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Hensarling Statement on “Require a PLAN Act”

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) – a leading conservative and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee – issued the following statement today upon passage of the “Require a PLAN Act” (H.R. 444) legislation he cosponsored that requires the White House to submit a balanced budget to Congress:

“House Republicans have consistently put forward fiscally sustainable budgets, and will do so again this year with a budget that balances in 10 years, because we know that America’s spending-driven debt crisis is the greatest existential crisis we face as a nation.  Nothing less than our economic freedom and security and that of our children and grandchildren is at stake.
“After four years of budgets with taxes and spending that harm our economy from the White House, and no budget at all from the Democrat controlled Senate, the American people – who work hard each day to balance their own budgets – have had enough. 
“If the Democrats who control Washington can’t be counted on to do the job the American people elected them to do and pass a budget on their own, House Republicans will do everything in our power to require them to do so. 
 “If we are to avert our nation’s oncoming spending-driven debt crisis, it is absolutely critical that Washington Democrats engage in an honest debate with House Republicans about the choices we face as a nation and work with us to find common sense solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges.”