Journal Publications

Anthony J. Barkume

  • "The Structure of Labor Costs with Overtime Work in U.S. Jobs," Industrial Relations Research Review, October 2010, 64(1), pp. 872-886.
  • "Deregulating Property-Casualty Insurance Pricing: The Case of Workers’ Compensation," (with John W. Ruser) Journal of Law and Economics, April 2001, 44(1), pp.37-64. Also, reprinted in Readings in Insurance and Risk Management (Gregory R. Niehaus, editor) Elgar, 2008.
  • "Using Incentive Pay and Providing Pay Supplements in US Job Markets," Industrial Relations July 2004, 43 (3), pp. 618-633.
  • "A Note on Escalation Requirements, Cost of Living Comparisons, and Homeownership Costs," Public Finance Quarterly, January 1996, 24(1), pp.75-87.
  • "Some Macroeconomic Consequences of Resource Immobility with Public Production," Public Finance Quarterly, July 1984, 12(3), pp. 373-384.
  • "Differentiating Employment Prospects by Industry and Returns to Search in Metropolitan Areas," Journal of Urban Economics, July 1982, 12, pp.68-84.
  • "Amenities and Property Values in a Model of an Urban Area: A Comment," (with Steven Cobb and Perry Shapiro) Journal of Public Economics, February 1978.
  • "Tax Prices and Voting Behavior: The Case of Local Educational Financing," Economic Inquiry, October 1977, 15(4), pp.574-586.
  • "Criteria for Voting Judgments on a Property Tax Initiative," National Tax Journal, December 1976, 29(4), pp.448-460.
  • "Identification of Preferences for Election Outcomes from Aggregate Voting Behavior," Public Choice, Fall 1976, 27(3), pp.41-58.
  • "Political Choice and Environmental Quality," (with Perry Shapiro) in Economic Analysis of Pressing Social Problems (L. Phillips and H. Votey, editors) Rand McNally, 1974 and 1977 (Second Edition).
  • BLS Publications and Working Papers by Anthony J. Barkume

Keenan M. Dworak-Fisher

  • "Intra-Metropolitan Shifts in Labor Demand and the Adjustment of Local Markets," Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 55, no. 3, May 2004.
  • Working Papers by Keenan M. Dworak-Fisher

Maury B. Gittleman

  • "Compensation for State and Local Government Workers," with Brooks Pierce, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2012.
  • "Medicaid and Wealth: A Re-Examination," Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2011.
  • "Inter-Industry Wage Differentials, Job Content and Unobserved Ability," with Brooks Pierce, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 2011.
  • "New Estimates of Union Wage Effects," with Brooks Pierce, Economics Letters, May 2007.
  • "Racial and Ethnic Differences in Wealth," with Edward N. Wolff, in Marlene Kim, ed., Race and Economic Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century, Routledge, 2007.
  • "The Vintage Effect in TFP Growth: An Analysis of the Age Structure of Capital," with Thijsten Raa and Edward N. Wolff, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, September 2006.
  • "Maternal Employment and Adolescent Risky Behavior," with Alison Aughinbaugh, Journal of Health Economics, July 2004.
  • "Racial Differences in Patterns of Wealth Accumulation," with Edward N. Wolff, Journal of Human Resources, Winter 2004.
  • "Is There a Wage Payoff to Innovative Work Practices?," with Michael J. Handel, Industrial Relations, January 2004.
  • "Who Uses Computers and In What Ways: Effects on the Earnings Distribution", with Michael J. Handel, in Derek C. Jones, ed., New Economy Handbook, 2003.
  • "Does Money Matter? A Comparison of the Effect of Income on Child Development in the United States and Great Britain", with Alison Aughinbaugh, Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2003.
  • "Declining Caseloads: What Do the Dynamics of Welfare Participation Reveal?," Industrial Relations, October 2001.
  • "R&D Activity and Economic Development," with Edward N. Wolff, International Journal of Public Administration, 2001.
  • "Correlates of Training: An Analysis Using Both Employer And Employee Characteristics," with Harley Frazis and Mary Joyce, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 2000.
  • "Have Family Income Mobility Patterns Changed?", with Mary Joyce, Demography, August 1999.
  • "Time Limits on Welfare Receipt," Contemporary Economic Policy, April 1999.
  • "Cause e conseguenze della disuguaglianza salariale nei paesi Ocse (Causes and Consequences of Earnings Inequality in OECD Countries)", in English with an Italian abstract, with Laura Bardone and Mark Keese, Lavoro e Relazioni Industriali -N. 2 LUG.-DIC. 1998.
  • "Research and Development Activity and Economic Development," with Edward N. Wolff, in Kuotsai Tom Liou, ed., Handbook of Economic Development, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998.
  • "'Flexible' Workplace Practices: Evidence from a Nationally-Representative Survey," with Michael Horrigan and Mary Joyce, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 1998.
  • "Formal and Informal Training: Evidence from a Matched Employee-Employer Survey," with Harley Frazis, Michael Horrigan and Mary Joyce, in Gary D. Libecap, ed., Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, volume 9, 1997.
  • "Earnings Mobility and Long-Run Inequality: An Analysis Using Matched CPS Data," with Mary Joyce, Industrial Relations, April 1996.
  • "Changes in the Structure and Quality of Jobs in the United States: Effects by Race and Gender, 1973-1990," with David R. Howell, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1995.
  • "R&D Activity and Cross-Country Growth Comparisons," with Edward N. Wolff, Cambridge Journal of Economics, February 1995.
  • "The Role of Education in Productivity Convergence: Does Higher Education Matter?", with Edward N. Wolff, in A. Szirmai, B. van Ark and D. Pilat, eds., Explaining Economic Growth, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993.
  • "Introduction," with Edward N. Wolff, in Dimitri B. Papadimitriou and Edward N. Wolff, eds., Poverty and Prosperity in the U.S.A. in the Late Twentieth Century (New York: Macmillan), 1993.
  • "International Comparisons of Inter-Industry Wage Differentials," with Edward N. Wolff, Review of Income and Wealth, September 1993.
  • BLS Publications by Maury B. Gittleman

Michael K. Lettau

  • "How Elastic is the Firm's Demand for Health Insurance?" with Jonathan Gruber. Journal of Public Economics: vol. 88, issues 7-8, July 2004: pp. 1273-1293.
  • "New Estimates for Wage Rate Inequality," Journal of Human Resources, vol. 38 no. 4, Fall 2003: pp. 792-805.
  • "Has Compensation Become More Flexible?" with Sandra Cannon, Bruce Fallick, and Raven Saks. In Research in Labor Economics, Polachek, Solomon W. editor, vol. 20, 2001: pp. 243-269.
  • "Optimal Weighting of Index Components: An Application to the Employment Cost Index," with Mark A. Loewenstein. Journal of Official Statistics, vol. 16 no. 1, March 2000: 39-52.
  • "Compensation in Part-time Jobs versus Full-time Jobs: What if the Job is the Same?" Economics Letters, vol. 56, 1997: 101-106.
  • BLS Publications and Working Papers by Michael K. Lettau

Thomas G. Moehrle

  • "Empirical analysis of the rational expectation-life cycle hypothesis: a panel data study," American Council on Consumer Interest, 1993.
  • "Working wives revisited," co-authored with E. Jacobs and S. Shipp. Paper was presented at the 1989 Southern Economic Association Meetings in Orlando, FL.
  • "The evolution of compensation in a changing economy," Report of the American Workforce, Chapter 2, U.S. Department of Labor, 2001.
  • BLS Publications and Working Papers by Thomas G. Moehrle

Nicole Nestoriak

  • "Emerging Labor Market Trends and Workplace Safety and Health" Labor in the New Economy, NBER Book Series Studies in Income and Wealth, Eds. K. Abraham, J Spletzer and M Harper, forthcoming
  • "Product Market Competition and Human Resource Practices: An Analysis of the Retail Food Industry" (with E. Davis, M. Freedman, J. Lane, B. McCall, T. Park) Industrial Relations, Vol. 48, No. 2, April 2009
  • "Supermarket Human Resource Practices and Competition from Mass Merchandisers." with Elizabeth E. Davis, Matthew Freedman, Julia Lane, Brian McCall, Timothy Park, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88 (5), December 2006, pp. 1289–1295.
  • Working Papers by Nicole Nestoriak

Brooks Pierce

  • "Compensation for State and Local Government Workers," with Maury Gittleman, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2012.
  • "Inter-Industry Wage Differentials, Job Content and Unobserved Ability," with Maury Gittleman, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 2011.
  • "New Estimates of Union Wage Effects," with Maury Gittleman, Economics Letters, May 2007.
  • Firmwide Versus Establishment-Specific Labor Market Practices," with David S. Kaplan, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(3), August 2005.
  • "Nondiscrimination Rules and the Distribution of Fringe Benefits," with William J. Carrington and Kristin McCue, Journal of Labor Economics, 20(2) part 2, April 2002, S5-S33.
  • "Compensation Inequality," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(4), November 2001, pp. 1493-1525.
  • "Using Establishment Size to Measure the Impact of Title VII and Affirmative Action," with William J. Carrington and Kristin McCue, Journal of Human Resources, 35(3), Summer 2000, pp. 503-523.
  • "Constructing Interarea Compensation Cost Indexes with Data from Multiple Surveys," with John Ruser and Kim Zieschang, in Alan Heston and Robert Lipsey, eds., International and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output, and Prices, University of Chicago Press, 1999.
  • "Pure vs. Mixed Commodity Bundling," with Harold Winter, Review of Industrial Organization, 11(6), December 1996, pp. 811-821, reprinted in George Norman, ed., The Economics of Price Discrimination, Edward Elgar, 1999.
  • "The Role of Employer/Employee Interactions in Labor Market Cycles: Evidence from the Self-Employed," with William J. Carrington and Kristin McCue, Journal of Labor Economics, 14(4), October 1996, pp. 571-601.
  • "Public Sector Employment and Black/White Wage Convergence," with William J. Carrington and Kristin McCue, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 49(3), April 1996, pp. 456-471.
  • "Changes in the Structure of Wages," with Finis Welch, in Dale W. Jorgenson and Eric A. Hanushek (eds.), Improving America's Schools: The Role of Incentives, National Academy Press; Washington, DC, 1996.
  • "Dimensions of Inequality in Labor Income", with Finis Welch, in J. Bergstrand, T. Cosimano, J. Houck and R. Sheehan (eds.), The Changing Distribution of Income in an Open U.S. Economy, Elsevier Science; Amsterdam, 1994.
  • "Wage Inequality and the Rise in Returns to Skill," with Chinhui Juhn and Kevin M. Murphy, Journal of Political Economy, 101(3), June 1993, pp. 410-442.
  • "Accounting for the Slowdown in Black-White Wage Convergence," with Chinhui Juhn and Kevin M. Murphy, in Marvin Kosters, (ed.), Workers and Their Wages: Changing Patterns in the United States, American Enterprise Institute; Washington, DC, 1991.
  • "The Many Facets of Skill", with others, Report of the American Workforce, US Department of Labor, 1999.
  • BLS Publications by Brooks Pierce


Last Modified Date: December 19, 2012