  Cozen W,  Linet M,  Bosch FX,  Ennas MG,  Holford TR,  Gallagher RP,  Rollinson S,  Bracci PM,  Cerhan JR,  Whitby D,  Moore PS,  Leaderer B,  Lai A,  Spink C,  Davis S,  Bosch R,  Scarpa A,  Zhang Y,  Severson RK,  Yeager M,  Chanock S,  Nieters A
Title: Genetic variation in TNF and IL10 and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a report from the InterLymph Consortium.
Journal: Lancet Oncol 7(1):27-38
Date: 2006 Jan
PubMed ID: 16389181
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cox DG,  Blanché H,  Pearce CL,  Calle EE,  Colditz GA,  Pike MC,  Albanes D,  Allen NE,  Amiano P,  Berglund G,  Boeing H,  Buring J,  Burtt N,  Canzian F,  Chanock S,  Clavel-Chapelon F,  Feigelson HS,  Freedman M,  Haiman CA,  Hankinson SE,  Henderson BE,  Hoover R,  Hunter DJ,  Kaaks R,  Kolonel L,  Kraft P,  LeMarchand L,  Lund E,  Palli D,  Peeters PH,  Riboli E,  Stram DO,  Thun M,  Tjonneland A,  Trichopoulos D,  Yeager M,  Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium
Title: A comprehensive analysis of the androgen receptor gene and risk of breast cancer: results from the National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium (BPC3).
Journal: Breast Cancer Res 8(5):R54
Date: 2006
Branches: OE, NEB, CGR, REB, EBP
PubMed ID: 16987421
PMC ID: PMC1779488

Full Text

Authors: Drozdovitch V,  Germenchuk M,  Bouville A
Title: Using total beta-activity measurements in milk to derive thyroid doses from Chernobyl fallout.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 118(4):402-11
Date: 2006
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16436522
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schachter EN,  Zuskin E,  Buck M,  Witek TJ,  Godbold J,  Roy N,  Castranova V,  Whitmer M,  Siegel PD,  Bluhm EC
Title: Airway responses to the inhalation of cotton dust and cotton bract extracts.
Journal: Respiration 73(1):41-7
Date: 2006
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16179819
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sholom S,  Chumak V,  Desrosiers M,  Bouville A
Title: A transferability study of the EPR-tooth-dosimetry technique.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 120(1-4):210-5
Date: 2006
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16731688
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hayes RB,  Sigurdson A,  Moore L,  Peters U,  Huang WY,  Pinsky P,  Reding D,  Gelmann EP,  Rothman N,  Pfeiffer RM,  Hoover RN,  Berg CD,  for the PLCO Trial Team
Title: Methods for etiologic and early marker investigations in the PLCO trial.
Journal: Mutat Res 592(1-2):147-54
Date: 2005 Dec 30
Branches: OEEB, BB, EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 16054167
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Engels EA,  Cerhan JR,  Linet MS,  Cozen W,  Colt JS,  Davis S,  Gridley G,  Severson RK,  Hartge P
Title: Immune-related conditions and immune-modulating medications as risk factors for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a case-control study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 162(12):1153-61
Date: 2005 Dec 15
Branches: REB, OEEB, EBP, IIB
PubMed ID: 16251389
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hunter DJ,  Riboli E,  Haiman CA,  Albanes D,  Altshuler D,  Chanock SJ,  Haynes RB,  Henderson BE,  Kaaks R,  Stram DO,  Thomas G,  Thun MJ,  Blanché H,  Buring JE,  Burtt NP,  Calle EE,  Cann H,  Canzian F,  Chen YC,  Colditz GA,  Cox DG,  Dunning AM,  Feigelson HS,  Freedman ML,  Gaziano JM,  Giovannucci E,  Hankinson SE,  Hirschhorn JN,  Hoover RN,  Key T,  Kolonel LN,  Kraft P,  Le Marchand L,  Liu S,  Ma J,  Melnick S,  Pharaoh P,  Pike MC,  Rodriguez C,  Setiawan VW,  Stampfer MJ,  Trapido E,  Travis R,  Virtamo J,  Wacholder S,  Willett WC,  National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium
Title: A candidate gene approach to searching for low-penetrance breast and prostate cancer genes.
Journal: Nat Rev Cancer 5(12):977-85
Date: 2005 Dec
Branches: NEB, CGR, REB, EBP, BB
PubMed ID: 16341085
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Freedman DM,  Mohan AK,  Doody MM,  Ron E,  Mabuchi K,  Alexander BH,  Sigurdson A,  Hauptmann M
Title: Incidence of haematopoietic malignancies in US radiologic technologists.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 62(12):861-7
Date: 2005 Dec
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16299095
PMC ID: PMC1740936

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Gilbert E,  Dores GM,  Gospodarowicz M,  van Leeuwen FE,  Holowaty E,  Glimelius B,  Andersson M,  Wiklund T,  Lynch CF,  Van't Veer M,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Stovall M,  Curtis RE,  Allan JM,  Boice JD,  Travis LB
Title: Breast cancer risk following radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma: modification by other risk factors.
Journal: Blood 106(10):3358-65
Date: 2005 Nov 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16051739
PMC ID: PMC1895063

Full Text

Authors: Kishikawa M,  Koyama K,  Iseki M,  Kobuke T,  Yonehara S,  Soda M,  Ron E,  Tokunaga M,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K,  Tokuoka S
Title: Histologic characteristics of skin cancer in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: background incidence and radiation effects.
Journal: Int J Cancer 117(3):363-9
Date: 2005 Nov 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15900592
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  McCarron P,  Ron E
Title: Thyroid cancer and multiple primary tumors in the SEER cancer registries.
Journal: Int J Cancer 117(2):281-8
Date: 2005 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15880372
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kossenko MM,  Thomas TL,  Akleyev AV,  Krestinina LY,  Startsev NV,  Vyushkova OV,  Zhidkova CM,  Hoffman DA,  Preston DL,  Davis F,  Ron E
Title: The Techa River Cohort: study design and follow-up methods.
Journal: Radiat Res 164(5):591-601
Date: 2005 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16238436
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kraft P,  Pharoah P,  Chanock SJ,  Albanes D,  Kolonel LN,  Hayes RB,  Altshuler D,  Andriole G,  Berg C,  Boeing H,  Burtt NP,  Bueno-de-Mesquita B,  Calle EE,  Cann H,  Canzian F,  Chen YC,  Crawford DE,  Dunning AM,  Feigelson HS,  Freedman ML,  Gaziano JM,  Giovannucci E,  Gonzalez CA,  Haiman CA,  Hallmans G,  Henderson BE,  Hirschhorn JN,  Hunter DJ,  Kaaks R,  Key T,  Le Marchand L,  Ma J,  Overvad K,  Palli D,  Pike MC,  Riboli E,  Rodriguez C,  Setiawan WV,  Stampfer MJ,  Stram DO,  Thomas G,  Thun MJ,  Travis R,  Trichopoulou A,  Virtamo J,  Wacholder S
Title: Genetic variation in the HSD17B1 gene and risk of prostate cancer.
Journal: PLoS Genet 1(5):e68
Date: 2005 Nov
Branches: CGR, NEB, OEEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16311626
PMC ID: PMC1287955

Full Text

Authors: Krestinina LY,  Preston DL,  Ostroumova EV,  Degteva MO,  Ron E,  Vyushkova OV,  Startsev NV,  Kossenko MM,  Akleyev AV
Title: Protracted radiation exposure and cancer mortality in the Techa River Cohort.
Journal: Radiat Res 164(5):602-11
Date: 2005 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16238437
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tronko M,  Kravchenko V,  Fink D,  Hatch M,  Turchin V,  McConnell R,  Shpak V,  Brenner A,  Robbins J,  Lusanchuk I,  Howe G
Title: Iodine excretion in regions of Ukraine affected by the Chornobyl Accident: experience of the Ukrainian-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases.
Journal: Thyroid 15(11):1291-7
Date: 2005 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16356095
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Zhang L,  Shen M,  Smith MT,  Li G,  Vermeulen R,  Rappaport SM,  Forrest MS,  Hayes RB,  Linet M,  Dosemeci M,  Alter BP,  Weinberg RS,  Yin S,  Yeager M,  Welch R,  Waidyanatha S,  Kim S,  Chanock S,  Rothman N
Title: Polymorphisms in cytokine and cellular adhesion molecule genes and susceptibility to hematotoxicity among workers exposed to benzene.
Journal: Cancer Res 65(20):9574-81
Date: 2005 Oct 15
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB, CGB, CGR
PubMed ID: 16230423
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Hill D,  Dores GM,  Gospodarowicz M,  van Leeuwen FE,  Holowaty E,  Glimelius B,  Andersson M,  Pukkala E,  Lynch CF,  Pee D,  Smith SA,  Van't Veer MB,  Joensuu T,  Storm H,  Stovall M,  Boice JD Jr,  Gilbert E,  Gail MH
Title: Cumulative absolute breast cancer risk for young women treated for Hodgkin lymphoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(19):1428-37
Date: 2005 Oct 5
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16204692
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Hauptmann M,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Thomas CB,  Struewing JP,  Jones IM
Title: DNA damage among thyroid cancer and multiple cancer cases, controls, and long-lived individuals.
Journal: Mutat Res 586(2):173-88
Date: 2005 Oct 3
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16099702
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bhatti P,  Sigurdson AJ,  Wang SS,  Chen J,  Rothman N,  Hartge P,  Bergen AW,  Landi MT
Title: Genetic variation and willingness to participate in epidemiologic research: data from three studies.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(10):2449-53
Date: 2005 Oct
PubMed ID: 16214931
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Goldin LR,  Landgren O,  McMaster ML,  Gridley G,  Hemminki K,  Li X,  Mellemkjaer L,  Olsen JH,  Linet MS
Title: Familial aggregation and heterogeneity of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in population-based samples.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(10):2402-6
Date: 2005 Oct
Branches: GEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 16214923
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Fosså SD,  Schonfeld SJ,  McMaster ML,  Lynch CF,  Storm H,  Hall P,  Holowaty E,  Andersen A,  Pukkala E,  Andersson M,  Kaijser M,  Gospodarowicz M,  Joensuu T,  Cohen RJ,  Boice JD Jr,  Dores GM,  Gilbert ES
Title: Second cancers among 40,576 testicular cancer patients: focus on long-term survivors.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(18):1354-65
Date: 2005 Sep 21
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 16174857
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  Schwartz BS,  Rothman N,  Yeager M,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase polymorphism and risk of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 113(9):1209-11
Date: 2005 Sep
Branches: REB, OEEB, CGR
PubMed ID: 16140629
PMC ID: PMC1280403

Full Text

Authors: Ioannidis JP,  Bernstein J,  Boffetta P,  Danesh J,  Dolan S,  Hartge P,  Hunter D,  Inskip P,  Jarvelin MR,  Little J,  Maraganore DM,  Bishop JA,  O'Brien TR,  Petersen G,  Riboli E,  Seminara D,  Taioli E,  Uitterlinden AG,  Vineis P,  Winn DM,  Salanti G,  Higgins JP,  Khoury MJ
Title: A network of investigator networks in human genome epidemiology.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 162(4):302-4
Date: 2005 Aug 15
Branches: EBP, REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 16014777
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner DJ,  Hall EJ,  Curtis RE,  Ron E
Title: Prostate radiotherapy is associated with second cancers in many organs, not just the colorectum.
Journal: Gastroenterology 129(2):773-5
Date: 2005 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16083746
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Olsen JH,  Hahnemann JM,  Børresen-Dale AL,  Tretli S,  Kleinerman R,  Sankila R,  Hammarström L,  Robsahm TE,  Kääriäinen H,  Bregård A,  Brøndum-Nielsen K,  Yuen J,  Tucker M
Title: Breast and other cancers in 1445 blood relatives of 75 Nordic patients with ataxia telangiectasia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 93(2):260-5
Date: 2005 Jul 25
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 15942625
PMC ID: PMC2361547

Full Text

Authors: Fosså SD,  Chen J,  Schonfeld SJ,  McGlynn KA,  McMaster ML,  Gail MH,  Travis LB
Title: Risk of contralateral testicular cancer: a population-based study of 29,515 U.S. men.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(14):1056-66
Date: 2005 Jul 20
Branches: BB, REB, HREB, GEB
PubMed ID: 16030303
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Purdue MP,  Devesa SS,  Sigurdson AJ,  McGlynn KA
Title: International patterns and trends in testis cancer incidence.
Journal: Int J Cancer 115(5):822-7
Date: 2005 Jul 10
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 15704170
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Yoshinaga S,  Hauptmann M,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Freedman DM,  Alexander BH,  Linet MS,  Ron E,  Mabuchi K
Title: Nonmelanoma skin cancer in relation to ionizing radiation exposure among U.S. radiologic technologists.
Journal: Int J Cancer 115(5):828-34
Date: 2005 Jul 10
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15704092
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cardis E,  Vrijheid M,  Blettner M,  Gilbert E,  Hakama M,  Hill C,  Howe G,  Kaldor J,  Muirhead CR,  Schubauer-Berigan M,  Yoshimura T,  Bermann F,  Cowper G,  Fix J,  Hacker C,  Heinmiller B,  Marshall M,  Thierry-Chef I,  Utterback D,  Ahn YO,  Amoros E,  Ashmore P,  Auvinen A,  Bae JM,  Solano JB,  Biau A,  Combalot E,  Deboodt P,  Diez Sacristan A,  Eklof M,  Engels H,  Engholm G,  Gulis G,  Habib R,  Holan K,  Hyvonen H,  Kerekes A,  Kurtinaitis J,  Malker H,  Martuzzi M,  Mastauskas A,  Monnet A,  Moser M,  Pearce MS,  Richardson DB,  Rodriguez-Artalejo F,  Rogel A,  Tardy H,  Telle-Lamberton M,  Turai I,  Usel M,  Veress K
Title: Risk of cancer after low doses of ionising radiation: retrospective cohort study in 15 countries.
Journal: BMJ 331(7508):77
Date: 2005 Jul 9
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15987704
PMC ID: PMC558612

Full Text

Authors: Mauch P,  Ng A,  Aleman B,  Carde P,  Constine L,  Diehl V,  Dinshaw K,  Gospodarowicz M,  Hancock S,  Hodgson D,  Hoppe R,  Liang R,  Loeffler M,  Specht L,  Travis LB,  Wirth A,  Yahalom J
Title: Report from the Rockefellar Foundation Sponsored International Workshop on reducing mortality and improving quality of life in long-term survivors of Hodgkin's disease: July 9-16, 2003, Bellagio, Italy.
Journal: Eur J Haematol Suppl (66):68-76
Date: 2005 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16007872
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Ronckers CM,  Mertens AC,  Stovall M,  Smith SA,  Liu Y,  Berkow RL,  Hammond S,  Neglia JP,  Meadows AT,  Sklar CA,  Robison LL,  Inskip PD
Title: Primary thyroid cancer after a first tumour in childhood (the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study): a nested case-control study.
Journal: Lancet 365(9476):2014-23
Date: 2005 Jun 11-17
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15950715
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cohen RJ,  Curtis RE,  Inskip PD,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: The risk of developing second cancers among survivors of childhood soft tissue sarcoma.
Journal: Cancer 103(11):2391-6
Date: 2005 Jun 1
Branches: REB, OD
PubMed ID: 15852362
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Tarone RE,  Tucker MA
Title: Gene environment interactions in a cohort of irradiated retinoblastoma patients.
Journal: Radiat Res 163(6):701-2
Date: 2005 Jun
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 16044502
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Jones IM
Title: Second cancers after radiotherapy: any evidence for radiation-induced genomic instability?
Journal: Radiat Res 163(6):702-3
Date: 2005 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16044503
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Gilbert E
Title: Lung cancer after Hodgkin lymphoma: the roles of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and tobacco use.
Journal: Radiat Res 163(6):695-6
Date: 2005 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16044495
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Zhang L,  Hakim F,  Shen M,  Memon S,  Li G,  Vermeulen R,  Smith MT,  Rappaport SM,  Hayes R,  Linet M,  Yin S,  Rothman N,  Rabkin CS
Title: Lymphocyte toxicity and T cell receptor excision circles in workers exposed to benzene.
Journal: Chem Biol Interact 153-154:111-5
Date: 2005 May 30
Branches: OEEB, REB, IIB
PubMed ID: 15935806
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cardis E,  Kesminiene A,  Ivanov V,  Malakhova I,  Shibata Y,  Khrouch V,  Drozdovitch V,  Maceika E,  Zvonova I,  Vlassov O,  Bouville A,  Goulko G,  Hoshi M,  Abrosimov A,  Anoshko J,  Astakhova L,  Chekin S,  Demidchik E,  Galanti R,  Ito M,  Korobova E,  Lushnikov E,  Maksioutov M,  Masyakin V,  Nerovnia A,  Parshin V,  Parshkov E,  Piliptsevich N,  Pinchera A,  Polyakov S,  Shabeka N,  Suonio E,  Tenet V,  Tsyb A,  Yamashita S,  Williams D
Title: Risk of thyroid cancer after exposure to 131I in childhood.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(10):724-32
Date: 2005 May 18
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15900042
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Metayer C,  Rizzo JD,  Socié G,  Sobocinski KA,  Flowers ME,  Travis WD,  Travis LB,  Horowitz MM,  Deeg HJ
Title: Impact of chronic GVHD therapy on the development of squamous-cell cancers after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation: an international case-control study.
Journal: Blood 105(10):3802-11
Date: 2005 May 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15687239
PMC ID: PMC1895092

Full Text

Authors: Zhang Y,  Graubard BI,  Klebanoff MA,  Ronckers C,  Stanczyk FZ,  Longnecker MP,  McGlynn KA
Title: Maternal hormone levels among populations at high and low risk of testicular germ cell cancer.
Journal: Br J Cancer 92(9):1787-93
Date: 2005 May 9
Branches: HREB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15841083
PMC ID: PMC2362039

Full Text

Authors: Hatch EE,  Linet MS,  Zhang J,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Reproductive and hormonal factors and risk of brain tumors in adult females.
Journal: Int J Cancer 114(5):797-805
Date: 2005 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15609304
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Wang ZY,  Wang LD,  Boice JD Jr,  Cui HX,  Zhang SR,  Conrath S,  Xia Y,  Shang B,  Cao JS,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Adjusting lung cancer risks for temporal and spatial variations in radon concentration in dwellings in Gansu Province, China.
Journal: Radiat Res 163(5):571-9
Date: 2005 May
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 15850419
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tarone RE,  Inskip PD
Title: Mobile phone use and acoustic neuromas.
Journal: Epidemiology 16(3):414; author reply 417-8
Date: 2005 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15824562
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Ikeda T,  Preston DL,  Tokuoka S
Title: Male breast cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(8):603-5
Date: 2005 Apr 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15840883
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Landgren O,  Kerstann KF,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Hemminki K,  Linet MS,  Goldin LR
Title: Re: Familial clustering of Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple sclerosis.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 97(7):543-5
Date: 2005 Apr 6
Branches: GEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15812083
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Tucker MA,  Tarone RE,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Stovall M,  Li FP,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of new cancers after radiotherapy in long-term survivors of retinoblastoma: an extended follow-up.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 23(10):2272-9
Date: 2005 Apr 1
Branches: REB, GEB, BB, OD
PubMed ID: 15800318
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Carr ZA,  Land CE,  Kleinerman RA,  Weinstock RW,  Stovall M,  Griem ML,  Mabuchi K
Title: Coronary heart disease after radiotherapy for peptic ulcer disease.
Journal: Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61(3):842-50
Date: 2005 Mar 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15708264
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Likhtarov I,  Kovgan L,  Vavilov S,  Chepurny M,  Bouville A,  Luckyanov N,  Jacob P,  Voillequé P,  Voigt G
Title: Post-Chornobyl thyroid cancers in Ukraine. Report 1: estimation of thyroid doses.
Journal: Radiat Res 163(2):125-36
Date: 2005 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15658887
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rao RS,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Graubard BI
Title: An application of a weighting method to adjust for nonresponse in standardized incidence ratio analysis of cohort studies.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 15(2):129-36
Date: 2005 Feb
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15652718
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Tarone RE,  Black PM,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Fine HA,  Inskip PD
Title: Self-reported electrical appliance use and risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 161(2):136-46
Date: 2005 Jan 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15632263
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Forman MR,  Cantwell MM,  Ronckers C,  Zhang Y
Title: Through the looking glass at early-life exposures and breast cancer risk.
Journal: Cancer Invest 23(7):609-24
Date: 2005
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 16305989
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Travis LB,  Gridley G,  Kuncl RW
Title: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mortality in 1.9 million US cancer survivors.
Journal: Neuroepidemiology 25(4):176-80
Date: 2005
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 16103728
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatch M,  Ron E,  Bouville A,  Zablotska L,  Howe G
Title: The Chernobyl disaster: cancer following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Journal: Epidemiol Rev 27:56-66
Date: 2005
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15958427
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS
Title: Etiology of childhood leukemia: environment, genes, controversies, and conundrums.
Journal: Cancer Invest 23(1):99
Date: 2005
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15779873
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Erdmann CA,  Land CE
Title: Radiation and breast cancer: a review of current evidence.
Journal: Breast Cancer Res 7(1):21-32
Date: 2005
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15642178
PMC ID: PMC1064116

Full Text

Authors: Allan JM,  Smith AG,  Wheatley K,  Hills RK,  Travis LB,  Hill DA,  Swirsky DM,  Morgan GJ,  Wild CP
Title: Genetic variation in XPD predicts treatment outcome and risk of acute myeloid leukemia following chemotherapy.
Journal: Blood 104(13):3872-7
Date: 2004 Dec 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15339847
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lan Q,  Zhang L,  Li G,  Vermeulen R,  Weinberg RS,  Dosemeci M,  Rappaport SM,  Shen M,  Alter BP,  Wu Y,  Kopp W,  Waidyanatha S,  Rabkin C,  Guo W,  Chanock S,  Hayes RB,  Linet M,  Kim S,  Yin S,  Rothman N,  Smith MT
Title: Hematotoxicity in workers exposed to low levels of benzene.
Journal: Science 306(5702):1774-6
Date: 2004 Dec 3
PubMed ID: 15576619
PMC ID: PMC1256034

Full Text

Authors: Mateus Pereira LH,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Pineda MA,  Alexander BH,  Greene MH,  Struewing JP
Title: CHEK2:1100delC and female breast cancer in the United States.
Journal: Int J Cancer 112(3):541-3
Date: 2004 Nov 10
Branches: REB, CGB
PubMed ID: 15382084
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Koshurnikova NA,  Sokolnikov ME,  Shilnikova NS,  Preston DL,  Ron E,  Okatenko PV,  Khokhryakov VF,  Vasilenko EK,  Miller S,  Eckerman K,  Romanov SA
Title: Lung cancer in Mayak workers.
Journal: Radiat Res 162(5):505-16
Date: 2004 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15624305
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Yoshinaga S,  Mabuchi K,  Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Ron E
Title: Cancer risks among radiologists and radiologic technologists: review of epidemiologic studies.
Journal: Radiology 233(2):313-21
Date: 2004 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15375227
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Yonehara S,  Brenner AV,  Kishikawa M,  Inskip PD,  Preston DL,  Ron E,  Mabuchi K,  Tokuoka S
Title: Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of first primary tumors of the central nervous system and related organs among atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1958-1995.
Journal: Cancer 101(7):1644-54
Date: 2004 Oct 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15378499
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Linet MS,  Black PM,  Fine HA,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Inskip PD
Title: Meningioma and schwannoma risk in adults in relation to family history of cancer.
Journal: Neuro Oncol 6(4):274-80
Date: 2004 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15494094
PMC ID: PMC1872005

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Verduijn PG,  Land CE,  Hayes RB,  Stovall M,  van Leeuwen FE
Title: [No convincing evidence for a causal relationship between childhood nasopharyngeal radium irradiation and head-neck tumors or hormone-related disorders later in life; a retrospective cohort study].
Journal: Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 148(36):1775-80
Date: 2004 Sep 4
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 15931724
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Linet MS,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Season of birth and risk of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Neurology 63(2):276-81
Date: 2004 Jul 27
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15277620
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Wang ZY,  Kleinerman RA,  Wang LD,  Metayer C,  Lubin JH
Title: [Influence of menstrual and reproductive factors on the risk of lung cancer].
Journal: Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 25(7):590-3
Date: 2004 Jul
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 15308039
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gavrilin Y,  Khrouch V,  Shinkarev S,  Drozdovitch V,  Minenko V,  Shemiakina E,  Ulanovsky A,  Bouville A,  Anspaugh L,  Voillequé P,  Luckyanov N
Title: Individual thyroid dose estimation for a case-control study of Chernobyl-related thyroid cancer among children of Belarus-part I: 131I, short-lived radioiodines (132I, 133I, 135I), and short-lived radiotelluriums (131MTe and 132Te).
Journal: Health Phys 86(6):565-85
Date: 2004 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15167120
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Goldin LR,  Pfeiffer RM,  Gridley G,  Gail MH,  Li X,  Mellemkjaer L,  Olsen JH,  Hemminki K,  Linet MS
Title: Familial aggregation of Hodgkin lymphoma and related tumors.
Journal: Cancer 100(9):1902-8
Date: 2004 May 1
Branches: GEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15112271
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Momani MS,  Shore-Freedman E,  Collins BJ,  Lubin J,  Ron E,  Schneider AB
Title: Familial concordance of thyroid and other head and neck tumors in an irradiated cohort: analysis of contributing factors.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 89(5):2185-91
Date: 2004 May
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 15126540
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rajaraman P,  De Roos AJ,  Stewart PA,  Linet MS,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Occupation and risk of meningioma and acoustic neuroma in the United States.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 45(5):395-407
Date: 2004 May
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 15095422
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brinton LA,  Krüger Kjaer S,  Thomsen BL,  Sharif HF,  Graubard BI,  Olsen JH,  Bock JE
Title: Childhood tumor risk after treatment with ovulation-stimulating drugs.
Journal: Fertil Steril 81(4):1083-91
Date: 2004 Apr
Branches: BB, HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 15066468
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Stezhko VA,  Buglova EE,  Danilova LI,  Drozd VM,  Krysenko NA,  Lesnikova NR,  Minenko VF,  Ostapenko VA,  Petrenko SV,  Polyanskaya ON,  Rzheutski VA,  Tronko MD,  Bobylyova OO,  Bogdanova TI,  Ephstein OV,  Kairo IA,  Kostin OV,  Likhtarev IA,  Markov VV,  Oliynik VA,  Shpak VM,  Tereshchenko VP,  Zamotayeva GA,  Beebe GW,  Bouville AC,  Brill AB,  Burch JD,  Fink DJ,  Greenebaum E,  Howe GR,  Luckyanov NK,  Masnyk IJ,  McConnell RJ,  Robbins J,  Thomas TL,  Voillequé PG,  Zablotska LB,  Chornobyl Thyroid Diseases Study Group of Belarus,  Chornobyl Thyroid Diseases Study Group of Ukraine,  Chornobyl Thyroid Diseases Study Group of the USA
Title: A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: objectives, design and methods.
Journal: Radiat Res 161(4):481-92
Date: 2004 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15038762
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Hauptmann M,  Chatterjee N,  Alexander BH,  Doody MM,  Rutter JL,  Struewing JP
Title: Kin-cohort estimates for familial breast cancer risk in relation to variants in DNA base excision repair, BRCA1 interacting and growth factor genes.
Journal: BMC Cancer 4:9
Date: 2004 Mar 12
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 15113441
PMC ID: PMC408462

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Schafer DW,  Ron E,  Stovall M,  Carroll RJ
Title: A reanalysis of thyroid neoplasms in the Israeli tinea capitis study accounting for dose uncertainties.
Journal: Radiat Res 161(3):359-68
Date: 2004 Mar
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 14982478
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Vermeulen R,  Li G,  Lan Q,  Dosemeci M,  Rappaport SM,  Bohong X,  Smith MT,  Zhang L,  Hayes RB,  Linet M,  Mu R,  Wang L,  Xu J,  Yin S,  Rothman N
Title: Detailed exposure assessment for a molecular epidemiology study of benzene in two shoe factories in China.
Journal: Ann Occup Hyg 48(2):105-16
Date: 2004 Mar
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 14990432
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Freedman DM,  Sherman ME,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of malignant mixed mullerian tumors after tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 96(1):70-4
Date: 2004 Jan 7
Branches: REB, HREB, OD
PubMed ID: 14709741
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Fujita Y,  Ito C,  Mabuchi K
Title: Surveillance of mortality among atomic bomb survivors living in the United States using the National Death Index.
Journal: J Epidemiol 14(1):17-22
Date: 2004 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15065688
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers C,  Land C,  Hayes R,  Verduijn P,  van Leeuwen F
Title: Factors impacting questionnaire response in a Dutch retrospective cohort study.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 14(1):66-72
Date: 2004 Jan
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 14664782
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: [Late health effects of childhood nasopharyngeal radium irradiation: nonmelanoma skin cancers, benign tumors, and hormaonal disorders]
Journal: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 148(36):1775-1779
Date: 2004
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Ron E
Title: Cosmic radiation exposure and cancer risk among flight crew.
Journal: Cancer Invest 22(5):743-61
Date: 2004
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15581056
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A,  Beck HL
Title: The geographic distribution of radionuclide deposition across the continental US from atmospheric nuclear testing.
Journal: J Environ Radioact 74(1-3):91-105
Date: 2004
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15063539
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ulanovsky A,  Drozdovitch V,  Bouville A
Title: Influence of radionuclides distributed in the whole body on the thyroid dose estimates obtained from direct thyroid measurements made in Belarus after the Chernobyl accident.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 112(3):405-18
Date: 2004
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 15494363
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Boice JD Jr,  Travis WD
Title: Second primary cancers after thymoma.
Journal: Int J Cancer 107(5):868-70
Date: 2003 Dec 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14566841
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Sigurdson A,  Doody MM,  Mabuchi K,  Linet MS
Title: Risk of basal cell carcinoma in relation to alcohol intake and smoking.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(12):1540-3
Date: 2003 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14693751
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Inskip PD,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Linet MS
Title: Cancer in first-degree relatives and risk of glioma in adults.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(12):1443-8
Date: 2003 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14693735
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M,  Koyama K,  Soda M,  Preston DL,  Nishimori I,  Tokuoka S
Title: Incidence of female breast cancer among atomic bomb survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-1990.
Journal: Radiat Res 160(6):707-17
Date: 2003 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14640793
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Hauptmann M,  Gaul LK,  Storm HH,  Goldman MB,  Nyberg U,  Berger E,  Janower ML,  Hall P,  Monson RR,  Holm LE,  Land CE,  Schottenfeld D,  Boice JD Jr,  Andersson M
Title: Site-specific cancer incidence and mortality after cerebral angiography with radioactive thorotrast.
Journal: Radiat Res 160(6):691-706
Date: 2003 Dec
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 14640794
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner DJ,  Doll R,  Goodhead DT,  Hall EJ,  Land CE,  Little JB,  Lubin JH,  Preston DL,  Preston RJ,  Puskin JS,  Ron E,  Sachs RK,  Samet JM,  Setlow RB,  Zaider M
Title: Cancer risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation: assessing what we really know.
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(24):13761-6
Date: 2003 Nov 25
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 14610281
PMC ID: PMC283495

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Sigurdson A,  Doody MM,  Rao RS,  Linet MS
Title: Risk of melanoma in relation to smoking, alcohol intake, and other factors in a large occupational cohort.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 14(9):847-57
Date: 2003 Nov
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 14682442
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Jones IM
Title: Second cancers after radiotherapy: any evidence for radiation-induced genomic instability?
Journal: Oncogene 22(45):7018-27
Date: 2003 Oct 13
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14557806
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mack WJ,  Preston-Martin S,  Dal Maso L,  Galanti R,  Xiang M,  Franceschi S,  Hallquist A,  Jin F,  Kolonel L,  La Vecchia C,  Levi F,  Linos A,  Lund E,  McTiernan A,  Mabuchi K,  Negri E,  Wingren G,  Ron E
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer: cigarette smoking and consumption of alcohol, coffee, and tea.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 14(8):773-85
Date: 2003 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14674742
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Shimizu Y,  Pierce DA,  Suyama A,  Mabuchi K
Title: Studies of mortality of atomic bomb survivors. Report 13: Solid cancer and noncancer disease mortality: 1950-1997.
Journal: Radiat Res 160(4):381-407
Date: 2003 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12968934
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston-Martin S,  Franceschi S,  Ron E,  Negri E
Title: Thyroid cancer pooled analysis from 14 case-control studies: what have we learned?
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 14(8):787-9
Date: 2003 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14674743
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lee KH,  Ichiba M,  Zhang J,  Tomokuni K,  Hong YC,  Ha M,  Kwon HJ,  Koh SB,  Choi HR,  Lee KH,  Park CG,  Cho SH,  Hirvonen A,  Strickland PT,  Vermeulen R,  Hayes RB,  Kang D
Title: Multiple biomarkers study in painters in a shipyard in Korea.
Journal: Mutat Res 540(1):89-98
Date: 2003 Sep 9
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 12972061
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Packer RJ,  Gurney JG,  Punyko JA,  Donaldson SS,  Inskip PD,  Stovall M,  Yasui Y,  Mertens AC,  Sklar CA,  Nicholson HS,  Zeltzer LK,  Neglia JP,  Robison LL
Title: Long-term neurologic and neurosensory sequelae in adult survivors of a childhood brain tumor: childhood cancer survivor study.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 21(17):3255-61
Date: 2003 Sep 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12947060
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hauptmann M,  Sigurdson AJ,  Chatterjee N,  Rutter JL,  Hill DA,  Doody MM,  Struewing JP
Title: Re: Population-based, case-control study of HER2 genetic polymorphism and breast cancer risk.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 95(16):1251-2
Date: 2003 Aug 20
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12928354
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Key TJ,  Appleby PN,  Reeves GK,  Roddam A,  Dorgan JF,  Longcope C,  Stanczyk FZ,  Stephenson HE Jr,  Falk RT,  Miller R,  Schatzkin A,  Allen DS,  Fentiman IS,  Key TJ,  Wang DY,  Dowsett M,  Thomas HV,  Hankinson SE,  Toniolo P,  Akhmedkhanov A,  Koenig K,  Shore RE,  Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A,  Berrino F,  Muti P,  Micheli A,  Krogh V,  Sieri S,  Pala V,  Venturelli E,  Secreto G,  Barrett-Connor E,  Laughlin GA,  Kabuto M,  Akiba S,  Stevens RG,  Neriishi K,  Land CE,  Cauley JA,  Kuller LH,  Cummings SR,  Helzlsouer KJ,  Alberg AJ,  Bush TL,  Comstock GW,  Gordon GB,  Miller SR,  Longcope C,  Endogenous Hormones Breast Cancer Collaborative Group
Title: Body mass index, serum sex hormones, and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 95(16):1218-26
Date: 2003 Aug 20
Branches: HREB, REB, NEB
PubMed ID: 12928347
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD
Title: Multiple primary tumors involving cancer of the brain and central nervous system as the first or subsequent cancer.
Journal: Cancer 98(3):562-70
Date: 2003 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12879474
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Worrillow LJ,  Travis LB,  Smith AG,  Rollinson S,  Smith AJ,  Wild CP,  Holowaty EJ,  Kohler BA,  Wiklund T,  Pukkala E,  Roman E,  Morgan GJ,  Allan JM
Title: An intron splice acceptor polymorphism in hMSH2 and risk of leukemia after treatment with chemotherapeutic alkylating agents.
Journal: Clin Cancer Res 9(8):3012-20
Date: 2003 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12912950
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rutter JL,  Smith AM,  Dávila MR,  Sigurdson AJ,  Giusti RM,  Pineda MA,  Doody MM,  Tucker MA,  Greene MH,  Zhang J,  Struewing JP
Title: Mutational analysis of the BRCA1-interacting genes ZNF350/ZBRK1 and BRIP1/BACH1 among BRCA1 and BRCA2-negative probands from breast-ovarian cancer families and among early-onset breast cancer cases and reference individuals.
Journal: Hum Mutat 22(2):121-8
Date: 2003 Aug
Branches: REB, GEB, CGB
PubMed ID: 12872252
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Hill DA,  Dores GM,  Gospodarowicz M,  van Leeuwen FE,  Holowaty E,  Glimelius B,  Andersson M,  Wiklund T,  Lynch CF,  Van't Veer MB,  Glimelius I,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Stovall M,  Curtis R,  Boice JD Jr,  Gilbert E
Title: Breast cancer following radiotherapy and chemotherapy among young women with Hodgkin disease.
Journal: JAMA 290(4):465-75
Date: 2003 Jul 23
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12876089
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Peters U,  Askling J,  Gridley G,  Ekbom A,  Linet M
Title: Causes of death in patients with celiac disease in a population-based Swedish cohort.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 163(13):1566-72
Date: 2003 Jul 14
Branches: NEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12860579
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: van Leeuwen FE,  Klokman WJ,  Stovall M,  Dahler EC,  van't Veer MB,  Noordijk EM,  Crommelin MA,  Aleman BM,  Broeks A,  Gospodarowicz M,  Travis LB,  Russell NS
Title: Roles of radiation dose, chemotherapy, and hormonal factors in breast cancer following Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 95(13):971-80
Date: 2003 Jul 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12837833
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Title: Remembrance: Gilbert Wheeler Beebe, 1912-2003
Journal: Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 14(4)
Date: 2003 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Wacholder S,  Zahm SH
Title: Interpreting epidemiologic research: lessons from studies of childhood cancer.
Journal: Pediatrics 112(1 Pt 2):218-32
Date: 2003 Jul
Branches: REB, BB, OD
PubMed ID: 12837914
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Pierce DA,  Shimizu Y,  Ron E,  Mabuchi K
Title: Dose response and temporal patterns of radiation-associated solid cancer risks.
Journal: Health Phys 85(1):43-6
Date: 2003 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12852470
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Cancer risks from medical radiation.
Journal: Health Phys 85(1):47-59
Date: 2003 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12852471
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Doody MM,  Rao RS,  Freedman DM,  Alexander BH,  Hauptmann M,  Mohan AK,  Yoshinaga S,  Hill DA,  Tarone R,  Mabuchi K,  Ron E,  Linet MS
Title: Cancer incidence in the US radiologic technologists health study, 1983-1998.
Journal: Cancer 97(12):3080-9
Date: 2003 Jun 15
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12784345
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cope JU,  Askling J,  Gridley G,  Mohr A,  Ekbom A,  Nyren O,  Linet MS
Title: Appendectomy during childhood and adolescence and the subsequent risk of cancer in Sweden.
Journal: Pediatrics 111(6 Pt 1):1343-50
Date: 2003 Jun
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12777551
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shilnikova NS,  Preston DL,  Ron E,  Gilbert ES,  Vassilenko EK,  Romanov SA,  Kuznetsova IS,  Sokolnikov ME,  Okatenko PV,  Kreslov VV,  Koshurnikova NA
Title: Cancer mortality risk among workers at the Mayak nuclear complex.
Journal: Radiat Res 159(6):787-98
Date: 2003 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12751962
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Baverstock KF,  Lindholm C,  World Health Organization,  Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland,  National Cancer Institute
Title: A summary of evidence on radiation exposures received near to the Semipalatinsk nuclear weapons test site in Kazakhstan.
Journal: Health Phys 84(6):718-25
Date: 2003 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12822581
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Jemal A,  Travis WD,  Tarone RE,  Travis L,  Devesa SS
Title: Lung cancer rates convergence in young men and women in the United States: analysis by birth cohort and histologic type.
Journal: Int J Cancer 105(1):101-7
Date: 2003 May 20
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12672038
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Berrington de Gonzalez A,  Ekbom A,  Glass AG,  Galanti MR,  Grimelius L,  Allison MJ,  Inskip PD
Title: Comparison of documented and recalled histories of exposure to diagnostic x-rays in case-control studies of thyroid cancer.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 157(7):652-63
Date: 2003 Apr 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12672685
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Sigurdson AS,  Kampa D,  Chimes K,  Alexander BH,  Ron E,  Tarone RE,  Linet MS
Title: Randomized trial of financial incentives and delivery methods for improving response to a mailed questionnaire.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 157(7):643-51
Date: 2003 Apr 1
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12672684
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Oeffinger KC,  Mertens AC,  Sklar CA,  Yasui Y,  Fears T,  Stovall M,  Vik TA,  Inskip PD,  Robison LL,  Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Title: Obesity in adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 21(7):1359-65
Date: 2003 Apr 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12663727
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Devesa SS,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Trends in the incidence of ocular melanoma in the United States, 1974-1998.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 14(3):251-7
Date: 2003 Apr
Branches: REB, BB, OD
PubMed ID: 12814204
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Tarone RE,  Hatch EE,  Wilcosky TC,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Loeffler JS,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Linet MS
Title: Sociodemographic indicators and risk of brain tumours.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 32(2):225-33
Date: 2003 Apr
Branches: REB, BB, EBP
PubMed ID: 12714541
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Pierce DA,  Sharp GB,  Mabuchi K
Title: Joint effects of radiation and smoking on lung cancer risk among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Radiat Res 159(4):511-20
Date: 2003 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12643796
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Gridley G,  Cnattingius S,  Mellemkjaer L,  Linet M,  Adami HO,  Olsen JH,  Nyren O,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Mortality and cancer incidence among individuals with Down syndrome.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 163(6):705-11
Date: 2003 Mar 24
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB, OD
PubMed ID: 12639204
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Metayer C,  Curtis RE,  Vose J,  Sobocinski KA,  Horowitz MM,  Bhatia S,  Fay JW,  Freytes CO,  Goldstein SC,  Herzig RH,  Keating A,  Miller CB,  Nevill TJ,  Pecora AL,  Rizzo JD,  Williams SF,  Li CY,  Travis LB,  Weisdorf DJ
Title: Myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia after autotransplantation for lymphoma: a multicenter case-control study.
Journal: Blood 101(5):2015-23
Date: 2003 Mar 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12393427
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: De Roos AJ,  Stewart PA,  Linet MS,  Heineman EF,  Dosemeci M,  Wilcosky T,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: Occupation and the risk of adult glioma in the United States.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 14(2):139-50
Date: 2003 Mar
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 12749719
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Tarone RE,  Brenner AV,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Linet MS
Title: Handedness and risk of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(3):223-5
Date: 2003 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12646512
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Tarone RE,  Hatch EE,  Wilcosky TC,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Loeffler JS,  Shapiro WR,  Linet MS
Title: Laterality of brain tumors.
Journal: Neuroepidemiology 22(2):130-8
Date: 2003 Mar-Apr
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12629279
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Takahashi T,  Schoemaker MJ,  Trott KR,  Simon SL,  Fujimori K,  Nakashima N,  Fukao A,  Saito H
Title: The relationship of thyroid cancer with radiation exposure from nuclear weapon testing in the Marshall Islands.
Journal: J Epidemiol 13(2):99-107
Date: 2003 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12675119
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Sigurdson A,  Rao RS,  Hauptmann M,  Alexander B,  Mohan A,  Morin Doody M,  Linet MS
Title: Risk of melanoma among radiologic technologists in the United States.
Journal: Int J Cancer 103(4):556-62
Date: 2003 Feb 10
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12478675
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sharp GB,  Mizuno T,  Cologne JB,  Fukuhara T,  Fujiwara S,  Tokuoka S,  Mabuchi K
Title: Hepatocellular carcinoma among atomic bomb survivors: significant interaction of radiation with hepatitis C virus infections.
Journal: Int J Cancer 103(4):531-7
Date: 2003 Feb 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12478671
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hauptmann M,  Mohan AK,  Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Mabuchi K
Title: Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system in radiologic technologists in the United States.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 157(3):239-48
Date: 2003 Feb 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12543624
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Linet MS,  Selker RG,  Shapiro WR,  Black PM,  Fine HA,  Inskip PD
Title: Polio vaccination and risk of brain tumors in adults: no apparent association.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(2):177-8
Date: 2003 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12582033
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Stovall M,  Gospodarowicz M,  Van Leeuwen FE,  Andersson M,  Glimelius B,  Joensuu T,  Lynch CF,  Curtis RE,  Holowaty E,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  van't Veer MB,  Fraumeni JF,  Boice JD Jr,  Clarke EA,  Travis LB
Title: Lung cancer after treatment for Hodgkin's disease: focus on radiation effects.
Journal: Radiat Res 159(2):161-73
Date: 2003 Feb
Branches: REB, OD
PubMed ID: 12537521
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mohan AK,  Hauptmann M,  Freedman DM,  Ron E,  Matanoski GM,  Lubin JH,  Alexander BH,  Boice JD Jr,  Doody MM,  Linet MS
Title: Cancer and other causes of mortality among radiologic technologists in the United States.
Journal: Int J Cancer 103(2):259-67
Date: 2003 Jan 10
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12455042
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: McGlynn KA,  Devesa SS,  Sigurdson AJ,  Brown LM,  Tsao L,  Tarone RE
Title: Trends in the incidence of testicular germ cell tumors in the United States.
Journal: Cancer 97(1):63-70
Date: 2003 Jan 1
Branches: HREB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12491506
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: De Roos AJ,  Rothman N,  Inskip PD,  Linet MS,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Pittman GS,  Bell DA
Title: Genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, -P1, -T1, and CYP2E1 and the risk of adult brain tumors.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12(1):14-22
Date: 2003 Jan
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 12540498
PMC ID: not available

Title: Report of the NCI-CDC Working Group to revise the 1985 NIH Radioepidemiological Tables
Date: 2003
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Balonov M,  Kaidanovsky G,  Zvonova I,  Kovtun A,  Bouville A,  Luckyanov N,  Voillequé P
Title: Contributions of short-lived radioiodines to thyroid doses received by evacuees from the Chernobyl area estimated using early in vivo activity measurements.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 105(1-4):593-9
Date: 2003
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14527033
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Likhtarev I,  Minenko V,  Khrouch V,  Bouville A
Title: Uncertainties in thyroid dose reconstruction after Chernobyl.
Journal: Radiat Prot Dosimetry 105(1-4):601-8
Date: 2003
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 14527034
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Land CE,  Hayes RB,  Verduijn PG,  Stovall M,  van Leeuwen FE
Title: Late health effects of childhood nasopharyngeal radium irradiation: nonmelanoma skin cancers, benign tumors, and hormonal disorders.
Journal: Pediatr Res 52(6):850-8
Date: 2002 Dec
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 12438660
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Askling J,  Linet M,  Gridley G,  Halstensen TS,  Ekström K,  Ekbom A
Title: Cancer incidence in a population-based cohort of individuals hospitalized with celiac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis.
Journal: Gastroenterology 123(5):1428-35
Date: 2002 Nov
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12404215
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman MH,  Alter BP
Title: Malignant myeloid transformation in congenital forms of neutropenia.
Journal: Isr Med Assoc J 4(11):1011-4
Date: 2002 Nov
Branches: REB, CGB
PubMed ID: 12489493
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Ron E,  Yonehara S,  Kobuke T,  Fujii H,  Kishikawa M,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Mabuchi K
Title: Tumors of the nervous system and pituitary gland associated with atomic bomb radiation exposure.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 94(20):1555-63
Date: 2002 Oct 16
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12381708
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bosetti C,  Negri E,  Kolonel L,  Ron E,  Franceschi S,  Preston-Martin S,  McTiernan A,  Dal Maso L,  Mark SD,  Mabuchi K,  Land C,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Galanti MR,  Hallquist A,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  La Vecchia C
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. VII. Cruciferous and other vegetables (International).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 13(8):765-75
Date: 2002 Oct
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12420956
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Preston-Martin S,  Ross RK,  Bernstein L
Title: Medical radiation, family history of cancer, and benign breast disease in relation to breast cancer risk in young women, USA.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 13(8):711-8
Date: 2002 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12420949
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Let's not relive the past: a review of cancer risk after diagnostic or therapeutic irradiation.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 32(10):739-4
Date: 2002 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12244466
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gutmann DH,  Rasmussen SA,  Wolkenstein P,  MacCollin MM,  Guha A,  Inskip PD,  North KN,  Poyhonen M,  Birch PH,  Friedman JM
Title: Gliomas presenting after age 10 in individuals with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).
Journal: Neurology 59(5):759-61
Date: 2002 Sep 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12221173
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Auvinen A,  Curtis RE,  Ron E
Title: Risk of subsequent cancer following breast cancer in men.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 94(17):1330-2
Date: 2002 Sep 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12208898
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Land CE
Title: Uncertainty, low-dose extrapolation and the threshold hypothesis.
Journal: J Radiol Prot 22(3A):A129-35
Date: 2002 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12400961
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Van Leeuwen FE,  Hayes RB,  Verduijn PG,  Stovall M,  Land CE
Title: Cancer incidence after nasopharyngeal radium irradiation.
Journal: Epidemiology 13(5):552-60
Date: 2002 Sep
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 12192225
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Lubin JH,  Calista D,  Landi MT
Title: Instrumental measurements of skin color and skin ultraviolet light sensitivity and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma: a case-control study in an Italian population.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 156(4):353-62
Date: 2002 Aug 15
Branches: BB, REB, GEB, HREB
PubMed ID: 12181106
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dores GM,  Metayer C,  Curtis RE,  Lynch CF,  Clarke EA,  Glimelius B,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  van Leeuwen FE,  Holowaty EJ,  Andersson M,  Wiklund T,  Joensuu T,  van't Veer MB,  Stovall M,  Gospodarowicz M,  Travis LB
Title: Second malignant neoplasms among long-term survivors of Hodgkin's disease: a population-based evaluation over 25 years.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 20(16):3484-94
Date: 2002 Aug 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12177110
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Tarone RE,  Doody MM,  Mohan A,  Alexander BH,  Boice JD,  Linet MS
Title: Trends in reproductive, smoking, and other chronic disease risk factors by birth cohort and race in a large occupational study population.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 12(6):363-9
Date: 2002 Aug
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12160594
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dyagil I,  Adam M,  Beebe GW,  Burch JD,  Gaidukova SN,  Gluzman D,  Gudzenko N,  Klimenko V,  Peterson L,  Reiss RF,  Finch SC
Title: Histologic verification of leukemia, myelodysplasia, and multiple myeloma diagnoses in patients in Ukraine, 1987-1998.
Journal: Int J Hematol 76(1):55-60
Date: 2002 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12138896
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mihailescu D,  Shore-Freedman E,  Mukani S,  Lubin J,  Ron E,  Schneider AB
Title: Multiple neoplasms in an irradiated cohort: pattern of occurrence and relationship to thyroid cancer outcome.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87(7):3236-41
Date: 2002 Jul
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 12107231
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morgan GJ,  Davies FE,  Linet M
Title: Myeloma aetiology and epidemiology.
Journal: Biomed Pharmacother 56(5):223-34
Date: 2002 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12199621
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mohan AK,  Hauptmann M,  Linet MS,  Ron E,  Lubin JH,  Freedman DM,  Alexander BH,  Boice JD Jr,  Doody MM,  Matanoski GM
Title: Breast cancer mortality among female radiologic technologists in the United States.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 94(12):943-8
Date: 2002 Jun 19
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 12072548
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Baris D,  Gridley G,  Ron E,  Weiderpass E,  Mellemkjaer L,  Ekbom A,  Olsen JH,  Baron JA,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Acromegaly and cancer risk: a cohort study in Sweden and Denmark.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 13(5):395-400
Date: 2002 Jun
Branches: OEEB, BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 12146843
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Carr ZA,  Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Weinstock RM,  Griem ML,  Land CE
Title: Malignant neoplasms after radiation therapy for peptic ulcer.
Journal: Radiat Res 157(6):668-77
Date: 2002 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12005546
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Luckyanov N,  Bouville A,  VanMiddlesworth L,  Weinstock RM
Title: Transfer of 131I into human breast milk and transfer coefficients for radiological dose assessments.
Journal: Health Phys 82(6):796-806
Date: 2002 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12046751
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Linet MS,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Black PM,  Inskip PD
Title: History of allergies and autoimmune diseases and risk of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Int J Cancer 99(2):252-9
Date: 2002 May 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11979441
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Groves FD,  Page WF,  Gridley G,  Lisimaque L,  Stewart PA,  Tarone RE,  Gail MH,  Boice JD Jr,  Beebe GW
Title: Cancer in Korean war navy technicians: mortality survey after 40 years.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 155(9):810-8
Date: 2002 May 1
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 11978584
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Anspaugh LR,  Simon SL,  Gordeev KI,  Likhtarev IA,  Maxwell RM,  Shinkarev SM
Title: Movement of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems by physical processes.
Journal: Health Phys 82(5):669-79
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12003017
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bouville A,  Simon SL,  Miller CW,  Beck HL,  Anspaugh LR,  Bennett BG
Title: Estimates of doses from global fallout.
Journal: Health Phys 82(5):690-705
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12003019
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Land CE,  Simon SL
Title: Health effects from fallout.
Journal: Health Phys 82(5):726-35
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12003021
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Leonard DG,  Travis LB,  Addya K,  Dores GM,  Holowaty EJ,  Bergfeldt K,  Malkin D,  Kohler BA,  Lynch CF,  Wiklund T,  Stovall M,  Hall P,  Pukkala E,  Slater DJ,  Felix CA
Title: p53 mutations in leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome after ovarian cancer.
Journal: Clin Cancer Res 8(5):973-85
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12006509
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Negri E,  Ron E,  Franceschi S,  La Vecchia C,  Preston-Martin S,  Kolonel L,  Kleinerman RA,  Mabuchi K,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Hallquist A,  Levi F,  Linos A,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk factors for medullary thyroid carcinoma: a pooled analysis.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 13(4):365-72
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB, OD
PubMed ID: 12074506
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Bouville A
Title: Radiation doses to local populations near nuclear weapons test sites worldwide.
Journal: Health Phys 82(5):706-25
Date: 2002 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12003020
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Banks RS,  Thomas W,  Mandel JS,  Kaune WT,  Wacholder S,  Tarone RE,  Linet MS
Title: Temporal trends and misclassification in residential 60 Hz magnetic field measurements.
Journal: Bioelectromagnetics 23(3):196-205
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 11891749
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Dosemeci M,  McGlynn K
Title: Sunlight and mortality from breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, and non-melanoma skin cancer: a composite death certificate based case-control study.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 59(4):257-62
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: HREB, REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 11934953
PMC ID: PMC1740270

Full Text

Authors: Freedman MH,  Alter BP
Title: Risk of myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia in congenital neutropenias.
Journal: Semin Hematol 39(2):128-33
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: REB, CGB
PubMed ID: 11957196
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Wang Z,  Wang L,  Metayer C,  Zhang S,  Brenner AV,  Zhang S,  Xia Y,  Shang B,  Lubin JH
Title: Lung cancer and indoor exposure to coal and biomass in rural China.
Journal: J Occup Environ Med 44(4):338-44
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11977420
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Nyberg U,  Nilsson B,  Travis LB,  Holm LE,  Hall P
Title: Cancer incidence among Swedish patients exposed to radioactive thorotrast: a forty-year follow-up survey.
Journal: Radiat Res 157(4):419-25
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11893244
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Ionizing radiation and cancer risk: evidence from epidemiology.
Journal: Pediatr Radiol 32(4):232-4
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11956701
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sigurdson AJ,  Stovall M,  Kleinerman RA,  Maor MH,  Taylor ME,  Boice JD Jr,  Ron E
Title: Feasibility of assessing the carcinogenicity of neutrons among neutron therapy patients.
Journal: Radiat Res 157(4):483-9
Date: 2002 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11893253
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang Z,  Lubin JH,  Wang L,  Zhang S,  Boice JD Jr,  Cui H,  Zhang S,  Conrath S,  Xia Y,  Shang B,  Brenner A,  Lei S,  Metayer C,  Cao J,  Chen KW,  Lei S,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Residential radon and lung cancer risk in a high-exposure area of Gansu Province, China.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 155(6):554-64
Date: 2002 Mar 15
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 11882529
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gordeev K,  Vasilenko I,  Lebedev A,  Bouville A,  Luckyanov N,  Simon SL,  Stepanov Y,  Shinkarev S,  Anspaugh L
Title: Fallout from nuclear tests: dosimetry in Kazakhstan.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):61-7
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014413
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Khokhryakov VV,  Drozhko EG,  Glagolenko YV,  Rovny SI,  Vasilenko EK,  Suslov A,  Anspaugh LR,  Napier BA,  Bouville A,  Khokhryakov VF,  Suslova KG,  Romanov SA
Title: Studies on the Ozyorsk population: dosimetry.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):33-5
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014405
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Koshurnikova NA,  Gilbert ES,  Shilnikova NS,  Sokolnikov M,  Preston DL,  Kreisheimer M,  Ron E,  Okatenko P,  Romanov SA
Title: Studies on the Mayak nuclear workers: health effects.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):29-31
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014404
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Koshurnikova NA,  Mushkacheva GS,  Shilnikova NS,  Rabinovich EI,  Petrushkina NP,  Hall P,  Bolotnikova MG,  Preston DL,  Ron E
Title: Studies on the Ozyorsk population: health effects.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):37-9
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014406
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kossenko MM,  Preston DL,  Krestinina LY,  Degteva MO,  Startsev NV,  Thomas T,  Vyushkova VP,  Anspaugh LR,  Napier BA,  Kozheurov VP,  Ron E,  Akleyev AV
Title: Studies on the extended Techa river cohort: cancer risk estimation.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):45-8
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014408
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Romanov SA,  Vasilenko EK,  Khokhryakov VF,  Jacob P
Title: Studies on the Mayak nuclear workers: dosimetry.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 41(1):23-8
Date: 2002 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12014403
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Gospodarowicz M,  Curtis RE,  Clarke EA,  Andersson M,  Glimelius B,  Joensuu T,  Lynch CF,  van Leeuwen FE,  Holowaty E,  Storm H,  Glimelius I,  Pukkala E,  Stovall M,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Boice JD Jr,  Gilbert E
Title: Lung cancer following chemotherapy and radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 94(3):182-92
Date: 2002 Feb 6
Branches: REB, OD
PubMed ID: 11830608
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Metayer C,  Wang Z,  Kleinerman RA,  Wang L,  Brenner AV,  Cui H,  Cao J,  Lubin JH
Title: Cooking oil fumes and risk of lung cancer in women in rural Gansu, China.
Journal: Lung Cancer 35(2):111-7
Date: 2002 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11804682
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shu XO,  Potter JD,  Linet MS,  Severson RK,  Han D,  Kersey JH,  Neglia JP,  Trigg ME,  Robison LL
Title: Diagnostic X-rays and ultrasound exposure and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by immunophenotype.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 11(2):177-85
Date: 2002 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11867505
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kaune WT,  Miller MC,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Wacholder S,  Mohr AH,  Tarone RE,  Haines C
Title: Magnetic fields produced by hand held hair dryers, stereo headsets, home sewing machines, and electric clocks.
Journal: Bioelectromagnetics 23(1):14-25
Date: 2002 Jan
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11793402
PMC ID: not available

Title: Causative Agents in the Etiology of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and the Acute Myeloid Leukemias
Date: 2002
Book Editors: Bennett JM
Book Title: The Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Pathobiology and Clinical Management
PubMed ID: not available

Title: Epidemiology of Leukemia: Overview and Patterns of Occurrence
Date: 2002
Book Editors: Henderson E
Book Title: Leukemia, 7th edition
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Simon SL,  Graham JC,  Terp SD
Title: Uptake of 40K and 137Cs in native plants of the Marshall Islands.
Journal: J Environ Radioact 59(2):223-43
Date: 2002
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 11900208
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB
Title: Therapy-associated solid tumors.
Journal: Acta Oncol 41(4):323-33
Date: 2002
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12234023
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Walcott FL,  Hauptmann M,  Duphorne CM,  Pillow PC,  Strom SS,  Sigurdson AJ
Title: A case-control study of dietary phytoestrogens and testicular cancer risk.
Journal: Nutr Cancer 44(1):44-51
Date: 2002
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 12672640
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Matanoski GM,  Boice JD Jr,  Brown SL,  Gilbert ES,  Puskin JS,  O'Toole T
Title: Radiation exposure and cancer: case study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 154(12 Suppl):S91-8
Date: 2001 Dec 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11744534
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ahlbom IC,  Cardis E,  Green A,  Linet M,  Savitz D,  Swerdlow A,  ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) Standing Committee on Epidemiology
Title: Review of the epidemiologic literature on EMF and Health.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 109 Suppl 6:911-33
Date: 2001 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11744509
PMC ID: PMC1240626

Full Text

Authors: Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer
Title: Familial breast cancer: collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 52 epidemiological studies including 58,209 women with breast cancer and 101,986 women without the disease.
Journal: Lancet 358(9291):1389-99
Date: 2001 Oct 27
Branches: REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 11705483
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Farrington LA,  Harvey RB,  Buckley SA,  Droleskey RE,  Nisbet DJ,  Inskip PD
Title: Prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonellae isolated from market-age swine.
Journal: J Food Prot 64(10):1496-502
Date: 2001 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11601696
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatcher JL,  Baris D,  Olshan AF,  Inskip PD,  Savitz DA,  Swanson GM,  Pottern LM,  Greenberg RS,  Schwartz AG,  Schoenberg JB,  Brown LM
Title: Diagnostic radiation and the risk of multiple myeloma (United States).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 12(8):755-61
Date: 2001 Oct
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 11562116
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hisada M,  Biggar RJ,  Greene MH,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Travis LB
Title: Solid tumors after chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Journal: Blood 98(6):1979-81
Date: 2001 Sep 15
Branches: REB, CGB, OD, IIB
PubMed ID: 11535538
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman M
Title: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and occupational exposure to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 58(9):609-10
Date: 2001 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11529236
PMC ID: PMC1740193

Full Text

Authors: Schafer DW,  Lubin JH,  Ron E,  Stovall M,  Carroll RJ
Title: Thyroid cancer following scalp irradiation: a reanalysis accounting for uncertainty in dosimetry.
Journal: Biometrics 57(3):689-97
Date: 2001 Sep
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 11550916
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang WW,  Spurdle AB,  Kolachana P,  Bove B,  Modan B,  Ebbers SM,  Suthers G,  Tucker MA,  Kaufman DJ,  Doody MM,  Tarone RE,  Daly M,  Levavi H,  Pierce H,  Chetrit A,  Yechezkel GH,  Chenevix-Trench G,  Offit K,  Godwin AK,  Struewing JP
Title: A single nucleotide polymorphism in the 5' untranslated region of RAD51 and risk of cancer among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 10(9):955-60
Date: 2001 Sep
Branches: REB, BB, GEB
PubMed ID: 11535547
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bucci A,  Shore-Freedman E,  Gierlowski T,  Mihailescu D,  Ron E,  Schneider AB
Title: Behavior of small thyroid cancers found by screening radiation-exposed individuals.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 86(8):3711-6
Date: 2001 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11502800
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hayes RB,  Songnian Y,  Dosemeci M,  Linet M
Title: Benzene and lymphohematopoietic malignancies in humans.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 40(2):117-26
Date: 2001 Aug
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 11494338
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Nagano J,  Kono S,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K
Title: A prospective study of green tea consumption and cancer incidence, Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Japan).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 12(6):501-8
Date: 2001 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11519758
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Land CE,  Andersson M,  Nyberg U,  Goldman MB,  Knudson Gaul L,  Berger E,  Storm HH,  Hall P,  Auvinen A,  Janower ML,  Holm LE,  Monson RR,  Schottenfeld D,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Mortality after cerebral angiography with or without radioactive Thorotrast: an international cohort of 3,143 two-year survivors.
Journal: Radiat Res 156(2):136-50
Date: 2001 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11448234
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ronckers CM,  Land CE,  Verduijn PG,  Hayes RB,  Stovall M,  van Leeuwen FE
Title: Cancer mortality after nasopharyngeal radium irradiation in the Netherlands: a cohort study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 93(13):1021-7
Date: 2001 Jul 4
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 11438568
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kaune WT,  Banks RS,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Wacholder S,  Tarone RE,  Haines C
Title: Static magnetic field measurements in residences in relation to resonance hypotheses of interactions between power-frequency magnetic fields and humans.
Journal: Bioelectromagnetics 22(5):294-305
Date: 2001 Jul
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11424152
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Fukuhara T,  Sharp GB,  Mizuno T,  Itakura H,  Yamamoto M,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Cologne JB,  Fujita Y,  Soda M,  Mabuchi K
Title: Liver cancer in atomic-bomb survivors: histological characteristics and relationships to radiation and hepatitis B and C viruses.
Journal: J Radiat Res 42(2):117-30
Date: 2001 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11599879
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bosetti C,  Kolonel L,  Negri E,  Ron E,  Franceschi S,  Dal Maso L,  Galanti MR,  Mark SD,  Preston-Martin S,  McTiernan A,  Land C,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Hallquist A,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  La Vecchia C
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. VI. Fish and shellfish consumption.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 12(4):375-82
Date: 2001 May
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11456234
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD
Title: Thyroid cancer after radiotherapy for childhood cancer.
Journal: Med Pediatr Oncol 36(5):568-73
Date: 2001 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11340614
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Robbins J,  Dunn JT,  Bouville A,  Kravchenko VI,  Lubin J,  Petrenko S,  Sullivan KM,  Vanmiddlesworth L,  Wolff J
Title: Iodine nutrition and the risk from radioactive iodine: a workshop report in the chernobyl long-term follow-up study.
Journal: Thyroid 11(5):487-91
Date: 2001 May
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11396707
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Foster DA,  Heller ST,  Young JK
Title: Multidrug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Journal: N Engl J Med 344(17):1329; author reply 1330-1
Date: 2001 Apr 26
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11336021
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Stewart P,  Kleinerman RA,  Wacholder S,  Hatch EE,  Tarone RE,  Robison LL,  Linet MS
Title: Household solvent exposures and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Journal: Am J Public Health 91(4):564-7
Date: 2001 Apr
Branches: REB, OEEB, BB
PubMed ID: 11291366
PMC ID: PMC1446651

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Invited commentary: studies of workers exposed to low doses of radiation.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 153(4):319-4
Date: 2001 Feb 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11207147
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner AV,  Wang Z,  Kleinerman RA,  Wang L,  Zhang S,  Metayer C,  Chen K,  Lei S,  Cui H,  Lubin JH
Title: Previous pulmonary diseases and risk of lung cancer in Gansu Province, China.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 30(1):118-24
Date: 2001 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11171871
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Olsen JH,  Hahnemann JM,  Børresen-Dale AL,  Brøndum-Nielsen K,  Hammarström L,  Kleinerman R,  Kääriäinen H,  Lönnqvist T,  Sankila R,  Seersholm N,  Tretli S,  Yuen J,  Boice JD Jr,  Tucker M
Title: Cancer in patients with ataxia-telangiectasia and in their relatives in the nordic countries.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 93(2):121-7
Date: 2001 Jan 17
Branches: REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 11208881
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Tarone RE,  Hatch EE,  Wilcosky TC,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Fine HA,  Black PM,  Loeffler JS,  Linet MS
Title: Cellular-telephone use and brain tumors.
Journal: N Engl J Med 344(2):79-86
Date: 2001 Jan 11
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11150357
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Airewele GE,  Sigurdson AJ,  Wiley KJ,  Frieden BE,  Caldarera LW,  Riccardi VM,  Lewis RA,  Chintagumpala MM,  Ater JL,  Plon SE,  Bondy ML
Title: Neoplasms in neurofibromatosis 1 are related to gender but not to family history of cancer.
Journal: Genet Epidemiol 20(1):75-86
Date: 2001 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11119298
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Hayes HM,  Bilgrad R
Title: Comparability of national death index plus and standard procedures for determining causes of death in epidemiologic studies.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 11(1):46-50
Date: 2001 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11164119
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD
Title: Frequent radiation exposures and frequency-dependent effects: the eyes have it.
Journal: Epidemiology 12(1):1-4
Date: 2001 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11138802
PMC ID: not available

Title: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Epidemiologic, Familial and Genetic Aspects
Date: 2001
Book Editors: Chelson B
Book Title: Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia: Scientific Advances and Clinical Developments
PubMed ID: not available

Title: Late complications, including late relapse
Date: 2001
Book Editors: Carella AM
Book Title: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Biology and Treatment
PubMed ID: not available

Title: Second Cancers
Date: 2001
Book Editors: Devita VT
Book Title: Cancer: Principles and Practices of Oncology, 6th Edition
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Tarone RE,  Abramson DH,  Seddon JM,  Li FP,  Tucker MA
Title: Hereditary retinoblastoma and risk of lung cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 92(24):2037-9
Date: 2000 Dec 20
Branches: REB, BB, GEB
PubMed ID: 11121467
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Carroll RJ,  Schafer DW,  Lubin JH,  Ron E,  Stovall M
Title: Thyroid cancer after scalp irradiation: a reanalysis accounting for uncertainty in dosimetry.
Journal: Radiat Res 154(6):721-4
Date: 2000 Dec
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 11187010
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Chimes K
Title: The Social Security Administration "presumed living" search.
Journal: Am J Public Health 90(12):1948-9
Date: 2000 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11111276
PMC ID: PMC1446421

Full Text

Authors: Hill DA,  Weiss NS,  Beresford SA,  Voigt LF,  Daling JR,  Stanford JL,  Self S
Title: Continuous combined hormone replacement therapy and risk of endometrial cancer.
Journal: Am J Obstet Gynecol 183(6):1456-61
Date: 2000 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11120510
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Protraction effects in radiation studies: epidemiology.
Journal: Radiat Res 154(6):737-8
Date: 2000 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11187024
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hayes RB,  Yin S,  Rothman N,  Dosemeci M,  Li G,  Travis LT,  Smith MT,  Linet MS
Title: Benzene and lymphohematopoietic malignancies in China.
Journal: J Toxicol Environ Health A 61(5-6):419-32
Date: 2000 Nov
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 11086948
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Abylkassimova Z,  Gusev B,  Grosche B,  Bauer S,  Kreuzer M,  Trott K
Title: Nested case-control study of leukemia among a cohort of persons exposed to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon tests in kazakhstan (1949-1963).
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 10(7):479
Date: 2000 Oct 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11018426
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman D,  Linet M,  Doody M,  Mohan A,  Alexander B,  Boice J,  Mandel J,  Tarone R
Title: Trends in reproductive, smoking, and other chronic disease risk factors by birth cohort in a large occupational study.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 10(7):457-458
Date: 2000 Oct 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 11018365
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman R,  Wang Z,  Lubin J,  Zhang S,  Metayer C,  Brenner A
Title: Lung cancer and indoor air pollution in rural china.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 10(7):469
Date: 2000 Oct 1
Branches: BB, CGR, REB
PubMed ID: 11018397
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mohan A,  Hauptmann M,  Doody M,  Freedman D,  Alexander B,  Boice J,  Mandel J,  Correa-Villasenor A,  Matanoski G,  Linet M
Title: Mortality among radiologic technologists in the united states (1926-1997). 2(nd) Follow up.
Journal: Ann Epidemiol 10(7):480
Date: 2000 Oct 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 11018427
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang L,  Lubin JH,  Zhang SR,  Metayer C,  Xia Y,  Brenner A,  Shang B,  Wang Z,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke in a non-industrial area of China.
Journal: Int J Cancer 88(1):139-45
Date: 2000 Oct 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10962452
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Behrens C,  Travis LB,  Wistuba II,  Davis S,  Maitra A,  Clarke EA,  Lynch CF,  Glimelius B,  Wiklund T,  Tarone R,  Gazdar AF
Title: Molecular changes in second primary lung and breast cancers after therapy for Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 9(10):1027-35
Date: 2000 Oct
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 11045784
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ahlbom A,  Day N,  Feychting M,  Roman E,  Skinner J,  Dockerty J,  Linet M,  McBride M,  Michaelis J,  Olsen JH,  Tynes T,  Verkasalo PK
Title: A pooled analysis of magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 83(5):692-8
Date: 2000 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10944614
PMC ID: PMC2363518

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Cantor KP,  Ward MH,  Helzlsouer KJ
Title: A case-control study of nitrate in drinking water and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Minnesota.
Journal: Arch Environ Health 55(5):326-9
Date: 2000 Sep-Oct
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 11063407
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Koshurnikova NA,  Sokolnikov M,  Khokhryakov VF,  Miller S,  Preston DL,  Romanov SA,  Shilnikova NS,  Suslova KG,  Vostrotin VV
Title: Liver cancers in Mayak workers.
Journal: Radiat Res 154(3):246-52
Date: 2000 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10956429
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Koshurnikova NA,  Gilbert ES,  Sokolnikov M,  Khokhryakov VF,  Miller S,  Preston DL,  Romanov SA,  Shilnikova NS,  Suslova KG,  Vostrotin VV
Title: Bone cancers in Mayak workers.
Journal: Radiat Res 154(3):237-45
Date: 2000 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10956428
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Laake K,  Jansen L,  Hahnemann JM,  Brondum-Nielsen K,  Lönnqvist T,  Kääriäinen H,  Sankila R,  Lähdesmäki A,  Hammarström L,  Yuen J,  Tretli S,  Heiberg A,  Olsen JH,  Tucker M,  Kleinerman R,  Børresen-Dale AL
Title: Characterization of ATM mutations in 41 Nordic families with ataxia telangiectasia.
Journal: Hum Mutat 16(3):232-46
Date: 2000 Sep
Branches: GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 10980530
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Lonstein JE,  Stovall M,  Hacker DG,  Luckyanov N,  Land CE
Title: Breast cancer mortality after diagnostic radiography: findings from the U.S. Scoliosis Cohort Study.
Journal: Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 25(16):2052-63
Date: 2000 Aug 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10954636
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Groves FD,  Linet MS,  Travis LB,  Devesa SS
Title: Cancer surveillance series: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma incidence by histologic subtype in the United States from 1978 through 1995.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 92(15):1240-51
Date: 2000 Aug 2
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10922409
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Andersson M,  Gospodarowicz M,  van Leeuwen FE,  Bergfeldt K,  Lynch CF,  Curtis RE,  Kohler BA,  Wiklund T,  Storm H,  Holowaty E,  Hall P,  Pukkala E,  Sleijfer DT,  Clarke EA,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Gilbert E
Title: Treatment-associated leukemia following testicular cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 92(14):1165-71
Date: 2000 Jul 19
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10904090
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Auvinen A,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Robison LL,  Kaune WT,  Misakian M,  Niwa S,  Wacholder S,  Tarone RE
Title: Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: an exploratory analysis of alternative exposure metrics.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 152(1):20-31
Date: 2000 Jul 1
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10901326
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Platz EA,  Wiencke JK,  Kelsey KT,  Janower ML,  Schottenfeld D,  Travis LB,  Goldman MB
Title: Chromosomal aberrations and hprt mutant frequencies in long-term American thorotrast survivors.
Journal: Int J Radiat Biol 76(7):955-61
Date: 2000 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10923619
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang LE,  Bondy ML,  de Andrade M,  Strom SS,  Wang X,  Sigurdson A,  Spitz MR,  Wei Q
Title: Gender difference in smoking effect on chromosome sensitivity to gamma radiation in a healthy population.
Journal: Radiat Res 154(1):20-7
Date: 2000 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10856961
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Dosemeci M,  Alavanja MC
Title: Mortality from multiple sclerosis and exposure to residential and occupational solar radiation: a case-control study based on death certificates.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 57(6):418-21
Date: 2000 Jun
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 10810132
PMC ID: PMC1739969

Full Text

Authors: Kabuto M,  Akiba S,  Stevens RG,  Neriishi K,  Land CE
Title: A prospective study of estradiol and breast cancer in Japanese women.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 9(6):575-9
Date: 2000 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10868691
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Metayer C,  Lynch CF,  Clarke EA,  Glimelius B,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Joensuu T,  van Leeuwen FE,  van't Veer MB,  Curtis RE,  Holowaty EJ,  Andersson M,  Wiklund T,  Gospodarowicz M,  Travis LB
Title: Second cancers among long-term survivors of Hodgkin's disease diagnosed in childhood and adolescence.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 18(12):2435-43
Date: 2000 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10856104
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Fears TR,  Ziegler RG,  Donaldson JL,  Falk RT,  Hoover RN,  Stanczyk FZ,  Vaught JB,  Gail MH
Title: Reproducibility studies and interlaboratory concordance for androgen assays in female plasma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 9(4):403-12
Date: 2000 Apr
Branches: HREB, BB, EBP, REB, OD
PubMed ID: 10794485
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kaune WT,  Miller MC,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Wacholder S,  Mohr AH,  Tarone RE,  Haines C
Title: Children's exposure to magnetic fields produced by U.S. television sets used for viewing programs and playing video games.
Journal: Bioelectromagnetics 21(3):214-27
Date: 2000 Apr
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10723021
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Morin Doody M,  Mandel JS,  Linet MS,  Ron E,  Lubin JH,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Mortality among Catholic nuns certified as radiologic technologists.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 37(4):339-48
Date: 2000 Apr
Branches: BB, REB, OD
PubMed ID: 10706745
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wen W,  Shu XO,  Linet MS,  Neglia JP,  Potter JD,  Trigg ME,  Robison LL
Title: Allergic disorders and the risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (United States).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 11(4):303-7
Date: 2000 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10843442
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Kaune WT,  Hatch EE,  Wacholder S,  Linet MS,  Robison LL,  Niwa S,  Tarone RE
Title: Are children living near high-voltage power lines at increased risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia?
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 151(5):512-5
Date: 2000 Mar 1
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10707920
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Cantor KP,  Ward MH,  Helzlsouer KJ
Title: A comparison of recent and long-term average measurements of nitrate in drinking water.
Journal: J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol 10(2):206-9
Date: 2000 Mar-Apr
Branches: REB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 10791601
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Linet MS,  Tarone RE,  Kaune WT,  Auvinen A,  Baris D,  Robison LL,  Wacholder S
Title: Do confounding or selection factors of residential wiring codes and magnetic fields distort findings of electromagnetic fields studies?
Journal: Epidemiology 11(2):189-98
Date: 2000 Mar
Branches: REB, BB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 11021619
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tawn EJ,  Whitehouse CA,  Holdsworth D,  Morris S,  Tarone RE
Title: Chromosome analysis of workers occupationally exposed to radiation at the Sellafield nuclear facility.
Journal: Int J Radiat Biol 76(3):355-65
Date: 2000 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10757315
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dal Maso L,  La Vecchia C,  Franceschi S,  Preston-Martin S,  Ron E,  Levi F,  Mack W,  Mark SD,  McTiernan A,  Kolonel L,  Mabuchi K,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Galanti MR,  Hallquist A,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Linos D,  Negri E
Title: A pooled analysis of thyroid cancer studies. V. Anthropometric factors.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 11(2):137-44
Date: 2000 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10710197
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Johansen C,  Gridley G,  Linet MS,  Kjaer SK,  Olsen JH
Title: Crohn's disease and cancer risk (Denmark).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 11(2):145-50
Date: 2000 Feb
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10710198
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner DJ,  Curtis RE,  Hall EJ,  Ron E
Title: Second malignancies in prostate carcinoma patients after radiotherapy compared with surgery.
Journal: Cancer 88(2):398-406
Date: 2000 Jan 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10640974
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Neglia JP,  Linet MS,  Shu XO,  Severson RK,  Potter JD,  Mertens AC,  Wen W,  Kersey JH,  Robison LL
Title: Patterns of infection and day care utilization and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 82(1):234-40
Date: 2000 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10638995
PMC ID: PMC2363184

Full Text

Authors: Socié G,  Curtis RE,  Deeg HJ,  Sobocinski KA,  Filipovich AH,  Travis LB,  Sullivan KM,  Rowlings PA,  Kingma DW,  Banks PM,  Travis WD,  Witherspoon RP,  Sanders J,  Jaffe ES,  Horowitz MM
Title: New malignant diseases after allogeneic marrow transplantation for childhood acute leukemia.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 18(2):348-57
Date: 2000 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10637249
PMC ID: not available

Title: Carcinoma of Follicular Epithelium: Pathogenesis
Date: 2000
Book Editors: Braverman LE
Book Title: Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Test, 8th Edition
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Title: Induction and persistence of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to neutrons in vitro or in vivo: Implications of findings in 'retrospective' biological dosimetry
Journal: Radiation Protection Dosimetry 88(1):59-68
Date: 2000
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Title: Radiation Protection Guidance for Activities in Low-Earth Orbit
Date: 2000
PubMed ID: not available

Title: Reference Guide on Epidemiology
Date: 2000
Book Editors:
Book Title: Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, 2nd Edition
PubMed ID: not available

Title: The HASL gummed-film network and its use in the reconstruction of doses resulting from nuclear weapons tests
Journal: Technology 7(2-4):355-362
Date: 2000
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS
Title: Evolution of cancer epidemiology.
Journal: Epidemiol Rev 22(1):35-56
Date: 2000
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10939006
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Legler JM,  Gloeckler Ries LA,  Smith MA,  Warren JL,  Heineman EF,  Kaplan RS,  Linet MS
Title: RESPONSE: Re: Brain and Other Central Nervous System Cancers: Recent Trends in Incidence and Mortality.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 91(23):2050A-22051
Date: 1999 Dec 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10580037
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Franceschi S,  Preston-Martin S,  Dal Maso L,  Negri E,  La Vecchia C,  Mack WJ,  McTiernan A,  Kolonel L,  Mark SD,  Mabuchi K,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Galanti R,  Hallquist A,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  Ron E
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. IV. Benign thyroid diseases.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 10(6):583-95
Date: 1999 Dec
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10616827
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Struewing JP,  Coriaty ZM,  Ron E,  Livoff A,  Konichezky M,  Cohen P,  Resnick MB,  Lifzchiz-Mercerl B,  Lew S,  Iscovich J
Title: Founder BRCA1/2 mutations among male patients with breast cancer in Israel.
Journal: Am J Hum Genet 65(6):1800-2
Date: 1999 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10577940
PMC ID: PMC1288396

Full Text

Authors: Sun EC,  Curtis R,  Melbye M,  Goedert JJ
Title: Salivary gland cancer in the United States.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 8(12):1095-100
Date: 1999 Dec
Branches: REB, IIB
PubMed ID: 10613342
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Smith MA,  Strickler HD,  Granovsky M,  Reaman G,  Linet M,  Daniel R,  Shah KV
Title: Investigation of leukemia cells from children with common acute lymphoblastic leukemia for genomic sequences of the primate polyomaviruses JC virus, BK virus, and simian virus 40.
Journal: Med Pediatr Oncol 33(5):441-3
Date: 1999 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10531566
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shu XO,  Linet MS,  Steinbuch M,  Wen WQ,  Buckley JD,  Neglia JP,  Potter JD,  Reaman GH,  Robison LL
Title: Breast-feeding and risk of childhood acute leukemia.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 91(20):1765-72
Date: 1999 Oct 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10528028
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Travis LB,  Rowlings PA,  Socié G,  Kingma DW,  Banks PM,  Jaffe ES,  Sale GE,  Horowitz MM,  Witherspoon RP,  Shriner DA,  Weisdorf DJ,  Kolb HJ,  Sullivan KM,  Sobocinski KA,  Gale RP,  Hoover RN,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Deeg HJ
Title: Risk of lymphoproliferative disorders after bone marrow transplantation: a multi-institutional study.
Journal: Blood 94(7):2208-16
Date: 1999 Oct 1
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 10498590
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cologne JB,  Tokuoka S,  Beebe GW,  Fukuhara T,  Mabuchi K
Title: Effects of radiation on incidence of primary liver cancer among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Radiat Res 152(4):364-73
Date: 1999 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10477913
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rowlings PA,  Curtis RE,  Passweg JR,  Deeg HJ,  Socié G,  Travis LB,  Kingma DW,  Jaffe ES,  Sobocinski KA,  Horowitz MM
Title: Increased incidence of Hodgkin's disease after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 17(10):3122-7
Date: 1999 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10506608
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Auvinen A,  Alfandary E,  Stovall M,  Modan B,  Werner A
Title: Cancer risk following radiotherapy for infertility or menstrual disorders.
Journal: Int J Cancer 82(6):795-8
Date: 1999 Sep 9
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10446443
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Groves FD,  Gridley G,  Wacholder S,  Shu XO,  Robison LL,  Neglia JP,  Linet MS
Title: Infant vaccinations and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the USA.
Journal: Br J Cancer 81(1):175-8
Date: 1999 Sep
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10487630
PMC ID: PMC2374362

Full Text

Authors: Inskip P
Title: The Neugut et al article reviewed
Journal: Oncology 13(9):1261-1265
Date: Sep 1999
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Lyon BF,  Land CE
Title: Computation of confidence limits for linear functions of the normal mean and variance
Date: 1999 September
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Tarone R,  Bouville A,  Ron E
Title: RESPONSE: re: thyroid cancer rates and (131)I doses from nevada atmospheric nuclear bomb tests
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 91(16):1424-5
Date: 1999 Aug 18
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10451456
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Legler JM,  Ries LA,  Smith MA,  Warren JL,  Heineman EF,  Kaplan RS,  Linet MS
Title: Cancer surveillance series [corrected]: brain and other central nervous system cancers: recent trends in incidence and mortality.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 91(16):1382-90
Date: 1999 Aug 18
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10451443
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Baris D,  Linet MS,  Tarone RE,  Kleinerman RA,  Hatch EE,  Kaune WT,  Robison LL,  Lubin J,  Wacholder S
Title: Residential exposure to magnetic fields: an empirical examination of alternative measurement strategies.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 56(8):562-6
Date: 1999 Aug
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 10492656
PMC ID: PMC1757776

Full Text

Authors: Kheifets LI,  Gilbert ES,  Sussman SS,  Guénel P,  Sahl JD,  Savitz DA,  Thériault G
Title: Comparative analyses of the studies of magnetic fields and cancer in electric utility workers: studies from France, Canada, and the United States.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 56(8):567-74
Date: 1999 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10492657
PMC ID: PMC1757768

Full Text

Authors: Jeffers DE
Title: Childhood leukemia and electrical appliances.
Journal: Epidemiology 10(4):465-7
Date: 1999 Jul
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10401886
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Ries LA,  Smith MA,  Tarone RE,  Devesa SS
Title: Cancer surveillance series: recent trends in childhood cancer incidence and mortality in the United States.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 91(12):1051-8
Date: 1999 Jun 16
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10379968
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brown LM,  Linet MS,  Greenberg RS,  Silverman DT,  Hayes RB,  Swanson GM,  Schwartz AG,  Schoenberg JB,  Pottern LM,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Multiple myeloma and family history of cancer among blacks and whites in the U.S.
Journal: Cancer 85(11):2385-90
Date: 1999 Jun 1
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 10357409
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Nyrén O,  Mellemkjaer L,  Olsen JH,  Keehn S,  Adami HO,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Primary liver cancer, other malignancies, and mortality risks following porphyria: a cohort study in Denmark and Sweden.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 149(11):1010-5
Date: 1999 Jun 1
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 10355376
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Freedman DM
Title: Maryland's high cancer mortality rate: a review of contributing demographic factors.
Journal: Md Med J 48(3):111-5
Date: 1999 May-Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10394226
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: La Vecchia C,  Ron E,  Franceschi S,  Dal Maso L,  Mark SD,  Chatenoud L,  Braga C,  Preston-Martin S,  McTiernan A,  Kolonel L,  Mabuchi K,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Galanti MR,  Hallquist A,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  Negri E
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. III. Oral contraceptives, menopausal replacement therapy and other female hormones.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 10(2):157-66
Date: 1999 Apr
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 10231164
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Negri E,  Dal Maso L,  Ron E,  La Vecchia C,  Mark SD,  Preston-Martin S,  McTiernan A,  Kolonel L,  Yoshimoto Y,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Rosaria Galanti M,  Hardell L,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  Braga C,  Franceschi S
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. II. Menstrual and reproductive factors.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 10(2):143-55
Date: 1999 Apr
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10231163
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Negri E,  Ron E,  Franceschi S,  Dal Maso L,  Mark SD,  Preston-Martin S,  McTiernan A,  Kolonel L,  Kleinerman R,  Land C,  Jin F,  Wingren G,  Galanti MR,  Hallquist A,  Glattre E,  Lund E,  Levi F,  Linos D,  Braga C,  La Vecchia C
Title: A pooled analysis of case-control studies of thyroid cancer. I. Methods.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 10(2):131-42
Date: 1999 Apr
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 10231162
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Adami J,  Gridley G,  Nyrén O,  Dosemeci M,  Linet M,  Glimelius B,  Ekbom A,  Zahm SH
Title: Sunlight and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a population-based cohort study in Sweden.
Journal: Int J Cancer 80(5):641-5
Date: 1999 Mar 1
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 10048959
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Martling U,  Mattsson A,  Travis LB,  Holm LE,  Hall P
Title: Mortality after long-term exposure to radioactive Thorotrast: a forty-year follow-up survey in Sweden.
Journal: Radiat Res 151(3):293-9
Date: 1999 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10073667
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Holowaty EJ,  Bergfeldt K,  Lynch CF,  Kohler BA,  Wiklund T,  Curtis RE,  Hall P,  Andersson M,  Pukkala E,  Sturgeon J,  Stovall M
Title: Risk of leukemia after platinum-based chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.
Journal: N Engl J Med 340(5):351-7
Date: 1999 Feb 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9929525
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gavrilin YI,  Khrouch VT,  Shinkarev SM,  Krysenko NA,  Skryabin AM,  Bouville A,  Anspaugh LR
Title: Chernobyl accident: reconstruction of thyroid dose for inhabitants of the Republic of Belarus.
Journal: Health Phys 76(2):105-19
Date: 1999 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9929121
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Baris D,  Linet M,  Auvinen A,  Kaune WT,  Wacholder S,  Kleinerman R,  Hatch E,  Robison L,  Niwa S,  Haines C,  Tarone RE
Title: Temporal and other exposure aspects of residential magnetic fields measurement in relation to acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in children: The National Cancer Institute/Children's Cancer Group Study
Journal: Radiation protection dosimetry 83:53-60
Date: 1999
Branches: OEEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Bouville A
Title: Thyroid dose assessment: an overview of the problems and solutions
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Bouville A,  Wachholz BW,  Ron E
Title: Nevada atmospheric nuclear bomb tests: estimations of the thyroid doses and health effects resulting from the iodine-131 releases
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Brill AB,  Stabin M,  Bouville A,  Anspaugh L,  Khrouch VT,  Gavrilin YI,  Shinkarev SM
Title: Can the Chernobyl accident provide answers regarding the relative risk of 131-I vs SLNs?
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Farrington LA,  Harvey RB,  Buckley SA,  Stanker LH,  Inskip PD
Title: A preliminary survey of antibiotic resistance of Salmonella in market-age swine.
Journal: Adv Exp Med Biol 473:291-7
Date: 1999
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10659370
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: External dose estimation uncertainties in nuclear worker studies
Date: 1999
Book Editors: Ron E
Book Title: Uncertainties in radiation dosimetry and their impact on dose-response analyses
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: General overview of measurement errors and uncertainty
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Gurtsevich VE,  Galetskiĭ SA,  Nered SN,  Novikova EV,  Iakovleva LS,  Land ChE,  Davydov MI,  Klimenkov AA,  Petrovichev NN,  Tokunaga M
Title: [Detection and characterization of gastric carcinoma associated with epstein-barr herpes virus].
Journal: Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk (3):56-9
Date: 1999
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10222834
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Inskip PD
Title: Second cancers following Radiotherapy
Date: 1999
Book Editors: Neugut AI
Book Title: Multiple primary cancers
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Hatch EE,  Stewart PA,  Heineman EF,  Ziegler RG,  Dosemeci M,  Parry D,  Rothman N,  Boice JD Jr,  Wilcosky TC,  Watson DJ,  Fine HA,  Shapiro WR,  Selker RG,  Black PM,  Loeffler JS,  Linet MS
Title: Study design for a case-control investigation of cellular telephones and other risk factors for brain tumors in adults
Journal: Radiation protection dosimetry 86:45-52
Date: 1999
Branches: REB, OEEB, GEB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Minenko V,  Shemyakina E,  Gavrilin Y,  Khrouch V,  Shinkarev S,  Drozdovitch V,  Ulanovsky A,  Bouville A
Title: Estimation of individual thyroid doses received by the subjects of the cohort screened in the Belarusian-American study
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Polyanskaya O,  Buglova E,  Cherstvoy E,  Danilova L,  Drozd V,  Kuvshinnikov A,  Lesnikova N,  Litinova N,  Minenko V,  MrotchekA,  Petrenko S,  Rzheutski V,  Stezhko V,  Beebe GW,  Brill AB,  McConnell R,  Robbins J
Title: Progress in the Belarus-USA cohort study of thyroid and parathyroid disease following the Chernobyl accident
Journal: J Endocrinol Invest 22:76
Date: 1999
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E,  Hoffman FO
Title: Uncertainties in radiation dosimetry and their impact on dose-response analyses
Date: 1999
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Ron E,  Schneider A
Title: External Radiation and the Thyroid Cancer Risk in Humans
Date: 1999
Book Editors: Thomas G
Book Title: Radiation and thyroid cancer
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Ioannidis JP,  O'Brien TR,  Goedert JJ
Title: Evaluation of guidelines for initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy in a longitudinal cohort of HIV-infected individuals.
Journal: AIDS 12(18):2417-23
Date: 1998 Dec 24
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9875579
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Tarone R,  Bouville A,  Ron E
Title: Thyroid cancer rates and 131I doses from Nevada atmospheric nuclear bomb tests.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 90(21):1654-60
Date: 1998 Nov 4
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9811315
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E
Title: Ionizing radiation and cancer risk: evidence from epidemiology.
Journal: Radiat Res 150(5 Suppl):S30-41
Date: 1998 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9806607
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sorensen HT,  Friis S,  Olsen JH,  Thulstrup AM,  Mellemkjaer L,  Linet M,  Trichopoulos D,  Vilstrup H,  Olsen J
Title: Risk of liver and other types of cancer in patients with cirrhosis: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark.
Journal: Hepatology 28(4):921-5
Date: 1998 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9755226
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Benichou J,  Chow WH,  McLaughlin JK,  Mandel JS,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Population attributable risk of renal cell cancer in Minnesota.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 148(5):424-30
Date: 1998 Sep 1
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9737554
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Astakhova LN,  Anspaugh LR,  Beebe GW,  Bouville A,  Drozdovitch VV,  Garber V,  Gavrilin YI,  Khrouch VT,  Kuvshinnikov AV,  Kuzmenkov YN,  Minenko VP,  Moschik KV,  Nalivko AS,  Robbins J,  Shemiakina EV,  Shinkarev S,  Tochitskaya SI,  Waclawiw MA
Title: Chernobyl-related thyroid cancer in children of Belarus: a case-control study.
Journal: Radiat Res 150(3):349-56
Date: 1998 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9728663
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cocco P,  Figgs L,  Dosemeci M,  Hayes R,  Linet MS,  Hsing AW
Title: Case-control study of occupational exposures and male breast cancer.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 55(9):599-604
Date: 1998 Sep
Branches: HREB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9861181
PMC ID: PMC1757632

Full Text

Authors: Hatch EE,  Palmer JR,  Titus-Ernstoff L,  Noller KL,  Kaufman RH,  Mittendorf R,  Robboy SJ,  Hyer M,  Cowan CM,  Adam E,  Colton T,  Hartge P,  Hoover RN
Title: Cancer risk in women exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero.
Journal: JAMA 280(7):630-4
Date: 1998 Aug 19
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 9718055
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Iwamoto KS,  Mizuno T,  Tokuoka S,  Mabuchi K,  Seyama T
Title: Frequency of p53 mutations in hepatocellular carcinomas from atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 90(15):1167-8
Date: 1998 Aug 5
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9701367
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Littlefield LG,  McFee AF,  Salomaa SI,  Tucker JD,  Inskip PD,  Sayer AM,  Lindholm C,  Mäkinen S,  Mustonen R,  Sorensen K,  Tekkel M,  Veidebaum T,  Auvinen A,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Do recorded doses overestimate true doses received by Chernobyl cleanup workers? Results of cytogenetic analyses of Estonian workers by fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Journal: Radiat Res 150(2):237-49
Date: 1998 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9692369
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Preston DL,  Kishikawa M,  Kobuke T,  Iseki M,  Tokuoka S,  Tokunaga M,  Mabuchi K
Title: Skin tumor risk among atomic-bomb survivors in Japan.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 9(4):393-401
Date: 1998 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9794171
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wiest PW,  Hartshorne MF,  Inskip PD,  Crooks LA,  Vela BS,  Telepak RJ,  Williamson MR,  Blumhardt R,  Bauman JM,  Tekkel M
Title: Thyroid palpation versus high-resolution thyroid ultrasonography in the detection of nodules.
Journal: J Ultrasound Med 17(8):487-96
Date: 1998 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9697951
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Doody MM,  Becker DV,  Brill AB,  Curtis RE,  Goldman MB,  Harris BS 3rd,  Hoffman DA,  McConahey WM,  Maxon HR,  Preston-Martin S,  Warshauer ME,  Wong FL,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer mortality following treatment for adult hyperthyroidism. Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-up Study Group.
Journal: JAMA 280(4):347-55
Date: 1998 Jul 22-29
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9686552
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Gilbert ES,  Griffith WC,  Boecker BB,  Dagle GE,  Guilmette RA,  Hahn FF,  Muggenburg BA,  Park JF,  Watson CR
Title: Statistical modeling of carcinogenic risks in dogs that inhaled 238PuO2.
Journal: Radiat Res 150(1):66-82
Date: 1998 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9650604
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Modan B,  Ron E,  Lerner-Geva L,  Blumstein T,  Menczer J,  Rabinovici J,  Oelsner G,  Freedman L,  Mashiach S,  Lunenfeld B
Title: Cancer incidence in a cohort of infertile women.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 147(11):1038-42
Date: 1998 Jun 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9620047
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Coughlin SS,  Halabi S,  Metayer C
Title: Barriers to cardiac transplantation in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: the Washington, DC, Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study.
Journal: J Natl Med Assoc 90(6):342-8
Date: 1998 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9640904
PMC ID: PMC2568241

Full Text

Authors: Schneider AB,  Lubin J,  Ron E,  Abrahams C,  Stovall M,  Goel A,  Shore-Freedman E,  Gierlowski TC
Title: Salivary gland tumors after childhood radiation treatment for benign conditions of the head and neck: dose-response relationships.
Journal: Radiat Res 149(6):625-30
Date: 1998 Jun
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9611101
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Moradi T,  Nyrén O,  Bergström R,  Gridley G,  Linet M,  Wolk A,  Dosemeci M,  Adami HO
Title: Risk for endometrial cancer in relation to occupational physical activity: a nationwide cohort study in Sweden.
Journal: Int J Cancer 76(5):665-70
Date: 1998 May 29
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9610723
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatch EE,  Linet MS,  Kleinerman RA,  Tarone RE,  Severson RK,  Hartsock CT,  Haines C,  Kaune WT,  Friedman D,  Robison LL,  Wacholder S
Title: Association between childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and use of electrical appliances during pregnancy and childhood.
Journal: Epidemiology 9(3):234-45
Date: 1998 May
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9583414
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Khan MA,  Travis LB,  Lynch CF,  Soini Y,  Hruszkewycz AM,  Delgado RM,  Holowaty EJ,  van Leeuwen FE,  Glimelius B,  Stovall M,  Boice JD Jr,  Tarone RE,  Bennett WP
Title: p53 mutations in cyclophosphamide-associated bladder cancer.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 7(5):397-403
Date: 1998 May
Branches: BB, REB, HREB
PubMed ID: 9610789
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tarone RE,  Kaune WT,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Robison LL,  Boice JD Jr,  Wacholder S
Title: Residential wire codes: reproducibility and relation with measured magnetic fields.
Journal: Occup Environ Med 55(5):333-9
Date: 1998 May
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9764111
PMC ID: PMC1757581


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE
Title: Epstein-Barr virus involvement in gastric cancer: biomarker for lymph node metastasis.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 7(5):449-50
Date: 1998 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9610796
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Metayer C,  Johnson ES,  Rice JC
Title: Nested case-control study of tumors of the hemopoietic and lymphatic systems among workers in the meat industry.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 147(8):727-38
Date: 1998 Apr 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9554414
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Baron JA,  Gridley G,  Weiderpass E,  Nyrén O,  Linet M
Title: Venous thromboembolism and cancer.
Journal: Lancet 351(9109):1077-80
Date: 1998 Apr 11
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9660575
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Groves FD,  Travis LB,  Devesa SS,  Ries LA,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Waldenström's macroglobulinemia: incidence patterns in the United States, 1988-1994.
Journal: Cancer 82(6):1078-81
Date: 1998 Mar 15
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9506352
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Johansen C,  Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Olsen JH
Title: Cancer risk following appendectomy for acute appendicitis (Denmark).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 9(2):183-7
Date: 1998 Mar
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9578295
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Linet MS,  Boice JD Jr,  Buckley J,  Conrath SM,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Tarone RE,  Wacholder S,  Robison LL
Title: Case-control study of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and residential radon exposure.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 90(4):294-300
Date: 1998 Feb 18
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9486815
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brenner D,  Lubin JH,  Ron E
Title: Moving from under the lamppost: Can epidemiologists and radiobiologists work together?
Journal: Nuclear Energy 37:25-31
Date: Feb 1998
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Sørensen HT,  Friis S,  Olsen JH,  Thulstrup AM,  Mellemkjaer L,  Linet M,  Trichopoulos D,  Vilstrup H,  Olsen J
Title: Risk of breast cancer in men with liver cirrhosis.
Journal: Am J Gastroenterol 93(2):231-3
Date: 1998 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9468249
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Mandel JS,  Lubin JH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Mortality among United States radiologic technologists, 1926-90.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 9(1):67-75
Date: 1998 Jan
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9486465
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Accounting for errors in dose estimates used in studies of workers exposed to external radiation.
Journal: Health Phys 74(1):22-9
Date: 1998 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9415578
PMC ID: not available


Title: Genetic susceptibility to cancer. ICRP publication 79. Approved by the Commission in May 1997. International Commission on Radiological Protection.
Journal: Ann ICRP 28(1-2):1-157
Date: 1998
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 10406427
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Health Effects of Exposure to Radon
Date: 1998
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Metayer C,  Clarke E,  Glimelius B,  Storm H,  Pukkala E,  Van Leeuwen F,  Lynch CF,  Curtis RE,  Holowaty E,  Wikstrand G,  Andersson M,  Wiklund T,  Gospodarowicz M,  Travis LB
Title: Continued risk of solid tumors among long-term survivors of Hodgkin's disease
Journal: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research 39:101
Date: 1998
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Mizuno T,  Nagamura H,  Iwamoto KS,  Ito T,  Fukuhara T,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Mabuchi K,  Seyama T
Title: RNA from decades-old archival tissue blocks for retrospective studies
Journal: Diagn Mol Pathol 7(4):202-208
Date: 1998
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K
Title: Solid cancer incidence and mortality in the Life Span Study of atomic bomb survivors
Date: 1998
Book Editors: Peterson LE
Book Title: Effects of ionizing radiation : atomic bomb survivors and their children (1945-1995)
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Setlow RB,  Chadwick KH,  Hanawalt PC,  Howe GR,  Kellerer AM,  Land CE,  Oleinick NL,  Ullrich RL
Title: Health Effect of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation. Time for Reassessment?
Date: 1998
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dosemeci M,  Rothman N,  Yin SN,  Li GL,  Linet M,  Wacholder S,  Chow WH,  Hayes RB
Title: Validation of benzene exposure assessment.
Journal: Ann N Y Acad Sci 837:114-21
Date: 1997 Dec 26
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9472334
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Galetsky SA,  Tsvetnov VV,  Land CE,  Afanasieva TA,  Petrovichev NN,  Gurtsevitch VE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Epstein-Barr-virus-associated gastric cancer in Russia.
Journal: Int J Cancer 73(6):786-9
Date: 1997 Dec 10
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9399652
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wong FL,  Boice JD Jr,  Abramson DH,  Tarone RE,  Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Goldman MB,  Seddon JM,  Tarbell N,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Li FP
Title: Cancer incidence after retinoblastoma. Radiation dose and sarcoma risk.
Journal: JAMA 278(15):1262-7
Date: 1997 Oct 15
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9333268
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chow WH,  Lindblad P,  Gridley G,  Nyrén O,  McLaughlin JK,  Linet MS,  Pennello GA,  Adami HO,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of urinary tract cancers following kidney or ureter stones.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(19):1453-7
Date: 1997 Oct 1
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9326915
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Storm H,  Hall P,  Holowaty E,  Van Leeuwen FE,  Kohler BA,  Pukkala E,  Lynch CF,  Andersson M,  Bergfeldt K,  Clarke EA,  Wiklund T,  Stoter G,  Gospodarowicz M,  Sturgeon J,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Risk of second malignant neoplasms among long-term survivors of testicular cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(19):1429-39
Date: 1997 Oct 1
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9326912
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Jensen RH,  Zhang S,  Wang Z,  Wang W,  Boice J
Title: Glycophorin A somatic cell mutation frequencies in residents of Tibet at high altitudes.
Journal: Health Phys 73(4):663-7
Date: 1997 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9314228
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wideroff L,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  Chow WH,  Linet M,  Keehn S,  Borch-Johnsen K,  Olsen JH
Title: Cancer incidence in a population-based cohort of patients hospitalized with diabetes mellitus in Denmark.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(18):1360-5
Date: 1997 Sep 17
Branches: BB, HREB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9308706
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Wacholder S,  Tarone RE,  Severson RK,  Kaune WT,  Friedman DR,  Haines CM,  Muirhead CR,  Boice JD Jr,  Robison LL
Title: Magnetic field exposure assessment in a case-control study of childhood leukemia.
Journal: Epidemiology 8(5):575-83
Date: 1997 Sep
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 9270962
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tucker JD,  Tawn EJ,  Holdsworth D,  Morris S,  Langlois R,  Ramsey MJ,  Kato P,  Boice JD Jr,  Tarone RE,  Jensen RH
Title: Biological dosimetry of radiation workers at the Sellafield nuclear facility.
Journal: Radiat Res 148(3):216-26
Date: 1997 Sep
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9291352
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Littlefield LG,  Travis LB,  Sayer AM,  Voelz GL,  Jensen RH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cumulative genetic damage in hematopoietic stem cells in a patient with a 40-year exposure to alpha particles emitted by thorium dioxide.
Journal: Radiat Res 148(2):135-44
Date: 1997 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9254732
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rothman N,  Smith MT,  Hayes RB,  Traver RD,  Hoener B,  Campleman S,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Linet M,  Zhang L,  Xi L,  Wacholder S,  Lu W,  Meyer KB,  Titenko-Holland N,  Stewart JT,  Yin S,  Ross D
Title: Benzene poisoning, a risk factor for hematological malignancy, is associated with the NQO1 609C-->T mutation and rapid fractional excretion of chlorzoxazone.
Journal: Cancer Res 57(14):2839-42
Date: 1997 Jul 15
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9230185
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Hatch EE,  Kleinerman RA,  Robison LL,  Kaune WT,  Friedman DR,  Severson RK,  Haines CM,  Hartsock CT,  Niwa S,  Wacholder S,  Tarone RE
Title: Residential exposure to magnetic fields and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.
Journal: N Engl J Med 337(1):1-7
Date: 1997 Jul 3
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 9203424
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brown LM,  Gridley G,  Olsen JH,  Mellemkjaer L,  Linet MS,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer risk and mortality patterns among silicotic men in Sweden and Denmark.
Journal: J Occup Environ Med 39(7):633-8
Date: 1997 Jul
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9253724
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kossenko MM,  Degteva MO,  Vyushkova OV,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K,  Kozheurov VP
Title: Issues in the comparison of risk estimates for the population in the Techa River region and atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Radiat Res 148(1):54-63
Date: 1997 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9216619
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: D'Avanzo B,  Ron E,  La Vecchia C,  Francaschi S,  Negri E,  Zleglar R
Title: Selected micronutrient intake and thyroid carcinoma risk.
Journal: Cancer 79(11):2186-92
Date: 1997 Jun 1
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 9179066
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Arikawa J,  Tokunaga M,  Satoh E,  Tanaka S,  Land CE
Title: Morphological characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus-related early gastric carcinoma: a case-control study.
Journal: Pathol Int 47(6):360-7
Date: 1997 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9211523
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Freedman DM,  Zahm SH,  Dosemeci M
Title: Residential and occupational exposure to sunlight and mortality from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: composite (threefold) case-control study.
Journal: BMJ 314(7092):1451-5
Date: 1997 May 17
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9167561
PMC ID: PMC2126725


Authors: Rahu M,  Tekkel M,  Veidebaum T,  Pukkala E,  Hakulinen T,  Auvinen A,  Rytömaa T,  Inskip PD,  Boice JD Jr
Title: The Estonian study of Chernobyl cleanup workers: II. Incidence of cancer and mortality.
Journal: Radiat Res 147(5):653-7
Date: 1997 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9146711
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Saku T,  Hayashi Y,  Takahara O,  Matsuura H,  Tokunaga M,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Soda M,  Mabuchi K,  Land CE
Title: Salivary gland tumors among atomic bomb survivors, 1950-1987.
Journal: Cancer 79(8):1465-75
Date: 1997 Apr 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9118025
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Andersen V,  Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Hoover R,  Olsen JH
Title: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers among a cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Journal: Arthritis Rheum 40(4):761-8
Date: 1997 Apr
Branches: BB, EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 9125261
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Rowlings PA,  Deeg HJ,  Shriner DA,  Socíe G,  Travis LB,  Horowitz MM,  Witherspoon RP,  Hoover RN,  Sobocinski KA,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Solid cancers after bone marrow transplantation.
Journal: N Engl J Med 336(13):897-904
Date: 1997 Mar 27
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9070469
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Friis S,  McLaughlin JK,  Mellemkjaer L,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Olsen JH
Title: Cancer following breast reduction surgery in Denmark.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 8(2):253-8
Date: 1997 Mar
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9134250
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Miller RW,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer after intrauterine exposure to the atomic bomb.
Journal: Radiat Res 147(3):396-7
Date: 1997 Mar
Branches: CGB, GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9052688
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ji BT,  Shu XO,  Linet MS,  Zheng W,  Wacholder S,  Gao YT,  Ying DM,  Jin F
Title: Paternal cigarette smoking and the risk of childhood cancer among offspring of nonsmoking mothers.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(3):238-44
Date: 1997 Feb 5
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9017004
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Bigbee WL,  Jensen RH,  Veidebaum T,  Tekkel M,  Rahu M,  Stengrevics A,  Auvinen A,  Hakulinen T,  Servomaa K,  Rytömaa T,  Obrams GI,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Biodosimetry of Chernobyl cleanup workers from Estonia and Latvia using the glycophorin A in vivo somatic cell mutation assay.
Journal: Radiat Res 147(2):215-24
Date: 1997 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9008214
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Hartshorne MF,  Tekkel M,  Rahu M,  Veidebaum T,  Auvinen A,  Crooks LA,  Littlefield LG,  McFee AF,  Salomaa S,  Makinen S,  Tucker JD,  Sorensen KJ,  Bigbee WL,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thyroid nodularity and cancer among Chernobyl cleanup workers from Estonia.
Journal: Radiat Res 147(2):225-35
Date: 1997 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9008215
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Liaw KL,  Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Yu MC,  Schoenberg JB,  Lynch CF,  Niwa S,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Possible relation between hypertension and cancers of the renal pelvis and ureter.
Journal: Int J Cancer 70(3):265-8
Date: 1997 Jan 27
Branches: HREB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 9033625
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Li FP,  Abramson DH,  Tarone RE,  Kleinerman RA,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Hereditary retinoblastoma, lipoma, and second primary cancers.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(1):83-4
Date: 1997 Jan 1
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8978411
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Lung cancer risk from residential radon: meta-analysis of eight epidemiologic studies.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 89(1):49-57
Date: 1997 Jan 1
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 8978406
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Implications of new data on radiation cancer risk
Date: 1997
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Goldman MB,  Janower ML,  Monson RR,  Platz EA,  Schottenfeld D,  Travis LB
Title: Liver cancer after long-term exposure to radioactive Thorotrast
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 145:S68
Date: 1997
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kahan E,  Ibrahim AS,  El Najjar K,  Ron E,  Al-Agha H,  Polliack A,  El-Bolkainy MN
Title: Cancer patterns in the Middle East--special report from the Middle East Cancer Society.
Journal: Acta Oncol 36(6):631-6
Date: 1997
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9408155
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Kleinerman R,  Tarone R,  Wong L,  Abramson D,  Goldman M,  Seddon J,  Tarbell N,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Li FP
Title: Cancer after radiotherapy for retinoblastoma: evidence for a gene environment interaction
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 45:S76
Date: 1997
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Radiation and breast cancer risk.
Journal: Prog Clin Biol Res 396:115-24
Date: 1997
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9108593
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Saarto T,  Blomqvist C,  Rissanen P,  Auvinen A,  Elomaa I
Title: Haematological toxicity: a marker of adjuvant chemotherapy efficacy in stage II and III breast cancer.
Journal: Br J Cancer 75(2):301-5
Date: 1997
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9010042
PMC ID: PMC2063283

Authors: Schneider AB,  Ron E
Title: Radiation and Thyroid Cancer: Lessons from 46 Years of Study
Date: 1997
Book Editors: Braverman LE
Book Title: Diseases of the Thyroid
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Sinclair WK,  Bouville A,  Land CE
Title: Uncertainties in fatal cancer risk estimates used in radiation protection
Date: 1997
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Dosemeci M,  Yin SN,  Linet M,  Wacholder S,  Rothman N,  Li GL,  Chow WH,  Wang YZ,  Jiang ZL,  Dai TR,  Zhang WU,  Chao XJ,  Ye PZ,  Kou QR,  Fan YH,  Zhang XC,  Lin XF,  Meng JF,  Zho JS,  Blot WJ,  Hayes RB
Title: Indirect validation of benzene exposure assessment by association with benzene poisoning.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1343-7
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: REB, BB, OEEB
PubMed ID: 9118918
PMC ID: PMC1469750


Authors: Hall P,  Fürst CJ,  Mattsson A,  Holm LE,  Boice JD Jr,  Inskip PD
Title: Thyroid nodularity after diagnostic administration of iodine-131.
Journal: Radiat Res 146(6):673-82
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8955718
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hayes RB,  Yin SN,  Dosemeci M,  Li GL,  Wacholder S,  Chow WH,  Rothman N,  Wang YZ,  Dai TR,  Chao XJ,  Jiang ZL,  Ye PZ,  Zhao HB,  Kou QR,  Zhang WY,  Meng JF,  Zho JS,  Lin XF,  Ding CY,  Li CY,  Zhang ZN,  Li DG,  Travis LB,  Blot WJ,  Linet MS
Title: Mortality among benzene-exposed workers in China.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1349-52
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: OEEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 9118919
PMC ID: PMC1469764

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Yin SN,  Travis LB,  Li CY,  Zhang ZN,  Li DG,  Rothman N,  Li GL,  Chow WH,  Donaldson J,  Dosemeci M,  Wacholder S,  Blot WJ,  Hayes RB
Title: Clinical features of hematopoietic malignancies and related disorders among benzene-exposed workers in China. Benzene Study Group.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1353-64
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9118920
PMC ID: PMC1469722


Authors: Metayer C,  Coughlin SS,  McCarthy EP
Title: Marital status as a predictor of survival in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: the Washington, DC dilated cardiomyopathy study.
Journal: Eur J Epidemiol 12(6):573-82
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8982616
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rothman N,  Smith MT,  Hayes RB,  Li GL,  Irons RD,  Dosemeci M,  Haas R,  Stillman WS,  Linet M,  Xi LQ,  Bechtold WE,  Wiemels J,  Campleman S,  Zhang L,  Quintana PJ,  Titenko-Holland N,  Wang YZ,  Lu W,  Kolachana P,  Meyer KB,  Yin S
Title: An epidemiologic study of early biologic effects of benzene in Chinese workers.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1365-70
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 9118921
PMC ID: PMC1469765

Full Text

Authors: Yin SN,  Hayes RB,  Linet MS,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Travis LB,  Zhang ZN,  Li DG,  Chow WH,  Wacholder S,  Blot WJ
Title: An expanded cohort study of cancer among benzene-exposed workers in China. Benzene Study Group.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 6:1339-41
Date: 1996 Dec
Branches: OEEB, BB, REB
PubMed ID: 9118917
PMC ID: PMC1469739

Full Text

Authors: Martin SA Jr,  Coughlin SS,  Metayer C,  René AA,  Hammond IW
Title: Chronic respiratory illness as a predictor of survival in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: the Washington, DC, Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study.
Journal: J Natl Med Assoc 88(11):734-43
Date: 1996 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8961693
PMC ID: PMC2608179


Authors: Metayer C,  Coughlin SS,  Mather FJ
Title: Does cigarette smoking paradoxically increase survival in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy?. The Washington, D.C., Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study.
Journal: Cardiology 87(6):502-8
Date: 1996 Nov-Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8904678
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Saftlas AF
Title: Head and neck radiation carcinogenesis: epidemiologic evidence.
Journal: Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 115(5):403-8
Date: 1996 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8903437
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Adami HO,  Chow WH,  Nyrén O,  Berne C,  Linet MS,  Ekbom A,  Wolk A,  McLaughlin JK,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Excess risk of primary liver cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 88(20):1472-7
Date: 1996 Oct 16
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8841022
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Wong FL,  Ron E,  Gierlowski T,  Schneider AB
Title: Benign thyroid tumors: general risk factors and their effects on radiation risk estimation.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 144(8):728-33
Date: 1996 Oct 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8857821
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Nyrén O,  Gridley G,  Adami HO,  Buckland JD,  McLaughlin JK,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Causes of death among patients surviving at least one year following splenectomy.
Journal: Am J Surg 172(4):320-3
Date: 1996 Oct
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8873521
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD,  Lubin JH
Title: Lung cancer risks: comparing radiation with tobacco.
Journal: Radiat Res 146(3):356-7
Date: 1996 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8752318
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Frisch M,  Møller H,  Olsen JH
Title: Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer risk.
Journal: Eur J Cancer 32A(10):1753-7
Date: 1996 Sep
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 8983286
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Late effects of treatment for childhood Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: N Engl J Med 335(5):352-3
Date: 1996 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8668223
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Stewart PA,  Stewart WF,  Heineman EF,  Dosemeci M,  Linet M,  Inskip PD
Title: A novel approach to data collection in a case-control study of cancer and occupational exposures.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 25(4):744-52
Date: 1996 Aug
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8921451
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Coughlin SS,  Etheredge GD,  Metayer C,  Martin SA Jr
Title: Remember Tuskegee: public health student knowledge of the ethical significance of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
Journal: Am J Prev Med 12(4):242-6
Date: 1996 Jul-Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8874686
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Saku T,  Hayashi Y,  Takahara O,  Matsuura H,  Tokuoka S,  Tokunaga M,  Mabuchi K
Title: Incidence of salivary gland tumors among atomic bomb survivors, 1950-1987. Evaluation of radiation-related risk.
Journal: Radiat Res 146(1):28-36
Date: 1996 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8677295
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Gridley G,  Cnattingius S,  Nicholson HS,  Martinsson U,  Glimelius B,  Adami HO,  Zack M
Title: Maternal and perinatal risk factors for childhood brain tumors (Sweden).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 7(4):437-48
Date: 1996 Jul
Branches: BB, REB, GEB
PubMed ID: 8813432
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Olsen JH,  Hertz H,  Kjaer SK,  Bautz A,  Mellemkjaer L,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Childhood leukemia following phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (Denmark).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 7(4):411-4
Date: 1996 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8813428
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Shriner DA,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancers after adjuvant tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 88(12):832-4
Date: 1996 Jun 19
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8637050
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Nyrén O,  Gridley G,  Mellemkjaer L,  McLaughlin JK,  Olsen JH,  Adami HO,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of cancer following splenectomy.
Journal: Int J Cancer 66(5):611-6
Date: 1996 May 29
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8647621
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Struewing JP,  Tarone RE,  Brody LC,  Li FP,  Boice JD Jr
Title: BRCA1 mutations in young women with breast cancer.
Journal: Lancet 347(9013):1493
Date: 1996 May 25
Branches: BB, GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8676668
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Muirhead CR,  Boice JD Jr,  Raddatz CT,  Yoder RC
Title: Comparison of dose histories for U.S. nuclear power plant workers, based on records held by a major dosimetry service company and on the NRC REIRS database.
Journal: Health Phys 70(5):645-50
Date: 1996 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8690574
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Bigbee WL,  Jensen RH,  Rahu M,  Tekkel M,  Veidebaum T,  Stengrevics A,  Auvinen A,  Hakulinen T,  Obrams I,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Glycophorin A biodosimetry in Chernobyl cleanup workers from the Baltic countries
Journal: Br Med J 312:1078-1079
Date: 27 Apr 1996
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Cavazza A,  Travis LB,  Travis WD,  Wolfe JT 3rd,  Foo ML,  Gillespie DJ,  Weidner N,  Colby TV
Title: Post-irradiation malignant mesothelioma.
Journal: Cancer 77(7):1379-85
Date: 1996 Apr 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8608519
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Platz CE,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second malignant neoplasms among long-term survivors of ovarian cancer.
Journal: Cancer Res 56(7):1564-70
Date: 1996 Apr 1
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8603403
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mellemkjaer L,  Gridley G,  Møller H,  Hsing AW,  Linet MS,  Brinton LA,  Olsen JH
Title: Pernicious anaemia and cancer risk in Denmark.
Journal: Br J Cancer 73(8):998-1000
Date: 1996 Apr
Branches: BB, HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 8611439
PMC ID: PMC2075829

Full Text

Authors: Adami J,  Glimelius B,  Cnattingius S,  Ekbom A,  Zahm SH,  Linet M,  Zack M
Title: Maternal and perinatal factors associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among children.
Journal: Int J Cancer 65(6):774-7
Date: 1996 Mar 15
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8631590
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Becker DV,  Robbins J,  Beebe GW,  Bouville AC,  Wachholz BW
Title: Childhood thyroid cancer following the Chernobyl accident: a status report.
Journal: Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 25(1):197-211
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8907687
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Glass AG,  Curtis RE,  Pottern LM,  Rush BB,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Friedman GD
Title: Risks of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and leukemia associated with common medications.
Journal: Epidemiology 7(2):131-9
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8834551
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Friedman DR,  Hatch EE,  Tarone R,  Kaune WT,  Kleinerman RA,  Wacholder S,  Boice JD Jr,  Linet MS
Title: Childhood exposure to magnetic fields: residential area measurements compared to personal dosimetry.
Journal: Epidemiology 7(2):151-5
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: REB, BB
PubMed ID: 8834554
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Gilbert ES,  Cross FT,  Dagle GE
Title: Analysis of lung tumor risks in rats exposed to radon.
Journal: Radiat Res 145(3):350-60
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8927704
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Gilbert ES,  Fix JJ,  Baumgartner WV
Title: An approach to evaluating bias and uncertainty in estimates of external dose obtained from personal dosimeters.
Journal: Health Phys 70(3):336-45
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8609025
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rothman N,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Bechtold WE,  Marti GE,  Wang YZ,  Linet M,  Xi LQ,  Lu W,  Smith MT,  Titenko-Holland N,  Zhang LP,  Blot W,  Yin SN,  Hayes RB
Title: Hematotoxicity among Chinese workers heavily exposed to benzene.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 29(3):236-46
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8833776
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Sturgeon SR,  Curtis RE,  Johnson K,  Ries L,  Brinton LA
Title: Second primary cancers after vulvar and vaginal cancers.
Journal: Am J Obstet Gynecol 174(3):929-33
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 8633671
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Yin SN,  Hayes RB,  Linet MS,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Travis LB,  Li CY,  Zhang ZN,  Li DG,  Chow WH,  Wacholder S,  Wang YZ,  Jiang ZL,  Dai TR,  Zhang WY,  Chao XJ,  Ye PZ,  Kou QR,  Zhang XC,  Lin XF,  Meng JF,  Ding CY,  Zho JS,  Blot WJ
Title: A cohort study of cancer among benzene-exposed workers in China: overall results.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 29(3):227-35
Date: 1996 Mar
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8833775
PMC ID: not available


Authors: De Benedetti VM,  Travis LB,  Welsh JA,  van Leeuwen FE,  Stovall M,  Clarke EA,  Boice JD Jr,  Bennett WP
Title: p53 mutations in lung cancer following radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 5(2):93-8
Date: 1996 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8850268
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Weeks J,  Curtis RE,  Chaffey JT,  Stovall M,  Banks PM,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Leukemia following low-dose total body irradiation and chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 14(2):565-71
Date: 1996 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8636772
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang ZY,  Lubin JH,  Wang LD,  Conrath S,  Zhang SZ,  Kleinerman R,  Shang B,  Gao SX,  Gao PY,  Lei SW,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radon measurements in underground dwellings from two prefectures in China.
Journal: Health Phys 70(2):192-8
Date: 1996 Feb
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 8567286
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Pettersson B,  Coleman MP,  Ron E,  Adami HO
Title: Iodine supplementation in Sweden and regional trends in thyroid cancer incidence by histopathologic type.
Journal: Int J Cancer 65(1):13-9
Date: 1996 Jan 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8543389
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tabár L,  Duffy SW,  Chen HH
Title: Re: Quantitative interpretation of age-specific mortality reductions from the Swedish Breast Cancer-Screening Trials.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 88(1):52-5
Date: 1996 Jan 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8847728
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hall P,  Mattsson A,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thyroid cancer after diagnostic administration of iodine-131.
Journal: Radiat Res 145(1):86-92
Date: 1996 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8532842
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer following irradiation in childhood and adolescence.
Journal: Med Pediatr Oncol Suppl 1:29-34
Date: 1996
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8643045
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Ionizing radiation
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Harras A
Book Title: Cancer rates and risks
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Risk estimates for radiation exposure
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Hendee WR
Book Title: Health effects of exposure to low-level ionizing radiation
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Inskip PD
Title: Radiation-induced leukemia
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Henderson E
Book Title: Leukemia
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Land CE,  Preston D
Title: Ionizing radiation
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Shriner DA
Title: Second cancers following chemotherapy
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Perry MC
Book Title: The Chemotherapy Sourcebook
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Chow WH,  Linet MS,  Liff JM,  Greenberg RS
Title: Cancers in children
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Fix JJ
Title: Laboratory measurement error in external dose estimates and its effects on dose-response analyses of Hanford worker mortality data
Date: 1996
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Groves FD,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Epidemiology of leukemia: overview and patterns of occurrence
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Henderson E
Book Title: Leukemia
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS
Title: The leukemias
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Harras A
Book Title: Cancer rates and risks
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Cartwright RA
Title: The leukemias
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemilogy and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Pottern LM,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: The epidemiology of multiple myeloma
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Wiernik PH
Book Title: Neoplastic diseases of the blood
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Ron E
Title: The epidemiology of thyroid cancer
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Schneider AB,  Ron E
Title: Carcinoma of Follicular Epidemiology
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Braverman LE
Book Title: Werner and Ingbar's the thyroid : a fundamental and clinical text
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Thomas TL,  Inskip PD
Title: Brain and other nervous system cancers
Date: 1996
Book Editors: Harras A
Book Title: Cancer rates and risks
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Olsen JH,  Boice JD Jr,  Seersholm N,  Bautz A,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer in the parents of children with cancer.
Journal: N Engl J Med 333(24):1594-9
Date: 1995 Dec 14
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 7477194
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ji BT,  Chow WH,  Gridley G,  Mclaughlin JK,  Dai Q,  Wacholder S,  Hatch MC,  Gao YT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Dietary factors and the risk of pancreatic cancer: a case-control study in Shanghai China.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 4(8):885-93
Date: 1995 Dec
Branches: OEEB, BB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8634662
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Andersson M,  Wallin H,  Jönsson M,  Nielsen LL,  Visfeldt J,  Vyberg M,  Bennett WP,  De Benedetti VM,  Travis LB,  Storm HH
Title: Lung carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma in patients exposed to Thorotrast: incidence, histology and p53 status.
Journal: Int J Cancer 63(3):330-6
Date: 1995 Nov 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7591226
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Ekbom A,  Galanti MR,  Grimelius L,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Medical diagnostic x rays and thyroid cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(21):1613-21
Date: 1995 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7563204
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Darby SC,  Inskip PD
Title: Ionizing radiation: future etiologic research and preventive strategies.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 103 Suppl 8:245-9
Date: 1995 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8741792
PMC ID: PMC1518972

Full Text

Authors: van Leeuwen FE,  Klokman WJ,  Stovall M,  Hagenbeek A,  van den Belt-Dusebout AW,  Noyon R,  Boice JD Jr,  Burgers JM,  Somers R
Title: Roles of radiotherapy and smoking in lung cancer following Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(20):1530-7
Date: 1995 Oct 18
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7563187
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Boice JD Jr,  Edling C,  Hornung RW,  Howe G,  Kunz E,  Kusiak RA,  Morrison HI,  Radford EP,  Samet JM
Title: Radon-exposed underground miners and inverse dose-rate (protraction enhancement) effects.
Journal: Health Phys 69(4):494-500
Date: 1995 Oct
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7558839
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Bennett WP,  Hankey BF,  Travis WD,  Boice JD
Title: Lung cancer after Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(17):1324-7
Date: 1995 Sep 6
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7658485
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Coughlin SS,  Metayer C,  McCarthy EP,  Mather FJ,  Waldhorn RE,  Gersh BJ,  DuPraw S,  Baughman KL
Title: Respiratory illness, beta-agonists, and risk of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The Washington, DC, Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 142(4):395-403
Date: 1995 Aug 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7625404
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Mandel JS,  Doody MM
Title: Breast cancer among radiologic technologists.
Journal: JAMA 274(5):394-401
Date: 1995 Aug 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7616635
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Land CE
Title: Studies of cancer and radiation dose among atomic bomb survivors. The example of breast cancer.
Journal: JAMA 274(5):402-7
Date: 1995 Aug 2
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7616636
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Boice JD Jr,  Storm HH,  Sparen P,  Andersen A,  Pukkala E,  Lynch CF,  Hankey BF,  Flannery JT
Title: Second primary cancer after treatment for cervical cancer. An international cancer registries study.
Journal: Cancer 76(3):442-52
Date: 1995 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8625126
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Chow WH,  McLaughlin JK,  Wacholder S,  Yu MC,  Schoenberg JB,  Lynch C,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Analgesics and cancers of the renal pelvis and ureter.
Journal: Int J Cancer 62(1):15-8
Date: 1995 Jul 4
Branches: REB, OEEB, BB, OD
PubMed ID: 7601560
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Wong FL,  Mabuchi K
Title: Incidence of benign gastrointestinal tumors among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 142(1):68-75
Date: 1995 Jul 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7785676
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Cnattingius S,  Zack M,  Ekbom A,  Gunnarskog J,  Linet M,  Adami HO
Title: Prenatal and neonatal risk factors for childhood myeloid leukemia.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 4(5):441-5
Date: 1995 Jul-Aug
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7549797
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K
Title: Response to the letter of Sheldon Wolff (Radiat. Res. 141, 230-231, 1995)
Journal: Radiat Res 143(1):116-7
Date: 1995 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7639847
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Chow WH,  Gridley G,  Nyrén O,  Linet MS,  Ekbom A,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Adami HO
Title: Risk of pancreatic cancer following diabetes mellitus: a nationwide cohort study in Sweden.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(12):930-1
Date: 1995 Jun 21
Branches: BB, OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7666483
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Cnattingius S,  Zack MM,  Ekbom A,  Gunnarskog J,  Kreuger A,  Linet M,  Adami HO
Title: Prenatal and neonatal risk factors for childhood lymphatic leukemia.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(12):908-14
Date: 1995 Jun 21
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7666480
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Lubin JH,  Boice JD Jr,  Edling C,  Hornung RW,  Howe GR,  Kunz E,  Kusiak RA,  Morrison HI,  Radford EP,  Samet JM
Title: Lung cancer in radon-exposed miners and estimation of risk from indoor exposure.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(11):817-27
Date: 1995 Jun 7
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7791231
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Groves FD,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Patterns of occurrence of the leukaemias.
Journal: Eur J Cancer 31A(6):941-9
Date: 1995 Jun
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7646927
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Johannes CB,  Linet MS,  Stewart WF,  Celentano DD,  Lipton RB,  Szklo M
Title: Relationship of headache to phase of the menstrual cycle among young women: a daily diary study.
Journal: Neurology 45(6):1076-82
Date: 1995 Jun
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7783866
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Travis LB
Title: Body wars: effect of friendly fire (cancer therapy)
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(10):705-6
Date: 1995 May 17
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7563142
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Giusti RM,  Iwamoto K,  Hatch EE
Title: Diethylstilbestrol revisited: a review of the long-term health effects.
Journal: Ann Intern Med 122(10):778-88
Date: 1995 May 15
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 7717601
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Alavanja MC,  Brownson RC,  Benichou J,  Swanson C,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Attributable risk of lung cancer in lifetime nonsmokers and long-term ex-smokers (Missouri, United States).
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 6(3):209-16
Date: 1995 May
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7612800
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Cardis E,  Gilbert ES,  Carpenter L,  Howe G,  Kato I,  Armstrong BK,  Beral V,  Cowper G,  Douglas A,  Fix J
Title: Effects of low doses and low dose rates of external ionizing radiation: cancer mortality among nuclear industry workers in three countries.
Journal: Radiat Res 142(2):117-32
Date: 1995 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7724726
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Chow WH,  McLaughlin JK,  Malker HS,  Linet MS,  Weiner JA,  Stone BJ
Title: Esophageal cancer and occupation in a cohort of Swedish men.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 27(5):749-57
Date: 1995 May
Branches: BB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7611309
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Gilbert ES,  Fix JJ
Title: Accounting for bias in dose estimates in analyses of data from nuclear worker mortality studies.
Journal: Health Phys 68(5):650-60
Date: 1995 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7730061
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Glimelius B,  Holowaty EJ,  Van Leeuwen FE,  Lynch CF,  Hagenbeek A,  Stovall M,  Banks PM,  Adami J
Title: Bladder and kidney cancer following cyclophosphamide therapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(7):524-30
Date: 1995 Apr 5
Branches: GEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7707439
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Doody MM,  Mandel JS,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Employment practices and breast cancer among radiologic technologists.
Journal: J Occup Environ Med 37(3):321-7
Date: 1995 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7796200
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Gierlowski TC,  Ron E,  Schneider AB
Title: The accuracy of siblings' family history reports of thyroid and other cancers.
Journal: Am J Public Health 85(3):408-9
Date: 1995 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7892930
PMC ID: PMC1614874

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Lubin JH,  Shore RE,  Mabuchi K,  Modan B,  Pottern LM,  Schneider AB,  Tucker MA,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thyroid cancer after exposure to external radiation: a pooled analysis of seven studies.
Journal: Radiat Res 141(3):259-77
Date: 1995 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7871153
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Hankey BF
Title: Second malignancies after testicular cancer.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 13(2):533-4
Date: 1995 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7844617
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mellemkjoer L,  Olsen JH,  Linet MS,  Gridley G,  McLaughlin JK
Title: Cancer risk after splenectomy.
Journal: Cancer 75(2):577-83
Date: 1995 Jan 15
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7812926
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Olsen JH,  Schulgen G,  Boice JD Jr,  Whysner J,  Travis LB,  Williams GM,  Johnson FB,  McGee JO
Title: Antiepileptic treatment and risk for hepatobiliary cancer and malignant lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer Res 55(2):294-7
Date: 1995 Jan 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7812960
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Inskip PD,  Hankey BF
Title: Re: Lung cancer risk and radiation dose among women treated for breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 87(1):60-1
Date: 1995 Jan 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7666469
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Travis WD,  Travis LB,  Devesa SS
Title: Lung cancer.
Journal: Cancer 75(1 Suppl):191-202
Date: 1995 Jan 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8000996
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K
Title: More about cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors: solid tumors, 1958-1987.
Journal: Radiat Res 141(1):126-7
Date: 1995 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7997509
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schneider AB,  Gierlowski TC,  Shore-Freedman E,  Stovall M,  Ron E,  Lubin J
Title: Dose-response relationships for radiation-induced hyperparathyroidism.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80(1):254-7
Date: 1995 Jan
Branches: BB, REB
PubMed ID: 7829622
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation effects in nuclear medicine
Date: 1995
Book Editors: Harbert JC
Book Title: Nuclear Medicine, Diagnosis and Therapy
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Fry RJM
Title: Radiation carcinogenesis in the gut
Date: 1995
Book Editors: Potten CS
Book Title: Radiation and gut
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Accounting for uncertainty in systematic bias in exposure estimates used in relative risk regression
Date: 1995
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES
Title: Radiation worker epidemiology and risk
Date: 1995
Book Editors:
Book Title: Reactor Health Physics
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Gilbert ES,  Griffith WC,  Carnes BA
Title: Statistical Methodology Used in Analyses of Data from DOE Experimental Animal Studies
Date: 1995
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Linet MS,  Heineman EF
Title: Etiology of brain tumors in adults.
Journal: Epidemiol Rev 17(2):382-414
Date: 1995
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8654518
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Do gamma rays and alpha particles cause different types of lung cancer? A comparison between atomic bomb survivors and uranium miners
Journal: Radiation protection dosimetry 60:279-285
Date: 1995
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Expressing risk in terms of loss in life expectancy: lung cancer and exposure to indoor radon
Journal: Technology: Journal of The Franklin Institute 322A:5-14
Date: 1995
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Little MP,  Muirhead CR,  Boice JD Jr,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Using multistage models to describe radiation-induced leukaemia
Journal: J Radiol Prot 15:315-334
Date: 1995
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E,  Lunenfeld B
Title: A review of infertility and its treatment in the etiology of female reproductive cancers
Journal: Journal of Women's Health 4:261-272
Date: 1995
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Alavanja MC,  Brownson RC,  Lubin JH,  Berger E,  Chang J,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Residential radon exposure and lung cancer among nonsmoking women.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 86(24):1829-37
Date: 1994 Dec 21
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7990157
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Boice JD Jr,  Hamburger S,  Stovall M
Title: Mortality following radiation treatment for infertility of hormonal origin or amenorrhoea.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 23(6):1165-73
Date: 1994 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7721518
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Chow WH,  McLaughlin JK,  Linet MS,  Niwa S,  Mandel JS
Title: Use of analgesics and risk of renal cell cancer.
Journal: Int J Cancer 59(4):467-70
Date: 1994 Nov 15
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7960214
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Malker HS,  Chow WH,  Weiner JA,  Stone BJ,  Ericsson JL,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Occupation and hematopoietic and lymphoproliferative malignancies among women: a linked registry study.
Journal: J Occup Med 36(11):1187-98
Date: 1994 Nov
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7861262
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Stovall M,  Holowaty EJ,  van Leeuwen FE,  Glimelius B,  Lynch CF,  Hagenbeek A,  Li CY,  Banks PM
Title: Risk of leukemia following treatment for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 86(19):1450-7
Date: 1994 Oct 5
Branches: REB, BB, GEB
PubMed ID: 8089863
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Takeshima Y,  Inai K,  Bennett WP,  Metcalf RA,  Welsh JA,  Yonehara S,  Hayashi Y,  Fujihara M,  Yamakido M,  Akiyama M
Title: p53 mutations in lung cancers from Japanese mustard gas workers.
Journal: Carcinogenesis 15(10):2075-9
Date: 1994 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7955036
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Uemura Y,  Tokunaga M,  Arikawa J,  Yamamoto N,  Hamasaki Y,  Tanaka S,  Sato E,  Land CE
Title: A unique morphology of Epstein-Barr virus-related early gastric carcinoma.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 3(7):607-11
Date: 1994 Oct-Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7827592
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Bernstein L,  Holowaty E,  Karjalainen S,  Langmark F,  Nasca PC,  Schwartz AG,  Schymura MJ
Title: Relationship of leukemia risk to radiation dose following cancer of the uterine corpus.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 86(17):1315-24
Date: 1994 Sep 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8064889
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Dosemeci M,  Li GL,  Hayes RB,  Yin SN,  Linet M,  Chow WH,  Wang YZ,  Jiang ZL,  Dai TR,  Zhang WU
Title: Cohort study among workers exposed to benzene in China: II. Exposure assessment.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 26(3):401-11
Date: 1994 Sep
Branches: REB, OEEB, BB
PubMed ID: 7977413
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD
Title: Pelvic radiotherapy, sex hormones, and breast cancer.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 5(5):471-8
Date: 1994 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7999969
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kabuto M,  Imai H,  Yonezawa C,  Neriishi K,  Akiba S,  Kato H,  Suzuki T,  Land CE,  Blot WJ
Title: Prediagnostic serum selenium and zinc levels and subsequent risk of lung and stomach cancer in Japan.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 3(6):465-9
Date: 1994 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8000296
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shu XO,  Jin F,  Linet MS,  Zheng W,  Clemens J,  Mills J,  Gao YT
Title: Diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound exposure and risk of childhood cancer.
Journal: Br J Cancer 70(3):531-6
Date: 1994 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8080742
PMC ID: PMC2033354

Full Text

Authors: Yin SN,  Linet MS,  Hayes RB,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Wang YZ,  Chow WH,  Jiang ZL,  Wacholder S,  Zhang WU
Title: Cohort study among workers exposed to benzene in China: I. General methods and resources.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 26(3):383-400
Date: 1994 Sep
Branches: OEEB, REB, BB
PubMed ID: 7977412
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Yamamoto N,  Tokunaga M,  Uemura Y,  Tanaka S,  Shirahama H,  Nakamura T,  Land CE,  Sato E
Title: Epstein-Barr virus and gastric remnant cancer.
Journal: Cancer 74(3):805-9
Date: 1994 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8039108
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice J,  Linet M
Title: Chernobyl, childhood cancer, and chromosome 21.
Journal: BMJ 309(6948):139-40
Date: 1994 Jul 16
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7741834
PMC ID: PMC2540721

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Stovall M,  Flannery JT
Title: Lung cancer risk and radiation dose among women treated for breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 86(13):983-8
Date: 1994 Jul 6
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8007020
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Groves FD,  Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Epidemiology of human leukemia.
Journal: Curr Opin Hematol 1(4):321-6
Date: 1994 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 9371299
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Littlefield LG,  Tarone RE,  Sayer AM,  Cookfair DL,  Wactawski-Wende J,  Inskip PD,  Block A,  Ramesh KH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes from women irradiated for benign and malignant gynecological disease.
Journal: Radiat Res 139(1):40-6
Date: 1994 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8016306
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Griem ML,  Kleinerman RA,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Shefner D,  Lubin JH
Title: Cancer following radiotherapy for peptic ulcer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 86(11):842-9
Date: 1994 Jun 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8182765
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Guo WD,  Chow WH,  Zheng W,  Li JY,  Blot WJ
Title: Diet, serum markers and breast cancer mortality in China.
Journal: Jpn J Cancer Res 85(6):572-7
Date: 1994 Jun
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8063609
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Li CY,  Zhang ZN,  Li DG,  Yin SN,  Chow WH,  Li GL,  Dosemeci M,  Blot W,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Hematopoietic malignancies and related disorders among benzene-exposed workers in China.
Journal: Leuk Lymphoma 14(1-2):91-102
Date: 1994 Jun
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 7920231
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Yao SX,  Lubin JH,  Qiao YL,  Boice JD Jr,  Li JY,  Cai SK,  Zhang FM,  Blot WJ
Title: Exposure to radon progeny, tobacco use and lung cancer in a case-control study in southern China.
Journal: Radiat Res 138(3):326-36
Date: 1994 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8184006
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Vineis P,  Bartsch H,  Caporaso N,  Harrington AM,  Kadlubar FF,  Landi MT,  Malaveille C,  Shields PG,  Skipper P,  Talaska G
Title: Genetically based N-acetyltransferase metabolic polymorphism and low-level environmental exposure to carcinogens.
Journal: Nature 369(6476):154-6
Date: 1994 May 12
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7909916
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Tokuoka S,  Nishimori I,  Soda M,  Akiba S
Title: Incidence of female breast cancer among atomic bomb survivors, 1950-1985.
Journal: Radiat Res 138(2):209-23
Date: 1994 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8183991
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Keehn R,  Auerbach O,  Nambu S,  Carter D,  Shimosato Y,  Greenberg SD,  Tateishi R,  Saccomanno G,  Tokuoka S,  Land C
Title: Reproducibility of major diagnoses in a binational study of lung cancer in uranium miners and atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Am J Clin Pathol 101(4):478-82
Date: 1994 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8160641
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Tarone RE,  Modan B,  Chaki R,  Alfandary E,  Parry DM,  Makar M,  Setlow N,  Mulvihill JJ,  Miller RW
Title: In vitro radiosensitivity of fibroblasts from thyroid and skin cancer patients treated with X-rays for tinea capitis.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 3(3):229-32
Date: 1994 Apr-May
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 8019372
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiotherapy-induced lung cancer among women who smoke.
Journal: Cancer 73(6):1541-3
Date: 1994 Mar 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8156480
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Land CE,  Hayakawa N,  Machado SG,  Yamada Y,  Pike MC,  Akiba S,  Tokunaga M
Title: A case-control interview study of breast cancer among Japanese A-bomb survivors. I. Main effects.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 5(2):157-65
Date: 1994 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8167263
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Hayakawa N,  Machado SG,  Yamada Y,  Pike MC,  Akiba S,  Tokunaga M
Title: A case-control interview study of breast cancer among Japanese A-bomb survivors. II. Interactions with radiation dose.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 5(2):167-76
Date: 1994 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8167264
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Biggar RJ,  Curtis RE,  Cote TR,  Rabkin CS,  Melbye M
Title: Risk of other cancers following Kaposi's sarcoma: relation to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 139(4):362-8
Date: 1994 Feb 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8109570
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Mabuchi K,  Soda M,  Ron E,  Tokunaga M,  Ochikubo S,  Sugimoto S,  Ikeda T,  Terasaki M,  Preston DL,  Thompson DE
Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part I: Use of the tumor registries in Hiroshima and Nagasaki for incidence studies.
Journal: Radiat Res 137(2 Suppl):S1-16
Date: 1994 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8127951
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Preston DL,  Kusumi S,  Tomonaga M,  Izumi S,  Ron E,  Kuramoto A,  Kamada N,  Dohy H,  Matsuo T,  Matsui T [corrected to Matsuo T
Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part III. Leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma, 1950-1987.
Journal: Radiat Res 137(2 Suppl):S68-97
Date: 1994 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8127953
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Preston DL,  Mabuchi K,  Thompson DE,  Soda M
Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part IV: Comparison of cancer incidence and mortality.
Journal: Radiat Res 137(2 Suppl):S98-112
Date: 1994 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8127954
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Thompson DE,  Mabuchi K,  Ron E,  Soda M,  Tokunaga M,  Ochikubo S,  Sugimoto S,  Ikeda T,  Terasaki M,  Izumi S
Title: Cancer incidence in atomic bomb survivors. Part II: Solid tumors, 1958-1987.
Journal: Radiat Res 137(2 Suppl):S17-67
Date: 1994 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8127952
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Eby NL,  Cookfair D,  Freedman RS,  Richardson GS,  Wactawski-Wende J,  Hoover RN,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Serum estrogen and androgen levels following treatment for cervical cancer.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 3(1):37-45
Date: 1994 Jan-Feb
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 8118384
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Carter R,  Jablon S,  Mabuchi K
Title: Agreement between death certificate and autopsy diagnoses among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: Epidemiology 5(1):48-56
Date: 1994 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8117782
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Date: 1994
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: De Benedetti VMG,  Travis LB,  Welsh JA,  Van Leeuwen F,  Stovall M,  Hunter V,  Clarke EA,  Boice JD Jr,  Bennett WP
Title: p53 mutations in lung cancers following radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease
Journal: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research 35:146
Date: 1994
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hankey BF,  Miller B,  Curtis R,  Kosary C
Title: Trends in breast cancer in younger women in contrast to older women.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (16):7-14
Date: 1994
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7999473
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kaune WT,  Darby SD,  Gardner SN,  Hrubec Z,  Iriye RN,  Linet MS
Title: Development of a protocol for assessing time-weighted-average exposures of young children to power-frequency magnetic fields.
Journal: Bioelectromagnetics 15(1):33-51
Date: 1994
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8155068
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Radiation and cancer risk
Journal: Arctic Medical Research 53(Suppl 2):652-657
Date: 1994
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancers in patients with Ewing's sarcoma.
Journal: Med Pediatr Oncol 22(4):296-7
Date: 1994
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8107665
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Takeshima Y,  Seyama T,  Bennett WP,  Akiyama M,  Tokuoka S,  Inai K,  Mabuchi K,  Land CE,  Harris CC
Title: p53 mutations in lung cancers from non-smoking atomic-bomb survivors.
Journal: Lancet 342(8886-8887):1520-1
Date: 1993 Dec 18-25
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7902903
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Glimelius B,  Holowaty E,  Van Leeuwen FE,  Lynch CF,  Adami J,  Gospodarowicz M,  Wacholder S,  Inskip P
Title: Second cancers among long-term survivors of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 85(23):1932-7
Date: 1993 Dec 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8230284
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Leukemia risk in thorotrast patients.
Journal: Radiat Res 136(2):301-4
Date: 1993 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8248491
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Uemura Y,  Tokudome T,  Tanaka S,  Sato E
Title: Epstein-Barr virus in gastric carcinoma.
Journal: Am J Pathol 143(5):1250-4
Date: 1993 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8238241
PMC ID: PMC1887176


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Uemura Y,  Tokudome T,  Ishidate T,  Masuda H,  Okazaki E,  Kaneko K,  Naoe S,  Ito M,  Okamura A
Title: Epstein-Barr virus related gastric cancer in Japan: a molecular patho-epidemiological study.
Journal: Acta Pathol Jpn 43(10):574-81
Date: 1993 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8291445
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Aoki Y,  Yamamoto T,  Asano M,  Sato E,  Tokuoka S,  Sakamoto G,  Page DL
Title: Proliferative and nonproliferative breast disease in atomic bomb survivors. Results of a histopathologic review of autopsy breast tissue.
Journal: Cancer 72(5):1657-65
Date: 1993 Sep 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8348497
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Jablon S,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Mortality among workers at a nuclear power plant in the United States.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 4(5):427-30
Date: 1993 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8218874
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Olsen JH,  Wallin H,  Boice JD Jr,  Rask K,  Schulgen G,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Phenobarbital, drug metabolism, and human cancer.
Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2(5):449-52
Date: 1993 Sep-Oct
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8220089
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Wong FL,  Yamada M,  Sasaki H,  Kodama K,  Akiba S,  Shimaoka K,  Hosoda Y
Title: Noncancer disease incidence in the atomic bomb survivors: 1958-1986.
Journal: Radiat Res 135(3):418-30
Date: 1993 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8378535
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Schneider AB,  Ron E,  Lubin J,  Stovall M,  Gierlowski TC
Title: Dose-response relationships for radiation-induced thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules: evidence for the prolonged effects of radiation on the thyroid.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 77(2):362-9
Date: 1993 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8345040
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Nakamura N
Title: Early-onset breast cancer in A-bomb survivors.
Journal: Lancet 342(8865):237
Date: 1993 Jul 24
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8100952
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Eng C,  Li FP,  Abramson DH,  Ellsworth RM,  Wong FL,  Goldman MB,  Seddon J,  Tarbell N,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Mortality from second tumors among long-term survivors of retinoblastoma.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 85(14):1121-8
Date: 1993 Jul 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8320741
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoel DG,  Ron E,  Carter R,  Mabuchi K
Title: Influence of death certificate errors on cancer mortality trends.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 85(13):1063-8
Date: 1993 Jul 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8515493
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Cookfair DL,  Hadjimichael O,  Moloney WC,  Monson RR,  Thompson WD,  Wactawski-Wende J,  Wagoner JK
Title: Leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma after pelvic radiotherapy for benign disease.
Journal: Radiat Res 135(1):108-24
Date: 1993 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8327655
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Rosenthal AK,  McLaughlin JK,  Linet MS,  Persson I
Title: Scleroderma and malignancy: an epidemiological study.
Journal: Ann Rheum Dis 52(7):531-3
Date: 1993 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8346981
PMC ID: PMC1005093

Full Text

Authors: Zheng W,  Linet MS,  Shu XO,  Pan RP,  Gao YT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Prior medical conditions and the risk of adult leukemia in Shanghai, People's Republic of China.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 4(4):361-8
Date: 1993 Jul
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8347786
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wong FL,  Mellemgaard A,  Boice JD,  Goldman MB,  Fraumeni JF
Title: Husbands and wives with hyperthyroidism.
Journal: Lancet 341(8855):1278-9
Date: 1993 May 15
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8098415
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Shimosato Y,  Saccomanno G,  Tokuoka S,  Auerbach O,  Tateishi R,  Greenberg SD,  Nambu S,  Carter D,  Akiba S
Title: Radiation-associated lung cancer: a comparison of the histology of lung cancers in uranium miners and survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Journal: Radiat Res 134(2):234-43
Date: 1993 May
Branches: HREB, REB
PubMed ID: 8387679
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mahaffey JA,  Parkhurst MA,  James AC,  Cross FT,  Alavanja MC,  Boice JD,  Ezrine S,  Henderson P,  Brownson RC
Title: Estimating past exposure to indoor radon from household glass.
Journal: Health Phys 64(4):381-91
Date: 1993 Apr
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8449720
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Chow WH,  Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Hsing AW,  Chien HT,  Blot WJ
Title: Risk factors for small intestine cancer.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 4(2):163-9
Date: 1993 Mar
Branches: HREB, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 8481495
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia after small-cell lung cancer.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 11(3):586-7
Date: 1993 Mar
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8383192
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Severson RK,  Linet MS
Title: Does cigarette smoking lead to the subsequent development of leukemia?
Journal: Arch Intern Med 153(4):425-7
Date: 1993 Feb 22
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8435021
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Second cancer after Hodgkin's disease--the price of success?
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 85(1):4-5
Date: 1993 Jan 6
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 8416254
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Malker HS,  McLaughlin JK,  Weiner JA,  Blot WJ,  Ericsson JL,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and occupation in Sweden: a registry based analysis.
Journal: Br J Ind Med 50(1):79-84
Date: 1993 Jan
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 8431395
PMC ID: PMC1061238

Authors: Biggar RJ,  Curtis RE,  Cote TR,  Rabkin CS,  Melbye M
Title: Risk of cancer following AIDS-related and non-AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 136:54-58
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Fry RJM,  Abrahamson S,  Fabrikant JI,  Land CE,  McClellan RO,  Sinclair WK,  Upton AC,  Webster EW
Title: Risk estimates for radiation protection
Date: 1993
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: JablonS
Title: Neutrons in Hiroshima and uncertainties in cancer risk estimates
Journal: Radiat Res 133:130-131
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Radiation dose, reproductive history and breast cancer risk among Japanese A-bomb survivors: Preliminary results
Journal: Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 13:383-392
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Breast cancer in the RERF Life Span Study
Journal: Journal of the Hiroshima Medical Association 46:1237-1239
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Meinhold CB,  Abrahamson S,  Adelstein SJ,  Bair WJ,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Limitations of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Date: 1993
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Miller BA,  Linet MS,  Cheson BD
Title: Leukemias
Date: 1993
Book Editors: Miller BA
Book Title: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1990
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Miller BA,  Ron E
Title: Thyroid
Date: 1993
Book Editors: Miller BA
Book Title: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1990
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Pesatori AC,  Zocchetti C,  Consonni D,  Tironi A,  Landrigan PJ,  Bertazzi PA
Title: Mortality and cancer incidence in the Seveso population
Journal: Organohalogen Compounds 13:391-394
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E,  Preston D,  Mabuchi K,  Thompson D
Title: Solid tumor incidence in A-bomb survivors
Journal: Radiat Res 133:129-130
Date: 1993
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hatch EE,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Malignant neoplasms associated with cancer of the ampulla of Vater.
Journal: Br J Cancer 66(6):1204
Date: 1992 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 1457366
PMC ID: PMC1978059


Authors: Nakatsuka H,  Shimizu Y,  Yamamoto T,  Sekine I,  Ezaki H,  Tahara E,  Takahashi M,  Shimoyama T,  Mochinaga N,  Tomita M
Title: Colorectal cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors, 1950-80.
Journal: J Radiat Res 33(4):342-61
Date: 1992 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1338109
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Lubin J,  Schneider AB
Title: Thyroid cancer incidence.
Journal: Nature 360(6400):113
Date: 1992 Nov 12
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1436087
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rodvall Y,  Hrubec Z,  Pershagen G,  Ahlbom A,  Bjurman A,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Childhood cancer among Swedish twins.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 3(6):527-32
Date: 1992 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1420855
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer Res 52(19 Suppl):5489s-5491s
Date: 1992 Oct 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1394160
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancers in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 84(18):1422-7
Date: 1992 Sep 16
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 1512794
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Alavanja MC,  Brownson RC,  Boice JD Jr,  Hock E
Title: Preexisting lung disease and lung cancer among nonsmoking women.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 136(6):623-32
Date: 1992 Sep 15
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 1442729
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Doody MM,  Linet MS,  Glass AG,  Friedman GD,  Pottern LM,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma following selected medical conditions.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 3(5):449-56
Date: 1992 Sep
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 1525326
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Storm HH,  Andersson M,  Boice JD Jr,  Blettner M,  Stovall M,  Mouridsen HT,  Dombernowsky P,  Rose C,  Jacobsen A,  Pedersen M
Title: Adjuvant radiotherapy and risk of contralateral breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 84(16):1245-50
Date: 1992 Aug 19
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1640483
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Pershagen G,  Liang ZH,  Hrubec Z,  Svensson C,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Residential radon exposure and lung cancer in Swedish women.
Journal: Health Phys 63(2):179-86
Date: 1992 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1399616
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hall P,  Boice JD Jr,  Berg G,  Bjelkengren G,  Ericsson UB,  Hallquist A,  Lidberg M,  Lundell G,  Mattsson A,  Tennvall J
Title: Leukaemia incidence after iodine-131 exposure.
Journal: Lancet 340(8810):1-4
Date: 1992 Jul 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1351599
PMC ID: not available


Title: Total-body evaluation of a thorotrast patient. A tribute to Charles W. Mays, Jr.
Journal: Health Phys 63(1):1-123
Date: 1992 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1522001
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mays CW,  Aamodt RL,  Inn KG,  Brown DR,  Greenberg RR,  Iyengar VG,  Schima FJ,  Slaback LS,  Tracy JW,  Lynch TP
Title: External gamma-ray counting of selected tissues from a Thorotrast patient.
Journal: Health Phys 63(1):33-40
Date: 1992 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1522008
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Priest ND,  Humphreys JA,  Kathren RL,  Mays CW
Title: The distribution of Thorotrast in human bone marrow: a case report.
Journal: Health Phys 63(1):46-53
Date: 1992 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1522010
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Travis LB,  Kathren RL,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer risk following exposure to Thorotrast: overview in relation to a case report.
Journal: Health Phys 63(1):89-97
Date: 1992 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1522013
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Travis LB,  Kathren RL,  Mays D,  Mays CW
Title: Comprehensive evaluation of a Thorotrast patient: an overview.
Journal: Health Phys 63(1):10-2
Date: 1992 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1522002
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Bernstein L,  Greenberg RS,  Flannery JT,  Schwartz AG,  Weyer P,  Moloney WC,  Hoover RN
Title: Risk of leukemia after chemotherapy and radiation treatment for breast cancer.
Journal: N Engl J Med 326(26):1745-51
Date: 1992 Jun 25
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 1594016
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Hsing AW,  Wacholder S,  Co Chien HT,  Schuman LM,  Bjelke E,  Blot WJ
Title: Is cigarette smoking a risk factor for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or multiple myeloma? Results from the Lutheran Brotherhood Cohort Study.
Journal: Leuk Res 16(6-7):621-4
Date: 1992 Jun-Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1635380
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Miller RW
Title: Risk of breast cancer in ataxia-telangiectasia.
Journal: N Engl J Med 326(20):1357-1
Date: 1992 May 14
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 1565151
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Risk of breast cancer in ataxia-telangiectasia.
Journal: N Engl J Med 326(20):1359-61
Date: 1992 May 14
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1304719
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Travis LB,  Gonzalez CL,  Hankey BF,  Jaffe ES
Title: Hodgkin's disease following non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer 69(9):2337-42
Date: 1992 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1562981
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Ziegler DK,  Stewart WF
Title: Headaches preceded by visual aura among adolescents and young adults. A population-based survey.
Journal: Arch Neurol 49(5):512-6
Date: 1992 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1580814
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hall P,  Berg G,  Bjelkengren G,  Boice JD Jr,  Ericsson UB,  Hallquist A,  Lidberg M,  Lundell G,  Tennvall J,  Wiklund K
Title: Cancer mortality after iodine-131 therapy for hyperthyroidism.
Journal: Int J Cancer 50(6):886-90
Date: 1992 Apr 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1555888
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Harvey EB,  Blettner M,  Stovall M,  Flannery JT
Title: Cancer in the contralateral breast after radiotherapy for breast cancer.
Journal: N Engl J Med 326(12):781-5
Date: 1992 Mar 19
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1538720
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Jablon S,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Reporting negative studies in the mass media.
Journal: JAMA 267(7):931
Date: 1992 Feb 19
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1734098
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Mandel JS,  Doody MM,  Yoder RC,  McGowan R
Title: A health survey of radiologic technologists.
Journal: Cancer 69(2):586-98
Date: 1992 Jan 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1728391
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Heineman EF,  Zahm SH,  McLaughlin JK,  Vaught JB,  Hrubec Z
Title: A prospective study of tobacco use and multiple myeloma: evidence against an association.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 3(1):31-6
Date: 1992 Jan
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 1536911
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Akiba S,  Lubin J,  Ezaki H,  Ron E,  Ishimaru T,  Asano M,  Shimizu Y,  Kato H
Title: Thyroid cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1958-79
Date: 1992
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Alavanja MCR,  Brownson R,  Wood M,  Hrubec Z,  Mahaffey J,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radon dosimetry for a lung cancer study in Missouri
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Cross FT
Book Title: Indoor Radon and Lung Cancer: Reality or Myth?
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Bi W,  Hayes RB,  Feng P,  Qi Y,  You X,  Zhen J,  Zhang M,  Qu B,  Fu Z,  Chen M
Title: Mortality and incidence of bladder cancer in benzidine-exposed workers in China.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 21(4):481-9
Date: 1992
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 1580253
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation carcinogenesis - human epidemiology
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Mossman KL
Book Title: The Biological Basis of Radiation Protection Practice
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Finch SC,  Linet MS
Title: The chronic leukaemias
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Fleming A
Book Title: Epidemiology of Haematologic Disease
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Friedman DR,  Linet MS,  Kaune WT,  Wacholder S,  Tarone R
Title: Concordance of various residential magnetic field measurements
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 136:977
Date: 1992
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Guilmette RA,  Mays DM
Title: Total body evaluation of a Thorotrast patient
Journal: Health Phys :63-138
Date: 1992
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Jablon S
Title: Assessment of health hazards of radiation
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Upton A
Book Title: Management of Hazardous Agents: Industrial and Regulatory Approaches
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Commentary: Low-dose extrapolation time following exposure and transport between populations
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Nygaard OF
Book Title: Low Level Radiation Effects
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation from Chernobyl and risk of childhood leukaemia.
Journal: Eur J Cancer 29A(1):1-3
Date: 1992
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1445724
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Littlefield LG,  Sayer AM,  Sallam F,  Frome EL,  Kleinerman RA
Title: Experience with the "Cytochalasin-B Method" for quantifying radiation-induced micronuclei in human lymphocytes
Date: 1992
Book Editors: Dewey WC
Book Title: Radiation Research - A 20th Century Perspective
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Stewart WF,  Linet MS,  Celentano DD,  Van Natta M,  Ziegler D
Title: Age- and sex-specific incidence rates of migraine with and without visual aura.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 134(10):1111-20
Date: 1991 Nov 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1746521
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mulvihill JJ,  Harvey EB,  Boice JD Jr,  Chakravarti A,  Miller RW
Title: Normal findings 52 years after in utero radiation exposure.
Journal: Lancet 338(8776):1202-3
Date: 1991 Nov 9
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 1682607
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Wang ZY,  Fen YS
Title: Suitability of Chinese oil well loggers for an epidemiologic study of the carcinogenic effects of neutrons.
Journal: Health Phys 61(5):637-40
Date: 1991 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1752747
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Hsing AW,  Wacholder S,  Co-Chien HT,  Schuman LM,  Bjelke E,  Blot WJ
Title: Cigarette smoking and leukemia: results from the Lutheran Brotherhood Cohort Study.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 2(6):413-7
Date: 1991 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1764566
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Gridley G,  Hrubec Z,  Page W,  Arora S,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Acromegaly and gastrointestinal cancer.
Journal: Cancer 68(8):1673-7
Date: 1991 Oct 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1913507
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Blettner M,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation dose and leukaemia risk: general relative risk techniques for dose-response models in a matched case-control study.
Journal: Stat Med 10(10):1511-26
Date: 1991 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1947508
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Maclure M,  Travis LB,  Willett W,  MacMahon B
Title: A prospective cohort study of nutrient intake and age at menarche.
Journal: Am J Clin Nutr 54(4):649-56
Date: 1991 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1897472
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Inskip PD,  Harvey EB,  Boice JD Jr,  Stone BJ,  Matanoski G,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Incidence of childhood cancer in twins.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 2(5):315-24
Date: 1991 Sep
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 1932544
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Møller H,  Kneller RW,  Boice JD Jr,  Olsen JH
Title: Cancer incidence following hospitalization for multiple sclerosis in Denmark.
Journal: Acta Neurol Scand 84(3):214-20
Date: 1991 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1950464
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Holm LE,  Hall P,  Wiklund K,  Lundell G,  Berg G,  Bjelkengren G,  Cederquist E,  Ericsson UB,  Hallquist A,  Larsson LG
Title: Cancer risk after iodine-131 therapy for hyperthyroidism.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 83(15):1072-7
Date: 1991 Aug 7
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1875414
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hall P,  Holm LE,  Lundell G,  Bjelkengren G,  Larsson LG,  Lindberg S,  Tennvall J,  Wicklund H,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer risks in thyroid cancer patients.
Journal: Br J Cancer 64(1):159-63
Date: 1991 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1854616
PMC ID: PMC1977300

Full Text

Authors: Tucker MA,  Jones PH,  Boice JD Jr,  Robison LL,  Stone BJ,  Stovall M,  Jenkin RD,  Lubin JH,  Baum ES,  Siegel SE
Title: Therapeutic radiation at a young age is linked to secondary thyroid cancer. The Late Effects Study Group.
Journal: Cancer Res 51(11):2885-8
Date: 1991 Jun 1
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 1851664
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Friedman DR,  Dubin N
Title: Case-control evaluation of breast cancer screening efficacy.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 133(10):974-84
Date: 1991 May 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2035508
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Phillips PH,  Linet MS,  Harris EL
Title: Assessment of family history information in case-control cancer studies.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 133(8):757-65
Date: 1991 Apr 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2021142
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Hankey BF,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancers following non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer 67(7):2002-9
Date: 1991 Apr 1
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2004317
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Jablon S,  Hrubec Z,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer in populations living near nuclear facilities. A survey of mortality nationwide and incidence in two states.
Journal: JAMA 265(11):1403-8
Date: 1991 Mar 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1999880
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Akiba S,  Neriishi K,  Blot WJ,  Kabuto M,  Stevens RG,  Kato H,  Land CE
Title: Serum ferritin and stomach cancer risk among a Japanese population.
Journal: Cancer 67(6):1707-12
Date: 1991 Mar 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2001562
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Morin MM,  Glass AG,  Friedman GD,  Stovall M,  Hoover RN,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Diagnostic x-ray procedures and risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
Journal: JAMA 265(10):1290-4
Date: 1991 Mar 13
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2053936
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hsing AW,  McLaughlin JK,  Hrubec Z,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Tobacco use and prostate cancer: 26-year follow-up of US veterans.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 133(5):437-41
Date: 1991 Mar 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2000853
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Devesa SS
Title: Descriptive epidemiology of childhood leukaemia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 63(3):424-9
Date: 1991 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2003985
PMC ID: PMC1971870

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Modan B,  Preston D,  Alfandary E,  Stovall M,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiation-induced skin carcinomas of the head and neck.
Journal: Radiat Res 125(3):318-25
Date: 1991 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2000456
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Tokuoka S
Title: Follow-up studies of breast cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors.
Journal: J Radiat Res 32 Suppl:201-11
Date: 1991 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1762108
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Preston D,  Davis FG,  Monson RR
Title: Frequent chest X-ray fluoroscopy and breast cancer incidence among tuberculosis patients in Massachusetts.
Journal: Radiat Res 125(2):214-22
Date: 1991 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1996380
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Celentano DD,  Stewart WF
Title: Headache characteristics associated with physician consultation: a population-based survey.
Journal: Am J Prev Med 7(1):40-6
Date: 1991 Jan-Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1867898
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Nuclear energy: relationship to cancer incidence
Date: 1991
Book Editors: DeVita VT Jr
Book Title: Cancer Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: A nested case-control approach to interactions between radiation dose and other factors as causes of cancer
Date: 1991
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Sinclair WK
Title: The relative contributions of different organ sites to the total cancer mortality associated with low-dose radiation exposure.
Journal: Ann ICRP 22(1):31-57
Date: 1991
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1888094
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS
Title: Is chronic antigenic stimulation etiologically related to multiple myeloma?
Date: 1991
Book Editors: Obrams GI
Book Title: Epidemiology and biology of multiple myeloma
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Stewart WF
Title: Headache survey data: A critical appraisal
Date: 1991
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Littlefield LG,  Kleinerman RA,  Sayer AM,  Tarone R,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes--biomonitors of radiation exposure.
Journal: Prog Clin Biol Res 372:387-97
Date: 1991
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 1956933
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Kleinerman RA,  LiVolsi VA,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer.
Journal: Oncology 48(4):309-11
Date: 1991
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 1891173
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Upfal MJ,  Johnson GA,  Jacobson AP,  Brady PA,  Campbell JA
Title: Indoor radon and lung cancer in China.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 82(21):1722-3
Date: 1990 Nov 7
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2231762
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hsing AW,  McLaughlin JK,  Hrubec Z,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cigarette smoking and liver cancer among US veterans.
Journal: Cancer Causes Control 1(3):217-21
Date: 1990 Nov
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2102294
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rodvall Y,  Pershagen G,  Hrubec Z,  Ahlbom A,  Pedersen NL,  Boice JD
Title: Prenatal X-ray exposure and childhood cancer in Swedish twins.
Journal: Int J Cancer 46(3):362-5
Date: 1990 Sep 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2394502
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Monson RR,  Wagoner JK,  Stovall M,  Davis FG,  Kleinerman RA,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer mortality following radium treatment for uterine bleeding.
Journal: Radiat Res 123(3):331-44
Date: 1990 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2217730
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: McLaughlin JK,  Hrubec Z,  Heineman EF,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Renal cancer and cigarette smoking in a 26-year followup of U.S. veterans.
Journal: Public Health Rep 105(5):535-7
Date: 1990 Sep-Oct
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 2120735
PMC ID: PMC1580108

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Studies of atomic bomb survivors. Understanding radiation effects.
Journal: JAMA 264(5):622-3
Date: 1990 Aug 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2366304
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Littlefield LG,  Tarone RE,  Sayer AM,  Hildreth NG,  Pottern LM,  Machado SG,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Chromosome aberrations in relation to radiation dose following partial-body exposures in three populations.
Journal: Radiat Res 123(1):93-101
Date: 1990 Jul
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 2371385
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Blot WJ,  Xu ZY,  Boice JD Jr,  Zhao DZ,  Stone BJ,  Sun J,  Jing LB,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Indoor radon and lung cancer in China.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 82(12):1025-30
Date: 1990 Jun 20
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2348467
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: McLaughlin JK,  Hrubec Z,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Stomach cancer and cigarette smoking among U.S. veterans, 1954-1980.
Journal: Cancer Res 50(12):3804
Date: 1990 Jun 15
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2278548
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Wang JX,  Inskip PD,  Boice JD Jr,  Li BX,  Zhang JY,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer incidence among medical diagnostic X-ray workers in China, 1950 to 1985.
Journal: Int J Cancer 45(5):889-95
Date: 1990 May 15
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2335392
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Moloney WC,  Ries LG,  Flannery JT
Title: Leukemia following chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Journal: Cancer Res 50(9):2741-6
Date: 1990 May 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2328500
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Inskip PD,  Monson RR,  Wagoner JK,  Stovall M,  Davis FG,  Kleinerman RA,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Leukemia following radiotherapy for uterine bleeding.
Journal: Radiat Res 122(2):107-19
Date: 1990 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2336456
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Wang ZY,  Boice JD Jr,  Wei LX,  Beebe GW,  Zha YR,  Kaplan MM,  Tao ZF,  Maxon HR 3rd,  Zhang SZ,  Schneider AB
Title: Thyroid nodularity and chromosome aberrations among women in areas of high background radiation in China.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 82(6):478-85
Date: 1990 Mar 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2313719
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Olsen JH,  Andersson M,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thorotrast exposure and cancer risk.
Journal: Health Phys 58(2):222-3
Date: 1990 Feb
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2298583
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Bond VP,  Abrahamson S,  Hall EJ,  Boice JD Jr
Title: The Relative Biological Effectiveness of Radiations of Different Quality
Date: 1990
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Brandt J,  Celentano D,  Stewart W,  Linet M,  Folstein M
Title: Personality and emotional disorder in a community sample of migraine headache sufferers
Journal: Arch Gen Psychiatry 147:303-308
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Celentano DD,  Linet MS,  Stewart WF
Title: Gender differences in the experience of headache.
Journal: Soc Sci Med 30(12):1289-95
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2367875
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Celentano DD,  Stewart WF,  Linet MS
Title: The relationship of headache symptoms with severity and duration of attacks.
Journal: J Clin Epidemiol 43(9):983-94
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2213086
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Curtis RE
Title: Radiation-induced second cancers
Journal: Radiat Res 124:357-359
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Doll R,  Boice JD Jr,  Esteve J,  Silini G,  Thiessen JW
Title: Recommendations for research of an international panel of independent experts
Date: 1990
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Ershow AG,  Chen KW
Title: Chinese food composition tables
Journal: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 3:189-442
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Jablon S
Title: Health effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation
Date: 1990
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Jablon S,  Thompson D,  McConney M,  Mabuchi K
Title: Accuracy of cause-of-death certification in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
Journal: Ann N Y Acad Sci 609:100-9
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2264636
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Projection of risk from one population to another
Date: 1990
Book Editors: Renz K
Book Title: Risk Estimates for Radiation Carcinogenesis
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS
Title: Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Date: 1990
Book Editors: Buyse ML
Book Title: Birth defects encyclopedia : the comprehensive, systematic, illustrated reference source for the diagnosis, delineation, etiology, biodynamics, occurrence, prevention, and treatment of human anomalies of clinical relevance
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Devesa S
Title: Descriptive epidemiology of the leukemias
Date: 1990
Book Editors: Henderson ES
Book Title: Leukemia
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Pottern LM,  Kaplan MM,  Larsen PR,  Silva JE,  Koenig RJ,  Lubin JH,  Stovall M,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thyroid nodularity after childhood irradiation for lymphoid hyperplasia: a comparison of questionnaire and clinical findings.
Journal: J Clin Epidemiol 43(5):449-60
Date: 1990
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 2324785
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E
Title: Exposures and thyroid neoplasia
Journal: Radiat Res 124:360-362
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Ron E
Title: Problems in reconstructing medical exposures
Journal: Radiat Res 124:340-341
Date: 1990
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Wang J,  Boice JD Jr,  Inskip PD,  Li B,  Zhang J,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Leukemia among medical diagnostic X-ray workers in China.
Journal: Proc Chin Acad Med Sci Peking Union Med Coll 5(4):194-9
Date: 1990
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2293227
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  McLaughlin JK,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Malker HS,  Weiner JA,  Ericsson JL
Title: Mycosis fungoides and occupation in Sweden.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 81(23):1842-3
Date: 1989 Dec 6
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2585533
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Modan B,  Preston D,  Alfandary E,  Stovall M,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Thyroid neoplasia following low-dose radiation in childhood.
Journal: Radiat Res 120(3):516-31
Date: 1989 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2594972
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Davis FG,  Boice JD Jr,  Hrubec Z,  Monson RR
Title: Cancer mortality in a radiation-exposed cohort of Massachusetts tuberculosis patients.
Journal: Cancer Res 49(21):6130-6
Date: 1989 Nov 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2790825
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Van Natta ML,  Brookmeyer R,  Khoury MJ,  McCaffrey LD,  Humphrey RL,  Szklo M
Title: Familial cancer history and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. A case-control study.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 130(4):655-64
Date: 1989 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2773914
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoffman DA,  Lonstein JE,  Morin MM,  Visscher W,  Harris BS 3rd,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Breast cancer in women with scoliosis exposed to multiple diagnostic x rays.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 81(17):1307-12
Date: 1989 Sep 6
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2769783
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rogot E,  Hrubec Z
Title: Trends in mortality from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among U.S. veterans: 1954 to 1979.
Journal: Am Rev Respir Dis 140(3 Pt 2):S69-75
Date: 1989 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2782763
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stewart WF,  Linet MS,  Celentano DD
Title: Migraine headaches and panic attacks.
Journal: Psychosom Med 51(5):559-69
Date: 1989 Sep-Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2798702
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Holm LE,  Ericsson UB,  Wiklund K,  Larsson LG,  Lundell G,  Lidberg M,  Bergman A,  Lindberg S,  Bjelkengren G,  Wicklund H
Title: [There is no increased risk of thyroid cancer after diagnostic doses of 131I].
Journal: Lakartidningen 86(35):2864-6
Date: 1989 Aug 30
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2796466
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Travis LB,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Bladder cancer after chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: N Engl J Med 321(8):544-5
Date: 1989 Aug 24
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2761594
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: McLaughlin JK,  Hrubec Z,  Linet MS,  Heineman EF,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cigarette smoking and leukemia.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 81(16):1262-3
Date: 1989 Aug 16
Branches: OD, OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 2754746
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Blettner M,  Kleinerman RA,  Engholm G,  Stovall M,  Lisco H,  Austin DF,  Bosch A,  Harlan L,  Krementz ET
Title: Radiation dose and breast cancer risk in patients treated for cancer of the cervix.
Journal: Int J Cancer 44(1):7-16
Date: 1989 Jul 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2744900
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Littlefield LG,  Tarone RE,  Machado SG,  Blettner M,  Peters LJ,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Chromosome aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes and radiation dose to active bone marrow in patients treated for cancer of the cervix.
Journal: Radiat Res 119(1):176-90
Date: 1989 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2787917
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brinton LA,  Gridley G,  Hrubec Z,  Hoover R,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer risk following pernicious anaemia.
Journal: Br J Cancer 59(5):810-3
Date: 1989 May
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2736218
PMC ID: PMC2247229


Authors: Linet MS,  Stewart WF,  Celentano DD,  Ziegler D,  Sprecher M
Title: An epidemiologic study of headache among adolescents and young adults.
Journal: JAMA 261(15):2211-6
Date: 1989 Apr 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2926969
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kantor AF,  Curtis RE,  Vonderheid EC,  van Scott EJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of second malignancy after cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
Journal: Cancer 63(8):1612-5
Date: 1989 Apr 15
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2924268
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Eby NL,  Boice JD Jr,  Gold EB,  Hoover RN,  Loriaux DL
Title: Estrogen and androgen levels in women treated with radiation for cervical cancer--possible influence on breast cancer risk.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 129(3):527-32
Date: 1989 Mar
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 2783832
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Holm LE,  Wiklund KE,  Lundell GE,  Bergman NA,  Bjelkengren G,  Ericsson UB,  Cederquist ES,  Lidberg ME,  Lindberg RS,  Wicklund HV
Title: Cancer risk in population examined with diagnostic doses of 131I.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 81(4):302-6
Date: 1989 Feb 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2913329
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Goldsmith R,  Boice JD Jr,  Hrubec Z,  Hurwitz PE,  Goff TE,  Wilson J
Title: Mortality and career radiation doses for workers at a commercial nuclear power plant: feasibility study.
Journal: Health Phys 56(2):139-50
Date: 1989 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2917842
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Harlow SD,  Linet MS
Title: Agreement between questionnaire data and medical records. The evidence for accuracy of recall.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 129(2):233-48
Date: 1989 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2643301
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hrubec Z,  Boice JD Jr,  Monson RR,  Rosenstein M
Title: Breast cancer after multiple chest fluoroscopies: second follow-up of Massachusetts women with tuberculosis.
Journal: Cancer Res 49(1):229-34
Date: 1989 Jan 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2908849
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Flannery JT,  Moloney WC
Title: Leukemia risk following radiotherapy for breast cancer.
Journal: J Clin Oncol 7(1):21-9
Date: 1989 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2909667
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Possible risk of second primary cancers associated with irradiation in breast-conserving therapy
Date: 1989
Book Editors: Kubli F
Book Title: Breast Diseases: Breast-Conserving Therapy, Non-Invasive Lesions, Mastopathy
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Fry RJM,  Boice JD Jr,  Bond VP,  Curtis SB,  Grahn D
Title: Guidance on Radiation Received in Space Activities
Date: 1989
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S
Title: Studies of breast cancer risk among atomic bomb survivors
Date: 1989
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Harlow SD,  McLaughlin JK,  McCaffrey LD
Title: A comparison of interview data and medical records for previous medical conditions and surgery.
Journal: J Clin Epidemiol 42(12):1207-13
Date: 1989
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2585011
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Malker HS,  McLaughlin JK,  Weiner JA,  Stone BJ,  Blot WJ,  Ericsson JL,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Occupation and leukemia: response to Dr. William E. Morton.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 15(5):609-11
Date: 1989
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2741966
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Markowitz JA,  Sensenbrenner LL,  Warm SG,  Weida S,  Van Natta ML,  Szklo M
Title: A case-control study of aplastic anemia.
Journal: Leuk Res 13(1):3-11
Date: 1989
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2915573
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Rogot E,  Hrubec Z
Title: Trends in mortality from coronary heart disease and stroke among U.S. veterans; 1954-1979.
Journal: J Clin Epidemiol 42(3):245-56
Date: 1989
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2709082
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stefani FH,  Mays CW,  Spiess H
Title: [Radiation cataract following injection of radium 224].
Journal: Fortschr Ophthalmol 86(1):32-7
Date: 1989
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2722096
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stewart WF,  Celentano DD,  Linet MS
Title: Disability, physician consultation, and use of prescription medications in a population-based study of headache.
Journal: Biomed Pharmacother 43(10):711-8
Date: 1989
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2640911
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Svensson C,  Pershagen G,  Hrubec Z
Title: A comparative study on different methods of measuring Rn concentrations in homes.
Journal: Health Phys 55(6):895-902
Date: 1988 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3198398
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Modan B,  Boice JD Jr,  Alfandary E,  Stovall M,  Chetrit A,  Katz L
Title: Tumors of the brain and nervous system after radiotherapy in childhood.
Journal: N Engl J Med 319(16):1033-9
Date: 1988 Oct 20
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3173432
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Carcinogenesis--a synopsis of human experience with external exposure in medicine.
Journal: Health Phys 55(4):621-30
Date: 1988 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3049457
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Engholm G,  Kleinerman RA,  Blettner M,  Stovall M,  Lisco H,  Moloney WC,  Austin DF,  Bosch A,  Cookfair DL
Title: Radiation dose and second cancer risk in patients treated for cancer of the cervix.
Journal: Radiat Res 116(1):3-55
Date: 1988 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3186929
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Mays CW
Title: Alpha-particle-induced cancer in humans.
Journal: Health Phys 55(4):637-52
Date: 1988 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 2844697
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Holm LE,  Wiklund KE,  Lundell GE,  Bergman NA,  Bjelkengren G,  Cederquist ES,  Ericsson UB,  Larsson LG,  Lidberg ME,  Lindberg RS
Title: Thyroid cancer after diagnostic doses of iodine-131: a retrospective cohort study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 80(14):1132-8
Date: 1988 Sep 21
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3411626
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Linet MS,  Mclaughlin JK,  Harlow SD,  Fraumeni JF
Title: Family history of autoimmune disorders and cancer in multiple myeloma.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 17(3):512-3
Date: 1988 Sep
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3209328
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Shu XO,  Gao YT,  Brinton LA,  Linet MS,  Tu JT,  Zheng W,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: A population-based case-control study of childhood leukemia in Shanghai.
Journal: Cancer 62(3):635-44
Date: 1988 Aug 1
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3164642
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Chmelevsky D,  Mays CW,  Spiess H,  Stefani FH,  Kellerer AM
Title: An epidemiological assessment of lens opacifications that impaired vision in patients injected with radium-224.
Journal: Radiat Res 115(2):238-57
Date: 1988 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3406366
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: New understanding from epidemiology--the next 25 years.
Journal: Health Phys 55(2):269-78
Date: 1988 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3410695
PMC ID: not available


Title: Second cancers after radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease.
Journal: N Engl J Med 319(4):244-6
Date: 1988 Jul 28
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3393177
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Wang JX,  Boice JD Jr,  Li BX,  Zhang JY,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer among medical diagnostic x-ray workers in China.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 80(5):344-50
Date: 1988 May 4
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3357200
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Modan B,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Mortality after radiotherapy for ringworm of the scalp.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 127(4):713-25
Date: 1988 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3354538
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ewertz M,  Schou G,  Boice JD Jr
Title: The joint effect of risk factors on endometrial cancer.
Journal: Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 24(2):189-94
Date: 1988 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3356205
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kaplan MM,  Boice JD Jr,  Ames DB,  Rosenstein M
Title: Thyroid, parathyroid, and salivary gland evaluations in patients exposed to multiple fluoroscopic examinations during tuberculosis therapy: a pilot study.
Journal: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 66(2):376-82
Date: 1988 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3339110
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Bias WB,  Dorgan JF,  McCaffrey LD,  Humphrey RL
Title: HLA antigens in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Journal: Tissue Antigens 31(2):71-8
Date: 1988 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3163859
PMC ID: not available


Authors: McLaughlin JK,  Malker HS,  Linet MS,  Ericsson J,  Stone BJ,  Weiner J,  Blot WJ,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Multiple myeloma and occupation in Sweden.
Journal: Arch Environ Health 43(1):7-10
Date: 1988 Jan-Feb
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3355246
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Beebe GW
Title: Carcinogenic effects of nuclear radiation
Journal: Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 78:101-116
Date: 1988
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Chmelevsky D,  Kellerer AM,  Land CE,  Mays CW,  Spiess H
Title: Time and dose dependency of bone-sarcomas in patients injected with radium-224.
Journal: Radiat Environ Biophys 27(2):103-14
Date: 1988
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3164868
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Hypothesis tests and interval estimates
Date: 1988
Book Editors: Crow EL
Book Title: Statistical Estimates in Log normal and Related Distributions
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Influences of experimental and theoretical radiobiology on the epidemiology of radiation carcinogenesis
Date: 1988
Book Editors: Gordis L
Book Title: Epidemiology and Risk Assessment
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Methodological issues in epidemiological studies of radiation effects
Date: 1988
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Cartwright RA
Title: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: epidemiology and etiologic findings.
Journal: Nouv Rev Fr Hematol 30(5-6):353-7
Date: 1988
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3222144
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Humphrey RL,  McCaffrey LD,  Mehl ES,  Dietz MS
Title: A population-based case- control and family study of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 128:938
Date: 1988
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Malker HS,  McLaughlin JK,  Weiner JA,  Stone BJ,  Blot WJ,  Ericsson JL,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Leukemias and occupation in Sweden: a registry-based analysis.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 14(3):319-30
Date: 1988
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3189348
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Blettner M,  Kleinerman RA,  Stovall M,  Moloney WC,  Engholm G,  Austin DF,  Bosch A,  Cookfair DL,  Krementz ET
Title: Radiation dose and leukemia risk in patients treated for cancer of the cervix.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 79(6):1295-311
Date: 1987 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3480381
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Yamamoto T,  Asano M,  Tokuoka S,  Ezaki H,  Nishimori I
Title: Incidence of female breast cancer among atomic bomb survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-1980.
Journal: Radiat Res 112(2):243-72
Date: 1987 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3685255
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Shu XO,  Gao YT,  Linet MS,  Brinton LA,  Gao RN,  Jin F,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Chloramphenicol use and childhood leukaemia in Shanghai.
Journal: Lancet 2(8565):934-7
Date: 1987 Oct 24
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 2889862
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tucker MA,  D'Angio GJ,  Boice JD Jr,  Strong LC,  Li FP,  Stovall M,  Stone BJ,  Green DM,  Lombardi F,  Newton W
Title: Bone sarcomas linked to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in children.
Journal: N Engl J Med 317(10):588-93
Date: 1987 Sep 3
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3475572
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Miller RH,  Linet MS,  Van Natta ML,  McCaffrey LD,  Humphrey RL
Title: Serum protein electrophoresis patterns in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Clinical and epidemiologic correlations.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 147(9):1614-7
Date: 1987 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3632169
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Shellabarger CJ,  Machado SG,  Holtzman S,  Stone JP
Title: Assessment of interaction among three carcinogens on rat mammary carcinogenesis in a factorially designed experiment.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 79(3):549-54
Date: 1987 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3114536
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Kleinerman RA,  Boice JD Jr,  LiVolsi VA,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: A population-based case-control study of thyroid cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 79(1):1-12
Date: 1987 Jul
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3474436
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Harlow SD,  McLaughlin JK
Title: A case-control study of multiple myeloma in whites: chronic antigenic stimulation, occupation, and drug use.
Journal: Cancer Res 47(11):2978-81
Date: 1987 Jun 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3567914
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Schatzkin A,  Jones DY,  Hoover RN,  Taylor PR,  Brinton LA,  Ziegler RG,  Harvey EB,  Carter CL,  Licitra LM,  Dufour MC
Title: Alcohol consumption and breast cancer in the epidemiologic follow-up study of the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Journal: N Engl J Med 316(19):1169-73
Date: 1987 May 7
Branches: EBP, REB
PubMed ID: 3574367
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Davis FG,  Boice JD Jr,  Kelsey JL,  Monson RR
Title: Cancer mortality after multiple fluoroscopic examinations of the chest.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 78(4):645-52
Date: 1987 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3104647
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Harvey EB,  Schairer C,  Brinton LA,  Hoover RN,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Alcohol consumption and breast cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 78(4):657-61
Date: 1987 Apr
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3104648
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Tucker MA,  Meadows AT,  Boice JD Jr,  Stovall M,  Oberlin O,  Stone BJ,  Birch J,  Voûte PA,  Hoover RN,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Leukemia after therapy with alkylating agents for childhood cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 78(3):459-64
Date: 1987 Mar
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3469460
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Stewart WF,  Van Natta ML,  McCaffrey LD,  Szklo M
Title: Comparison of methods for determining occupational exposure in a case-control interview study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Journal: J Occup Med 29(2):136-41
Date: 1987 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3819894
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Johnson CJ
Title: Selecting presumably radiogenic cancers for compensation.
Journal: Am J Public Health 77(1):93-4
Date: 1987 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3789245
PMC ID: PMC1646796


Authors: Linet MS,  Brookmeyer R
Title: Use of cancer controls in case-control cancer studies.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 125(1):1-11
Date: 1987 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3538854
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Machado SG,  Land CE,  McKay FW
Title: Cancer mortality and radioactive fallout in southwestern Utah.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 125(1):44-61
Date: 1987 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3788954
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Pershagen G,  Hrubec Z,  Svensson C
Title: Passive smoking and lung cancer in Swedish women.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 125(1):17-24
Date: 1987 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3788950
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tielsch JM,  Linet MS,  Szklo M
Title: Acquired disorders affecting the immune system and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Journal: Prev Med 16(1):96-106
Date: 1987 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3823013
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Bennett JM,  Moloney WC,  Greene MH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Acute myeloid leukemia and other myelopathic disorders following treatment with alkylating agents.
Journal: Hematol Pathol 1(2):99-104
Date: 1987
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 3504435
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: A little perspective on radioactive waste
Journal: Health and Environment Digest 1(7):3-4
Date: 1987
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Jacobi W,  Lafuma J,  Land CE,  Paretzke HG
Title: Lung Cancer Risk from Indoor Exposure to Radon Daughters. A Report of a Task Group of the International Commission of Radiological Protection
Date: 1987
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Commentary on Modeling the relative and absolute risks of radiation-induced cancers, by Muirhead, CR and Darby, SC
Journal: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.Series A 150:109-110
Date: 1987
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Temporal distributions of risk for radiation-induced cancers.
Journal: J Chronic Dis 40 Suppl 2:45S-57S
Date: 1987
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3312274
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Stewart WF
Title: The epidemiology of migraine headache
Date: 1987
Book Editors: Blau JN
Book Title: Migraine: Clinical, Therapeutic, Conceptual, and Research Aspects
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Brookmeyer R,  Liang KY,  Linet M
Title: Matched case-control designs and overmatched analyses.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 124(4):693-701
Date: 1986 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3752063
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: The danger of X-rays--real or apparent?
Journal: N Engl J Med 315(13):828-30
Date: 1986 Sep 25
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3748095
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kantor AF,  McLaughlin JK,  Curtis RE,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Risk of second malignancy after cancers of the renal parenchyma, renal pelvis, and ureter.
Journal: Cancer 58(5):1158-61
Date: 1986 Sep 1
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3731042
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Curtis RE,  Kleinerman RA,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Multiple primary cancers in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Yale J Biol Med 59(5):533-45
Date: 1986 Sep-Oct
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 3541409
PMC ID: PMC2590194


Authors: Greene MH,  Harris EL,  Gershenson DM,  Malkasian GD Jr,  Melton LJ 3rd,  Dembo AJ,  Bennett JM,  Moloney WC,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Melphalan may be a more potent leukemogen than cyclophosphamide.
Journal: Ann Intern Med 105(3):360-7
Date: 1986 Sep
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 3740675
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  McCaffrey LD,  Humphrey RL,  Brookmeyer R,  Van Natta ML,  Tielsch JM,  Bias WB,  Markowitz JA,  Kravitz SC,  Szklo M
Title: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and acquired disorders affecting the immune system: a case-control study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 77(2):371-8
Date: 1986 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3461199
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stunkard AJ,  Foch TT,  Hrubec Z
Title: A twin study of human obesity.
Journal: JAMA 256(1):51-4
Date: 1986 Jul 4
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3712713
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Storm HH,  Iversen E,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Breast cancer following multiple chest fluoroscopies among tuberculosis patients. A case-control study in Denmark.
Journal: Acta Radiol Oncol 25(4-6):233-8
Date: 1986 Jul-Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3030049
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Schuman SH
Title: An apparent cluster of aplastic anemia: credible science?
Journal: Arch Intern Med 146(4):809
Date: 1986 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3963966
PMC ID: not available


Title: Radiation studies of women treated for benign gynecologic disease.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 76(3):549-51
Date: 1986 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3456467
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  McCaffrey LD,  Morgan WF,  Bearden JD 3rd,  Szklo M,  Sensenbrenner LL,  Markowitz JA,  Tielsch JM,  Warm SG
Title: Incidence of aplastic anemia in a three county area in South Carolina.
Journal: Cancer Res 46(1):426-9
Date: 1986 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3940207
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Fetal risk to radiotherapy and chemotherapy exposure in utero
Journal: Cancer Bull 38:293-300
Date: 1986
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Carcinogenic effect of radiation on the human digestive tract and other organs
Date: 1986
Book Editors: Upton AC
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Miller RW,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Radiogenic cancer after prenatal or childhood exposure
Date: 1986
Book Editors: Upton AC
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Tokunaga M,  Tokuoka S,  Land CE
Title: Breast cancer in atomic bomb survivors
Date: 1986
Book Editors: Shigematsu I
Book Title: Cancer in Atomic Bomb Survivors
PubMed ID: not available


Title: Multiple primary cancers in Connecticut and Denmark.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:1-437
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 4088292
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancer following cancer of the respiratory system in Connecticut, 1935-1982.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:83-98
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 4088314
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Storm HH,  Curtis RE,  Jensen OM,  Kleinerman RA,  Jensen HS,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Introduction to the study of multiple primary cancers.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:3-9
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 4088304
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Kleinerman RA,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Summary: multiple primary cancers in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:219-42
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 4088299
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Flannery JT,  Boice JD Jr,  Devesa SS,  Kleinerman RA,  Curtis RE,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Cancer registration in Connecticut and the study of multiple primary cancers, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:13-24
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 4088294
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Greene MH,  Wilson J
Title: Second cancer following lymphatic and hematopoietic cancers in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:191-217
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 4088298
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Harvey EB,  Brinton LA
Title: Second cancer following cancer of the breast in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:99-112
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4088315
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoar SK,  Wilson J,  Blot WJ,  McLaughlin JK,  Winn DM,  Kantor AF
Title: Second cancer following cancer of the digestive system in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:49-82
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: OEEB, REB
PubMed ID: 4088313
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Liebermann JV,  Li FP
Title: Second cancer following cancer of the male genital system in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:139-47
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4088295
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tucker MA,  Boice JD Jr,  Hoffman DA
Title: Second cancer following cutaneous melanoma and cancers of the brain, thyroid, connective tissue, bone, and eye in Connecticut, 1935-82.
Journal: Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 68:161-89
Date: 1985 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4088297
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Storm HH,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Leukaemia after cervical cancer irradiation in Denmark.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 14(3):363-8
Date: 1985 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3932230
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Greene MH,  Boice JD Jr,  Strike TA
Title: Carmustine as a cause of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.
Journal: N Engl J Med 313(9):579
Date: 1985 Aug 29
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 3894973
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Szklo M,  Sensenbrenner L,  Markowitz J,  Weida S,  Warm S,  Linet M
Title: Incidence of aplastic anemia in metropolitan Baltimore: a population-based study.
Journal: Blood 66(1):115-9
Date: 1985 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4005425
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Machado SG,  Bailey KR
Title: Assessment of interaction between carcinogens in long-term factorially designed animal experiments.
Journal: Biometrics 41(2):539-45
Date: 1985 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4027328
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Day NE,  Andersen A,  Brinton LA,  Brown R,  Choi NW,  Clarke EA,  Coleman MP,  Curtis RE,  Flannery JT
Title: Second cancers following radiation treatment for cervical cancer. An international collaboration among cancer registries.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 74(5):955-75
Date: 1985 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3858584
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Tielsch JM,  Markowitz JA,  Sensenbrenner LL,  McCaffrey LD,  Warm SG,  Vanderslice SF,  Morgan WF,  Bearden JD 3rd,  Szklo M
Title: An apparent cluster of aplastic anemia in a small population of teenagers.
Journal: Arch Intern Med 145(4):635-40
Date: 1985 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3985725
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Harvey EB,  Boice JD Jr,  Honeyman M,  Flannery JT
Title: Prenatal x-ray exposure and childhood cancer in twins.
Journal: N Engl J Med 312(9):541-5
Date: 1985 Feb 28
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 3969117
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Beebe GW,  Land CE
Title: Absolute and relative time-response models in radiation risk estimation
Date: 1985
Book Editors: Koval TM
Book Title: Some Issues Important in Developing Basic Radiation Protection Recommendations
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Hoffman DA,  Radford EP
Title: A Review of the Carcinogenic Effects of Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
Date: 1985
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Extrapolation from large-scale radiation exposures: cancer.
Journal: Basic Life Sci 33:369-91
Date: 1985
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4015591
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS
Title: The Leukemias: Epidemiologic Aspects
Date: 1985
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Rall JE,  Beebe GW,  Hoel DG,  Jablon S,  Land CE,  Nygaard OF,  Upton AC,  Yalow RS,  Zeve V
Title: Report of the National Institutes of Health Ad Hoc Working Group To Develop Radioepidemiological Tables
Date: 1985
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Stefani FH,  Spiess H,  Mays CW
Title: Cataracts in patients injected with 224Ra.
Journal: Strahlentherapie Sonderb 80:51-9
Date: 1985
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4095737
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Yamamoto T,  Asano M,  Tokunaga S,  Ezaki H,  Nishimori I
Title: Incidence of Female Breast Cancer Among Atomic Bomb Survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-1980
Date: 1985
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ewertz M,  Machado SG,  Boice JD Jr,  Jensen OM
Title: Endometrial cancer following treatment for breast cancer: a case-control study in Denmark.
Journal: Br J Cancer 50(5):687-92
Date: 1984 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6498067
PMC ID: PMC1976991


Authors: Tokuoka S,  Asano M,  Yamamoto T,  Tokunaga M,  Sakamoto G,  Hartmann WH,  Hutter RV,  Land CE,  Henson DE
Title: Histologic review of breast cancer cases in survivors of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
Journal: Cancer 54(5):849-54
Date: 1984 Sep 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6331630
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS
Title: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple myeloma in husband and wife.
Journal: Am J Med Sci 288(1):21-4
Date: 1984 Jul-Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6465188
PMC ID: not available


Title: Acute leukemia after adjuvant therapy of gastrointestinal cancer with semustine (methyl-CCNU)
Journal: N Engl J Med 310(16):1057-8
Date: 1984 Apr 19
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6708984
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Curtis RE,  Hankey BF,  Myers MH,  Young JL Jr
Title: Risk of leukemia associated with the first course of cancer treatment: an analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program experience.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 72(3):531-44
Date: 1984 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6583439
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Brinton LA,  Hoover R,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Diazepam use and progression of breast cancer.
Journal: Cancer Res 44(3):1223-5
Date: 1984 Mar
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6692406
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  McKay FW,  Machado SG
Title: Childhood leukemia and fallout from the Nevada nuclear tests.
Journal: Science 223(4632):139-44
Date: 1984 Jan 13
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6691139
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Ron E,  Curtis R,  Hoffman DA,  Flannery JT
Title: Multiple primary breast and thyroid cancer.
Journal: Br J Cancer 49(1):87-92
Date: 1984 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6691901
PMC ID: PMC1976676

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Cases of new tumors after treatment of breast cancer in women
Date: 1984
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Day NE,  Andersen A
Title: Cancer risk following radiotherapy of cervical cancer: A preliminary report
Date: 1984
Book Editors: Boice JD Jr
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology and Biological Significance
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Brinton LA,  Hoffman DA,  Hoover R,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Relationship of thyroid disease and use of thyroid supplements to breast cancer risk.
Journal: J Chronic Dis 37(12):877-93
Date: 1984
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6526927
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Hoffman DA
Title: Late effects of I-131 therapy in the United States
Date: 1984
Book Editors: Boice JD Jr
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology and Biological Significance
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  Oftedal P,  Jammet H,  Kato H
Title: Cancer induction as a result of nuclear war
Date: 1984
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Cancer incidence in the life-span study sample: The example of breast cancer
Date: 1984
Book Editors: Prentice RL
Book Title: Atomic Bomb Survivor Data: Utilization and Analysis
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Induction period
Date: 1984
Book Editors: Boice JD Jr
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology and Biological Significance
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Linet MS,  Stewart WF
Title: Migraine headache: epidemiologic perspectives.
Journal: Epidemiol Rev 6:107-39
Date: 1984
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6092121
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Yamamoto T,  Asano M,  Tokuoka S,  Ezaki H,  Nishimori I
Title: Breast cancer among atomic bomb survivors
Date: 1984
Book Editors: Boice JD Jr
Book Title: Radiation Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology and Biological Significance
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Greene MH,  Killen JY Jr,  Ellenberg SS,  Keehn RJ,  McFadden E,  Chen TT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Leukemia and preleukemia after adjuvant treatment of gastrointestinal cancer with semustine (methyl-CCNU).
Journal: N Engl J Med 309(18):1079-84
Date: 1983 Nov 3
Branches: CGB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6353233
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hochberg MC,  Linet MS,  Sills EM
Title: The prevalence and incidence of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in an urban Black population.
Journal: Am J Public Health 73(10):1202-3
Date: 1983 Oct
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6614276
PMC ID: PMC1651075

Authors: Koblin B,  Townsend T,  Linet M,  Diamond E
Title: Thoracic surgery associated with an increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 118:421
Date: Jun 1983
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Hankey BF,  Curtis RE,  Naughton MD,  Boice JD Jr,  Flannery JT
Title: A retrospective cohort analysis of second breast cancer risk for primary breast cancer patients with an assessment of the effect of radiation therapy.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 70(5):797-804
Date: 1983 May
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6573525
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Lewis C,  Linet MS,  Abeloff MD
Title: Compliance with cancer therapy by patients and physicians.
Journal: Am J Med 74(4):673-8
Date: 1983 Apr
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6837593
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Biggar RJ,  Curtis RE,  Hoffman DA,  Flannery JT
Title: Second primary malignancies following salivary gland cancers.
Journal: Br J Cancer 47(3):383-6
Date: 1983 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6299318
PMC ID: PMC2011312


Title: Second cancer in relation to radiation treatment for cervical cancer. International Radiation Study Group on cervical cancer.
Journal: IARC Sci Publ (52):1-207
Date: 1983
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6680718
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Flannery JT,  Boice JD Jr,  Kleinerman RA,  Curtis RE
Title: Second cancers after cervical cancer: The Connecticut Tumor Registry
Date: 1983
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Machado SG
Title: Two statistics for testing for multivariate normality
Journal: Biometrika 70:713-718
Date: 1983
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Greene MH,  Boice JD Jr,  Greer BE,  Blessing JA,  Dembo AJ
Title: Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia after therapy with alkylating agents for ovarian cancer: a study of five randomized clinical trials.
Journal: N Engl J Med 307(23):1416-21
Date: 1982 Dec 2
Branches: CGB, REB
PubMed ID: 6752720
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Curtis RE,  Boice JD Jr,  Flannery JT,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Second cancers following radiotherapy for cervical cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 69(5):1027-33
Date: 1982 Nov
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6957649
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Tokunaga M,  Land CE,  Yamamoto T,  Asano M,  Tokuoka S,  Ezaki H,  Nishimori I
Title: Breast cancer in Japanese A-bomb survivors.
Journal: Lancet 2(8304):924
Date: 1982 Oct 23
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6126762
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoffman DA,  McConahey WM,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Kurland LT
Title: Cancer incidence following treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Journal: Int J Epidemiol 11(3):218-24
Date: 1982 Sep
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 7129736
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Ron E,  Modan B,  Floro S,  Harkedar I,  Gurewitz R
Title: Mental function following scalp irradiation during childhood.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 116(1):149-60
Date: 1982 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7102650
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoffman DA,  McConahey WM
Title: Thyrotoxicosis and asthma.
Journal: Lancet 1(8275):808
Date: 1982 Apr 3
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6121259
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoffman DA,  McConahey WM,  Diamond EL,  Kurland LT
Title: Mortality in women treated for hyperthyroidism.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 115(2):243-54
Date: 1982 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7058783
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Cancer following Irradiation In childhood
Date: 1982
Book Editors: Finberg L
Book Title: Chemical and Radiation Hazards to Children
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Land CE
Title: Ionizing radiation
Date: 1982
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Fraumeni JF Jr,  Boice JD
Title: Bone
Date: 1982
Book Editors: Schottenfeld D
Book Title: Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Hochberg MC,  Linet MS,  Voss RN,  Sills EM
Title: The occurrence of juvenile chronic arthritis in an urban black population
Journal: Clin Res 30:238A
Date: 1982
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Review of book entitled Societal Risk Assessment. HOW Safe is Safe Enough?
Journal: Med Phys 9:442-443
Date: 1982
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Bias WB,  Horstmann DM
Title: Rubella seroepidemiology among Amish families in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Journal: Pediatr Res 16:151A
Date: 1982
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Linet MS,  Tielsch JM,  Markowitz JA,  Sensenbrenner LL,  McCaffrey LD,  Warm SG,  Morgan WF,  Bearden JD,  Szklo M
Title: Profile of a population at high risk for aplastic anemia
Journal: Pediatr Res 16:80A
Date: 1982
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Rothman KJ,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Epidemiologic analysis with a programmable calculator
Date: 1982
PubMed ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Land CE
Title: Statistical limitations in relation to sample size.
Journal: Environ Health Perspect 42:15-21
Date: 1981 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7333252
PMC ID: PMC1568793


Authors: Linet MS,  Bailey PE
Title: Benzene, leukemia, and the Supreme Court.
Journal: J Public Health Policy 2(2):116-35
Date: 1981 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7251848
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Kleinerman RA,  Rinton LA,  Hoover R,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Diazepam and breast cancer.
Journal: Lancet 1(8230):1153
Date: 1981 May 23
Branches: EBP, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6112500
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Kantor AF,  Greene MH,  Boice JD,  Fraumeni JF Jr,  Flannery JT
Title: Are vinca alkaloids associated with myocardial infarction?
Journal: Lancet 1(8229):1111
Date: 1981 May 16
Branches: CGB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6112479
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stern RS,  Thibodeau LA,  Kleinerman RA,  Parrish JA,  Fitzpatrick TB,  Bleich HL
Title: Effect of methoxsalen photochemotherapy on cost of treatment for psoriasis. An example of technological assessment.
Journal: JAMA 245(19):1913-8
Date: 1981 May 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7230382
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hoffman DA,  McConahey WM
Title: Thyroid disease and breast cancer.
Journal: Lancet 1(8222):730
Date: 1981 Mar 28
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6110946
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD
Title: Cancer following medical irradiation.
Journal: Cancer 47(5 Suppl):1081-90
Date: 1981 Mar 1
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7237365
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Hoover RN
Title: Radiogenic breast cancer: Age effects and Implications for models of human carcinogenesis
Date: 1981
Book Editors: Burchenal JH
Book Title: Cancer: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects for the 1980's
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Hoffman DA,  Felton RP,  Cyr WH
Title: Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Developing Embryo and Fetus: A Review
Date: 1981
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Hoffman DA,  Harlow CW,  Tulley MJ
Title: A Feasibility Study of the Biological Effects of Fallout on People in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona
Date: 1981
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Biological models in epidemiology: Radiation Carcinogenesis
Date: 1981
Book Editors: Berg GG
Book Title: Measurement of Risks
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Low levels of ionizing Radiation and cancer - are we underestimating the risk?
Journal: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.Series A 144:326-327
Date: 1981
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Lippman SM,  Arnett FC,  Bias WB,  Ness PM,  Enlow RW,  Humphrey RL,  Linet MS,  Conley CL
Title: Genetic analysis of two large kindreds with heterogeneous autoimmune disease and of five kindreds with two or more cases of systemic lupus erythematosis
Journal: Clin Res 29:137A
Date: 1981
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD
Title: Techniques for detecting and determining risks from low-level radiation.
Journal: Am J Forensic Med Pathol 1(4):318-23
Date: 1980 Dec
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7246512
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Stern RS,  Kleinerman RA,  Parrish JA,  Fitzpatrick TB,  Bleich HL
Title: Phototoxic reactions to photoactive drugs in patients treated with PUVA.
Journal: Arch Dermatol 116(11):1269-71
Date: 1980 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6776898
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Trump DL,  Linet M
Title: Lymphoma and cancer of the testis.
Journal: N Engl J Med 303(18):1063
Date: 1980 Oct 30
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7421905
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Estimating cancer risks from low doses of ionizing radiation.
Journal: Science 209(4462):1197-203
Date: 1980 Sep 12
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7403879
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Late effects following isoniazid therapy.
Journal: Am J Public Health 70(9):987-9
Date: 1980 Sep
Branches: OD, REB
PubMed ID: 7406100
PMC ID: PMC1619491


Authors: Yaar I,  Ron E,  Modan M,  Peretz H,  Modan B
Title: Long-term cerebral effects of small doses of x-irradiation in childhood as manifested in adult visual evoked responses.
Journal: Ann Neurol 8(3):261-8
Date: 1980 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7436369
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: Low-dose radiation--a cause of breast cancer?
Journal: Cancer 46(4 Suppl):868-73
Date: 1980 Aug 15
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7397663
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE,  Boice JD Jr,  Shore RE,  Norman JE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Breast cancer risk from low-dose exposures to ionizing radiation: results of parallel analysis of three exposed populations of women.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 65(2):353-76
Date: 1980 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6931253
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Beahrs OH,  Upton AC,  Land CE,  Beebe GW,  Boice JD,  Schneiderman MA,  Sloan MH
Title: Irradiation to the head and neck area and thyroid cancer.
Journal: JAMA 244(4):337-8
Date: 1980 Jul 25
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 7392124
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD,  Hutchison GB
Title: Leukemia in women following radiotherapy for cervical cancer: ten-year follow-up of an international study.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 65(1):115-29
Date: 1980 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 6993742
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD,  Greene MH,  Keehn RJ,  Higgins GA,  Fraumeni JF Jr
Title: Late effects of low-dose adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 64(3):501-11
Date: 1980 Mar
Branches: CGB, OD, REB
PubMed ID: 6444445
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Hempelmann LH Jr,  Boice JD Jr,  Bond VP,  Dodd G,  Hodges P,  Land CE
Title: Mammography
Date: 1980
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Radford EP,  Abrahamsom S,  Beebe GW,  Render MA,  Brill AR,  Brown RF,  Cleary SF,  Comar CL,  Denniston C,  Fabrikant JI,  Ingram M,  Land CE
Title: The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation
Date: 1980
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Stern RS,  Morison WL,  Thibodeau LA,  Kleinerman RA,  Parrish JA,  Geer DE Jr,  Fitzpatrick TB
Title: Antinuclear antibodies and oral methoxsalen photochemotherapy (PUVA) for psoriasis.
Journal: Arch Dermatol 115(11):1320-4
Date: 1979 Nov
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 389166
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Hutchison GB,  MacMahon B,  Jablon S,  Land CE
Title: Review of report by Mancuso, Stewart and Kneale of radiation exposure of Hanford workers.
Journal: Health Phys 37(2):207-20
Date: 1979 Aug
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 536200
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Land CE,  Shore RE,  Norman JE,  Tokunaga M
Title: Risk of breast cancer following low-dose radiation exposure.
Journal: Radiology 131(3):589-97
Date: 1979 Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 441361
PMC ID: not available

Authors: McGregor DH,  Land CE,  Choi K,  Tokuoka S,  Liu PI,  Wakabayashi T,  Beebe GW
Title: Breast Cancer Among Atomic Bomb Survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-1969. Pathologic Features
Date: 1979 June
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Stern RS,  Thibodeau LA,  Kleinerman RA,  Parrish JA,  Fitzpatrick TB
Title: Risk of cutaneous carcinoma in patients treated with oral methoxsalen photochemotherapy for psoriasis.
Journal: N Engl J Med 300(15):809-13
Date: 1979 Apr 12
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 423919
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Beebe GW,  Land CE
Title: Comments on "Leukemia risk from neutrons".
Journal: Health Phys 36(3):465-6
Date: 1979 Mar
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 489307
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Land CE
Title: The hazards of fallout or of epidemiologic research.
Journal: N Engl J Med 300(8):431-2
Date: 1979 Feb 22
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 759921
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD,  Land CE
Title: Adult leukemia following diagnostic x-rays? (Review of report by BROSS, BALL, and FALEN on a tri-state leukemia survey).
Journal: Am J Public Health 69(2):137-45
Date: 1979 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 282810
PMC ID: PMC1619062


Authors: Land CE,  McGregor DH
Title: Breast cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors: implications for radiobiologic risk at low doses.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 62(1):17-21
Date: 1979 Jan
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 281571
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Report Of The Work Group on Science of the Interagency Task Force on the Heath Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Koshland DE,  Land CE,  Morgan KZ,  Roper BW,  Upton AC,  Vagelos PR,  Webster EW
Title: Nuclear Radiation: How dangerous is it?
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Consideration of proposed chromosome studies in the population near Three Mile Island
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE
Title: Follow-up studies on biological and health effects resulting from the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident of March 28, l979
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Rothman KJ,  Boice JD Jr
Title: Epidemiologic analysis with a programmable calculator
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Sawada S,  Land CE,  Otake M,  Russell WJ,  Takeshita J,  Yoshinaga H,  Hombo Z
Title: Hospital and clinic Survey estimates of medical x-ray exposure in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Part I. subjects and the general population
Date: 1979
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Beebe GW,  Kato H,  Land CE
Title: Studies of the mortality of A-bomb survivors: 6. mortality and radiation dose, 1950--1974.
Journal: Radiat Res 75(1):138-201
Date: 1978 Jul
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 684164
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Boice JD Jr
Title: Follow-up methods to trace women treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, 1930-1954.
Journal: Am J Epidemiol 107(2):127-39
Date: 1978 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 341691
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Rosenstein M,  Trout ED
Title: Estimation of breast doses and breast cancer risk associated with repeated fluoroscopic chest examinations of women with tuberculosis.
Journal: Radiat Res 73(2):373-90
Date: 1978 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 635114
PMC ID: not available


Title: Genetic damage from diagnostic radiation.
Journal: JAMA 238(10):1023-5
Date: 1977 Sep 5
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 577937
PMC ID: not available

Full Text

Authors: Boice JD Jr,  Monson RR
Title: Breast cancer in women after repeated fluoroscopic examinations of the chest.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 59(3):823-32
Date: 1977 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 894747
PMC ID: not available


Authors: McGregor H,  Land CE,  Choi K,  Tokuoka S,  Liu PI,  Wakabayashi T,  Beebe GW
Title: Breast cancer incidence among atomic bomb survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-69.
Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst 59(3):799-811
Date: 1977 Sep
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 894745
PMC ID: not available


Authors: Robertson TL,  Kato H,  Gordon T,  Kagan A,  Rhoads GG,  Land CE,  Worth RM,  Belsky JL,  Dock DS,  Miyanishi M,  Kawamoto S
Title: Epidemiologic studies of coronary heart disease and stroke in Japanese men living in Japan, Hawaii and California. Coronary heart disease risk factors in Japan and Hawaii.
Journal: Am J Cardiol 39(2):244-9
Date: 1977 Feb
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 835483
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Beebe GW,  Kato H,  Land CE
Title: Studies of the mortality of A-bomb Survivors. Mortality experience of A-bomb survivors, 1950-1974
Date: 1977
PubMed ID: not available

Authors: Land CE,  McGregor DH
Title: Temporal distribution of risk after exposure
Date: 1977
Book Editors: Nieburgs HE
Book Title: Prevention and Detection of Cancer, Part 1: Prevention
PubMed ID: not available


Authors: Travis LB,  Dodge WF,  Beathard GA,  Spargo BH,  Lorentz WB,  Carvajal HF,  Berger M
Title: Acute glomerulonephritis in children. A review of the natural history with emphasis on prognosis.
Journal: Clin Nephrol 1(3):169-81
Date: 1973 May-Jun
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: 4783716
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Freedman DM,  Kimlin MG,  Hoffbeck RW,  Alexander BH,  Linet MS
Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology 171:S80 Suppl. 11
Branches: REB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available

Authors: Meinhold CL,  de Gonzalez AB,  Freedman ND,  Huxley R,  Mok Y,  Jee SH,  Samet JM
Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology 171:S57
Branches: REB, NEB
PubMed ID: not available
PMC ID: not available