United States Institute of Peace

The Iran Primer


Khamenei: Iran Not Seeking Nuclear Weapons

            On February 16, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed Iran has no intention to build nuclear weapons.

Iran’s Successes and Failures - 34 Years Later

Daniel Brumberg

What is Iran’s Strategy at New Talks?

Alireza Nader

Part II - Pivotal Election: The Ahmadinejad Camp

Shaul Bakhash

Ahmadinejad Urges Parliament to Cut Reliance on Oil

            On January 16, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told&nb

Iran Reacts to Obama Win

            After President Obama’s reelection, Iranian officials indicated that they are open to renewed negotiations.

Ahmadinejad Concedes to Supreme Leader

            On November 1, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pledged to focus on Iran’s economic problems instead of domestic quarrels in

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