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Conservation Opportunity: Demobilized Bombing Range, Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico
Primary Contact: Jenny Vander Pluym Completed: December, 2008
Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Database: Construction, Documentation and Use
Primary Contacts: Chris Caldow, David Nelson Completed: February, 2010
Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC) – Solutions Today for Reefs Tomorrow
Primary Contacts: Sylvia Galloway, Wayne McFee, Shawn McLaughlin, Cheryl Woodley Status: Ongoing
Restoring Injured Seagrass Beds with New Methods for Re-Grading and Fertilization
Primary Contact: Amy Uhrin Status: Ongoing
Comparing Reef Fish Habitat Use Patterns In and Out of Hawaiian Marine Protected Areas
Primary Contacts: Chris Caldow, Mark Monaco Completed: December, 2010
Benthic Habitat Mapping of Coral Reefs of Florida, Caribbean, and the Pacific
Primary Contacts: Tim Battista, Chris Caldow Status: Ongoing
Deep-Sea Coral Predictive Habitat Modeling in the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico: Focusing on Uncharted Deep-Sea Corals
Primary Contact: Brian Kinlan To be completed: July, 2013
Threatened Resources: Bank Systems of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Primary Contact: Shay Viehman Completed: December, 2006
Tool to Forecast the Effect of Waves on Waterbodies and Shorelines
Primary Contact: Amit Malhotra Status: Ongoing
Research to Support Management of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Primary Contacts: Chris Caldow, Randy Clark To be completed: December, 2013