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Flag Requests

I can arrange the purchase, at cost, of a United States flag. There are several sizes available in both cotton and nylon.

You may print a flag request form by
clicking here. Once you have filled out the flag request form, you can either mail to the address below or drop it off at one of the district offices in Sugar Land or Clear Lake:

Congressman Pete Olson
ATTN: Flag Request
312 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515

In addition, I can arrange to have the flag flown over the Capitol Building to commemorate a special occasion. Upon delivery, the flag will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity that indicates the date flown, and a brief personalized description of the occasion commemorated.

It is a unique way for families to remember anniversaries, celebrate graduations, birthdays or Eagle and Girl Scout achievements. Flags are flown each day of the year, but take approximately four to six weeks to process.

I can also assist you in obtaining Presidential greetings for special occasions such as wedding anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, bar/bat mitzvahs, etc. There are a number of options, so please call my Washington, DC Office for more information about special greetings at (202) 225-5951.

Flag Order Form (04/08/09 12:00 PM PST)