Job Posting

FLUXNET Job Posting

2 M.Sc. or Ph.D. positions in Canada for studying permafrost characteristics in the Arctic

Position#1: Modelling permafrost extension and occurrence from satellite-derived vegetation and surficial geology maps

Postdoc position C fluxes southern Chile

Title: Carbon flux / Southern temperate ecosystems in Chile

Organizations: Universidad de Chile and Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity

Location: Chile


PhD Position - Sydney

A fully funded position is available for a PhD student to work at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (HIE) in Richmond (Sydney), Australia.

The topic of the research will be the synthesis and analysis of plant water-use efficiency data at various scales, including canopy-scale observations from FLUXNET, leaf-level data, and more. The student will be advised by Remko Duursma (HIE), and work in close collaboration with Belinda Medlyn (Macquarie U.), Colin Prentice (Macquarie U.) and Almut Arneth (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

Please see attached for a flyer with details.

Professor in Meteorology

The University of Helsinki is among the leading multidisciplinary research universities in the world. In addition to its 11 faculties, the University includes several independent institutes, some of which are jointly operated with other universities. Some 36,000 students are currently pursuing an undergraduate or a postgraduate degree at the University of Helsinki.

PhD position, aquatic eddy-covariance project, Uppsala University

PhD Position available at Uppsala University, Gas exchange between sediment and water, measurements using the eddy-covariance method

For further information please visit:

Postdoc Position on Thermokarst Modelling

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a scientist in the field of Earth system modelling who is interested in thermokarst modelling. This postdoc position is funded by the EU project PAGE21 for 2 to 3 years. Please, find the announcement attached. I would be grateful if you could direct this announcement to any interested person and if you could distribute it as wide as possible.

Postdoc description

PhD Position - University of Auckland, New Zealand

PhD Position, Carbon dioxide in the urban atmosphere, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Three job opportunities at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Attached are three job opportunities at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. All positions are located in Berkeley, CA.

Postdoc fellowship - modeling carbon and water cycle in southern pines

A postdoctoral vacancy (position #: 00102216) in modeling forest carbon and water cycles in southern pines is available jointly at the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources in North Carolina State University and USDA Forest Service Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC). The position serves a large collaborative effort from 11 universities and USDA Forest Service, and is responsible for modeling forest growth at multiple scales.

PostDoc at JRC-IES, Italy

The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy) is offering a post-doc on:
"Modelling impact of air quality on the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems "

Find the call here:

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