United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


U.S. Intelligence: Iran Key to Future Mideast Stability

            Iran’s nuclear intentions will be a key variable in future Middle East stability, according to a new report by the U.S.

U.S. Intelligence: Iran Key to Future Mideast Stability

            Iran’s potential decision to build a nuclear weapon may be the key variable in the future stability of the Middle East, a

Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions Against Iran

            The United States could better leverage sanctions against Iran while mitigating negative consequences, according to a new repo

Dealing with the Iranian Nuclear Challenge

            Tehran has “no urgent incentive to build nuclear weapons” according to a new policy brief by Robert Litwak.

Iran on Direct U.S. Talks

            Senior Iranian officials sent mixed signals in response to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement about bilateral

Israeli Support Wanes for Iran Strike

            Support for an Israeli strike on Iran has waned over the last year, according to a new study.

U.S. Sets March Deadline for Iran’s Cooperation

            On November 29, Ambassador Robert Wood set a March 2013 deadline for Iran to begin cooperating with the U.N.

Striking Iran: An Avoidable Disaster?

            Iran’s most advanced missiles cannot reliably reach Israel, according to a new study by the Middle East Pol

Iran’s Nuclear Program: A Shift in the Winds?

Shaul Bakhash

U.N. Watchdog: Iran Expands Nuclear Activities

            On November 16, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran is continuing to enrich uranium, upgrade its f

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