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FHWA Nine Proven Crash Countermeasures

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Addressing Critical Safety Concerns

Logo: US Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration
Logo: Safe Roads for a Safer Future - Investment in roadway safety saves lives

Slide 2

Nine Proven Crash Countermeasures

  • Safety Edge
  • Road Safety Audits (RSAs)
  • Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes
  • Median Barriers
  • Roundabouts
  • Left- and Right-Turn Lanes
  • Yellow Change Intervals
  • Median and Pedestrian Refuge Areas
  • Walkways

Slide 3

The Safety Edge

  • Worker measuring the Safety EdgeTargeted at severe roadway departure crashes.

  • Crashes involving pavement edge drop-offs greater than 2.5 inches – more severe and more likely to be fatal than other roadway departure crashes.

  • Pavement edges – may contribute to a significant portion of roadway departure crashes on rural roads with narrow shoulders.

Speaker Notes

Every Day Counts is an initiative developed by Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez to offer a better, faster, and smarter way of building America’s highways. It focuses on shortening the time it takes to deliver major projects to the public and getting promising technologies deployed into the field faster so they can enhance safety, reduce congestion, and save energy.

A number of technologies are part of this initiative, including Safety Edge.

The Safety Edge is targeted at reducing severe roadway departure crashes and improving pavement durability. Recent studies have shown that crashes involving pavement edge drop-offs greater than 2.5 inches are more severe and two to four times as likely to be fatal than other roadway departure crashes. Research between 2002 and 2004 show that pavement edges may have been a contributing factor in as many as 18% of rural run-off-the-road crashes in Iowa and 25% in Missouri on roads with shoulders less than four feet.

Slide 4

The Safety Edge (continued)

  • Paving technique where the interface between the roadway and graded shoulder is paved at an angle to eliminate vertical drop-off.

    • 30 degree angled wedge.

  • Created by fitting resurfacing equipment with a device that extrudes the shape of the pavement edge as the paver passes.

  • Very low cost countermeasure.

  • Should be incorporated in all Federal-Aid new paving and resurfacing projects.

Speaker Notes

The Safety Edge is a specific asphalt paving technique where the pavement edge is paved at an optimal angle of 30 degrees to eliminate vertical drop-offs that occur during construction and re-emerge over the life of the pavement. The edge should not be left exposed following construction. The adjacent material is to be re-graded flush with the top of the pavement surface. This material will settle during the ensuing months and may be further eroded or worn down by tires in some locations. When exposed, the Safety Edge prevents very serious crashes that can occur with vertical pavement edges.

A Safety Edge shape can be readily attained by fitting resurfacing equipment with a device that extrudes the shape of the pavement edge as the paver passes. This mitigates shoulder pavement edge drop-offs immediately during the construction process and over the life of the pavement. This consolidated edge has been shown to improve pavement edge durability as well.

It is a very low cost countermeasure, requiring only a slight change to the paving equipment. The process captures asphalt mix that would otherwise be wasted, so there is very little additional material used in the process. Paving proceeds at the normal rate and there are no additional operations.

States should implement policies and procedures that incorporate the Safety Edge where pavement and non-pavement surfaces interface on all Federal-Aid new paving and resurfacing projects. The Safety Edge will provide an additional safety factor when the adjacent non-paved surface settles, erodes, or is worn down.

Note: The process can also be used on concrete pavements, by modifying conventional concrete forming attachments. The materials cost is somewhat higher for concrete pavements.

Slide 5

Safety Edge Effectiveness

1980’s Research: 45 degree pavement wedge effective in mitigating crash severity.
Georgia DOT Demonstration Project: Beneficial to flatten wedge to a 30 degree angle (current Safety Edge).
Current Research Findings: 30 degree angle is more effective that 45 degree wedge.

Speaker Notes

Research in the early 1980’s found a 45 degree pavement wedge effective in mitigating the severity of crashes involving pavement edge drop-offs. During the Georgia DOT Demonstration project, evaluation of wedge paving techniques found it beneficial to flatten the wedge to a 30 degree angle resulting in a pavement edge referred to as the Safety Edge. Subsequent research has shown this design to be even more effective than the original 45 degree wedge.

The best estimate for in-service evaluation is a reduction of 5.7% of total crashes.

Slide 6

Safety Edge Resources

Every Day Counts Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Cathy Satterfield

FHWA Resource Center
Frank Julian

Slide 7

Road Safety Audits (RSA)

  • RSA Road TeamFormal safety performance examination by an independent, multi-disciplinary team.

    • What road elements present a safety concern?

    • What are the opportunities to eliminate/mitigate the safety concern?

  • Very low cost countermeasure.

  • Can achieve up to 60 percent crash reduction.

  • Implemented through an RSA Policy.

Speaker Notes

A Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a very effective tool to reduce injuries and fatalities on our nation’s roadways. It quantifiably estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users.

An RSA is the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The team may include safety, operations, maintenance, and law enforcement officials.

RSAs answer the following questions:

  • What elements of the road may present a safety concern and, to what extent, to which road users, and under what circumstances?
  • What opportunities exist to eliminate or mitigate identified safety concerns?

RSAs are a very low cost countermeasure. The use of RSAs is increasing across the United States, in part due to crash reductions of up to sixty percent in locations where they have been applied.

To ensure RSAs are a part of your safety management system, consider developing an RSA policy. This policy should identify which projects for conducting RSAs, who will conduct the RSA, how it will be funded, and procedures for implementing accepted RSA recommendations.

Slide 8

RSA Resources

Road Safety Audits/Assessments Training NHI Course 380068

RSA Peer-to-Peer Program
(866) P2P-FHWA

FHWA Road Safety Audit Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety Staff
Becky Crowe

FHWA Resource Center
Craig Allred

Speaker Notes

The RSA training class provided through the National Highway Institute (NHI) provides practical information on how to conduct a RSA, location selection, building independent, multi-disciplinary teams and the steps to successful RSAs.

FHWA also has an RSA Peer-to-Peer program which provides:

  • Free and convenient access to professionals experienced in RSAs.
  • Increased understanding of the RSA process.
  • Expert assistance to help ensure successful completion of your first RSA.

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Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes

  • Rumble Strips
    • Raised or grooved patterns on the roadway that provide an audible warning (rumbling sound) and a physical vibration to alert drivers that they are leaving the driving lane
  • Rumble Stripes
    • Rumble strips that coincide with centerline or edgeline striping

Speaker Notes

Rumble strips are a countermeasure that most drivers are familiar with.

Rumble strips are raised or grooved patterns on the roadway shoulder or centerline of undivided highways that provide both an audible warning (rumbling sound) and a physical vibration to alert drivers that they are leaving the driving lane. They are called rumble stripes when they coincide with centerline or edgeline striping.

Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes

Slide 10

Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes (continued)

  • Low cost countermeasure.

  • Should be installed on:
    • All new rural freeways.
    • All new rural two-lane highways with travel speeds of 50 mph or greater.

  • Can also be considered for certain conditions on:
    • Rural two-lane road projects.
    • Rural freeways and rural two-lane highways.

Speaker Notes

Rumble strips/stripes are a low-cost countermeasure. Costs will vary based on the application, but prices range between $0.20 and $3.00 per linear foot.

Rumble strips/stripes should be installed on all new rural freeways and all new rural two-lane highways with travel speeds of 50 mph or greater.

They should also be considered for:

  • Rural two-lane road projects where the lane plus shoulder width beyond the rumble strip will be at least 13’ wide; particularly roadways with higher traffic volumes, poor geometrics, or a history of head-on and opposite-direction sideswipe crashes.
  • All rural freeways and on all rural two-lane highways with travel speeds of 50 mph or above and/or a history of roadway departure crashes, where the remaining shoulder width beyond the rumble strip will be 4 feet or greater (continuous shoulder rumble strips).

Slide 11

Rumble Strip/Stripe Effectiveness

Crash Reductions at Sites with ... Centerline Rumble Strips/Stripes Continuous Shoulder Rumble Strips
Rural two-lane roads – total 30% 15%
Rural two-lane roads – injury 44% 29%
Urban two-lane roads – total 40%  
Urban two-lane roads - injury 64%  
Rural multi-lane divided roads – total   22%
Rural multi-lane divided roads – injury   51%
Rural freeways – total   11%
Rural freeways – injury   16%
Target crashes for centerline rumbles are opposite direction collisions; for shoulder rumbles are SVROR. Injury crashes include fatal and other injury crash types.

Speaker Notes

Over 50% of fatal crashes are a result of roadway departure. These include cross-centerline crashes, where center line rumble strips are effective in reducing crashes, and single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes where shoulder and edge line rumbles have shown good results in reducing crashes – particularly serious crashes.

This slide shows some of the crash reductions achieved by centerline rumble strips/stripes and continuous shoulder rumble strips. Source: NCHRP 641.

Rumble Stripes – which can be produced with either type of rumble strip, by placing the pavement marking over the rumble strip show great potential for reducing run-off-the-road crashes in addition to improving night-time visibility.

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Rumble Strip/Stripe Resources

FHWA Rumble Strip/Stripes Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Cathy Satterfield

FHWA Resource Center
Frank Julian

Slide 13

Median Barriers

  • Longitudinal barriers used to separate opposing traffic on a divided highway.
    • W-beam guardrail.
    • 42-inch tall concrete F-Shape or Constant Slope barriers.
    • High-tension cable median barriers.
  • Medium to high cost countermeasure.
  • Significantly reduce occurrence of cross-median crashes and the overall severity of median-related crashes.
  • Use in medians up to 50 feet wide or wider.

Median Barrier

Speaker Notes

Median barriers are designed to redirect vehicles striking either side of the barrier. They separate opposing traffic in a divided highway and are used to redirect vehicles striking either side of the barrier.

Cross-median crashes can be some of the most severe and most result in a serious injury or death. Median barriers can significantly reduce the occurrence of cross-median crashes and the overall severity of median-related crashes.

There are three types of median barriers – W-beam guardrails,42-inch tall concrete F-Shape or Constant Slope barriers, and high-tension cable median barriers. Where median barriers are determined to be needed, FHWA encourages strong consideration be given to using cable median barriers.

Median barriers are a medium to high cost countermeasure. Costs will vary based on the materials used. Cable barrier systems can be installed on average for $76,500 per mile.

A recent review of cross median fatality data shows many States experiencing crashes involving vehicles traversing medians well in excess of 30 feet. Although W-beam guardrail has typically been used to prevent medians crossovers, more recently many States have demonstrated that cable median barriers are a very cost-effective means of reducing the severity of median encroachments.

In the past, median barriers were not typically used with medians that were more than 30 feet wide. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, however, a number of States experienced a large number of cross median fatal crashes. This led them to review their design policies and begin installing barriers in medians wider than the 30 feet originally called for in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide (RDG). The 2006 RDG revision encourages consideration of barriers in medians up to 50 feet wide.

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Median Barrier Resources

FHWA Roadside Hardware Policy and Guidance Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Nick Artimovich

FHWA Resource Center:
Frank Julian

Slide 15


  • RoundaboutCircular intersections with specific design and traffic control features that ensure low travel speeds (less than 30 mph).
  • Medium to high cost countermeasure.
  • Can reduce fatal and injury crashes in the range of 60-87 percent.
  • Should be considered for:
    • All new intersections on Federally-funded highway projects.
    • Existing intersections identified as needing major safety or operational improvements.

Speaker Notes

The modern roundabout is a type of circular intersection defined by the basic operational principle of entering traffic yielding to vehicles on the circulatory roadway, combined with certain key design principles to achieve deflection of entering traffic by channelization at the entrance and deflection around a center island. Geometric features provide a reduced speed environment and excellent operational performance.

Roundabouts are a medium to high cost countermeasure to implement. This can be due to the fact that installations may require additional right-of-way than previously needed at the intersection. A reduction in serious crashes may justify the cost.

Roundabouts can be an effective tool for managing speed and transitioning traffic from a high speed to low speed environment. They have been shown to reduce fatal and injury crashes in the range of 60-87 percent. Proper site selection and channelization for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are essential to making roundabouts accessible to all users.

Roundabouts are the preferred safety alternative for a wide range of intersections. They should be considered for the reasons shown on the slide.

Slide 16

Roundabout Resources

FHWA Roundabout Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Jeff Shaw

FHWA Resource Center
Hillary Isebrands

Slide 17

Left- and Right-Turn Lanes at Stop-Controlled Intersections

Left-Turn Lanes - Auxiliary lanes for storage or speed change of left-turning vehicles. Right-Turn Lanes - Lanes that provide a separation between right-turning traffic and adjacent through traffic at intersection approaches.

Speaker Notes

Rear-end crashes are a frequent type of collisions at intersections. Adding turn lanes provides separation between turning and through traffic and reduces these types of conflicts. Left-turn and right-turn lanes both separate turning traffic from through traffic to prevent rear-end collisions.

Slide 18

Left- and Right-Turn Lanes at Stop-Controlled Intersections (continued)

  • Medium to high cost countermeasure.
  • Should be considered on 3- and 4- leg, 2-way stop-controlled intersections with:
    • Significant turning volumes.
    • A history of turn-related crashes.

Speaker Notes

Left- and right-turn lanes are a medium to high cost countermeasure to implement. This can be due to the fact that installations may require additional right-of-way than previously needed at the intersection.

States should consider installing left-turn lanes and right-turn lanes on major road approaches for improving safety where significant turning volumes exist or where there is a history of turn-related crashes.

Slide 19

Crash Reductions at Sites with ... Left-Turn Lanes Right-Turn Lanes
Rural Roads (Major Road VPD – 1,600-32,400; Minor Road VPD – 50-11,800)
All Crashes 28-44% (one approach)
48% (both approaches)
Fatal and Injury Crashes 35-55% (one approach)  
Urban Roads (Major Road VPD – 1,520-40,600; Minor Road VPD – 200-8,000)
All Crashes 27-33% (one approach)
47% (both approaches)
Fatal and Injury Crashes 29% (one approach)  
Rural and Urban Roads (Major Road VPD – 1,520-40,600; Minor Road VPD – 25-26,000)
All Crashes   14%(one approach)
26% (both approaches)
Fatal and Injury Crashes   23% (one approach)

Speaker Notes

Studies have shown total crash reductions ranging from 28-44 percent and fatal/injury crash reductions of 35-55 percent for providing a left-turn lane on one major road approach, and 48 percent for providing left-turn lanes on both major road approaches, at rural intersections with traffic volumes ranging from 1,600-32,400 vehicles per day (vpd) on the major road and 50-11,800 on the minor road.

For urban intersections, total crash reductions of 27-33 percent and fatal/injury crash reduction of 29 percent have been experienced after providing a left-turn lane on one major road approach, and 47 percent for providing left-turn lanes on two major road approaches at intersections with traffic volumes from 1,520-40,600 vpd on the major road and 200-8,000 vpd on the minor road.

Providing right-turn lanes on major road approaches has been shown to reduce total crashes at two-way stop-controlled intersections by 14 percent and fatal/injury crashes by 23 percent when providing a right-turn lane on one major road approach, and a total crash reduction of 26 percent for right-turn lanes on both approaches, at 3 and 4-leg urban and rural intersections with traffic volumes ranging from 1,520-40,600 vpd on the major road and from 25-26,000 vpd on the minor road.

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Left- and Right-Turn Lanes at Stop-Controlled Intersection Resources

FHWA Intersection Safety Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Ed Rice

FHWA Resource Center
Fred Ranck

Slide 21

Yellow Change Intervals

  • traffic signal with yellow light onDisplayed to warn drivers of the impending change in right of way assignment.
  • Very low cost countermeasure.
  • Should be determined using kinematics formula and factoring in prevailing speed of traffic.
  • Additional interval time considered for locations with:
    • Significant truck traffic.
    • Older drivers.
    • Where more than 3 percent of the traffic is entering on red.

Speaker Notes

The yellow change interval is a period of time used to allow cars already in an intersection to pass safely, cars approaching the intersection to stop safely, and pedestrians to finish crossing the road safely. Yellow change intervals are used to warn drivers of the forthcoming red-light.

Yellow change intervals are a very low-cost countermeasure to implement. Time and interagency coordination are required to implement this countermeasure effectively.

States should increase the length of the yellow change interval at any intersection where the existing yellow change interval time is less than the time needed for a motorist traveling at the prevailing speed of traffic to reach the intersection and stop comfortably before the signal turns red. The minimum length of yellow should be determined using the kinematics formula in the 1985 ITE Proposed Recommended Practice assuming an average deceleration of 10 ft/sec2 or less, a reaction time of typically 1 sec, and an 85th percentile approach speed.

An additional 0.5 second of yellow time should be considered for locations with significant truck traffic, significant population of older drivers, or where more than 3 percent of the traffic is entering on red.

Slide 22

Yellow Change Interval Effectiveness

Violation and Crash Reductions at Sites with Increased Yellow Change Interval

Bar Chart: Average Red-Light Violations (36%), Total Crashes (8%), Right Angle Crashes (4%), Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes (37%)

Speaker Notes

Red-light running is one of the most common causes of intersection crashes. Research shows that yellow interval duration is a significant factor in affecting the frequency of red-light running and that increasing yellow time to meet the needs of traffic can dramatically reduce red-light running.

Retting et al, (2007) found increasing yellow time in accordance with the ITE Proposed Recommended Practice reduced red-light violations on average 36 percent.

Retting, Chapline & Williams (2002) found that adjusting the yellow change interval in accordance with the ITE Proposed Recommended Practice reduced total crashes by 8 percent, reduced right angle crashes by 4 percent, and pedestrian and bicycle crashes by 37 percent.

Slide 23

Yellow Change Interval Resources

FHWA Safety Red-Light Running Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Guan Xu

FHWA Resource Center
Fred Ranck

Slide 24

Median and Pedestrian Refuge Areas

Median Refuge: Area between opposing lanes of traffic, excluding turn lanes, Open – pavement markings only, Channelized – raised medians or islands

Pedestrian Refuge: Raised island in the street at intersection or midblock locations to separate crossing pedestrians from motor vehicles, Also called crossing island, center island, refuge island, median slow point

Median and pedestrian refuge areas provide additional protection for pedestrians and lessen their risk of exposure to oncoming traffic. A median is an area between opposing lanes of traffic, excluding turn lanes. A pedestrian refuge area is a raised island placed in the street at intersection or mid-block locations to separate crossing pedestrians from motor vehicles.

Slide 25

Median and Pedestrian Refuge Areas (continued)

  • Low cost countermeasure.
  • Demonstrated reductions in pedestrian crashes:
    • Marked crosswalks – 46%
    • Unmarked crosswalks – 39%
  • Considered for curbed sections of multi-lane roadways in urban and suburban areas:
    • Significant number of pedestrians.
    • High traffic volumes.
    • Intermediate or high travel speeds.

Median and pedestrian refuge areas are a low-cost countermeasure to implement. This cost will be applied to retrofit improvements. If it is a new construction project, implementing this countermeasure is even more cost-effective.

Medians and pedestrian refuge areas are an effective countermeasure. Providing raised medians or pedestrian refuge areas at pedestrian crossings at marked crosswalks has demonstrated a 46 percent reduction in pedestrian crashes. Installing such raised channelization on approaches to multi-lane intersections has been shown to be particularly effective.

At unmarked crosswalk locations, medians have demonstrated a 39 percent reduction in pedestrian crashes. Medians are especially important in areas where pedestrians access a transit stop or other clear origin/destinations across from each other.

States should consider raised medians (or refuge areas) in curbed sections of multi-lane roadways in urban and suburban areas, particularly in areas where there are mixtures of significant number of pedestrians, high volumes of traffic, and intermediate or high travel speeds.

Medians/refuge areas should be at least 4ft wide (preferably 8ft wide for accommodation of pedestrian comfort and safety) and of adequate length to allow the anticipated number of pedestrians to stand and wait for gaps in traffic before crossing the second half of the street.

Slide 26

Median and Pedestrian Refuge Area Resources

FHWA Safety Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Tamara Redmon

FHWA Resource Center
Peter Eun

Slide 27


Pedestrian Walkway: A continuous way designated for pedestrians and separated from motor vehicle traffic by a space or barrier.
Shared Use Path: A bikeway or pedestrian walkway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier either within a highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way.
Sidewalk: Walkway that is paved and separated from the street, generally by curb and gutter.
Roadway Shoulder: Used in rural or suburban areas where sidewalks and pathways are not feasible, to provide an area for pedestrians to walk next to the roadway.

Speaker Notes

There are four types of walkways:

  • Pedestrian walkways are designated for pedestrians only and are separated by motor vehicle traffic by a barrier or space.
  • Shared use paths are designated for pedestrian and bicycle use and are also separated from motorized vehicle traffic. Shared use paths may also be used by pedestrians, skaters, wheelchair users, joggers, and other non-motorized users. Shared use paths also may be referred to as “trails” or “multiple-use trails.”
  • Sidewalks are walkways paved and separated from streets by a curb or gutter.
  • Roadway shoulders provide pedestrians a place to walk beside the roadway and not on it.

Slide 28

  • A walkway next roadMedium to high-cost countermeasure.
  • Considered for use:
    • Along both sides of streets and highways in urban areas, particularly near school zones and transit locations.
    • Along both sides of rural highways routinely used by pedestrians.

Speaker Notes

Walkways are a medium to high-cost countermeasure to implement. The cost will depend on the amount and type of application.

States should provide and maintain accessible sidewalks or pathways along both sides of streets and highways in urban areas, particularly near school zones and transit locations, and where there is frequent pedestrian activity. Walkable shoulders (minimum of 4 feet stabilized or paved surface) should be provided along both sides of rural highways routinely used by pedestrians.

Slide 29

Walkway Effectiveness

  “Walking Along the
Road” Pedestrian
All Types of Crashes
Sidewalks or Pathways on Both
Sides of a Street
Widened Shoulders
(min 4 ft) – Paved – All Roads
Widened Shoulders
(min 4 ft) – Paved – Rural Roads
Widened Shoulders
(min 4 ft) – Unpaved – Rural Roads

The presence of a sidewalk or pathway on both sides of the street corresponds to approximately an 88 percent reduction in “walking along road” pedestrian crashes.

Providing paved, widened shoulders (minimum of 4 feet) on roadways that do not have sidewalks corresponds to approximately a 71 percent reduction in “walking along the road” pedestrian crashes. “Walking along the road” pedestrian crashes typically are around 7.5 percent of all pedestrian crashes (with about 37 percent of the 7.5 percent being fatal and serious injury crashes).

A number of studies have also shown that widening shoulders reduces all types and all severity of crashes in rural areas. Reductions of 29 percent for paved and 25 percent for unpaved shoulders have been found on 2-lane rural roads where the shoulder was widened by 4 feet. In addition, shoulder widening and paving provides space for rumble strips.

Slide 30

Walkway Resources

FHWA Safety Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Web Page

FHWA Office of Safety
Tamara Redmon

FHWA Resource Center
Peter Eun

Slide 31

For More Information

FHWA Division Offices

FHWA Resource Center Safety & Design Team

FHWA Office of Safety Research and Development

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Robert Ritter
