Congressman Dan Kildee

Representing the 5th District of Michigan
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Feb 13, 2013 Press Release

Two Bills Cosponsored by Congressman Dan Kildee Highlighted By President Obama

in State of the Union Address

President Urges Congress in Primetime Speech to Immediately Pass Paycheck Fairness Act, VAWA reauthorization

Feb 12, 2013 Press Release

Congressman Dan Kildee Calls on Speaker Boehner to Immediately Take Up Senate-Passed VAWA Reauthorization Bill

Once Again, Senate Passes VAWA Reauthorization with Strong Bipartisan Support, Identical Bill Still Stalled in House by GOP Leadership

Feb 12, 2013 Press Release

Statement by Congressman Dan Kildee on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) issued the following statement after President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress:

Feb 5, 2013 Press Release

Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) issued the following statement regarding the Delphi Flint East plant closing announced today:

“My thoughts go out to those employees and families affected by today’s announcement. Job losses and plant closures not only negatively impact the hardworking employees, but the entire community as well.

Jan 29, 2013 Press Release

Congressman Dan Kildee Highlights Importance of Equal Pay for Women in Flint Roundtable Discussion

Kildee Cosponsors Paycheck Fairness Act in Congress, Which Would Help Close the Wage Gap Between Women and Men

In The News

Jan 9, 2013 In The News

For many Americans, the deserted neighborhoods and dilapidated homes emblematic of the housing crisis are a recent phenomenon, but U.S. Rep.

Jan 8, 2013 In The News

Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, has been appointed assistant whip for the new congressional term by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer.

Jan 8, 2013 In The News

Just a few days into his freshman term, newly sworn U.S. Rep.

Jan 7, 2013 In The News

Through a sea of falling streamers and multi-colored balloons, the name “Kildee” could be seen on large banners on election night, cementing a new congressman in the 5th District.

Jan 3, 2013 In The News

A new Congress was sworn into office Thursday with one less Michigander than it had before, and a couple of new Michigan faces making their first official appearances on the House floor.

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