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USAID | Afghanistan

From the American People

Alternative Development Program

Growing Hope in Afghanistan Part 2

The objectives of the Alternative Development Program for the Eastern Region (ADP/E) are to accelerate regional economic growth and provide alternative income sources for those who currently depend on growing and harvesting poppy in Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar, and Nuristan provinces. Despite many challenges, USAID has made significant progress in meeting its objectives to date. In FY 07, USAID continued to implement short term job creation programs through cash-for-work infrastructure projects, while taking further steps toward long term economic growth. The U.S. Government recognizes the need to build the capacity of small and medium scale entrepreneurs to enhance productivity, improve quality, and market their products more efficiently. USAID accomplishes this through horticulture, livestock, staple crops, business services, gender and micro-enterprise, and capacity building initiatives, implemented directly by Development Alternatives Inc. or its subcontractors. USAID places particular emphasis on creation of women-owned enterprises.

Learn more: Agriculture

About this activity: Alternative Development Program/Eastern Region (ADP/E)


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